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Need Me (Coopers Creek Book 4)

Page 3

by Bronwen Evans

  * * *

  Brooke took his arm and said, “We shall.”

  She was surprised when he walked her around to the passenger side of his SUV and opened the door for her. She’d had to prompt the last schmuck she’d gone out with to act like a gentleman. Not so with Robert. Not only did he open the door for her, he even handed her into the car like men had in olden days.

  As he walked around in front of the car on his way to the driver’s side, she admired the suave, distinguished picture he made in the tailored suit. It showed off his broad shoulders and trim waist and brought out his eyes. The man is too delicious. I can’t figure out why he’s still single.

  Robert got behind the wheel and reached across her. Brooke’s eyes widened and her pulse quickened because she thought that he was going to kiss her. His suit jacket brushed her shoulder and his spicy aftershave titillated her senses. In a moment, he pulled back and clicked her seatbelt into place.

  “Safety first.”

  Following the way his lips moved when he smiled, Brooke wondered how a man could make such an ordinary statement seem seductive. Maybe it was the appreciation in his eyes or the slightly deeper timber to his voice. She didn’t know, but Brooke wouldn’t have objected if he had kissed her right then.

  However, he turned to grab his own seatbelt and Brooke took a tiny breath to calm herself. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” As he backed out of her driveway onto the street, he said, “I’m sorry about the way it smells in here.”

  Brooke looked around the spotless interior and sniffed. “What do you mean? It smells nice.”

  “Oh, good. I just cleaned it. I haul a lot of animals around, so it gets a little—” He broke off and pursed his lips for a moment. “Sorry. You don’t want to hear about pet odors. So, how’s Dr. Danforth today?”

  Brooke rolled her eyes. “Same as always. I swear, that man lives just to annoy the shit out of me. It’s not just the chart problem, he’s disrespectful towards the nurses. Acts like we’re beneath him, you know? Unfortunately, a lot of doctors still think that way.”

  Robert nodded and took a right onto the highway. “Yeah. Kate’s just the opposite. She treats our techs like gold because they free up so much of her time. Doctors should worship nurses because they do so many of the things that doctors don’t or won’t. And some nurses know just as much as doctors do just because they have so much on the job experience. I’m glad you got that promotion. You deserved it.”

  His insights were refreshing. “Do you know something?”


  “You’re one of the few people I know who’s made that statement,” she replied.

  “Which statement?”

  “About nurses having just as much knowledge as doctors.”

  Robert glanced at her. “Really?”

  “Really,” Brooke confirmed. “A lot of society still sees us as women in starched uniforms, emptying bedpans and taking temperatures. They don’t have a problem with women doctors, but people still think that it’s weird for a man to be a nurse.”

  Robert shook his head. “People place too much importance on gender roles. I mean, look at me. Before meeting Kate, I was a personal assistant to a couple bosses. It’s not traditional for men to be secretaries, and I’ve been made fun of. So, I can imagine what male nurses must go through.”

  “No one should make fun of you for that,” Brooke said. “You’re obviously very good at it. Kate always says that she wouldn’t know what she’d do without you.”

  “Damn straight. She’d better say that. I’ve always worked hard to make myself indispensable,” he said. “I love working with Kate and I don’t have any big aspirations. If we run that practice together until we retire, that’ll be just fine with me. I love the animals and the other employees are cool to work with, for the most part. I’m perfectly content where I am. It leaves me time to be part of the mountain rescue team too.”

  The uncertain look he cast her way puzzled Brooke. “Being happy in your work is great. I feel the same way. I thought about going to medical school when I was younger, but I like being a nurse too much. I love being in the ER, too. Sure, it’s stressful and some of the nurses and doctors are aggravating, but I love helping people. I’m not worried about climbing any ladders, either.”

  Relief flickered across his features, making Brooke even more curious. However, she didn’t comment on it, instead steering the conversation to their mutual friends. Brooke’s best friend since forever, Emily married her childhood friend Tyler, the rich investment banker. Brooke already knew Ric, Emily’s older brother who had the good sense to marry Kate, Rob’s boss.

