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Need Me (Coopers Creek Book 4)

Page 13

by Bronwen Evans

  His warm, firm lips and insistent tongue stoked the sparks of passion, coaxing them into embers. Brooke couldn’t hold back a whimper as he shifted her so that he could hold her with one arm. His free hand came around to cup her breast, his thumb finding and circling her hardening nipple.

  Brooke moved restlessly against him and felt his erection nudge against her sex. Pulling back, she ran a fingertip over his bottom lip. “I need you. Now.”

  A knowing grin lit his face as he started carrying her back to the SUV. The rope line was still connected to them and dragged the ground as he walked. As they neared the vehicle, Robert let her slide down until her feet touched the grassy earth.

  She let out a startled yelp when he spun her around and pinned her against the car. She laughed when he started tugging her old gray Aeropostale T-shirt out of the waistband of her baggy cargo shorts.

  “I’m so damn horny for you,” he practically growled. “I’ve had a hard-on the whole time we’ve been climbing from watching your ass. I wanted to climb right up and bite it.”

  That image released even more laughter. “It’s a good thing you didn’t. I’d have fallen for sure.”

  “Which is why I controlled myself. Safety before sex.”

  A laughing groan escaped her when Robert’s hands pushed up under her sports bra, cupping her breasts. “Sounds like a slogan that Chase would use to sell sporting goods.”

  “Yeah, it does.” Robert’s voice against her ear made Brooke shiver and the way he caressed and kneaded her breasts fanned the hot embers of need into flames. “I had a very erotic dream about you this morning.”

  “You did?”

  “Mmhm. We were swimming in a secret underwater cavern. It was lit from a hole in the rock ceiling and the water was so blue and clear,” Robert said, kissing the side of her neck. “We were naked and your skin glistened in the sunlight.”

  She went a little weak when he teased both her nipples. “I’m loving this dream so far.”

  “There was a little beach and we got out of the water there. It was just like now; I could hardly wait for you. I laid you back and kissed you everywhere. You tasted salty from the ocean water,” he murmured in a rough timber.

  The snap of her shorts had gotten undone at some point. Brooke had been so caught up in the pictures he created in her mind that she hadn’t realized that he’d been undressing her. His rough palm scraped lightly over her lower stomach and then her mound.

  “You kissed me everywhere?”

  “Everywhere.” He slid a gentle finger between her folds and electric pleasure arced through her when he grazed her clitoris. “Even here. Especially here.”

  Brooke moaned and pressed against his hand. “Please, Robert. I can’t wait.”

  His hand left her and then he tugged her shorts and flimsy, lace panties down to her ankles. “I know exactly how you feel. I don’t think I can get any harder.”

  Brooke would’ve turned around so she could see him, but he kicked her legs as far apart as her pants would allow. He took her wrists and placed her hands on the car window. She heard the faint sound of a condom packet being ripped open and almost went insane from the short delay.

  Robert’s left hand ran over the dip of her waist and then grasped her hip. She bit her lip when he ran the tip of his cock along her damp slit. Robert’s deep groan as he filled her elicited an answering moan from her. He stretched her in the most delicious way. Her fingers and toes curled when he withdrew and thrust into her.

  “Yes. Fuck me, Robert. Hard.”

  He fisted a hand in her curly hair and turned her head so that he could capture her lips in a hot kiss that left her panting. “You asked for it.”

  * * *

  Watching Brooke climb was no hardship, the view was spectacular. With her rounded behind moving above him, his temperature soared. He’d had to think hard about proper climbing technique to keep his focus on the short climb.

  So, while his dick had kept thinking about Brooke one way, the brain in his head with two eyes had instructed the woman he loved with the utmost care. He’d ignore a hard on forever to keep her safe.

  But he let his desire for her run the show now. Holding Brooke’s hips, he bent his knees a little and kept her still as he drove home. Her gasp of pleasure made him smile. She felt so good that he was glad that she was in a hurry since he wasn’t sure how long he’d last.

  She pushed back against him and he growled as his excitement escalated. Gripping her tighter, he started moving faster until he was pounding into her.

