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Remy (Skin Walkers Book 10)

Page 2

by Susan Bliler

  Mason stood, circling back around his desk to reclaim his seat and taking up his pen again as if the conversation was over. “I said no.”

  “Well, it’s not your decision to make. I am just letting you know where I’ll be.” She turned on a heel, stalking toward the exit.

  “Harlow!” he barked, and she stilled at the door. “Wait.”

  She could hear him rise from his desk and she slowly turned to face him, obstinacy in every line of her face.

  “We need to discuss this.”

  “I just tried to do that.” She watched him where he stood in front of his desk, his arms hanging awkwardly as if he wasn’t sure what to do, what to say. She felt the same. She truly didn’t want to argue with Mason, but he’d brought her to StoneCrow and introduced her to his life, his kind. And it seemed he thought he could dictate how she lived her life just because he was her brother. “I’m doing this, Mason.” Watching his eyes tense at the corners, she felt a little bad for him. He’d been good to her since she’d arrived, making sure she wanted for nothing and that all her needs were met. Sighing, she threw him a bone. “Look, I’ve tried everything else and nothing suits me. You said I should find something I enjoyed. Something I wanted to do. I’d like to give this a try, and I’d like for you to be okay with it.”

  A muscle in his jaw twitched, and she recognized it now as a sign that he was about to force himself to acquiesce.

  “I’m not trying to make things hard on you, Mason. I don’t want you to regret my being here. I just wanna pull my weight the best way I know how, and being saddled with some job I don’t enjoy won’t benefit any of us.”

  “You do realize that Sentry training is tantamount to joining the armed services? It’s boot camp, Harlow. There’ll be no favors granted to you because you’re my sister, or even because you’re a female. It will not be enjoyable.”

  She smiled. “I know that. I just want a shot at it. That’s all I’m asking. If I suck, or I’m a burden or can’t carry my weight, then I’ll step down or get kicked out, or whatever. I don’t want anyone making any exceptions for me.”

  Her brother plowed an angry hand through the thick hair that perfectly matched her own. “It’s dangerous!” He turned and began pacing his office, speaking as if he was no longer talking to her but debating with himself. “You might be okay if you just trained with the Sentries, but with Monroe’s attention on the Keepers and their Soul Sentries, it’d be the perfect time for the Megalya to strike.” He turned to face her. “There’s real risk, Harlow. War could be coming to StoneCrow.”

  “Then what better time for me to be recruited?” She shrugged. “I’m as capable as anyone else.”

  He shook his head sadly. “That’s the problem. You’re not. You’re not a Walker, and you aren’t as capable as them. You never will be.” He eyed her up and down. “Worse, you’re a female. A small one at that. Your mere presence in battle would be a distraction to a Walker. We can’t help but to protect the small and weak, and as strong as you think you are, your presence could get someone killed.”

  Her shoulders slumped. When he put it like that… She didn’t want to be the reason anyone was hurt.


  She lifted mournful eyes to Mason’s, watching his expression tighten as he studied her, as if he knew something he wasn’t sure he wanted to share. She waited. Finally, his expression softened. “There’s a fully human team. I could see if I can get you on with them.”

  Her brow furrowed. “No. I’m not doing this if you’re coddling me before I even start. I don’t want you putting me on an all human team just because you think it’ll be easier for me. I want to earn my keep, Mason. No favors, no special treatment, no kid gloves. I want you to throw me to the wolves and have the faith that I can survive.”

  “Damn it, Harlow! I’m trying to compromise here.”

  She crossed her arms and shook her head. “And that’s just it. I don’t want compromise, or favoritism, or concessions. I want to do the work like everyone else. Don’t pamper me!”

  “Fine!” he growled.

  Her heart soared as elation tore through her. “Really?”

  Mason reluctantly nodded. “I’ll do it for you. But you have to make me a promise. You have to swear that if things get too hard, or too scary, or even too uncomfortable, you’ll come to me.”

  “Things are going to be uncomfortable, Mason.”

  “You know what I mean.” He sighed, dropping to sit heavily on the edge of his desk as if he suddenly bore the weight of the world. “You just had to pick the hardest job.” His eyes sparkled as he stared at her. “Why does nothing ever come easy where you’re involved?”

