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COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3)

Page 38

by Amanda Boone

  Vince circled the soft skin between her legs with both thumbs, pulling her pussy open wider with each motion. He slid higher towards her curly bush, letting his thumbs press against her clit as he circled inward. The sensation was more than Mindy could handle. Her head fell back onto her shoulders and her eyes closed. She felt her tongue sliding across her lips without her control, heard the moans exiting her open mouth that sounded as if they belonged to someone else. She thrust her hips towards Vince and began mimicking the same circular motion he used to send herself over the edge of ecstasy. Her body convulsed as it throbbed and released with a vibrating motion. Her legs tightened, her ass clenched, and her nipples felt as though they would rip from her skin.

  Vince grabbed the inside of her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He forced his hard cock into her throbbing flesh, stroking slowly at first and then faster. Her body continued to throb against his erection, causing him to explode inside of her. He fell on top of her and kissed her neck. Her entire body was tingling from the intense orgasm, and she could feel him twitch inside of her as he released every last drop of his pleasure between her thighs.

  Vince rose up and kissed Mindy softly on the tip of the nose. He smiled as he eased off her and stood at the edge of the bed. He grabbed a towel that was hanging on the back of her door and wiped himself clean before attentively taking the time to care for the mess he created between her legs. Mindy twitched as the rough towel slid across her overly sensitive skin. He reached down for his jeans and slid them on, and then sat on the edge of the bed while he put on his boots.

  “Are you leaving?” Mindy asked, disappointed.

  “I'll be back,” he answered without explanation, and then headed out of her room.

  Mindy heard the rumble of bikes a few minutes after he left her bed, and then buried her face in her pillow to stifle her tears.

  Chapter Three

  Mindy woke up to an empty bed. Vince had not come back like he promised. She climbed out of bed and threw on the black shorts and t-shirt that he had made her strip the night before, and then walked out into the living room. She was irritated that she'd left the door unlocked for him all night. She thought to herself that it was inconsiderate of him to leave her so vulnerable to intruders without concern.

  Snowball meowed at her feet, begging for her morning meal, so she opened up a can of cat food and placed it on the floor of the kitchen. She then opened up her laptop and checked her email. She immediately forgot about Vince leaving her all night when she noticed the email from the Art Gallery.

  Mindy read through the greetings and skipped down to the date. Her interview was set for tomorrow afternoon. She was delighted they had opened a slot for her so suddenly, but suddenly stressed that she would have to leave for New York tonight.

  She browsed through the documents she was required to present to the interviewer and carefully read the process document attached to the email. She opened up her browser window to book a flight for that evening, as well as a hotel that was only a few blocks from the gallery.

  Once she finalized her plans, she went into her bedroom and packed the outfit she had chosen for the interview, which was made up of a pair of grey slacks, a white short-sleeved thin sweater, and black chunky pumps. She wanted to look classy without being stuffy, so she felt the outfit would represent the style the gallery was looking for. She tossed in a pair of pajama pants, a bikini, just in case there was a hotel pool, and a couple outfits for shopping, sight-seeing, or dining out. She wasn't sure what to expect during her visit. She was excited, nervous, and, honestly, a little scared.

  She placed her suitcase by the front door, and then finally called her mom to tell her the good news. Her mother squealed so loudly through the phone she had to hold it away from her ear until she calmed down.

  “Do you need a ride to the airport?” her mother asked.

  “No, I'm going to drive,” she answered. “I'll be back in a few days.”

  Her mother warned her of the big city problems. She told her to keep her money in her bra and avoid carrying a purse when possible. She wanted her to agree to be in the hotel before dark and not to venture out too far into the city. Mindy listened as her mother told stories about rapes in the subway, murders in dark alleys, and vagrants who followed you home to rob you if you refused to give them spare change. It was hard not to giggle at her mother’s eccentrics, but she knew she was only worried, so she agreed to follow her mother’s rules while in the big city alone.

  With all the details and the sudden plans that had to be made, Mindy had almost forgotten about Vince. When she heard the rumble of a motorcycle outside of her door, she panicked. She was afraid to tell him that she was leaving tonight, especially after last night.

  A soft tap on her door let her know that the noise was certainly Vince. She started to anger at the thought of him showing up now. She opened the door and found him standing on her stoop with a single rose in his hand.

  “Good morning, baby doll.” He greeted her with a smile.

  “Good morning,” she responded, and then took the rose he extended to her.

  It was hard to stay angry at this man. This beautiful man. Mindy wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. She felt his hands pull her from his neck, and when she noticed the look on his face she knew he had seen the suitcase.

  “You leaving, baby?” he asked.

  Mindy was so excited about her trip that she started rambling about the email, the hotel, and the details. Vince stood there without expression as she talked.

  “I'll take you,” he announced.

  “I already have a flight,” Mindy replied.

  “I can ride you. No need to waste money on a plane ticket.”

  “It’s already paid for. I have to be there tomorrow afternoon, so no time to drive and then get prepared for the interview,” Mindy explained. The fact that Vince was offering to take her to the interview made her feel that he really was a sweet guy.

