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Taken by the Highlander

Page 19

by Julianne MacLean

  With calculated decorum, Jessica finished wiping the mud from her hands and passed the kerchief back to him. He shoved it into his coat pocket.

  “Is that the gun that killed this man?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir, it is,” Matthew replied as he bent to pick up the revolver at her feet.

  Proudly he raised the revolver for everyone to see, and there was no shortage of more ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’ from the crowd as muddy water dripped from the barrel.

  This was getting worse by the second.

  “Hand it over,” the sheriff said to Matthew. His inquisitive eyes studied Jessica with intentional detached interest as he took the wet revolver, shook out the excess water and shoved it into his belt.

  “You haven’t told me your name yet,” he said.

  “Jessica Delaney.”

  “Well, Miss Delaney,” he replied, “I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. The name is Truman Wade.” He tapped his thumb against the ivory handle of his gun.

  It was clear he held the silent crowd’s respect. Or maybe they feared him. Judging by the way Jessica felt at the moment, it was probably the latter.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened here,” he asked, “or am I gonna have to ask the dead man?”

  Jessica turned to examine the corpse behind her. “You don’t understand. There’s been a mistake.”

  The sheriff’s quiet laughter made her clench her jaw in aggravation. Wondering what the joke was all about—when a dead man lay two feet away—she faced the cool lawman again.

  “You mean to tell me,” he drawled, “you shot this man square between the eyes by mistake?”

  The crowd jeered until Sheriff Wade cast his steely gaze in their direction. He turned back to her, an eyebrow raised as he waited.

  “No. That’s not what happened—”

  “So you did it on purpose, then.”

  She shook her head, struggling to play it cool, and decided a casual chuckle might, in fact, be apropos. Glancing around at the nosy spectators, she tried to smile and said, “No, of course not. I don’t even know how to shoot a gun. Honestly, I can explain.”

  His gaze slowly raked over her from head to foot. He scrutinized her long wet hair, her belted jacket, her skinny jeans and pointy-toed red shoes, which he stared at for quite some time. “I think folks around here will be mighty disappointed to hear your aim ain’t as sharp as they think it is.”

  Jessica bit her lip and pushed her hair behind her ear. “Sheriff Wade, I don’t appreciate your tone. I know my rights, and I want my phone call.”

  “Phone call,” he repeated, as if it was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard.

  Fixated on the subtle sexuality hidden beneath the Sheriff’s half-crooked smile, Jessica glanced around at the others. Logic and self-preservation told her to be quiet and patient until she could speak to a lawyer.

  “She said she was trying to kill a June bug,” Matthew offered helpfully. “Whatever that is.”


  The sheriff eyed her with curious interest. “Must have been an awfully big bug.”

  A number of onlookers mumbled with amusement.

  Oh sure, this was all downright hilarious.

  “Matthew, see that Lou gets looked after.” The sheriff’s smile vanished, and it felt as if the temperature dropped. “I think you better come along with me, Junebug. We’re going to have a little chat in the jailhouse.”

  Jessica’s stomach lurched with dread as he took hold of her arm and led her down the street, granting no opportunity for debate. They marched quickly, and it wasn’t easy keeping up with the sheriff’s long strides. He had to be at least six feet tall. But everyone seemed tall next to her tiny five-foot-four inch frame.

  “Would you mind loosening your grip, Sheriff?” she said haughtily. “There’s no need for police brutality. I’m not resisting arrest.”

  He let her go, but kept one hand on his weapon at all times as if he half expected a gang of outlaws to ride up out of nowhere and break her free.

  Finally, they reached the two-story jailhouse, and he escorted her through the front door and into a jail cell.

  “Hey, you can’t put me in here.”

  Before she had a chance to say another word, he swung the bars shut in front of her face and locked her in.

  Jingling the key ring in his hand, he gave her a quick look before hanging it on a hook across the room.

  Jessica, reeling with frustration, gazed around the one-room jailhouse. She had expected to see a telephone, a computer and maybe some florescent lights, but even the law office was straight out of another century.

  At that instant, her frustration turned to fear. “I need to speak to a lawyer,” she said, gripping the cold iron bars. “And I need a phone.”

  “No phone here I’m afraid.”

  It was one brick wall after another. Her stomach muscles clenched tight, mirroring her desperation.

  The sheriff sat on a messy, paper-covered desk, folded his muscled arms at his chest, and crossed one ankle over the other.

  Growing increasingly anxious by the minute, Jessica pinched the bridge of her nose. She had to ask the question that had been niggling at her ever since the accident—the question she hadn’t wanted to ask—and she needed to ask it in a way that wouldn’t make her sound insane or delusional. “Sheriff, what’s the date today?”

  “June 29th.”

  She cleared her throat and felt some relief, because June 29th was the date she woke up that morning. “And the year is, of course….”

  His dark eyebrows drew together. “Eighteen-eighty-one.” He stared at her.