  She shrugged with a grin. “Cindy said most humans here have to go through vetting, interviews and surveillance for months before they’re permitted a place here at StoneCrow. Doesn’t seem fair that I get a free pass just because you’re my brother.”

  His brows speared down. “Is that why you’re doing this? To prove you’re no enemy?”

  “Partially. I don’t want the others looking at me like I was given something I didn’t earn, or looking at me in suspicion. Plus, I want you guys to know that if anything happens, if battle comes to our doorstep, that I will be not only willing, but able, to take up arms and fight beside you. Fight for you.”

  Mason began shaking his head.

  “Wait!” She held up a hand. “Those aren’t the only reasons. I want to feel like I’m a part of something. I want to feel like I belong, that I’m doing good work and helping out. It’s vital that I pull my own weight here, Mase. I know you’re strong enough to carry us both, and I know that you would, but how could you ever grow to respect me if I let you?”

  “If you’re worried about earning my respect, Harlow, you’ve already got it.” He stood. “You were pulled from your home, the only life you’ve ever known, and thrust into this world that makes no sense at all. You found out you’re related to a beast, and because of that relationship you’ve been forced to upend your whole life. All this, and you haven’t complained once. You haven’t hated me for it. It’s really quite remarkable.”

  Harlow snorted a laugh. “You’re not a beast, Mason. None of you are. Beasts are parents who ditch a child on a fire station’s door step to avoid their responsibility. None of you are that.”

  Mason’s brow furrowed. “Do…do you remember anything of our parents?”

  Harlow’s gaze flicked to his then down to her hands as she rubbed them together. “Not a thing. I was just a baby.” She shrugged as if it didn’t matter even though her chest ached every time she thought of what her parents had done. She couldn’t imagine ever abandoning a child, and the older she grew the more difficult it was to find forgiveness in herself for what her parents had done. She looked at Mason. “Do you remember them?”

  He sighed. “No.” His eyes narrowed. “But if I’d have known sooner that you were out in the world, I’d have come for you. You wouldn’t have had to grow up as you did.”

  She smiled sadly. “It’s not your fault Mason. Besides, you’re only ten years older than me. It’s not like you could’ve raised me, you were a child yourself.”

  His eyes turned hard. “I would have. I would have found you, and I’d have done what needed to be done to ensure you were safe and taken care of.”

  “Stop.” She hated that he was still beating himself up over something that wasn’t either of their fault. “There’s nothing you could have done.” She watched as he looked away, and she knew what was eating him. He’d told her of how he’d grown up in England. He’d been adopted as a child and only ever knew his adoptive parents. They’d raised him well and loved him fiercely, and she knew it gutted him to have been cared for while she’d been so carelessly discarded and forced to grow up alone. Once he’d gotten her on the Estate, he’d been reluctant to show her all of him. He’d been worried that it’d be too much, that it wasn’t fair to force something so unbelievable onto someone who’d already endured so much.
She was glad he’d had faith that she could handle it. She needed him to have that faith in her again. “This is all new for me, and it’s taking some getting used to, but I don’t regret it. I don’t regret meeting you, and I’d never regret that you’re my brother. We’re all we have.” She lifted both shoulders. “Well, us and Amanda, right?”

  He grinned. “Yes. Us and Amanda.”

  Clapping her hands together, Harlow backed up a step. “Okay, so how does this work? Do I just report for duty? Do you have to get approval? What?”

  Mason once more circled his desk, reclaiming his seat. “I’ll contact Monroe and get your assignment approved. I’ll need to speak with Commander…” His voice trailed off as Mason’s head slowly lifted, shock, and what looked very much like horror, etched in the lines of his face.

  “Mase, you alright? What? What is it?”

  A low rumbling growl filled the room as Mason dropped his head, taking a long, deep breath before clearing his throat, like it was hard to get the rumble out of it. “I’ll have to contact your Commander. Remy McCabe. He and I aren’t friends, I’ll warn you now. It might be difficult. Give me a few days Harlow, and I’ll be in touch. In the meantime, go see Jenny in the infirmary. Placement with the Sentries requires a physical.”