  “You planning on taking this position if they offer it you, babe?” he asked.

  Mindy remembered telling him last night that there was no guarantee that she would take the job. She left it in the air to the point where he was left believing she probably wouldn’t if given the opportunity. Today, Mindy felt more optimistic about her chances, and she genuinely wanted the job. She just had no idea how to tell Vince.

  “This is a top gallery. I mean, there are so many candidates I highly doubt I would even be selected,” Mindy offered as an escape from the question.

  “Not what I asked, babe,” Vince pushed.

  Mindy smiled and tried to hide her anxiety. “One step at a time, babe,” she answered and then leaned in to kiss Vince softly on the lips.

  “Well, it was fun while it lasted.” Vince used a sarcastic tone to cut Mindy with his harsh words.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  His immaturity she had found endearing last night was not so cute this morning.

  “Ms. College, you’ll get the job and forget all about me,” he told her, pouting.

  Mindy pulled him to the couch and pushed him down onto the soft cushions. She curled up in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. His beautiful dark eyes looked disappointed and sad. She felt horrible that this was hurting him. It was hurting her too. She hadn't expected to get involved with anyone. Her plan was to find a job in New York and live a life of success in the big city, not work in a bar in her hometown and spend her time riding on the back of a Harley and drinking beer night after night.

  “Promise you’ll come back,” Vince said.

  “Of course, it’s only a few days,” Mindy assured him.

  Vince got up and gave Mindy an excuse for leaving so suddenly. He grabbed her phone before he left and entered his name and number into her contacts. He called his own number so that her information was stored in his phone, and then gave her a passionate kiss at the door.

  Mindy felt strange about Vince leaving so suddenly, especi
ally after she told him she would be gone for a few days. She did not have time to analyze or worry about Vince; she had to get things in order so she could leave for New York.

  Mindy showered and found a comfortable but cute outfit for the airport, and then packed her Ford Explorer. She filled Snowball’s bowl with food and water and made sure the litter box was fresh, the apartment was picked up and all signs of her sexual encounters with Vince were out of sight. She then drove to her parent’s house before she headed to the airport and made sure her mother would check up on Snowball each day while she was gone.

  The drive to the airport was short and the security line unusually easy to get through. She used her extra time to acquaint herself with the gallery while she waited to board the plane. She felt that this was the perfect match for her. The gallery dealt with new and exciting artists. The art director would be responsible for sourcing artists as well as screening them, which is what she wanted to do more than anything. She loved finding amazing talent in odd places, and she felt that she would be the perfect person for the job; she just hoped they agreed with her assessment.

  After a quick flight to New York, Mindy made her way through the JFK Airport and found a cab to take her to the hotel she booked. She was exhausted from the travel, but also incredibly excited as the cab drove through highly populated streets lined with high-rises. It was everything she expected it to be.

  The hotel was nothing fancy, but was still far classier than any she had stayed at before. She went straight to her room and dressed for bed. She wanted to get up early and be refreshed before the interview. She had a couple days after the interview to explore the city, but tonight, she needed rest.

  Chapter Four

  Mindy had woken up early, ordered a healthy breakfast from room service, and carefully groomed herself to perfection. She spent a few minutes going over her resume and the interview instructions before she left the hotel and headed the few blocks south to the gallery.

  She stood outside of the large brick building with a white front, and then took a deep breath before entering. The woman behind the desk was friendly, greeting her with a smile as she entered. She directed her to the stairs and gave directions to the room where she was supposed to meet with the gallery owner.

  Mindy tried to calm her nerves as she sat outside the large black door. A woman sat at the desk in front, guarding it as if it held the president of the United States. She offered Mindy refreshments, to which she declined, and then went back to her work, answering phone calls and giving out excuses as to why Mr. Young could not be bothered.

  When the woman announced that Mindy could go in, she almost tripped as she fumbled to her feet. The woman glanced at her with cold eyes, and then curled her lips into a forced smile. Mindy opened the door and walked inside a massive office with a large window overlooking the city.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Thompson.” The man greeted her with much more hospitality than his secretary.

  “Good afternoon,” Mindy responded, and then extended her hand to grip his stretched across his large walnut desk.

  The man was much younger than she expected. He could not have been more than 35, even though his designer suit made him look a little older at first glance. His wavy brown hair pushed back from his face, revealing bright blue eyes and a beautiful white smile.

  He went through the whole interview process just as she'd read about in the email with no surprises. She handed him all of her documentation, and he smiled as he pointed out her accomplishments during her college career. Mindy started to finally calm down as the process come to an end. Her nerves had settled at last, and the man leaned back into his large leather chair with his hands behind his head.

  “Have you even been to New York, Miss Thompson?”

  “No,” she responded.

  “Well then, you probably have no lunch plans?” he asked.

  “No, I was hoping to find a place nearby,” Mindy admitted.

  “Eating alone? That's never any fun. Let me treat you to lunch,” he offered.

  “That is very kind, thank you,” Mindy agreed.