  Tyler, Ric, Chase, Emily and Brooke all grew up in Coopers Creek. The shared history gave her plenty of stories to tell Robert about his boss’s husband Ric.

  They spent the remainder of the ride to the restaurant laughing about the way Chase drove Anna crazy with all his hovering, and how Tyler still hated his niece Hayley’s biological father, Simon Bodine. Simon had never been around while Hayley was growing up. Tyler’s sister died shortly after Hayley was born, and when Hayley’s grandmother died Tyler ended up becoming Hayley’s guardian. The fact Hayley’s father, Simon, had suddenly returned to Coopers Creek didn’t sit well with the millionaire investment banker. Why now?

  When they arrived at Easterman’s, a sophisticated establishment that combined fine cuisine with dancing, Robert once again treated her like a perfect gentleman. He helped her out of the car, gave the keys to the valet, and escorted her inside like the hero in a Victorian novel.

  A hostess led them to a cozy little booth that was partially hidden from others by pretty screens. Robert motioned for Brooke to slide in first and then joined her as the hostess gave them menus.

  When she left, Brooke said, “I’ve never been here before. Have you?”

  * * *

  Robert slid a little closer to her. “No, but I’ve heard that it’s a great place.”

  A piano played softly, providing romantic background music. Candles burned on the tables and the lighting was dimmed, adding an intimate ambiance.

  “I asked Emily if she knew whether you’d ever come here. I was glad when she said you hadn’t.”

  Brooke stopped reading her menu to look at him. “Why?”

  Ignoring the way his stomach tightened, he replied, “Because I thought it would be nice to share something new together.”

  The delighted smile that curved her mouth and made her eyes light up mesmerized him. “That’s the sweetest thing a man has said to me in a long time.”

  Be cool, be cool. “Well, I mean it. Would you like some wine?”

  “I’d love some.”

  Robert’s nerves settled down as they ordered dinner and talked. They discussed a wide variety of topics, but especially cats, which surprised Robert. Brooke might call her cat a monster, but he saw how much she loved Buster.

  She asked him for advice about a couple of things, but it wasn’t as though they were having a clinical discussion. The way Brooke made eye contact and her eager responses told Robert that she was genuinely interested. He decided to let her guide the conversation to keep it that way.

  They were halfway done with their meal when her cellphone went off. It was low, but Robert could hear what sounded like an ambulance siren.

  “Oh, damn,” Brooke said softly. Her eyes filled with regret. “There’s an emergency at the hospital. I’m sorry.”

  Although deeply disappointed, Robert said, “It’s okay. Go ahead and answer.”

  Brooke tapped the answer button. “Hi, this is Brooke.” As she listened, her eyes widened and she dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “I’ll be there just as soon as I can. I’m about a half hour away. Right. Okay, bye.”

  Robert had caught the urgency in her voice and he flagged down their waiter. “We need our check right away. We have an emergency.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  The waiter hurried off. Robert slid out of the booth and helpe
d Brooke out.

  “I’m so sorry about this,” she said.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Twenty-two car pile-up on the east bound lane of the highway closest to Cooper’s Creek,” she said.

  “Shit.” Instant concern for those involved in the accident rose in Robert. “We can’t go home that way then, but I know a back way.”

  The waiter brought their check. Robert quickly paid the bill and they left. Even though they were in a hurry, he still opened the car door for Brooke.

  Getting in, he said, “Buckle up really good. Things are gonna get bumpy.”

  * * *

  Brooke hung on for dear life as Robert sped along the rutted dirt road. She didn’t know where they were, but Robert drove with complete confidence. It looked like it was a million miles from civilization because there were no houses along the way.

  He put his hand on the console between the seats and flipped a switch on it. “Hold on. This is going to get pretty crazy, but it’ll be all right. Just don’t grab me or shout, okay?”

  Heart thumping in her chest, Brooke said, “Okay,” and prayed that he knew what he was doing.

