The Touchstone Trilogy
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Tare - A harsh, storm-wracked world settled by Muinan refugees. The highly technologically advanced inhabitants live crammed into massive whitestone cities.
Taren year - One third of an Earth year.
The Hidden War - A Taren entertainment based on the Setari.
Therouk Island - A food processing island, with a small residential portion.
Third level monitoring - Active observation of everything a subject sees and hears.
Thousand Cats, A - See Neil Gaiman's "Dream of a Thousand Cats" in the Sandman series.
Thredbo - An Australian ski resort.
Timesa - A food processing island, with a moderate residential portion.
tl;dr - Too long; didn't read.
Tola - A classification of Ionoth which have little physical substance.
Toolies - Adults preying on teenagers during Schoolies Week/pretending to be a Schoolie.
Touchstone - The subject of the story.
True-space - The world, not the Ena.
Tsa - An honorific which is the equivalent for Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss.
Tsaile - Commander.
Tsee - Setari Squad Captain.
Tsur - Director.
Tupal Rock - A small cluster of rocks which form the nearest island to Pandora.
Twig/twigged - Realise.
Tyu - A zither-like musical instrument.
Unara - The largest city on Tare, located on the island of Wehana.
Unco - Uncoordinated.
Unstable rotation - A rotation where the spaces are more likely to change and bring unexpected situations.
Wangst - Self-indulgent angst.
Wehana - The largest island on Tare, almost entirely covered by the city of Unara.
Wharra - One of the ships KOTIS uses to travel between Tare, Kolar and Muina.
Whitestone - A building substance formed with nanites.
Wuss - Wimp, coward.
Wut - What, with added incredulity.
Year 10 Formal - An end-of-year dress up dance held by schools in Australia.
Zarath - The nobility of Nuri
Zelkasse - A quarter of a kasse.
Character List – Setari (Original)
First Squad
Maze Surion (m)
Zee Annan (f)
Lohn Kettara (m)
Mara Senez (f)
Alay Gainer (f)
Ketzaren Spel (f)
Second Squad
Grif Regan (m)
Jeh Omai (f)
Nils Sayate (m)
Keer Charal (m)
Enma Dolan (f)
Bree Tcho (f)
Third Squad
Meer Taarel (f)
Della Meht (f)
Eeli Bata (f)
Tol Sefen (m)
Geo Chise (m)
Rite Orla (f)
Fourth Squad
Kaoren Ruuel (m)
Fiar Sonn (f)
Par Auron (m)
Glade Ferus (m)
Charan Halla (f)
Mori Eyse (f)
Fifth Squad
Hast Kajal (m)
Dorey Nise (m)
Faver Elwes (f)
Kire Palanty (m)
Tralest Seet (m)
Seyen Rax (m)
Sixth Squad
Elen Kormin (f)
Sten Ammas (m)
Juna Quane (m)
Del Roth (m)
Meleed Aluk (f)
Kester Am-roten (m)
Seventh Squad
Atara Forel (f)
Pol Tsennen (m)
Tez Mema (m)
Bodey Residen (m)
Aheri Dahlen (f)
Saitel Raph (m)
Eighth Squad
Ro Kanato (m)
Pala Hasen (f)
Seeli Henaz (f)
Zhou Kade (m)
Kye Trouban (m)
Zama Bryze (m)
Ninth Squad
Desa Kaeline (f)
Zael Toure (f)
Rebar Dolas (m)
Oran Thomasal (m)
Kahl Anya (f)
Terel Revv (m)
Tenth Squad
Els Haral (m)
Loris Darm (f)
Sell Tens (f)
Joren Mane (f)
Fahr Sherun (m)
Netra Kantan (m)
Eleventh Squad
Seq Endaran (f)
Kire Couran (f)
Yaleran Genera (m)
Palest Wen (m)
Zare Seeth (m)
Den Dava (m)
Twelfth Squad
Zan Namara (f)
Roake Lenton (m)
Dess Charn (f)
Sora Nels (m)
Tenna Drysen (m)
Tahl Kiste (m)
Character List – Setari (Later)
First Squad
Maze Surion (m)
Zee Annan (f)
Lohn Kettara (m)
Mara Senez (f)
Alay Gainer (f)
Ketzaren Spel (f)
Kian Farn (m)
Az Norivan (f)
Second Squad
Grif Regan (m)
Jeh Omai (f)
Nils Sayate (m)
Keer Charal (m)