  The man stood up and held out his hand to Mindy. He guided her out of the chair and towards the door where he opened it for her like a real gentleman. Mindy was impressed by this man. He was classy, handsome, successful, and slightly intriguing. He was the kind of man she not only hoped to work for, but the kind she had hoped to meet while in New York.

  He told the woman at the desk he was leaving for lunch, and Mindy noticed her glare as they walked down the stairs together. Outside a driver was already waiting next to a black Bentley. He opened the door for the pair while they climbed into the plush backseat.

  “Where to, Mr. Young?” the driver asked.

  “Per Se,” he responded.

  The ride to Columbus Circle was short, but gave enough time for Mr. Young to ask Mindy a few questions about why she obtained her art degree. She rambled on about her love for art and how the expression and emotion that was captured by certain artists just amazed her. He seemed delighted with her answers and smiled as she spoke. She felt as though she talked too much, but he never interrupted, nor did he ever look of listening.

  They walked together towards the restaurant, and when they reached the large blue door, he opened it for her to go inside. They were greeted and sat immediately, and within seconds were given drinks. Mr. Young ordered the Chef’s menu, and then explained that they would receive a 9-course tasting menu created by the chef. Mindy was intrigued; she had never experienced this type of fine cuisine, and was looking forward to the small samples of various flavors.

  As each course was delivered, the flavors became more intense. The portions included a variety of flavors, including roasted vegetables, quail, lobster, and even oysters and pearls. The small portions seemed to be a tease for the taste buds at first, but once the meal was complete, Mindy was left with a satisfaction she had never experienced from dining before. Mr. Young has spent more time watching Mindy taste each bite than he did enjoying his own plates. He stared at her with the same intensity as Vince, while it made her feel a little uncomfortable, she was also excited.

  “I believe you will be very happy here in New York, Ms. Thompson,” Mr. Young said.

  Mindy gasped for a second as she took in what he just said. He said “will be”, so that meant she had the job, right? She was bursting with excitement, but was afraid she may be presumptuous to take his words to heart.

  “If I get the position, I believe I could be very happy here, Mr. Young,” she said with a coolness that hid her previous assumption about his statement.

  “I’m afraid you misunderstood me, Ms. Thompson. I'm offering you the position,” he clarified.

  Mindy let out a tiny squeal, without meaning to of course, and then quickly covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry, I am just so excited,” she explained.

  He had a wide smile on his face, and his eyes were fixated on her as she bounced in her seat and fought back her bursts of excitement.

  “You are so refreshing, Ms. Thompson,” he said softly.

  Mindy finally gathered her composure and thanked him for the opportunity. She found out she would start in less than two weeks, which gave her little time to pack up her apartment and find a new place in the city.

  “We have a studio apartment above the gallery that comes with the position,” Mr. Young announced, as if reading her mind about the details of her move. “Fully furnished.”

  “That is amazing!” Mindy exclaimed.

  “I can show it to you in the morning if you like. It’s being painted now,” he said.

  “I would love that!” Her voice showing too much enthusiasm once again.

  Mr. Young seemed to find enjoyment in her overly animated enthusiasm. He watched her, smiling playfully as she hung on his words and squealed with delight at the details most people found mundane and expected.

  “Any chance I could take you for drinks this evening?” he asked.

��Yes, I would love that!” Mindy exclaimed.

  He paid the bill when the waiter returned to the table, and then stood behind Mindy’s chair. He guided it away from her body as she stood, and then took her hand as they walked towards the door. His actions were sweet, suave, and somewhat sexy. The car dropped her off at her hotel, and he told her that he would be in the lobby at 7 o’clock to pick her up for drinks.

  “Thank you again, Mr. Young,” she said as she climbed out of the Bentley.

  “Kevin,” he corrected her with a smile.

  “Kevin,” she agreed, and then turned to walk away.

  Inside the hotel, she tossed everything around in her suitcase until she found the little black cocktail dress she'd packed. She showered, then spent extra time primping as she made sure her eyebrows were plucked, her teeth were whitened, and her nail polish perfectly painted on each nail, toes included. She laughed to herself as she slipped into the little black dress. It was as if she were getting ready for a hot date.

  Mr. Young, well, Kevin, was a very handsome man, and he possessed every quality that Mindy had been looking for in a man, but he was her new boss. He was being kind to the poor little small town girl who had never been to the big city before, right? Mindy’s thoughts were tugging at her in both directions. On one hand, he did seem very flirty, and she doubted having a 9-course lunch followed by drinks that same evening was part of the welcoming process to the gallery. But, on the other hand, he had neither done nor said anything that led her to believe it was more than a casual professional meeting, during which they were to become better acquainted.

  Mindy stepped back and looked in the mirror. The black dress fit her like a glove. It showed off all of her curves and accentuated her long, slender legs. When she stepped into her black heels, she instantly went from an attractive girl to a sexy woman in just three short inches. She left her hair down, flowing past her shoulders in large wavy curls. Her makeup was applied like a professional since she'd been practicing with all the Cosmo magazine tips. She was ready. For what, she wasn’t positive, but she was pretty sure it was everything.


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