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Seventeenth Summer

Page 6

by Maureen Daly

  It was wonderfully strange knowing even before he moved, even before he put his arm around me, that he would. It gave me a new sense of power to think that from the very beginning of the evening—at least, from the first dance—I knew this would happen.

  Then suddenly, and yet it wasn’t sudden at all, I remember myself with both hands pressed against the gabardine of his coat so hard that I could feel the roughness of the cloth. My head seemed to be throbbing wildly and still I was thinking very clearly and precisely. Behind him I could see the high stars and the golf course stretched out silver-green in the moonlight and the fireflies flickering in the grass like bits of neon lighting. I felt a new, breathless caution as if I were sitting in a bubble. And then, I, Angie Morrow, who had never done anything like this before, who until last Monday night had never even had a real date, could feel his cheek on mine, as warm and soft as peach fuzz. And I knew if I moved my face just a little, just a very little….

  In the movies they always shut their eyes but I didn’t. I didn’t think of anything like that, though I do remember a quick thought passing through my mind again about how much he smelled like Ivory soap when his face was so close to mine. In the loveliness of the next moment I think I grew up. I remember that behind him was the thin, yellow arc of moon, turned over on its back, and I remember feeling my hands slowly relax on the rough lapels of his coat. Sitting on the cool grass in my new sprigged dimity with the little blue and white bachelor’s buttons pinned in my hair, Jack kissed me and his lips were as smooth and baby-soft as a new raspberry.

  The night was so still I hardly noticed the small breeze that brushed past us, as soft and silent as a pussy willow.

  That’s the funny thing about Fond du Lac. It isn’t such a small town—we have at least eight churches, three theaters, and a YMCA—but everyone seems to know everything about everyone else. Early Saturday morning Mrs. Callahan called over from her back garden to my mother who was cutting flowers, “Did Angie have a nice time at the dance last night?” and then I saw her walking up her garden path and my mother walking down ours to talk it over.

  At noon I heard Margaret on the phone saying, “Why, yes. She had very much fun. He’s rather young but nice, I think. She’s been out with him a couple of times before.” Everyone seemed to know.

  Probably if I’d walked into McKnight’s that afternoon girls I had never even met would look up and say to each other, “That’s the girl Jack Duluth has been taking out!” It’s funny what a boy can do. One day you’re nobody and the next day you’re the girl that some fellow goes with and the other fellows look at you harder and wonder what you’ve got and wish that they’d been the one to take you out first. And the girls say hello and want you to walk down to the drugstore to have Cokes with them because the boy who likes you might come along and he might have other boys with him. Going with a boy gives you a new identity—especially going with a fellow like Jack Duluth.

  Lorraine and I were talking about it the night after the dance. Jack works late Saturday nights so I hadn’t even hoped to see him. Kitty goes to bed by seven-thirty and Lorraine and I were alone. “It’s different when you go away to school,” she had said to me. “You seem to have a broader outlook. Most of the girls in town here have nothing to think about but fellows—they just get out of high school, work in the dime store or something for a year or two, and then get married. They don’t have anything else to think about!”

  She was sitting in her flowered seersucker house coat with her hair twisted in curlers. It was only half dark outside and we were in the living room with the lights off, listening to the radio and enjoying the stillness of the house. I wasn’t really listening to her—warm, slow thoughts of last night kept brushing through my mind and sending tingles up my spine. “You know,” Lorraine went on, “there are girls who graduated with me from high school who have babies two or three years old already and I’m not even through college!”

  I didn’t quite get the connection but didn’t want to say so. By not listening hard I thought maybe I had missed the first part. “Like my date last night,” she continued.

  “What about him?” I asked.

  “Well, lots of girls in this town would be crazy to go out with him.” I looked at her to see if she was really serious—Lorraine doesn’t usually talk that way. “But,” she went on, “I don’t even care if I see him again or not. He’s a good dancer and everything but I’ve just got other things to do. Of course,” she added with condescension, “it was nice of Art to bring him up, but it wasn’t as if I had to have a date—it’s such a short time since I was in Chicago and I know boys down there….”

