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COWBOY ROMANCE: Avery (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 3)

Page 116

by Amanda Boone

  How can I doubt his skill?

  A three-foot section detaches and flies off into the pink grass, spraying black ichor, like a smoke trail, in its wake. The second limb slows and shudders, clearly affected by the loss of the end of the first, and the bulk of the creature begins to rise from the water.

  Gallons of lake water sluice from the creature along with tons of associated detritus, mud and rotten leaves drop from the sides of it to splash back down like vast blood clots into the water. I can see the bones and skulls of huge animals this thing must have fed on, lying in wait for prey to come to the water for a drink before leaping into action, skewering them with the tips of its spear like legs and pulling them into the cold depths of the lake.

  Fright grips me again as I see the beast rise to its full height from the water and note it’s at least double my alien’s height. It’s got a huge array of the weapon-like limbs in different lengths, and they all point towards my alien. At the junctions where these limbs meet the main trunk of the monster, sit openings, which look to me like mouths, ringed with spiked, beak-like structures that resemble those in the maw of a squid.

  A blur of movement and the battle begins. The monster stabs out with more limbs than I can count, but my focus stays on the alien I met right here, aboard this ship. I can see a savage beauty in his movements as he dips and dodges, lighter on his feet than a dancer and easily as graceful. His swords flick left and right, deflecting and chopping, hacking at the hideous tips which fly through the air, landing with splashes of the black blood that seems to pump through the beast and twitching in the pink grass.

  I watch him fight, astounded and awed by his skill and prowess with the blades, rooting for him like a cheerleader and clapping when the vile creature slinks back below the surface of the water, pools of the dark blood floating like an oil spill.

  The huge grin on my face fades as I turn to face Deakins and Nerravin, and the smaller security officer catches me with a fierce glare. “What the fuck is going on, man?” Her eyes are wide and filled with unspoken accusation. Both of them stay silent, leaving me to fill the gap in conversation.

  “Well...I...uh...” I don’t think I can tell them I’m under some kind of spell, cast by an alien. No, I’m sure that wouldn’t go down well.

  “What happened when you met the alien you told me about?” Deakins asks.

  Nerravin looks at him sharply then back at me. “You talked to one of these fuckers?” she demands angrily.

  “Don’t call him that!” I screech at her before I can stop myself, and they both look at me as if I’ve changed into someone else completely.

  “That’s just great, man,” Nerravin spits bitterly. “Here I am trying to save your sorry ass, and you go and cozy up to the enemy?”

  “He’s not the enemy. He’s really not,” I plead to Deakins, but he turns away, looking at the floor. “You have to believe me. They're friendly.”

  Nerravin nods to the carnage he wrought outside. “That don’t look friendly to me.”

  “It attacked him!”

  “Yeah,” she tells me in a sarcastic voice, “but he went out there to provoke it and made sure we saw the whole thing.” Her tattooed knuckle taps dully on the transparent wall. “What's that all about? Some kind of warning, if you ask me, man.” All I can do is shake my head. I don’t know anything about these creatures and I haven’t got a clue where my feelings sprung from, but I could swear on any holy book you could name that he feels the same for me as I do for him.


  Cleaning the manure from my blades, I am aglow with post battle fever. My whole body hums like an Azutrian hormba-pipe, and once I have cleaned myself and my gear, I will claim the female as mine. None aboard will dare to stop me, and if any have the audacity to even think they wish to challenge me, I will destroy them utterly and abandon their remains on this planet, denying their path to the Hereafter.

  My blades and armor cleaned and stowed, I wash the filth of battle from my body, picking the annoying stings of the tiny creatures, which abounded on the surface from my skin. Soil and the creature's blood drain off my body, and I anoint myself with rare Betalan oil to make my skin shine. I blunted my claws in anticipation of taking the alien, I sense she will not be as robust as an Intrellian female, and soften the pads on each of my digits to better feel her texture.

