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Remy (Skin Walkers Book 10)

Page 7

by Susan Bliler

  Mason tore his eyes from the door to scowl at the dominant Walker. “You’re enjoying this a little too much.”

  “Of course I am,” Monroe countered. “It’s not every day I get to watch a fellow Walker make a tough decision that would normally fall on me.”

  “And what would you do?” Mason challenged. “Protect your new-found sister by placing her in some menial job that would eat away at her and make her resent you, or make her a Sentry as she’s asked and put her right in your hated enemy’s hands?”

  “Remy’s hardly a hated enemy.”

  “Isn’t he?” Mason buried both fists in his hair in a clear show of agitation. “I don’t know what the fuck to do here, Crow.”

  Monroe’s smile vanished and he stood, pacing away from the couches and around his desk to claim his seat, steepling his hands and eyeing Mason. “I’ve met Harlow. She’s good people. But coming here had to have been hard for her. Learning of your very existence had to be hard for her. In the past few months she hasn’t had much say in regards to her own life, has she?”

  Mason shook his head.

  “This is something she’s choosing. Let her have it.”

  “And if she fails?”

  “Then she fails on her terms. You’ve got to give her a chance. She’s earned that much.”

  Mason heaved a great sigh. “And if Remy goes after her?”

  “If he was going to take her from you, Mason, he’d already have done it.” He lowered his hands. “No, I think Remy’s learned his lesson, and I think this’ll be good for both of them. It took a lot for him to realize that your sister is not responsible for your shortcomings. She’s been his demon for years, and now he’s got to face her. She’ll have to face him as well, to prove to you that she’s got what it takes to have the free will she desires.” He grinned. “No one said making the tough decisions would be easy.”

  Chuffing a laugh, Mason looked at Monroe with pity. “I’m glad I’m not you.”

  Monroe smiled. “And I’m glad I’m not you. I don’t have siblings.” His eyes gleamed wickedly. “If someone wants to fuck with me, they’ve gotta come at me head-on.”

  “Yeah,” Mason chided. “What about Eden and the kids?”

  All humor fled the dominant Walker. “I think if I had a sibling it’d spark my ire to have that sibling challenged, but make no mistake, messing with my Angel or my children would evoke a wrath I don’t think the devil himself would be equipped to handle.” He straightened his tie. “But this isn’t about them, and it’s not about me. It’s about your sister and her desire to become something more, to prove herself. Don’t let your ego make a decision that goes against your better judgment. That’s my advice.”

  Silence reigned a few moments before Mason finally leveled Monroe with hard green eyes. “I’ll let her stay on the team, but I want the authority to pull her out if things get to be too much.”

  Monroe smirked, waving his hand over his desk. “This isn’t prison. She can quit any time she wants.”

  “But if I say so?” Mason prodded, which earned him an outright devilish grin from Monroe.

  “Are you asking me if you can force Harlow off the team if you don’t like how things are going?”

  “Well, can I?” Mason demanded.

  “I don’t know,” Monroe drawled in challenge. “Can you?”

  Chapter 10

  Harlow’s bones rattled as she was shoved to the ground, and before she could get up, a boot in the center of her back forced her back down, hard. Her chin hit the dirt and she felt a sharp burn, knowing it was bleeding before she even saw the red pooling onto the ground.

  “HEY!” Someone yelled.

  At first, she thought it was her team lead, Josef, but it wasn’t. Strong hands hauled her from the ground and her vision swam. It took her a second to get her legs under her before she recognized Remy.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” His hands were on her, but his eyes were glaring over her shoulder.

  “Training.” Josef explained. “I was just about to stop it when you…”

  Remy cut him off. “It’s time for calisthenics, not combat training.”

  “It’s my fault,” Harlow offered. “I asked for a second crack at combat training before we started calisthenics. I’ve learned more the past few weeks. Thought I’d do better.”

  Remy frowned down at her. His looked shifted from her to Josef before he finally ground out, “My office! Now!”

  “I don’t know where,” she offered timidly, but stopped talking when he pointed.