  She felt like there was something he wasn’t saying, but honestly? She always felt like there was something he wasn’t saying. “Ok. I’ll go see Jenny.” She opened the door, then stalled halfway out. “Thanks for this, Mason. I won’t let you down.”


  She stared into his now cold, glittering eyes. “Steer clear of Commander McCabe. He’s no good.”

  She waited for him to elaborate, but when he didn’t, she nodded and started to turn away once more when he stopped her once more, his voice softer.

  “And, Harlow? You couldn’t let me down if you tried.”

  She smiled and tossed him a wave, ignoring the warmth that flooded her veins at his words.

  Chapter 3

  Under the guise of spending her last free weekend in the city tying up financial loose ends that’d been left dangling after being kidnapped and brought to StoneCrow, Harlow had actually rented herself a room at the nicest hotel in town, the site of the annual mid-October masquerade ball. She and a co-worker had bought tickets, and Harlow considered it the perfect excuse to splurge. With an almost giddy feeling she splurged on a new dress, heels, and a visit to the upscale salon in the hotel. She knew it’d be months before she was pampered again, and before she committed herself fully to Sentry training, she wanted one last hoo-rah! It was perfect timing. New pretties, a nice room and a ‘date’ with her friend to the event of the season before settling into BDUs and bruises from training with people much larger, stronger, faster – heck, just all-around ‘more’– than her.

  Standing in front of the full-length mirror in her room, she eyed her designer gown. Flowing lavender that passed through the hand like a sigh made her feel delicate and feminine. The dress had an empire waist and floor-grazing chiffon pleats. Glass beads on the bodice felt regal, and her pecan-colored hair pinned up with jewel encrusted accents added to the effect. Taking a deep breath, Harlow lifted her mask to her eyes and used the satiny purple ribbons to secure it in place. The mask was a soft lavender with royal-purple plumes designed like an elegant butterfly, the plumes surrounding one eye and covering half her face. Sparkling jewels glittered under the light, and with her vibrant-green eyes outlined with dark eyeliner, lids artfully painted with several shades of purple, darker on the lid then lighter going higher, she was confident that, even should she run into someone she knew, they would have a hard time recognizing her. Smiling at herself in the mirror, her eyes dipped to her lips, which had been painted dark, glistening violet. Purple lipstick was suddenly the ‘in’ thing and it looked great on her. Excitement stole through her as she slipped into the satin stiletto heels that perfected the dress. She looked stunning – even if she did say so herself.

  Twenty minutes later found Harlow taking the elevator from her room down to the lobby. The plan had been to wait for her friend, Chelsea, but the poor girl ended up having to work late, but promised to get there as soon as she could.

  Stepping off the elevator, akaleidoscope of butterflies fluttered in Harlow’s belly. Attending a party stag wasn’t something she’d have normally done, but something about being unrecognizable emboldened her.

  Stepping into the hotel’s ball room, she earned several appreciative glances from elegant masked males in expensively tailored suits. Tall ceilings held dimmed chandeliers, and tables covered in white linens and candles dotted the room. Soft music from a small orchestra tucked into a corner soothed her nerves, and when a suited waiter stopped in front of her with a tray of sparkling champagne glasses she accepted one, grinning at the strawberries floating at the bottom of the glass before taking a sip, then another.

  Eyes scanning the room, she was debating whether to mingle or take a vacant seat at one of the tables when she was jolted from behind.

  A gasp left her lips as champagne splashed onto her chest and flowed down between her breasts.

  A low growl rumbled behind her a moment before she heard a muttered, “Shit!”

  Turning, she stared up at the man who’d bumped against her.

  “Apologies,” he offered, eyeing her wet chest as he lifted a napkin and began to dab at the mounds of her breasts where they were pushed up by the bodice of her dress. He was shaking his head, frowning in concentration. “Too many damn people for one tiny place,” he grumbled, as if speaking to himself. His eyes lifted to hers, then returned to where his hand still swiped at her breasts. With a sharp inhale, he jerked his hand back. “Christ! Sorry.”