  My sexual center is already beginning to swell at just the thought of being with her, and I can wait no longer. Slipping a curved knife into the back of my leggings, I head for the cargo hold where I know she is waiting for me.

  Stalking through the bowels of Acrulla, I pass a number of my crew. None of them try and hail me. All are engaged in maintenance and repair works. Acrulla is old, by a Sentient Ship’s standards, and requires more maintenance than the younger ships. The advantage Acrulla has its experience, experience gained in battle, gained through trade and gleaned from every single encounter in his long, long history.

  I reach the cargo hold and enter the makeshift monitoring station where Bhentus sits, recording and entering information about the aliens into Acrulla’s thought centers. Her head snaps round then back as fast when she sees me, our last encounter still fresh in her thoughts. I cross to the door and will it open, ignoring the gasp from the female behind me, and enter the space within. I can hear them, the three aliens, and from the tone of their voices, they might be arguing. It halts as soon as I enter.

  There is a mixed reaction from the three, the small female and male glare at me, stepping away as I approach to keep their distance while the larger female parts her lips and walks towards me, affirming my right to her.

  To my complete surprise, the small female dashes across towards me, her whiny voice a buzz of hatred as she throws herself between me and my prize. Maybe these creatures live by a different set of codes than we Intrella, so I will allow her to live this time. Plus a part of me thinks the larger female would think less of me if I slash the head from her associate.

  Rather than drawing my blade, I push the small female gently aside. She falls, sliding across the floor, apparently these aliens are not particularly robust at all, and I will have to remember this if I do not wish to kill the bigger female.

  I hold my claws out towards her, and she looks down as if seeing if they are blunted for her, and I wonder if we might be a little more similar after all.


  “Keep the fuck away from her, motherfucker!” Nerravin screams as my alien approaches me. He hurls her across the room, and I hear her grunt as she lands, but I can't take my eyes off him.

  His skin’s got a glow to it, like an inner light glowing or an aura which surrounds his naked upper half. I see bunches of solid muscle, which helped him destroy the monster in the lake and can also see a large bulge in his trousers, the size of which makes my throat go dry.

  I look down as he holds his hand out. There are only four digits and none looks to be a thumb, each with a thick, shining black talon jutting from the end. I know from the size of him and the shape of those nails, Nerravin is lucky to be alive. He could have torn her to shreds if he had been so inclined. I glance briefly over to see if Deakins is helping Nerravin, but he is staring in open-mouthed wonder at another one of the aliens who has followed mine in.

  This one must be a female because, although she is almost the same size as mine, she is far more curvaceous even though it appears she is just as fearsome as mine too. Her expressionless face seems to be locked onto Deakins, and I wonder if there is some pheromone or hormonal reason our two species lock onto each other like this. The thought fades, the imperative to consider it lost as I take my alien's hand and let him lead me away.

  His skin is soft and cool to my touch, and my mind wonders what it would feel like to have those hands roaming all over my body, chilling up my spine and cupping my tits. A shudder of desire worms its way through me, and I hope I’m about to find out. We pass others of his species, most of who turn to watch us pass, some singing to each other in that whale song l
anguage, which is so utterly different to our speech, others simply stare as we pass.

  To me, the whole ship looks alike, gray-green walls and floor, until we reach another door, and it opens to reveal an almost luxurious interior. The floor is blood-red, the walls are a soft magnolia color and the soft light which comes from overhead, somewhere, covers everything with a warm glow.

  There are seats here, oddly covered with different materials and I wonder if they have been upholstered with the skins of his kills. Somewhere deep inside, a part of me thinks this is vile, but my surface thoughts don’t care at all. He leads me to the middle of the room and turns to face me, looking into my eyes with those huge, dark blue pools he sees through.

  I swallow, examining his face only realizing now he has virtually no lips, just a darker line around his mouth. Reaching up, I gently lay the palm of my hand on the side of his face, and he leans into it. I can feel the smile cross my face as he reaches up to touch my hair, bouncing my curls in his hand and wrapping it round his clawed fingers as if he’s never felt hair before. Maybe he hasn't.