  Following the direction, Harlow lifted a hand to cup her chin and stumbled her way toward the far end of the barracks, massaging her sore hip as she went. Behind her, she could hear Remy barking at her team. Great! Another reason for them to hate me!

  She entered the last silo, the one Remy had carried her to on her first day. Apparently, his barracks and office were one and the same. Today she was able to actually study the space, noting the different setup from her own barracks. This silo was split into two levels. The lower level she was on housed a cot and a dresser instead of a foot locker. There was a desk, but nothing personal to tell her if this was Remy’s space or not. She eyed the stairs, doubting she’d make it up. Her hip hurt from where David had tripped her with an ankle lock before Josef had even told them to begin. She’d hit the ground hard, and that’d only been the beginning of her troubles. Her jaw was aching, and she still held her hand cupped at her chin, feeling blood running down her arm from where it had pooled and spilled over.

  “You need to stop allowing them to kick your ass!” Remy bellowed as he strode angrily through the door, causing her to jump and spin to face him.

  Harlow gave a lady-like snort. “If I could do something about it, I would.”

  “I can!”

  “No” She reached out for Remy, evoking a wince at the pain the movement caused.

  “Damn it!” He had her up in his arms before she could even blink, then he was storming through the door, heading away from the barracks. “We’re going to the infirmary. I’m done letting you get pushed around to prove yourself. I…”

  “Put me down!” She commanded quietly, eyeing their surroundings for anyone watching. When Remy didn’t comply, she tried again. “Commander.” Her voice was soft, her tone imploring as her eyes quickly darted around. “If the guys think I’ve complained, or asked for protection…” she chewed her bottom lip, dropping her gaze.


  “Things’ll only get worse.”

  “Worse than this?” he boomed. “Look at you, Harlow! You can barely fucking move!”

  “I’m okay,” she lied. “Everyone’s lumped up from training. I’ve just got a few sore muscles is all. I’m a quick healer.”

  “No. You’re not! I kept you off the Walker team because I didn’t want any of them attempting to claim you, but these fucking humans are cowards!”

  Delicate brows knitted in confusion.

  “As of right now, you’re being reassigned to my Walker team.”

  “No way! They’ll think I asked to be reassigned; they’ll see it as a sign of weakness or a betrayal. Besides…”

  His ferocious growl silenced her. He stopped walking to lean in until his nose nearly touched hers. She could see his dark eyes sparking with fury. “And I don’t a give shit!” He carried her to one of the SUVs, placing her in the passenger seat before stalking around and getting in behind the wheel. The ride to the main estate house was silent, only broken when Remy glanced over at her before ripping his shirt over his head and handing it to her. “Here! Use this for your chin. Apply pressure.”

  She took the garment, pressing it to her face. It was hard not to notice the masculine scent wafting up to tickle her nose. He smelled like pine and earth, and something else that had a flutter of need stirring low.

  When he pulled up in front of the estate house, Harlow balked. “I can’t go in there.”

  “You’re going!” he barked, leaving the driver
’s seat to in front of the vehicle, opening her door to reach for her.

  “Wait! Please, Commander. If I go in, word’ll get back to Mason.”

  “Fuck Mason,” he growled and picked her up anyway. He carried her up the front steps, using a shoulder to open the door before taking a right in the lobby. Walking a short distance he kicked open two swinging doors leading down a long, sterile corridor. The hall smelled like a hospital, making Harlow cringe in utter dismay. It was official. She really was the worst soldier.

  “Get me Jenny,” Remy ordered one of the nurses as he carried Harlow into an exam room.

  “Is that Harlow?” the nurse asked.

  “Yes,” he snapped as he placed her on the bed. He paced to the door, stopping long enough to jab a finger in her direction. “Stay here!”

  “Remy!” She hopped off the bed, but her wobbly legs instantly gave out, and she would have crashed to the floor if Remy hadn’t lunged for her. He caught her before she went down, sweeping her back up into his arms, a low growl rumbling in his chest.