  He wasn’t dressed for the party. He was wearing a black suit, but no tie and no mask. And the guy was smoking fucking hot! Even under his suit she could see bulging muscles, and he was tall, just like she liked a man. So tall, in fact, she had to tilt her head far back to look up into his eyes. Dark eyes that looked almost maroon from this close were set over a straight nose and full lips set in a grim line. Light stubble covered his cheeks and jaw and it, along with his hazel-colored hair, really short on the sides and a little longer and messy on the top, gave him a lickable, bad-boy vibe. His appearance shouted he wasn’t used to ritzy affairs, and his dismissive attitude confirmed it.

  “New in town?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he muttered, still staring at her breasts. “You could say that. Look,” he pointed to the hall. “Can I help you get cleaned up?”

  Looking down, Harlow felt a little disappointed that her beautiful gown had been ruined two minutes into the party. “It’s fine,” she looked up. “I’ll just go to the lady’s room.” She started to step away, but was bumped again from someone else standing too close. Annoyed, she turned to say something, but Mr. Sexy beat her to it. Stiff-arming the other partygoer, her savior ground out, “Watch it!” His eyes dipped to her. “Can your husband or boyfriend escort you outta here?” He’d stepped closer, leaving her protected in the cocoon of his body as his eyes searched the crowd.

  “No husband, no boyfriend.” An idea struck. “Can you…take me to my room?”

  His eyes slammed to hers and he stared for a long moment. She could tell he was reading her, trying to figure out just what exactly it was she was asking of him. Finally, he gave a curt nod.

  Harlow set her now-empty glass on a tray as it passed before leading him from the room. Her Knight in Black Suit remained tucked close behind her, making sure no one else jostled her. As they made their way toward the door she saw him snag a glass of champagne.

  At the elevator, she hit the up button and turned to find him eyeing her suspiciously. “Here.” He handed the glass of champagne to her. “I owe you that.” He took a step back, eyeing the hall. “Are you good from here?”

  Taking a small sip, Harlow shook her head as a group of men stepped from the ballroom and began making their way toward the elevator. “Don’t wanna g
et crushed.” She eyed the approaching group, then her savior.

  He muttered something she couldn’t pick up and, when the elevator door opened, he ushered her inside, pressing the button to close the doors before the large group of men could crowd their way in.

  Tucked into a corner of the elevator, she eyed the expanse of the giant’s back. He was huge, and radiated virility, causing her lower belly to tremble and clench. At that moment, she decided she didn’t want him ditching her the second the doors to the elevator opened. “Maybe you could wait outside my door until I’m cleaned up, then escort me back down?”

  He didn’t look at her, but he nodded, one short, sharp jerk of his head. “Sure.”

  The elevator pinged and the doors glided opened. Harlow inched past, making sure to press her body into his before leading him to her door. At any other time, she would have been taken aback at her unusual behavior. She wasn’t in the habit of picking up strange men and taking them back to her room, but something about the ball, about the mask and the fact that she’d start training in a few short days, had her throwing caution to the wind and seeking one memorable night. Plus, something about this guy told her he wasn’t dangerous, well, not to her anyway.

  She used her keycard to open her door and slid inside, leaving the door ajar.

  “I’ll wait here,” he offered.

  Inside her room, Harlow didn’t turn on the lights. Instead, she eyed her surroundings, deciding if she really was about to do this. Her breathing was a little shaky and her body was tense, primed with possibilities.

  “Sir?” she called out to him in a soft voice, before she lost her nerve.

  Too late to change her mind now. There was a soft knock before the door eased opened. “Did you call out? Are you alright?”

  Harlow was suddenly glad for the mask, because she was currently blushing to the roots of her hair. “Yes. I just need a little help.”

  She heard the door clicked closed, then broad shoulders filled the entryway. Shadows shrouded his face, and she could just barely make out the gleam in his eyes from where he stood. She was facing him with the lights off, only the light of the full moon through the sheer panels over the large windows illuminating the scene in a dim, silver glow. It’s now or never! The moonlight was enough to see by, almost enough to make her lose her nerve, but before she could she took a sip of the champagne then, looking directly into his eyes, she poured the rest over her collarbone, letting it wash down her chest and into the front of her dress. “I…I seem to have made a mess.” She peeked up from the wet swell of her breasts. “Can you help?”


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