  We sat saying nothing for a while, me thinking about Jack and she thinking about I don’t know what. Occasionally a car went down the street past the house, its headlights making a sweep of light before it. The dog, Kinkee, came into the living room and stretched out on the rug, settling her nose on her paws with a contented sigh. Lorraine reached over and twisted the radio dial to dance music. “You know,” she said suddenly with unexpected emphasis, “there is nothing I dislike so much as girls who are boy crazy!”

  A little later the telephone rang and she answered. At first I couldn’t tell what she was talking about, catching only snatches of the conversation: “How tall did you say?” “Where will we go?” and “Who else will be along?” and then she came back into the living room very excited and already twisting the curlers out of her hair. It was a blind date, she told me, and her words were jumbled with excitement—a friend of a friend of one of the girls she knew. He was a little older; he graduated from the university about six years ago; he was a fraternity man but she couldn’t remember which one; he was now in town working with an insurance company and he wasn’t too tall but tall enough!

  “He wouldn’t have been looking for a date this late on a Saturday night but he’s new in town and doesn’t know many girls yet,” she explained carefully. “We’re not going anywhere special—just dance somewhere or something.” She snapped off the radio and said, “Come on with me, Angie, and help me decide what to wear—I want to look nice.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed, watching her. After she powdered her face she stood in front of the mirror with her eyes opened very wide as if she was amazed at something and put vaseline on her eyelashes. Her lipstick she put on with a brush—a small, pointed one like the kind that came in the tin boxes of paints we used in grade school. She talked to me with hairpins in her mouth as she fixed her hair. It had been dampened when she put the curlers in and now the curls weren’t quite dry so she combed them out into a fluff, curled it all around her finger, and then combed it out into a fluff again.

  “You know,” she said through hairpins, “if he went to the university he is probably a smooth boy—probably drinks Scotch and things. I wish I knew what kind of girls he likes. I don’t know if I should pretend I’m the real intelligent type or pretend I’m sophisticated and have been around. It’s different,” she added, “with a town boy who knows all about you. Like with you and Jack—he knows that you’ve never gone with another fellow anyway.”

  I’d never thought of “pretending” with a boy. I’d thought either you had been around or you hadn’t, either you were the intelligent type or you weren’t. Lorraine talked as if she were dressing up a paper doll.

  I had meant to tell her about Jack right away. When something as important as that happens to a girl she ought to tell someone. But the words were hard to pick. Every statement I figured out seemed to require a “so what?” answer. What if I did like Jack, she might say. What did I expect to do—dislike him?

  The date came before she was ready so I opened the front door for him and asked him to come in and sit down. He wasn’t very tall and when he smiled only his lips moved, as if his eyes were thinking of something else. He introduced himself very politely, saying he was Martin Keefe and how was I tonight. He said it nicely enough, but the way he looked at me made me feel like one of those pale, eyelashless girls used i
n advertisements to sell mascara. Lorraine didn’t come downstairs at once.

  He took out a cigarette and tapped it on the back of his hand, lit it, and then sat there holding the burnt match end. We have no ash trays in our living room. None of us girls is supposed to smoke and my father gave it up years ago. I went into the kitchen and brought him a little crystal saucedish to use. “Thanks,” he said in a half-angry tone and then added abruptly, “What grade you in in school?” I explained that I had just graduated last week and he nodded in an approving sort of way without even listening and said, “Well. Do you like school?” I assured him I did though I had found senior chemistry a little hard and he answered vaguely, “Good. Everybody should like school. Is that a picture of your sister on the piano?”

  It was Margaret’s picture he was talking about, taken one day when she was nineteen and someone had just told her that she looked like Merle Oberon. She had posed with her eyebrows arched and her lips pursed a little, with a very ethereal, faraway look on her face. Martin looked at it a moment and then walked around the room, stopping to examine the things on the knickknack shelf. He picked up a carved wooden Indian head with a worn, brown face.