  “More! Oh, God, don’t stop,” she groaned.

  “I don’t think I could,” he said. “I want you too much.”

  “I want you, too. I couldn’t sleep last night because I wanted to be with you.”

  “You should’ve told me. I’d have come over.”

  She threw her head back and he felt her pulse around him. “You sounded a little busy.”

  “I’m never too busy to come over and drill you into your mattress.”

  “Damn, Superman. You say the nicest things.”

  He laughed. “Like how much I want to make you come?”


  “Remember our deal. I want to hear you orgasm,” he rasped out. “I want—”

  Another ripple ran through her and a quiet moan grew into a full-throated scream as she climaxed. Her legs trembled and her fingers made squeaking noises on the window glass as they curled. Robert wanted to make it last for her, but his body wouldn’t be denied any longer.

  Robert embraced her and pulled Brooke back against his chest as an intense release made blood roar in his ears. He kissed her cheek and neck. “Feels so good, babe. You’re incredible.”

  His legs weakened a little, but he locked his knees so that they didn’t topple over. She hugged his arms against her stomach. They stood there like that for a full minute, enjoying the closeness while their breathing slowed.

  At length, Brooke said, “If we do this after every climb, I’ll go every day.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. I say we do that during the summer, but in the winter, we just stay in bed every day until noon,” he said, parting from her.

  The sound of tires on the dirt road startled them. They rushed to put themselves back together. It was easier for Robert since all he had to do was pull his Spandex climbing shorts up. Since he finished first, he stepped in front of Brooke to shield her from view and give her a chance to fasten her shorts and yank her shirt down.

  Robert’s heart lurched when he saw the insignia of the Cooper’s Creek Sheriff’s Department on the door of the white four-door sedan. This is bad. Very bad. Stay calm.

  The cop car stopped and the driver’s side window rolled down. A blond man wearing Ray-Bans peered out at him. “Hi, folks. Everything all right here?”

  * * *

  Brooke put her hands on her hips in disbelief. “Simon Bodine? What the hell are you doing here?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “My job?”

  Forcing herself to act like she hadn’t just had mind-blowing sex, Brooke approached the car on legs that shook a little. “Is this a joke?”


  She took a tissue out of her shorts pocket and blotted sweat from her face. “I thought you were still in the Navy.”

  He took off the sunglasses, his vivid green eyes roaming over her. Brooke noticed the way Robert tensed and held back a smile. “No. My time was done and I decided not to re-up. Turns out I have a little problem with assholes being in authority. Figured it was time to get out before I wound up in jail.”

  Brooke frowned. “And now you’re working for the cops?”

  “Not working for them. I am a cop. Just got hired last week, but this is my first day,” Simon said.

  Further confused, Brooke asked, “Do Ty and Emily know about this? They never said anything to me.”

  Simon shifted his gaze to Robert than back to her. “I’d love to catch up, but I came out here on official business. The people
right down the road said they heard a woman screaming like she was being murdered. Did you hear anything like that?”

  Mortified, Brooke’s face burned with embarrassment, but she covered it with a laugh. She gave a little wave. “That was me. Robert is teaching me to climb, and I froze when I got up to the top. He was trying to talk me down, but I panicked. I started hollering my head off because I thought I was going to fall and die.”

  Robert put an arm around her and patted her shoulder. “You did great, honey. Don’t be so hard on yourself. All first-time climbers get a little scared.”

  Simon’s keen gaze took in the climbing equipment and their clothes. Apparently, he believed their story because he nodded. “Climbing can be scary, especially for people who don’t know what they’re doing.”

  Robert cocked his head a little. “I know who you are, but we’ve never met. I’m Robert Chambers, Kate’s best friend. I’m sure you know that I’m a certified climbing trainer and that I work with the Rescue.”

  Listen to her Superman toot his horn, Brooke thought as she saw understanding dawn on Simon.

  “That’s great. At least I know that you won’t let Brooke here go splat like Wile E. Coyote,” Simon said. “Brooke, I’d ask you not to mention me to Tyler or Emily, but I won’t waste my breath.”