  Jessica squeezed her eyes shut against the panic, and felt a crippling need to lie down.

  “I need to speak to a lawyer,” she said again, more shakily this time.

  “Are you all right, Junebug? You look a little pale.” His voice conveyed some concern, as if he finally noticed how unsettled she was.

  She sat down. “No, I’m not all right. I was in a car accident. I almost died today, and I had to walk here from the wreck. And now I’m in jail! And don’t call me Junebug.”

  He leaned forward in his chair and again looked down at her jeans and shoes, everything crusted in mud. “I didn’t hear about any train wreck.”

  “No, not a train wreck. A car wreck.”

  He frowned.

  Please tell me you know what a car is.

  “Really, you have to believe me,” she said. “I’m not sure how I got here. I can’t remember what happened exactly, but I don’t belong in this place.” She swallowed hard over the panic and tried to beat it down, but it was no use. Her heart began to beat very fast.

  Sheriff Wade opened a drawer, pulled out another clean folded handkerchief, stood up, and passed it through the bars. “No need to fret, darlin’. You’re safe now.”

  Her pride bucked wildly as she glanced down at his offering, then she lifted her gaze to meet his and spoke with a hard edge of confidence. “I don’t need a hanky, and I’m not your darlin’. What I need is to speak to a lawyer, and I won’t say anything more until you bring me one.”

  He watched her for a moment. The fierce lines around his eyes softened, then he turned back to his desk. “You stay put till Deputy Dempsey gets here. I’ll see if I can fetch Mr. Maxwell. He won’t be happy about being disturbed after hours.”

  “Is he a lawyer?” Jessica asked, her hopes igniting.

  “Yep.” Without another word, Sheriff Wade turned and walked out.

  * * *

  Truman walked out of the jailhouse and stood alone on the dark, damp street. His shoulders heaved as he breathed in the cool night air.

  He had an uneasy feeling in his gut. The woman he just tossed in jail…something wasn’t right about her. It wasn’t merely the strange things she said either—like talking about a car wreck.

  Whatever that was.

  No, it was something else. She had an odd fear in her eyes that didn’t seem to go with her tou
gh and plucky attitude. He wasn’t sure how to describe it, and he was even less sure where it was coming from.

  All he knew was that he’d felt compelled to leave the jailhouse to get her that lawyer she wanted—even though she wasn’t in any trouble. She hadn’t done anything illegal. All she did was bring in an outlaw who was wanted dead or alive, and now he was dead. Case closed.

  Then why the hell was he holding her? he wondered uneasily, as he stomped down the steps to fetch Maxwell.


  For more information about this book and the author, please visit Julianne’s website at While you’re there, be sure to sign up for her newsletter to be notified about new releases and special giveaways. You can also contact her directly through the site. She loves to hear from readers.

  Julianne is also on Facebook and Twitter.

  Other Books in the Highlander Series

  The first three novels are available as an ebook collection

  Purchase the collection

  The novels can also be purchased individually. Read on for more information about all the books in the series.

  Book One


  Lady Amelia Templeton would rather die than surrender to a man like Duncan MacLean. He is the fiercest warrior of his clan—her people’s sworn enemy—and tonight he is standing over her bed. Eyes blazing, muscles taut, and battle axe gleaming, MacLean has come to kill Amelia’s fiancé. But once he sees the lovely, innocent Amelia, he decides to take her instead…

  Stealing the young bride-to-be is the perfect revenge against the man who murdered Duncan’s one true love. But Lady Amelia turns out to be more than a pawn of vengeance and war. This brave, beautiful woman touches something deep in Duncan’s soul that is even more powerful than a warrior’s fury. But when Amelia begins to fall in love with her captor—and surrenders in his arms—the real battle begins…


  Book Two



  With his tawny mane, battle-hewn brawn, and ferocious roar, Angus “The Lion” MacDonald is the most fearsome warrior Lady Gwendolen has ever seen—and she is his most glorious conquest. Captured in a surprise attack on her father’s castle, Gwendolen is now forced to share her bed with the man who defeated her clan. But, in spite of Angus’s overpowering charms, she refuses to surrender her innocence without a fight…


  With her stunning beauty, bold defiance, and brazen smile, Gwendolen is the most infuriating woman Angus has ever known—and the most intoxicating. Forcing her to become his bride will unite their two clans as one. But conquering Gwendolen’s heart will take all his skills as a lover. Night after night, his touch sets her on fire. Kiss after kiss, his hunger fuels her passion. But, as Gwendolen’s body betrays her growing love for Angus, a secret enemy plots to betray them both…


  Book Three



  The fierce and powerful Laird of War, Lachlan MacDonald has conquered so many men on the battlefield—and so many women in the bedroom—that he is virtually undefeated. But one unlucky tryst with a seductive witch has cursed him forever. Now, any women he makes love to will be doomed for eternity…


  Lady Catherine is a beautiful lass of elite origin—or so she is told. Suffering from amnesia, she is desperate to find the truth about who she really is…or, at the very least, meet someone who inspires an intense memory or emotion. When she first lays eyes on Lachlan MacDonald, Catherine has a sixth sense that he can unlock the key to her past—and maybe even her heart. But how could she know that the passion she ignites in this lusty warrior’s heart could consume—and destroy—them both?