  “I’m gonna fucking kill him!” Instead of placing her back on the bed he sat with her on his lap.

  “N-no. It was just training.”

  He scented her pain, and it enraged him. He was going to kill the bastard she’d been fighting. Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, he glared down at her and his breath caught. She looked so damn vulnerable, so precious. Clear green eyes stared back at him from creamy, soft-looking skin. She was so small, light in his arms, and he couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt her. Her size, and the fact that she was still bleeding, called forth his protective instincts. How in the hell had Mason ever agreed to allow her to train for the tactical team? His voice was low when he spoke. “I’m pulling you from training…” When she opened her mouth to protest, he lifted a finger to her lips. “For the week,” he finished. “We’ll get you a suite and get you some rest. On Monday, I want to see you before you head back to your barracks.”

  “I already have a suite.”

  He nodded.

  “And Mason?”

  He sighed, knowing he was due for his meeting with Mason and Monroe on her progress. “I’ll deal with Mason.”

  “Okay.” She was relieved he’d deal with her brother, and that he wasn’t pulling her from training permanently. She wanted to protest the week off, but knew she had to pick her battles. “You aren’t going to say anything to the guys…are you?”

  Hell yes he was going to talk to the guys! “No,” he lied, and felt no guilt for it. His tension lightened as he felt her relax in his arms. “You don’t have to be so relieved.”

  “I just don’t want them thinking I’m some girl.”

  “You are a girl.”

  “No I’m not.” Her body went rigid in his arms. “I’m a very determined woman. You’d do well to remember it.”

  His gaze lowered to her chest. “Believe me, I am well aware.”

  When he looked up, his eyes had darkened. His finger, still lingering near her mouth, traced her bottom lip. When her tongue darted out to wet them, she inadvertently licked his finger, causing his gaze to jerk to her mouth, and she felt his chest rumble.

  “Knock, knock.” The door was pushed open and Dr. Jenny Arkinson, chipper as ever, waltzed in. “Uh, sorry to interrupt.” Her eyes shot to Harlow. “Back again? How’s the leg?”

  Harlow blushed to the roots of her hair.

  “Again?” Remy turned cold, accusing eyes on Harlow as they slid down to scan her legs.

  Jenny smiled at him, nodding as she snapped on exam gloves. “She was in just yesterday for that thigh injury. Someone needs to be watching her back out there. I swear, those guys are gunning for her.” Her smile faltered as she stared at an enraged Remy.

  “And before that?”

  “Stop it,” Harlow hissed at him. “My medical history is none of your business.”

  He turned on her with a frown. “You said you didn’t want to come in here because Mason would find out, but that wasn’t it, was it?” He looked at Jenny. “What else has she been in for?”

  “None. Of. Your. Business!” Harlow squirmed in his arms.

  “Joining my team is the reason you endure training isn’t it? Your medical history is very much my concern!” He turned his attention back to Jenny. “What else have you seen her for?”

  “Uhh,” Jenny looked from Harlow to Remy, “just routine care.”

  “And…” he prodded.

  “And a few injuries that are typical for the training she’s enduring.”

  “Such as?”

  When Jenny didn’t immediately respond, Remy growled, “I can pull her medical file or you can tell me what I want to know.”

  “What about doctor-patient confidentiality,” Harlow protested.

  “Doesn’t apply here.” He kept his gaze pinned on Jenny. “As the Commanding Officer assigned to trainees, I am within my rights to review all trainee medical records whenever I see fit.”

  Jenny sighed. “He’s right.”

  Harlow gritted her teeth as her anger swelled.

  “Well,” Jenny began, “in the past few weeks, I’ve seen her formally for a sprained wrist, a concussion, the cut to her thigh, and now this. Oh, and malnutrition.” Jenny turned to eye him curiously. “She said you’d sent her. Is everything okay?”

  Harlow watched his expression darken.

  “Cut?” He turned to scowl at her. “How in the hell did you get cut? We haven’t started weapons training.”

  She shook her head. He might be privileged to her medical history, but he had no right to her knowledge. She wouldn’t tell him anything.

