Evening's Empire (New Studies in European History)

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Evening's Empire (New Studies in European History) Page 51

by Craig Koslofsky

  Leclant, Jean. “Coffee and Cafés in Paris, 1644–1693,” in Food and Drink in History, Selections from the Annales, Économies, Sociétes, Civilisations 5, ed. Robert Forster and Orest A. Ranum (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987), pp. 86–97.

  Lederer, David. “Ghosts in Early Modern Bavaria,” in Werewolves, Witches, and Wandering Spirits: Traditional Belief and Folklore in Early Modern Europe, ed. Kathryn A. Edwards (Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 2002), pp. 25–53.

  Lemper, Ernst-Heinz. “Voraussetzungen zur Beurteilung des Erfahrungs- und Schaffensumfelds Jakob Böhmes,” in Gott, Natur und Mensch in der Sicht Jacob Böhmes und seiner Rezeption, ed. Jan Garewicz and Alois M. Haas, Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung 24 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994), pp. 41–69.

  Leu, Urs B. and Christian Scheidegger. Die Zürcher Täufer 1525–1700 (Zurich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2007).

  Levere, Trevor Harvey. “Natural Philosophers in a Coffee House: Dissent, Radical Reform and Pneumatic Chemistry,” in Science and Dissent in England, 1688–1945, ed. Paul Wood (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 131–46.

  Lewis, C.S. The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2000).

  Lexutt, Athina. “Friedensstifterin Mystik? Die Rezeption mystischer Literatur als mögliche Brücke zwischen den Konfessionen,” Monatshefte für evangelische Kirchengeschichte des Rheinlandes 51 (2002): 67–86.

  Leybold, W. “Hamburgs öffentliche Gassenbeleuchtung. Von den Anfängen bis zur Franzosenzeit, 1673–1816,” Nordalbingia 5 (1926): 455–75.

  Lieberman, Victor B. Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800–1830, vol. ii, Mainland Mirrors: Europe, Japan, China, South Asia, and the Islands (Cambridge University Press, 2009).

  Lieberman, Victor B., ed. Beyond Binary Histories: Re-Imagining Eurasia to c. 1830 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999).

  Liman, Herbert. Mehr Licht: Geschichte der Berliner Straßenbeleuchtung (Berlin: Haude & Spener, 2000).

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  Locklin, Nancy. Women’s Work and Identity in Eighteenth-Century Brittany (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007).

  Lorenz, Hellmut. “Barocke Festkultur und Repräsentation im Schloß zu Dresden,” Dresdner Hefte 12, 38 (1994): 48–56.

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  Lüdtke, Alf. “Alltagsgeschichte – ein Bericht von unterwegs,” Historische Anthropologie 11, 2 (2003): 278–95.

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  McClintock, Stuart. The Iconography and Iconology of Georges De La Tour’s Religious Paintings, 1624–1650, Studies in Art and Religious Interpretation 31 (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003).

  McClure, Ellen M. Sunspots and the Sun King: Sovereignty and Mediation in Seventeenth-Century France (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006).

  McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678–1730 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998).

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  Mahler, Andreas. “Jahrhundertwende, Epochenschwelle, epistemischer Bruch? England um 1600 und das Problem überkommener Epochenbegriffe,” in Europäische Barock-Rezeption, ed. Klaus Garber, Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung 20 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991), II: 995–1026.

  Mailhol, Jean-Claude. “Les créatures des ténèbres dans la tragédie domestique élisabéthaine et jacobéenne,” in La nuit dans les oeuvres de Shakespeare, l’invisible présence, ed. Simone Kadi, Recherches valenciennoises 5 (Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, 2000), pp. 231–76.

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  Maravall, José Antonio. Culture of the Baroque: Analysis of a Historical Structure, trans. Terry Cochran, Theory and History of Literature 25 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986).

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  Martin, J.W. “The Protestant Underground Congregations of Mary’s Reign,” Journal of Ecclesiastical History 35, 4 (1984): 519–59.

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  Maurer, Michael. Die Biographie des Bürgers: Lebensformen und Denkweisen in der formativen Phase des deutschen Bürgertums (1680–1815) (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996).

  Mayes, David. “Heretics or Nonconformists? State Policies toward Anabaptists in Sixteenth-Century Hesse,” Sixteenth Century Journal 32, 4 (2001): 1003–26.

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  Medick, Hans. “Village Spinning Bees: Sexual Culture and Free Time among Rural Youth in Early Modern Germany,” in Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship, ed. Hans Medick and David Warren Sabean (Cambridge University Press, 1984), pp. 317–39.

  Meehan, Patrick. “Early Dublin Public Lighting,” Dublin Historical Record 5 (1943): 130–36.

  Melbin, Murray. Night As Frontier: Colonizing the World after Dark (New York: Free Press, 1987).

  Melton, James Van Horn. The Rise of the Public in Enlightenment Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2001).

  Ménager, Daniel. La Renaissance et la nuit, Seuils de la modernité 10 (Geneva: Droz, 2005).

  Menninger, Annerose. Genuss im kulturellen Wandel: Tabak, Kaffee, Tee und Schokolade in Europa, 16.–19. Jahrhundert, second edn. (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2008).

  Merlin, Hélène. “Nuit de l’État et Roi-Soleil,” in La Nuit, ed. François Angelier and Nicole Jacques-Chaquin (Grenoble: Millon, 1995), pp. 203–1

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  Miller, Christopher R. The Invention of Evening: Perception and Time in Romantic Poetry (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

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  Monter, William. “Witch Trials in Continental Europe 1560–1660,” in Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: The Period of the Witch Trials, ed. Bengt Ankarloo and Stuart Clark (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002), pp. 1–52.

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