  Book Four



  Nothing means more to Scottish heiress Larena Campbell than saving her father from the gallows. While on an urgent mission to deliver his pardon from the King, she and her English escorts are attacked by a pair of fierce Scottish rebels. When she is dragged unconscious back to the stronghold of Angus the Lion, a powerful and dangerous Scottish laird, she is furious with her captors and determined to escape at any cost…


  Highland scout, Darach MacDonald, is suspicious of the beautiful and defiant heiress who clocked him in the head during the skirmish with the enemy Redcoats. He suspects she will stop at nothing to win her freedom. When he is assigned the task of shepherding the heiress back to her home, he quickly discovers that spending countless nights on the open road with a lassie as temptingly beautiful as Larena Campbell is enough to drive any hot-blooded Scot mad with savage desire. Suddenly he is overcome by a need to claim her as his own, but when they arrive at her father’s castle, all may not be what it seems…


  Book Five



  Logan MacDonald, fierce warrior and bold scout for Angus the Lion, hides a shameful secret. When he arrives injured at a crofter’s cottage in Campbell territory during a secret mission for his laird, he is immediately suspected of treachery….


  When Mairi Campbell stumbles across the mysterious wounded Highlander in a moonlit glen—a member of an enemy clan—she is strangely beguiled and cannot resist the desire to unearth the secrets of his darkened soul. Soon, Mairi surrenders to forbidden passion in his bed, which thrusts her into the middle of a war—in a battle for Scottish freedom, and in a battle against the true desires of her heart….



  A Highland Short Story

  (approximately 30 pages)

  He is Alexander MacLean, a fearsome Highland warrior fighting for his true Scottish King. She is Elizabeth Curtis, a beautiful Englishwoman who wears the scarlet uniform of an English soldier and wields a sword like a seasoned fighter on the battlefield.

  Enemies meet and passions collide…in The Rebel

  Purchase THE REBEL

  Praise for Julianne MacLean’s

  Historical Romances

  “MacLean’s compelling writing turns this simple, classic love story into a richly emotional romance, and by combining engaging characters with a unique, vividly detailed setting, she has created an exceptional tale for readers who hunger for something a bit different in their historical romances.”


  “You can always count on Julianne MacLean to deliver ravishing romance that will keep you turning pages until the wee hours of the morning.”

  —Teresa Medeiros

  “Julianne MacLean’s writing is smart, thrilling, and sizzles with sensuality.”

  —Elizabeth Hoyt

  “Scottish romance at its finest, with characters to cheer for, a lush love story, and rousing adventure. I was captivated from the very first page. When it comes to exciting Highland romance, Julianne MacLean delivers.”

  —Laura Lee Guhrke

  “She is just an all-around wonderful writer, and I look forward to reading everything she writes.”

  —Romance Junkies

  About the Author

  Julianne MacLean is a USA Today bestselling author who has sold more than 1.3 million books in North America alone. Her novels have also been translated into Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Turkish, Russian, and Dutch. She has written twenty historical romance novels, including the bestselling Highlander Trilogy with MacMillan/St. Martin’s Press and her popular Pembroke Palace Series with Avon/Harper Collins. She recently turned down a six-figure advance from a major New York publisher in order to self-publish a contemporary mainstream fiction series. The fir
st novel in that series, THE COLOR OF HEAVEN, was a USA Today bestseller in 2013. Julianne is a three-time RITA finalist with Romance Writers of America and has won numerous awards, including the Booksellers’ Best Award, the Book Buyers Best Award, and a Reviewers’ Choice Award from Romantic Times for Best Regency Historical of 2005. She has a degree in English Literature from the University of King’s College in Halifax, and a degree in Business Administration from Acadia University in Wolfville. She lives in Nova Scotia with her husband and daughter, and is a dedicated member of Romance Writers of Atlantic Canada. She is represented by Creative Media Agency in New York.

  Books by Julianne MacLean

  The American Heiress Series:

  The American Heiress Series:

  To Marry the Duke

  An Affair Most Wicked

  My Own Private Hero

  Love According to Lily

  Portrait of a Lover

  Surrender to a Scoundrel

  The Pembroke Palace Series:

  In My Wildest Fantasies

  The Mistress Diaries

  When a Stranger Loves Me

  Married By Midnight

  A Kiss Before the Wedding – A Pembroke Palace Short Story

  Seduced at Sunset

  The Highlander Trilogy:

  Captured by the Highlander


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