  “Why didn’t you tell them?” Brooke asked.

  Simon’s strong jaw tightened. “I have my reasons. Well, it was good to see you and nice to meet you Robert.” One side of his mouth lifted in a sarcastic smile. “Do me a favor and keep it down to a dull roar when you’re climbing out here, okay?”

  He rolled up the window and pulled away before they could answer him.

  “So that’s the famous Simon Bodine,” Robert commented.

  “Yeah.” Brooke blew out a nervous breath. “Emily is going to freak out and Tyler is going to blow a gasket. Tyler is very protective of his niece. He still blames Simon for his sister’s death. Hayley lost her mother, never knew her father, and then lost her grandmother. She doesn’t need someone entering her life who might not stay. Emily and Tyler are trying to instill some stability in her life.”

  Robert nodded. “Yeah. I don’t understand his motives. What is he after?”

  Brooke got her cellphone out of Robert’s car and hit Emily’s icon. “Me, neither. Prepare yourself for a shit storm.”

  Chapter 15

  Brooke crossed her arms and watched Tyler pace back and forth in the Jeffries’ living room. Once she’d gotten Emily on the phone, she’d elected to deliver her startling news in person.

  Tyler stopped and looked at her. His eyes were an icy silver, his face a cold mask of fury. Even though his countenance was a little scary to behold, she refused to let him see her apprehension.

  “So that’s all he said?”

  “Yeah, that’s all he said.” Brooke looked at Emily, who sat in a recliner. “I can’t believe that Simon didn’t tell you about being discharged.”

  “I can,” Tyler said. “He’s always been a fucking sidewinder.”

  Brooke grinned. “Sounds like someone’s been spending a lot of time with Tucker.”

  Tyler’s expression relaxed into a smile for a moment. “I just saw him yesterday, so I guess some of his sayings are fresh in my mind.”

  Tucker McGee, the best mechanic in Cooper’s Creek and arguably in Colorado, was known for his kindness and for speaking his mind, usually in very colorful terms.

  Emily said, “There has to be a good reason why Simon didn’t mention this.”

  “Yeah. He’s up to something,” Tyler said. “That’s his good reason.”

  “I disagree,” Emily said. “Simon has lived up to his responsibility to Hayley and stuck to our legal agreement. He’s never missed a child support payment or done anything to make us distrust him.”

  “Except get Lizzie killed,” Tyler said.

  Emily pursed her lips, her eyes sparkling with anger. “I can see that you’re not going to be reasonable about this. You’ll always hate him.”

  “That’s right,” Tyler agreed. “I can’t believe that you keep sticking up for him.”

  Brooke broke in before World War III erupted between them. “Look, I think you’re both right. Something is going on with Simon.”

  Tyler gestured at Brooke. “See? She agrees with me.”

  “I also agree with Emily, GQ. Simon has toed the line in every way,” Brooke said. “Fighting with each other over this won’t accomplish anything. Simon can’t be planning anything too tricky since he’s a deputy now. He has to obey the law now more than ever.”

  Tyler’s shoulders relaxed and he went over to the recliner. He sat on the arm and took Emily’s hand. “She’s right. The last thing I want to do is fight with you.” He kissed her knuckles. “I’m sorry.”

  Emily smiled up at him and Brooke was glad that her attempt to avoid a huge blowup between her friends had worked. “I’m sorry, too. So, what do we do about this?”

  Brooke said, “I say let it ride for a day or two. He knows that I’d tell you. I’ll bet that he gets in touch by Tuesday or Wednesday. If not, call him.”

  Tyler scowled at her. “I hate it when you’re right.”

  She tossed him a saccharin smile. “I know. Well, my work here is done. I’m going to go home and get some things done. I don’t want to be called unless it’s a dire emergency. I swear that every time Robert and I get together, something happens.”

  Emily smiled. “When you guys get married, you’ll have to schedule days when no one is allowed to disturb you.”

  “You’re so not funny.” Brooke gave her a withering stare. “I told you, we’re not serious yet.”