Enma Dolan (f)
Bree Tcho (f)
Trill Nala (f)
Somal Joen (m)
Third Squad
Meer Taarel (f)
Della Meht (f)
Eeli Bata (f)
Tol Sefen (m)
Geo Chise (m)
Rite Orla (f)
Shin Morel (m)
Elory Tedar (f)
Fourth Squad
Kaoren Ruuel (m)
Fiar Sonn (f)
Par Auron (m)
Glade Ferus (m)
Charan Halla (f)
Mori Eyse (f)
Rada Dae (m)
Sael Toren (m)
Fifth Squad
Hast Kajal (m)
Dorey Nise (m)
Faver Elwes (f)
Kire Palanty (m)
Tralest Seet (m)
Seyen Rax (m)
Forrez Wen (f)
Tyne Upzor (m)
Sixth Squad
Elen Kormin (f)
Est Jorion (f)
Juna Quane (m)
Del Roth (m)
Meleed Aluk (f)
Kester Am-roten (m)
Ture Melodez (f)
Sade Seeny (f)
Seventh Squad
Atara Forel (f)
Pol Tsennen (m)
Tez Mema (m)
Bodey Residen (m)
Aheri Dahlen (f)
Saitel Raph (m)
Kahl Anya (f)
Hea Keth (m)
Eighth Squad
Ro Kanato (m)
Pala Hasen (f)
Seeli Henaz (f)
Zhou Kade (m)
Kye Trouban (m)
Zama Bryze (m)
Terel Revv (m)
Wyrum Zak (m)
Ninth Squad
Desa Kaeline (f)
Zael Toure (f)
Rebar Dolas (m)
Oran Thomasal (m)
Moraty Less (m)
Dyru Keszaden (f)
Tath Ba-Raften (m)
Olena Kyru (f)
Tenth Squad
Els Haral (m)
Loris Darm (f)
Sell Tens (f)
Joren Mane (f)
Fahr Sherun (m)
Netra Kantan (m)
Treeku Wize (m)
Kivel Nu (m)
Eleventh Squad
Seq Endaran (f)
Kire Couran (f)
Yaleran Genera (m)
Palest Wen (m)
Zare Seeth (m)
Den Dava (m)
Marine Kasaty (m)
Velven Arava (m)
Twelfth Squad
Zan Namara (f)
Roake Lenton (m)
Dess Charn (f)
Sora Nels (m)
Tenna Drysen (m)
Tahl Kiste (m)
Sare El
ehy-Ahl (f)
Dunare Rial (f)
Thirteenth Squad
Teer Alare (m)
Tekly Roth (f)
Elsen Dry (f)
Next Urally (m)
Rail Sorela (m)
Paza Lagden (m)
*not assigned Kalrani
Fourteenth Squad
Kin Lara (m)
Pen Alaz (f)
Greve Sanya (f)
Taree Jax (f)
Parally Goff (m)
Rish Udara (f)
*not assigned Kalrani
Kolar's Squad One
Raiten Shaf (m)
Arad Nalaz (m)
Meral Katzyen (f)
Laram Diav (f)
Dell Taranza (f)
Korali Aerieword (m)
Squad Two
Taska Ayle (f)
Integel Fel-Argen (m)
Roka Deslenkar (f)
Mete Arby (f)
Saleek Argule (m)
Hearan Brookend (f)
Squad Three
Arat Turian (f)
Doar Noran (m)
Tana Brez (f)
Kasan Olan (f)
Dree Mittaha (f)
Ness Tuse (f)
Nuran Setari
Inisar (m)
Korinal (f)
Serray (m)
Orial (f)
Mila (f)
Trelasetar (m)
Jaselasker (m)
Selreven (f)
Otarien (m)
Character List - Other
Alyssa Caldwell (f) - Cassandra's best friend.
Arden Ruuel (m) - Kaoren Ruuel's older brother. An artist and former Kalrani.
Barl Miks (m) - KOTIS security detail at Pandora.
Cassandra Devlin (f) - An Aussie teenager not enjoying her big adventure.
Cham Anore (m) - Taren Setari and member of the original First Squad, killed by massive.
Clere Ganaran (m) - KOTIS liaison.
Dase Canlan (m) - A junior KOTIS archaeologist.
Deen Tarmian (f) - KOTIS liaison.
Denasan (m) - A Solarian stray advising at Pandora.
Durenatar (m) - Sentarestel's father.
Elemnar (f) - A Nuran Setari. Sight Sight talent.
Elless Royara (f) - KOTIS technician.
Elizabeth (Bet) Wilson (f) - Cassandra's aunt.
Evva Nozen (f) - KOTIS security detail at Pandora.
Far Dara (m) - A warehouse keeper.
Fiionarestel (f) - A murdered Nuran Sight Sight talent. Her daughter is Sentarestel.
Hedar Dayn (m) - Kalrani Ena manipulation talent.
Hadla Esem (m) - KOTIS security detail.
Helen Middledell (f) - aka Her Mightiness or HM. A well-off and popular girl who goes to Agowla School.
Helese Surion (f) - Original First Squad captain, killed by a massive.
Intena Jun (f) - Former KOTIS publicity officer.
Iskel Teretha (m) - Administrative person in charge of the KOTIS research facility Kaszandra on Kalasa's island.