  He downshifted, bore to the left, and stomped on the gas. Brooke barely refrained from screaming as they started up a steep incline at what seemed like a hundred miles an hour. Robert shifted again and soon they reached the summit.

  Brooke let out a huge breath of relief until they started going downhill again. She closed her eyes and tried not to panic. It felt like they were on a roller coaster. Her stomach dropped, making her nauseous.

  “Brooke, don’t worry. I got this. Nothing is going to happen, honey. You can open your eyes.”

  Brooke instantly looked at him. “Why are you looking at me? Watch the damn road, Robert!” The dashboard lights revealed his poorly hidden grin. “Don’t you dare laugh at me.”

  “I’m sorry, but you looked so cute with your eyes closed, hanging on like that.” His voice was thick with laughter. “I come out here to climb a lot, so I know the road by heart. We’re through the worst of it.”

  Even as he said it, the road leveled off and smoothed out. Brooke’s heartbeat slowed and she relaxed. “I’m so sorry I snapped at you like that.”

  He snorted and then broke into loud laughter. Brooke wasn’t the kind of person who took herself too seriously. The humor of the moment got to her and she laughed with him.

  “I think we just had our first argument,” Robert said when he could talk again. “Watch the damn road, Robert!” he mimicked.

  Brooke hit his arm and they were off on another laughing jag. By the time Robert pulled into her driveway, her stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

  When he helped her out of his car, she smiled up at him. “Well, that was an interesting first date.”

  His right eyebrow lifted. “First date?”

  She gave him a playful look. “You didn’t think you were going to get away with only half a date, did you? I still haven’t forgiven you.”

  “Oh, no. I know I’m still on the hook, but I’m not in any hurry to be released.”

  Brooke put her hands on his chest and leaned into him. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  Awareness sprang between them as he cupped the back of her head and lowered his lips to hers. The teasing way he brushed his mouth over hers sent a tingle down her spine. Rising on her toes a little, she brought their lips in firmer contact. His other arm came around her waist and pulled her against him as he coaxed her lips apart.

  She granted him entry and was treated to the kind of kiss she’d never experienced before. His leisurely exploration of her mouth and the slow strokes of his tongue against hers made her wish that it wouldn’t end. However, too soon, he gradually ended the kiss.

  Gazing into his heat-filled eyes, Brooke felt a little shaky. Realizing that she’d bunched her fingers in the lapels of his suit, she let the material slide from her grasp.

  She took a breath to clear her desire-fogged mind. “Well, Superman, that was some goodnight kiss.”

  He chuckled and kissed her cheek. “For me, too.” He cleared his throat and stepped back. “Do-over?”

  “Do-over,” she agreed. “And next time, we’re going to dance.”

  “Whatever you want,” he said. “Be careful at work. Call me when you can, okay?”

  Brooke nodded. “Okay.”

  She watched him get in his car and then rushed inside to change. The feel of Robert’s kiss stayed on Brooke’s lips as she changed and remained there until she arrived at the hospital. Once she entered the ER doors, she shook it off and jumped into the fray. But every so often, her mind strayed to the bespectacled hottie and she couldn’t wait for their do-over date.

  Chapter 4

  Rolling over in bed, Robert picked up his cellphone. Squinting to get his eyes to focus properly, he saw that it said 2:14 a.m. He’d come home after dropping Brooke off and done some chores until around eleven, his normal bedtime. He’d been lying wide awake ever since, replaying his date with Brooke over in his mind and wondering how the accident victims were.

  Corky, who’d been sleeping on the other side of the bed, groaned when Robert sat up and stretched. He put his glasses on and then patted Corky’s back.

  “Sorry, buddy. Go back to sleep.”

  As soon as he got up, Robert heard frantic scratching coming from the bathroom down the hall. Sketch liked to sleep in the bathtub at night. The nosy critter usually woke up out of a sound sleep if he heard Robert moving around.

  Thinking that a walk might help tire him out, Robert donned a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved gray T-shirt. Sketch came waddling into the bedroom, grunting in greeting.

  “I’m not doing anything interesting,” he told the skunk.