  “Real Indian stuff?” he asked. “Ever been way up North? Can pick this stuff up for nothing. Round the reservations it practically grows on trees. It’s nice to have around though if it’s a novelty to you.”

  It was disconcerting to have him pacing up and down as if I weren’t even there, so just to make conversation I said, “Do you like living in Fond du Lac? It’s a nice town when you get to know the people.”

  “I don’t live here, you know,” he told me with unnecessary emphasis. “And I don’t know anybody except a few fellows I’ve met around and that girl your sister knows. Maybe I’ll like it here and maybe I won’t. You can never tell if a town’s any good until you’ve been out in it on a Saturday night.” He sat down on the edge of the davenport, pulling his trousers up carefully at the knee before he crossed his legs. As if it were a sudden thought he took a fresh cigarette and then, changing his mind, pushed it back into the package. He kept looking at his hand, flexing the knuckles, turning them over and over, finally laying them palms up on his knees. His fingers were short and fat as a girl’s.

  Just then Lorraine came down, stopping a moment at the foot of the stairs with one foot a little ahead of the other the way models do. She had combed her hair high up on the sides, pinned in two sweeping rolls on top. I looked at Martin to see if he noticed how nice she looked, but he had just about the same expression on his face as when he was looking at the Indian carving. Lorraine put out her hand saying, “And you must be Martin Keefe. I’m so glad to know you.”

  When they left she turned back and called to me in the same careful, bright voice, “Good night, Angeline.”

  I could tell by the way she said it that Lorraine had decided to be the sophisticated type.

  The next morning was Sunday and Sunday is always almost the same at our house. After church in the morning we had a very late and very large bacon-and-egg breakfast and waited for Art, the boy Margaret is going to marry, to drive up from Milwaukee. He came just after breakfast, shaking hands with my father and kissing us all on the cheeks as he always does. He is a big, soft-voiced boy and his kiss always reminds me of a large, wet marshmallow. Margaret patted him happily on both cheeks saying, “Hello there, Arthur, you fat-faced one. You haven’t written to me since Thursday!”

  Kitty spent most of the morning on the living-room rug with the funny papers, while my father cleared all the sales circulars out from the back seat of his car onto the front lawn, swept the floor and the seat with a whisk broom, shined the windshield and polished the headlights, and then put all the circulars back in neat piles. My father is a traveling salesman and his car is as important as his house to him. Every Sunday after church he takes off his coat and tie and goes out to straighten it. It is all part of the contented, weekend ritual, and he puffed and blew as he worked, bustling with importance while he polished the windshield till his neck was red with exertion. Then he stood back with the chamois cloth in his hand to admire it. My mother sat by the living-room window watching and we all laughed to ourselves, for we knew that by next weekend the car would be as dusty and untidy as ever.

  Lorraine and I made the beds together, and the house smelled of roast and cauliflower from the kitchen, and everything was so pleasant and Sundayish that I forgot to ask what she had done last night and whether or not she had had fun with Martin Keefe.

  Margaret and Art had gone for a ride and didn’t get back until just before dinner was served. Art went out to the kitchen with his hands behind his back, walking in his funny way like a Teddy bear. In one hand he had a jar of green olives and a can of black olives in the other. Each Sunday he stops at some grocery store that is open late and brings home a contribution.

  My mother was just lifting the roast out with two forks, dripping with sputtering hot fat, and Art set the olives down on the table to hold the meat platter for her. She saw them and looked at him with a softness in her eyes. “What’s that for—a bribe?” she laughed and patted his cheek.

  Until she met Art, Margaret had always gone with a different kind of boy—tall fellows who moved fast and laughed deep down in their throats and showed square white teeth when they talked. But after she met Art she never went out with another boy. He was just a little taller than she with thick, dark hair and warm brown eyes that were as soft and mellow as his voice. We got used to his queer humor and odd gentleness till we liked him so well that to say “Margaret and Art” was as easy and natural as “bread and butter” or “dark and handsome.”

