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The Cauldron of Fear

Page 13

by Joe Dever

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 101.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 64.


  The Doomwolves howl and their Giak riders cackle with glee as they hurl themselves upon you. You lash out at a grey-skinned rider, cleaving his grinning head in two, and swinging your arm back just in time to dispatch a Doomwolf that is leaping towards your face. All around you the snarl and screech and press of bodies threaten to overwhelm your senses, but you are a Kai Master and in the heat of battle your nerve is ice cool. Grimly you fight with a speed and skill that leaves a dozen dead in as many blows. But you do not fight alone. Banedon rears into view, flashes of flame spurting from his fingers with a crack, like a whip, that echoes above the din of combat. Then another wave of wolf-riders appears. They charge into the fray, driving a wedge between you and your companion. A black sword cuts the air less than an inch from your scalp, but you deal its wielder a fatal blow before he can strike a second time. He falls, yet his Doomwolf mount leaps up and clings to your horse, its claws buried in the saddle leather, its foaming jaws snapping at your throat. You must dispatch this beast quickly before it drags you both to the ground.


  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight.

  If you win and the fight lasts three rounds or less, turn to 306.

  If you win and the fight lasts longer than three rounds, turn to 148.


  This tree-lined avenue leads to a large public garden called the Rainbow Park, so named because of the vast number of rare and colourful flowers that grow there. The park itself has been turned into an army encampment for those Anarians who have answered the President's desperate plea for defenders. Their banners, lit by the glow of a hundred campfires, hang above the tents that cover the lush lawns. A couple of soldiers, armed with two-handed broadswords, which they rest across their shoulders, stand guard at the park gates.

  If you wish to ask them if they know where Chiban the Magician lives, turn to 17.

  If you wish to continue along Rainbow Lane without stopping, turn to 288.


  With half your equipment discarded you are able to claw your way up through the black water. Finally you reach the surface, coughing and gasping for air. At first the incredible coldness stunned your senses, but now it revives them, spurring you to swim towards the distant shore that gleams faintly in the dim half-light.

  Aching and numb to the bone, you heave yourself out of the lake and collapse on the flat, spongy rocks that line the shore.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 298.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 41.


  You approach the twitching body of the dead sky-snake, your weapon held ready in case it should suddenly rear up and strike again. With grim fascination you inspect its venomous fangs and shiny green coils; you shudder when you think of how close you came to death.

  Already a brace of plains vultures are circling overhead, waiting to feast on the creature's carcass. You mount your horse and follow Banedon as he retraces the route back to the highway. You are now hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 318.


  Crouching in the shadows beneath the staircase, you look to the end of a torchlit corridor, where a soldier stands guard at a pair of solid iron gates. ‘Your weapons and equipment are on the other side of that gate, my friend,’ whispers Sogh. ‘It's the tower strongroom, although it's not as strong as they'd like to think. They caught me inside once, but they never found out how I managed to get in. There's a secret passage that leads through the wall to the stables outside. If we can get past that guard and into the strongroom, you can get your equipment back, I can get what I came here for, and we can both get out through the stables.’

  ‘But what about my friend?’ you reply, worried about Banedon's safety.

  ‘He's not here. I overheard the guards say they were taking him to the Eastgate Barracks. I'd worry about his neck after you've saved your own if I were you.’

  You stare at the guard, a plan slowly forming in your mind. ‘Give me that purse of silver,’ you say, holding out your hand.

  ‘Now, wait a minute, I … ’ replies Sogh, in a fluster.

  ‘Don't argue,’ you retort. ‘You'll get it back. I just need the right sort of bait to hook us this fish.’

  Reluctantly he hands over the purse. Silently you leave the shadows and creep along the corridor, taking care to avoid the pools of flickering torchlight. When you are within ten feet of the guard, you begin to lay a trail of silver Lune all the way back to the staircase. The guard notices the glint of silver and cannot resist the temptation; he leaves his post to collect the coins. You wait tensely, sword in hand, as he approaches slowly. He is within a few feet of your hiding place when suddenly he sees you and begins to shout for help.

  You must act quickly or his cries will summon every guard in the tower.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge and have reached the rank of Principalin, turn to 84.

  If you wish to attack him with your sword, turn to 3.

  If you wish to throw your dagger at him, turn to 215.


  Further along the battlements a group of determined Giak soldiers have climbed the wall, using a scaling ladder. Leading their attack is a large scaly Gourgaz, who wields a two-handed axe with devastating effect. It cuts a gruesome path through the Anarian defenders and launches itself at you.


  This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  If you win the combat, turn to 303.