Islen Lap Dolan (m) - Senior KOTIS botanist.
Islen Lothen Ormeral (m) - KOTIS archaeologist.
Islen Merle Nakano (f) - Senior KOTIS animal expert.
Islen Rel Duffen (f) - Senior KOTIS archaeologist.
Islen Rale Tezart (m) - Senior KOTIS 'psychic technology' expert.
Ista Tel Chemie (f) - KOTIS medic assigned to Setari.
Ista Del Temen (f) - KOTIS medic assigned to Pandora.
Ista Kestal Leema (f) - KOTIS medic assigned to Pandora.
Ista Noin Tremmar (f) - KOTIS medic assigned to Setari.
Isten Sel Notra (f) - Pre-eminent scientist researching the Ena.
Jelan Scal (m) - 'Psychic technology' scientist.
Jenna Wilson (f) - A friend of Cassandra's in Sydney.
Jorly Kennez (f) - The first Setari to die on duty.
Julian (Jules) Devlin (m) - Cassandra's younger brother.
Karasayen (f) - A Nuran orphan of remorseless perspicacity.
Katha Rade (f) - A junior KOTIS archaeologist.
Keeri Nell (f) - KOTIS security detail at Pandora.
Kess Anasi (m) - Kalrani Ena manipulation talent.
Ketta Lents (f) - Wife of Orren Lents – stockbroker.
Kimirenar (m) - Head of the Nuran House Renar.
Kinear Rote (m) - Kalrani Ena manipulation talent, one of twins.
Kisikar Sorn (m) - Taren Setari and member of the original First Squad, retired.
Laura Devlin (f) - Cassandra's mother.
Leam Marda (m) - Unara Transport Department official.
Liane Lents (f) - Daughter of Orren and Ketta Lents.
Lianzrenar (m) - Nuran orphan of House Renar.
Liranadestar (f) - An earlier touchstone.
Mede Orra (f) - Taren Setari and member of the original First Squad, killed by massive.
Michael Devlin (m) - Cassandra's father.
Naranezolen (m) - Head of House Zolen.
Nenna Lents (f) - Daughter of Orren and Ketta Lents.
Nick Dale (m) - Sue Dale's stepson.
Noriko Yamada (f) - A friend of Cassandra's from Agowla.
Nona Maersk (f) - Aide to the Lahanti of Unara.
Palan Leoda (f) - Wednesday Addams, junior reporter.
Paran Ruuel (m) - Kaoren Ruuel's father. A mathematician.
Peresadestar (m) - Head of House Destar, ruling family of Nuriath.
Perrin Drake (m) - KOTIS security detail – weapons trainer.
Purda (f) - A Solarian stray advising at Pandora.
Roke Hetz (m) - KOTIS security detail.
Rye (m) - A Nuran orphan, formerly belonging to House Renar.
Se-Ahn Surat (f) - An actress who plays Caszandra Devlin on The Hidden War.
Sebreth Tanay (f) - Lahanti (mayor) of Unara.
Senere Amallay (m) - Taren Setari and member of the original Second Squad, killed by massive.
Sentarestel (f) - A Nuran orphan, given to the care of House Renar, and the daily care of Ys and Rye.
Shon Notra (m) - Grandson of Istsen Notra.
Siame Ruuel (f) - Kaoren Ruuel's younger sister. A Kalrani.
Sue Dale (f) - Cassandra's Aunt.
Suzlein Dor (m) - Taren Setari and member of the original First Squad, killed by massive.
Teor Ruuel (f) - Kaoren Ruuel's mother. A sculptor.
Torenaltelasker (m) - One of the potential heirs of House Telasker, the ruling house of Nuri.
Truss Estey (f) - Administrator in charge of the Pandoran talent school.
Tsa Orren Lents (m) - An anthropologist working part-time with KOTIS.
Tsaile Nura Staben (f) - Overarching Commander of Muina settlement forces.
Tsana Dura (f) - A teaching program.
Tsana Ridel (m) - A teaching program.
Tsel Onara (f) - Captain of the Diodel.
Tsen Neen Helada (f) - KOTIS officer in charge of the Arenrhon site.
Tsen Rote Sloe (m) - KOTIS officer in charge of Kalasa site.
Tsur Gidds Selkie (m) - Senior coordinator and trainer of Setari. Sight Sight talent.
Voiz Euka (m) - A KOTIS technician who created an Earth clock and calendar.
Ys (f) - A Nuran orphan, formerly belonging to House Renar.
Zelekodar (f) - A Nuran orphan.
Thank you for reading
The Touchstone Trilogy
For information about
other books by
Andrea K Höst
Table of Contents
Author's Note
Stray Description
Lab Rat One Description
Caszandra Description
November Again
Character List – Setari (Original)
Character List – Setari (Later)
Character List - Other