  I lay my other hand on his face and reach up to where his ears make gentle points, watching as his eyes close and he purrs a little trill of pleasure. I chuckle, and his eyes open again. His other hand goes into my hair as well, as if he’s obsessed with it, but that’s fine, I don’t care.

  Trailing back down, I run my thumbs delicately over his mouth and feel the puff of his breath. Although some part of me knows this is complete madness, I can’t stop. I want to explore every inch of him, find out what it looks like, feels like and tastes like, where the most sensitive bits of his anatomy are and how to please him best by touching them.

  I press myself against him, feeling the stiffness of something poke me in the tummy and a flash of desire pulses up through me like a hot spike. He brings his own hand down to my mouth, touching my lips in wonder at their softness. I kiss his finger, watching as his eyes widen in fascination then run my tongue over the pad of it, tasting nothing at all. A little gasp escapes him, and I wonder if this is the same being which hacked that gigantic lake creature to bits a few hours ago.

  I keep looking at his eyes as if I could tell what he’s thinking or feeling from them, but they’re too different, we’re too different to be compatible, surely?

  He trills the pleasure sound again as I suck on the tip of his finger, pulling it into my mouth and rubbing my hot tongue up and down it. He pulls it out with a pop, and I stand with my lips slightly open as he looks at his finger.

  He tilts his head to one side and hums that song to me but of course I haven’t got a clue what he’s saying, so I have to let my actions speak for me.

  Reaching out, I touch his chest (there are no nipples after all) and gently drag my nails down his skin. It’s rougher here, scarred too, and I trace each scar with my fingers then press a kiss to each one. He is humming almost constantly as I work my way down his iron hard muscles, reaching down to trace the outline of his sexual organ. I hear a deep grunt, and his hips jerk backwards a fraction. It must be really sensitive down there.

  I stand up and pull the zip on my coveralls down, opening the top to his eyes.

  Definitely male, he can’t stop staring at my tits.

  I run my hands down my own body, stroking my nipples to hardness as he watches. I can’t feel any self-consciousness at all. I’m just showing him what to do. He watches me intently as I touch my own body then grab his hand and guide it to my shoulder, feeling the coolness of his flesh on mine.

  He seems to know what to do, and I revel in the thrill of delight, which washes over me as he caresses my heavy boobs. He doesn't seem to know what to do with nipples, so I let the rest of my clothing drop, watching as his head follows it to the floor. He gets the idea immediately and looks on in awe as he drops his own trousers. His legs are just as muscular as the rest of him, but his cock is the most impressive. It’s not very long, maybe five or six inches, but it has to be as thick as my wrist! Oddest of all, he doesn’t seem to have any testicles, just the bluish penis jutting from his lower abdomen.

  We study each other for a second or two, and it’s as if an unwritten signal passes between us because we’re all over each other like a pair of teenagers. He bends, and I take his lip less mouth in a kiss, invading the warm cavern of his mouth with my tongue. His tongue feels amazing on mine, thin and like it’s forked! His twin tips scissor over mine.

  His hands are on my back, feeling and exploring as I’m doing to him. He pulls away and looks into my eyes then grabs my hand and leads me to another room, where I see one of the odd, sloped beds. Once there, I spread myself wide open to him and watch as his cock twitches. Bending, I watch as he trails his fingers down my inner thighs, humming as he touches my dripping wet pussy. I reach out and grip his hand dragging him towards me.

  I feel the end of his bluntness batting at my lips and reach between us to spread my labia open so he can enter me. There is no need to speak, no need to understand his language. His every movement and touch is his message to me. My body is aching to be one with his, even if it’s just because he gives off such powerful chemical signals.

  With a low grunt, he leans into me, and I feel his cock, cooler than my body, filling and stretching my insides as he penetrates me. It’s almost more than I can bear, and I call out wordlessly as he starts thrusting, humming his song as a counterpoint to mine. Pressure builds up inside me quickly, and I can feel the orgasm I’m going to have is really going to be something as his cock rakes back and forward over my G-spot.