  Sketch nibbled on Robert’s big toe a moment and then waddled back to the bathroom. Robert smiled as he followed him down the hallway. He passed Sketch and headed for the mud room off the kitchen. The place was jam-packed with animal crates and other pet equipment.

  His orange and white bobtailed cat, Hugo, glared at him from atop a stack of crates.

  “Oh, it’s okay for you to keep me up, though,” Robert said at the cat’s cranky expression. “How’s it feel?”

  Hugo squeezed his green eyes shut and turned his head, giving Robert the cold shoulder.

  Robert shoved his feet in his beat-up sneakers and snagged his key ring from the hook by the door. As he left the house and locked up, an idea came to Robert and he changed his mind about a walk. Instead, he got in his SUV and headed for town.

  * * *

  “Maybe this was a stupid idea,” Robert muttered to himself as he took the five-dozen donuts and big box of coffee he’d bought at Donut Joe’s, the local donut place in Cooper’s Creek.

  Would Brooke think that he was pressuring her or something? He sighed as he walked up to the sliding doors of the ER entrance and waited for them to open. Passing through them, he smiled at the ER clerk.

  “Hi. I have a delivery for you guys,” Robert said to the woman whose badge read Kimmi. “Well, I mean, no one ordered it. I heard about the pile-up and thought you guys could use a little pick-me-up.” Oh, my God. How idiotic does that sound?

  Kimmi smiled. “You’re the rock climber, right?”

  Robert blinked. “Uh, yeah.”

  She smiled, her blue eyes twinkling as she rose from her desk. “Come through the triage room here to the left. I’ll let you in from my side.”

  Robert went to the door she’d indicated and nudged it open with his foot since his hands were full. He wondered how Kimmi knew who he was.

  She opened the door on the other side of the triage room and he walked into the ER. His stomach clenched when he saw Brooke coming out of a patient room.

  “Look who’s here,” Kimmi called to Brooke in a sing-song voice.

  Brooke’s eyes went wide and she gasped. “Coffee! Sugar!” Rushing over to him, Brooke relieved Robert of the box of coffee. “You are a godsend, Robert Chambers. And
you must have ESP. Come with me.”

  Robert grinned as he followed her down the hallway, relieved that she was happy to see him—even if it was only because he came bearing gifts.

  Brooke led him to a breakroom and had him put the donuts on a table. She sat the box of coffee down and opened one of the donut boxes. Picking up a chocolate frosted one, she took a healthy bite out of it and close her eyes in bliss.

  A crumb of icing rested on her bottom lip and Robert wanted to kiss it away.

  “I’m starving. This is just what I needed.”

  Robert resisted the urge to shuffle his feet. “So, you don’t mind that I showed up?”

  She looked at him like he was crazy. “Mind? Why would I mind a sexy man showing up with caffeine and sugar just when I need it the most?”

  He laughed and turned a little pink at being called sexy. “Good. I’m glad.”

  “I hope you’re not expecting lady-like manners right now because I’m eating this one and another one,” Brooke informed him.

  Robert shrugged. “Go for it.” He located a stack of Styrofoam cups and grabbed one. “Were there any fatalities?” he asked.

  Brooke sighed. “No. A couple of close calls, though. Good thing that Doogie Houser was on tonight, though.”

  Robert depressed the lever on the spout of the box of coffee and the hot brew flowed into the cup. “Who?”

  “This hotshot new doc,” Brooke replied after swallowing the last of her donut. “He’s a real-life Doogie. Only twenty-one but he has medical degrees in several specialties, including ER medicine.”

  “Wow. Sounds like he would come in handy. Cream and sugar, right?”

  Brooke smiled as she picked up a powdered sugar treat. “How did you know?”

  “I remember from dinner at Emily’s house,” he said.

  Brooke paused with the donut halfway to her mouth. “That was months ago. You really remember that?”

  “Uh, yeah.” He finished fixing her coffee and handed it to her. “There you go. I couldn’t sleep, so I thought maybe you guys might like a snack”


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