  You walk along the narrow, cobblestoned street, taking care to avoid passing too close to windows and doorways, where the glare of firelight is brightest. The city is in a sullen mood. With their women and children safe in the south, the soldiers and citizens busy themselves with preparations for the battle that is imminent. Heavy steps and the clank of weapons echo along the street as a troop of Slovian mercenaries march by, with scarlet- and black-striped shields on their arms, and polished halberds resting on their mailed shoulders. You follow as they march towards a building in the distance, where their officer orders them to halt and fall out. Most of the soldiers then enter the building, but two remain outside to talk and share a pipe of Lourden tobacco. A sign fixed to the building says:


  If you wish to question the mercenaries about Banedon, turn to 189.

  If you wish to try to enter the barracks unnoticed, turn to 68.

  If you decide to continue walking along Eastwall Lane, turn to 284.


  Deprived of your sight as you descend into the Stygian void, your Kai perception compensates by becoming more sensitive and more acute. An image forms in your mind of the events taking place around the Cauldron. You see the winch and the faces of the Senate guards, who are feeding the rope that supports your cradle. They are joined by another, who has come to help with their task. He takes his place at the lip of the shaft and grips the rope, but hidden in his hand is a razor-sharp blade! Your throat tightens with fear as you picture the gloating face of Senator Chil.

  Turn to 53.


  Like most southern Anarian peasants, these farm hands are simple folk. They have heard nothing of the war in the north, and know nothing about the Darkland armies that are poised to assault their capital. All they are able to tell you is that a great many wagons carrying ‘Takas’, or rich city folk, have travelled the road to Navasari in the last ten days.

  They would be happy to share their humble meal of corn soup with you, but the smell of their dung fire has destroyed your appetite and you refuse their offer politely. Banedon, who has been talking with the owner of the house, returns to his horse
and nods at the signpost. ‘It's pointing the wrong way. A few days ago one of the Takas' wagons ran into it and nobody has bothered to fix it yet.’

  With a wave, the farm hands bid you farewell as you urge your horses back onto the highway. You are now hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 318.


  The mercenaries demand ten Lune in advance before they even hear your question. (Gold Crowns may not be used in lieu of Lune in this instance.)

  If you have this sum and wish to pay it, do so and turn to 19.

  If you do not have ten Lune or do not wish to pay them this amount, you either try to enter the barracks unseen; turn to 68.

  Or leave the barracks and walk back along Eastgate Lane; turn to 278.


  The ghouls clamber up the rocky base of the steps and hurl themselves into the hollow with fanatical zeal. They are all unarmed, but their claw-tipped fingers are as sharp and as deadly as knives.


  If you wield the Sommerswerd in this combat, you may double these undead creatures' ENDURANCE point loss.

  If you win the combat, turn to 147.


  The commander narrows his eyes. ‘Bah!’ he snorts. ‘Let 'em enter. We need all the men we can get. Their blood's as good as any that'll be spilled in the defence of this city.’

  You cast a glance at Banedon and smile as he wipes a bead of sweat from his brow.

  Turn to 113.


  ‘I seek the Lorestone of Tahou,’ you reply, boldly. ‘I am the Kai Lord, Lone Wolf, and I quest for the wisdom of Nyxator, that I may vanquish the spawn of his enemies and save my people from destruction.’

  Her harsh gaze softens as your proud words fill the chamber with resonant echoes. You sense a sadness within her, but she replies with words of joy that form in your mind. Your quest will be fulfilled, as it was by your sire many centuries ago. We have waited long for your coming, Skarn, and we will fulfil our duty to Him who gave us life.

  She opens the great platinum doors and beckons you to follow her.

  Turn to 200.


  The highway twists like a restless snake as you gallop headlong through the darkening Tahou Hills. The unholy baying of the Doomwolves draws steadily closer as you fight desperately to keep your tired horses ahead of the ravening pack. Three miles from the watchtower settlement, the fastest pack members draw level with you as you race along a dry watercourse. Their eyes and fangs glint evilly in the moonlight as they cut across your path, forcing you to stand and fight.

  Turn to 244.


  Relentlessly the enemy pour their fire upon the north and west city walls, until the black sky above Tahou takes on a vivid scarlet glow. The defenders look to their weapons uneasily and pray that the gods are with them, at least until dawn. And when the first rays of dawn light show above the eastern hills, no mists enshroud the armies of Darklord Gnaag — they are massed in all their glory, awaiting the order to attack. You cast your eye across this sea of doom and mark the many regiments of evil that are ranged against the walls of Tahou.

  The armoured legions of Vassagonia are the first to advance, moving in ordered columns towards the West Gate. At their head walks a figure sheathed in gold around whom a cold blue fire glows intensely. He strides within range of the city archers and they send a cloud of arrows to greet him, but these shatter and crackle when they encounter his impregnable glowing shield. He crosses the siege bridge and halts before the West Gate. In his hand is an orb of black metal. He holds it before him and mouths an incantation. Instantly a bolt of scarlet flame lances from the orb, destroying the great doors with a thunderous boom. Proudly he strides into the city and the defenders melt before him. One summons enough courage to attack him with a spear. There is a crackling flash and in an instant the soldier is transformed into a pile of glowing ash.