  Later, when dinner was over and we were sitting around the table in a contented, Sunday-afternoon apathy, Kitty pushed back her chair, excused herself, and went out to play on the front lawn. She walked about listlessly, flipping off clover heads with a short stick, humming to herself in dejection. Every now and then she stopped to stare down the street.

  My mother looked out at her and shook her head. “Really, we’re going to have to do something about that child,” she said. “When you three girls were younger you had each other—but there is no one on this street for her to play with. Angie, you don’t seem to have any more interest in her than the man in the moon. If she wants to play dolls, you’re dusting; if she wants to go swimming, you’re just washing your hair. It will be a good many years before she can go dancing!”

  It’s funny how, having nice thoughts in your head, it is so pleasant to pull them all out and think them all over again. And I wanted to think about Jack just then, so I said, “Mom, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll take Kitty for a walk in the field. We can pick violets or something …” and my conscience didn’t even prick at the deception.

  Our house is the second from the last on our street from the edge of town. Beyond the end house runs a gravel road and then a broad stretch of undeveloped real estate, run wild with weeds and low, scraggly bushes. We have always called it the Field.

  That afternoon Kitty and I just wandered aimlessly through the long grass that was still lush and fresh with the last rains of spring, not going anywhere. It was early summer and the water was still puddled in the ditches along the grassy road and underfoot the ground had a soft, spongy feeling. The sky was dotted with cotton cloud-puffs and Kitty walked along, zigzagging with her head back and watching it till she was tired, and then plumped down to rest. I sat beside her. The breeze was like a gentle breathing and the sun hot on our faces till both of us were mellowed with contentment, basking in the almost liquid warmth of the sunshine.

  Kitty rolled over on her back. “Angie,” she said, her voice slow with thought, “did you ever wonder where the butterflies go when it rains?” I had to admit that until that moment I hadn’t even thought of it.

  “Well, I was thinking about it the other day, Angie,” she told me, “and I figured that seeing they don’t have holes or nests or anything, they must hide under leaves. That’s the only
place they could be. Probably under big leaves like on the rhubarb plants. Next time it rains remind me, and I’ll go to poke the leaves with a stick. I won’t hurt anything. I just want to see if the butterflies come out….” and she lay mulling the thought over carefully.

  After a while we got up from the soft grass and walked out farther across the Field until we came to the creek. It is a muddy, fast-moving tributary of Lake Winnebago and at this time of the year it is swollen with the early summer rains. We leaned over the wood bridge to watch it, Kitty and I, and it rushed past beneath, eddying around the cement piles of the bridge and stirring up the red-brown clay. There was a small dead tree fallen part way across the stream, and the water churned around the trunk and ribboned its way through the bare branches. She picked some flat leaves from the roadside and dropped them over the rail, watching them float a moment and then rush on down the stream. Later in the summer the water would be green and sluggish and there would be fat bullfrogs squatting in the mud along the bank, loudly clearing their throats as they sat hidden among the river rushes.

  Tired of just standing, we edged our way cautiously down the bank, feet heavy with damp clay, and stood on the cement ledge under the bridge near the water’s edge. The stream is only a few feet deep here but it was whirling along in such full, angry haste that it gave me a queer fear at its strength, and I took Kitty’s arm with one hand, gripping the rough cement wall with the other. A car came along the gravel road and thundered over the bridge above our heads, sending a few bits of gravel hurtling over the side into the water.

  Besides enjoying the loveliness of the afternoon I was stalling for time and I knew it. The minute I got home I would be hoping and waiting for Jack to call, but here, not knowing if he had called or if he would call, even the suspense was pleasant.

  We walked away from the creek slowly, pushing aside the grass with our feet as we went, looking for the meadowlarks’ nests hidden in the grass. Often in the summertime we had run across four of the small eggs with the red-brown speckles, secure in a nest, while the mother bird would fly above us in wide swoops to distract our attention, singing desperately, her high breast feathers throbbing with song.


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