  When she didn’t answer, he turned to Jenny. “How’d she get cut?”

  “She just said it happened in training. It was pretty bad. Needed nine stitches.”

  “And you said formally. Have you seen her informally?”

  “Hey!” Harlow shouted, “That’s not on the record; therefore, it’s none of your damn business!”

  “Is someone abusing her?” Jenny asked.

  Harlow’s gaze shot to the doctor. “No!”

  “YES!” Remy challenged. “What did you see her for informally, Jen? I need to know how much damage this prick has done.”

  Jenny’s face reddened. “My God, if I’d have known.” She shook her head “I should have.” Now she was looking at Harlow, eyes filled with accusation. “She should have told me…”

  “HEY! I’m sitting right here!”

  Ignoring Harlow, Remy cut off Jenny’s self-recrimination. “Jenny, what else has he done?”

  Jenny looked at Remy, her own face a mask of anger. “Her concussion was pretty bad. She came back a few times, dizzy. She said she’d tripped, but the crack on her skull wasn’t consistent with her story. I didn’t think she was being harmed, Remy, or I would have reported it myself. I’ve never known a Walker to intentionally…”

  “It isn’t a Walker doing it,” he cut in. Standing, he turned and placed Harlow on the med bed. “It’s a fucking dead man!” He exited the exam room without another word.

  Chapter 11

  “Dammit, Jenny!”

  “I’m sorry,” Jenny’s tone was anything but apologetic, “but if I’d known sooner, I’d have told Remy myself!” Her hands were shaking as she reached for a stethoscope before slamming it down on the stainless steel tray, spinning on Harlow. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! Do you know how damn incompetent this makes me look?”

  Harlow rolled her eyes and slowly reclined on the table with a low moan. She knew the drill. “You’re pissed because I’ve been getting my ass kicked and it’s making you look bad?” She snorted, then winced at the pain the action caused.

  “Damn it, Harlow!” Jenny stood over her, eyes shimmering. “I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of me. I just can’t believe you wouldn’t come to me. I thought we’d become friends.”

  “We had.” She sighed resignedly. “We are!”

  “Friends don’
t get the shit kicked out of them on a daily basis and not ask for help. I-I…” tears filled Jenny’s sad eyes, and Harlow suddenly felt guilty.

  “Jen.” She grabbed the doctor’s hand. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I should have come to you, I should have…” she didn’t get to finish. The door suddenly crashed open, and a furious Viking stood seething in the doorway.

  “What’s wrong?” He crossed to Jenny in an instant, pulling her into his arms.

  Jenny sniffed and continued to eye Harlow accusingly. “One of the asshole trainees has been abusing Harlow.”

  “Don’t!” Harlow shook her head as mortification seared her. Did doctor/patient confidentiality not exist at StoneCrow?

  “Who?” Bishop demanded, cupping his Angel’s cheek.

  Jenny turned her full attention on her Walker mate. “I don’t know, but he’s on the human team. Find him.” Her jaw clenched as she sucked back her tears and lifted her chin. “Hurt him!”

  Bishop’s hands caressed his Angel’s face and he gently brushed his lips across hers before stalking from the room.

  Anger lent strength as Harlow forced herself up off the table. “Why did you do that? You’re causing me more trouble! Do you know what he’ll do to retaliate?”

  “Harlow, stop!”

  “I can’t stay. I have to go stop Remy and that huge friggin’ guy you just sent out of here. By the way, nice respect of the Hippocratic oath there, Doc!” She was halfway to the door when she felt something pinch her shoulder. She turned quickly, but it was too late. The nurse, Stoney, stood frowning at Harlow with a syringe clamped in her fist.

  “Christ, Stoney!” Jenny rushed to pull the syringe from the nurse’s grip, gaping at it before shocked eyes locked on Harlow. “She’ll be out all day!”

  It was the only warning Harlow got before her legs melted like butter, and she slowly dropped to her knees as both Stoney and Jenny rushed her.


  Harlow woke to the sound of raised voices.


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