  Illustration XV—A Defender attacks him, driving his spear through the cold blue flames.

  He advances unchecked and undaunted by all attacks, for they cannot penetrate his magical shield. Only when he comes face to face with you does he stop.

  ‘I have come for you, Lone Wolf,’ he says, a cruel smile on his lips. You gaze into the ice-cold eyes of Zakhan Kimah, ruler of Vassagonia. As he raises his orb of black metal, you steel yourself for the battle that is about to commence.

  If you have the Sommerswerd, turn to 48.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 210.


  Sogh looks at you sheepishly as you search the dead guards. ‘I'm no fighter,’ he says, apologizing for his cowardly behaviour. ‘I've no stomach for it.’ He grimaces at the sight of the bloodstained bodies but manages to overcome his squeamishness when he spies a gold ring and a full purse on one of them.

  Your search reveals four useful items:

  2 Swords

  1 Dagger

  1 Iron Key

  You let Sogh keep the ring and the purse, and hand him one of the swords, which he is reluctant to accept. The other three items you keep (mark them on your Action Chart).

  After hiding the bodies, you follow Sogh as he leads you through the chambers and corridors of the South Gatehouse tower. Twice you are almost discovered, but your Kai skills, and Sogh's thief-like agility, save you both from further confrontation until you reach the ground floor of the tower.

  Turn to 248.


  In a split second you counter his attack with a savage swipe that shears his arm off at the elbow. Arm and dagger fall to the table and the soldier collapses screaming to the floor. His comrade kicks back his bench and steps away as he fumbles for his sword. With a drunken yell, he unsheathes the blade and leaps forward in a reckless attack.

  Drunken Mercenary: COMBAT SKILL 15 ENDURANCE 26

  If you wish to evade combat, turn to 328.

  If you stay and win the combat, turn to 170.


  You may drop either a coin (a Gold Crown or a Lune), a Special Item, a Backpack Item, or a Weapon. When you have decided which of your possessions you are willing to risk, erase it from your Action Chart.

  Turn to 280.


  Your psychic Magnakai sense warns you of imminent danger if you take the track to the left.

  If you wish to investigate the danger, turn to 45.

  If you choose to heed your Magnakai sense and take the track to the right, turn to 63.


  Your skin prickles when you see the old man mouth your name, for his words sound in your head as if he were standing next to you and whispering them in your ear. ‘Come hither, Lone Wolf,’ he breathes. ‘Your purpose here is known to me. I, Gwynian of Varetta, will aid your quest.’

  Your immediate reaction is to turn and flee, but your Kai senses reveal that this man speaks the truth; he can help you find the Lorestone of Tahou.

  Drawn by his command and your own curiosity, you climb the steps of the Magistrates' Court and follow him into his private chambers. There he explains how he has learned of your identity and purpose.

  Turn to 76.


  In the pitch blackness you fail to see a false section of the stair which conceals a shallow hole. As you tread on the false step, it collapses, and your foot sinks into the hole to become ensnared among a mass of hooks. Their barbed tips hold you trapped, for you dare not withdraw your foot quickly in case you rip your leg to shreds: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 307.


  Including the broth, which smells awful, there is very little of use or value in the hut. You discover the following articles, all of which are Backpack Items:





  You may keep any or all of these items, but remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly. You about to leave when you notice a trapdoor set into the floor near th
e fireplace.

  If you wish to open the trapdoor, turn to 154.

  If you choose to ignore it and continue your trek to Tahou, turn to 123.

  [13] The Lantern is designed to be self-lighting. You will not need a Tinderbox or any other means of creating a flame to light it.


  You raise your hood and wrap yourself in your Kai cloak to minimize the risk of being cut by broken glass. Leaping feet-first, you escape through the window with only a few minor scratches (lose 1 ENDURANCE point), but the glass shatters with such a terrific crash that it alerts the soldiers on guard at the side door. They surround the carriage and arrest the driver, forcing you to abandon your hopes of escaping that way.

  Turn to 39.


  The sergeant-at-arms orders his men to surround and disarm you both. Sogh immediately drops to his knee and begs for mercy; he blames you for everything, saying that you released him and forced him to accompany you against his will. ‘Silence, weevil! You'll get your chance to tell your tale to the Chief Magistrate. Maybe he'll believe you … ’ growls the sergeant before casting an angry glance at the dead soldier, ‘and maybe he won't.’

  You are led back to your cell and four burly armed guards are placed outside the door with orders to shoot to kill if you should attempt another escape.


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