  Tyler’s lips twitched. “Are you exclusive?”

  Brooke’s pulse jumped. She and Robert hadn’t discussed that yet, but the thought of him seeing another woman sent hot jealousy racing through her veins. “The subject hasn’t come up yet.”

  “But your body language says that you’d rip off the face off any woman who came onto him,” Tyler said.

  Brooke rose from the couch. “Damn straight, I would. Well, I don’t want to keep Robert waiting. I’ll call you tomorrow. And no fighting, you two. I should charge for playing your marriage counselor.”

  Emily gave Brooke’s ass a playful kick as she walked by. “Get out of here.”


  Brooke left the living room and made her way to the kitchen. She paused at the kitchen screen door, watching Robert as he played with Hayley and TJ. He’d reluctantly agreed to keep the kids busy while she talked to Tyler and Emily. A blanket had been spread out on the grass, upon which a mess of dolls, doll clothes, and baby toys lay strewn about.

  Hayley laughed when Robert made Barbie sashay across the blanket to TJ, who wanted to chew on her hair. Robert distracted TJ from the doll with a teething ring. It seemed like he was experienced with kids.

  Despite what she’d said to Emily, seeing Robert with the children ignited a yearning in her for kids of her own.

  “He looks good with them, doesn’t he?”

  Brooke jumped at Emily’s voice behind her. “Why are you sneaking up on me?”

  Emily’s laugh irritated Brooke. “I didn’t. I’m following you out so I can watch the kids since you’re leaving.”

  Of course, Emily couldn’t leave the children alone. “Oh, yeah. Right. Okay, well, I’ll see you later.”

  She opened the door and walked out into the sunshine. Robert looked over and smiled at her. In the two years that she and Jamal had been together, she’d never felt as happy over seeing his smile as she did Robert’s.

  Everything about Robert was genuine, with no artifice or hidden motives. His smile and laugh were true expressions of happiness, not designed to dazzle and distract her during an argument when she gotten close to the truth regarding his actions.

  Brooke kissed Hayley and TJ goodbye as Emily sat down with them and Robert got up. Bidding them farewell, they got in Robert’s SUV and drove off.

* * *

  Robert kept a white-knuckled hold on the steering wheel as he navigated a turn. He wished that it was that easy to keep a hold on his slippery emotions. While spending a little time with Hayley and TJ had been fun, but it had released memories that he kept locked up tight.

  Focusing on his breathing, Robert combatted the panic attack he felt coming on by thinking about work. Every day was busy, but Mondays were usually chaotic. As office manager, it was his responsibility to keep things running smoothly to provide the best customer service possible.

  He had some unfinished accounting work to catch up and he’d have to start working on payroll since it was pay week. Hopefully, none of their techs or front-end staff would call off tomorrow.

  Help me! Please, help me!

  The voice came out of nowhere, startling Robert so much that he jerked the wheel to the left a little. He corrected the car, glad that no vehicles had been approaching from the opposite direction.

  “Robert, are you okay?”

  He gave Brooke what he hoped was a natural smile. “Yeah. Sure. I thought I saw a groundhog about to run out in the road.” Forgive me for lying. He couldn’t tell her the truth, that the voice of a child he’d let die had screamed in his mind, an echo of a painful past.

  “Oh. Okay,” Brooke said. “TJ is growing so fast. I’m glad that Emily decided to keep breastfeeding him for a whole year. They supplement with formula a little, but she mostly breastfeeds him.”

  Robert felt the back of his neck begin to sweat. He had to switch the subject. “That’s great. What did Emily and Tyler say about Simon?”

  Brooke gave him a curious look, but related the conversation to him.

  “I think that’s a good way to handle the situation.” Robert turned into Brooke’s driveway and parked the car. “Well, here you are, all safe and sound.”

  She put a hand on his forearm. “Would you like to come in for a while?”

  The come-hither expression on her face left no doubt in Robert’s mind that heaven awaited him inside. Any other time, he’d have already been out of the vehicle, rushing her through her front door. However, he still felt rattled and needed a little time alone to regain his equilibrium.


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