  I wrap my legs around his back, locking my ankles behind him as he loses himself in the rhythm of our sex. His eyes close in passion and his breathing gets louder as the pressure inside my belly builds to a point I can’t take another second, and a huge orgasm tears through me. I moan and writhe, the muscles inside me clenching around his rigid shaft, pulling him deeper inside me.

  My pussy working him sends him over the edge, and he gives out a strange, high pitched hissing sound, jerking hard against me. I can feel something spraying all over my insides as he comes, hotter than me this time, and I wriggle my hips as he jerks again.

  I keep my legs wrapped around him, and he falls forward, catching himself on his hands as I reach up to embrace him.

  “Hello,” I say with a grin, “I’m Hetty.”


  Seduced By The Alien Boss

  If you think I’m weird for being attracted to a creature fr0m another species, then just imagine how I feel! But – and, like mine, it’s a big but – things have gone a little bit further than mere attraction.

  So I’ve bedded an alien from a species that is quite different from us. Actually, we’ve been at it like rabbits since the first time, and I don’t feel any shame in saying I can’t see us stopping any time soon. Needless to say there are a few...complications. We don’t speak the same language, for instance, or...know each other’s names. He’s a violent, vicious warrior of some kind, and I’m an exobiologist, and I’m fairly sure the whole situation is down to some freak chemical, pheromone or hormone he gives off. Of course, I can’t prove that as all my equipment exploded in the accident, which killed all but two other people in the research station on Erenius’ third moon.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking to justify this...this thing between us. Somewhere, deep down in my rational, educated mind, there’s a bit of me screaming that the whole thing is wrong. There’s no biological precedent I can quote to justify our actions – even when the first human raised on Mars met and married his lover from the Moon, they were still, at least, both humans – and I know that...rationally.

  But something fills my system, my entire body and my mind when I’m in his presence and all that, all the worries, fears and concerns regarding us, fades into the ether.

  So two others and I ended up aboard a living ship – yes you saw that right, a live starship – plowing through the depths of space headed for...well, I can only assume we’re headed fo
r this species’ home system.

  Whether it’s because we have spent quite a bit of time together, or for some completely different reason, the powerful feelings that would burst through me have lost their edge, a little bit at least. I can be apart from him for a few hours now, but it was so painful in the beginning that it brought tears to my eyes. I still feel an overpowering pull in his direction, like there’s a magnet inside my womb pulling me toward where he is, but at least I can fight it now.

  After the rampant, powerful bout of morning sex we had today, he left to go and do...whatever it is he actually does, and I decided to go and find Deakins, if he’s still alive.

  Deakins is the linguistics expert and medical doctor who also came aboard this ship when the research station was destroyed. When my alien – what else can I call him? – entered the room we had been kept in, to take me away, I just about registered Deakins was fixated on one of the female aliens, and she was focused on him too, so I have no idea what kind of condition he might be in.

  Now, of course, I’ve hit on another little problem. We boarded this ship in the middle of a devastating explosion, which was ripping the moon we had been on to pieces. Once we’d taken shelter aboard, still not quite sure what we’d found, the three of us discovered we were trapped in some kind of large chamber inside the ship. Once we’d been aboard for a while, and my alien came to get me, he dragged me through the ship to his quarters, where I’ve been ever since. So the difficulty I’ve got is this, how am I going to find Deakins and Nerravin when I’ve got no idea where they actually are or the layout of the ship? I don’t know much about it, but I do know I didn’t see any signs saying ’Human Being Storage This Way’ and, without any way to communicate with these, quite hostile, aliens, I can’t ask anyone.

  I take a deep breath and step to the door, which is crafted from the same type of organic material as the rest of the ship. My exobiologist’s eye should be fascinated by all this – I’m actually inside some kind of space worthy, living being! – but I’ve got bigger things to worry me at the moment than the cellular makeup of this animal, so I’m just ignoring it for now.


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