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Page 7

by Sara Humphreys

  Sylvia laughed and slid her oversized sunglasses back on. “Well, that’s just fabulous.” Then quicker than a snake, she slipped over and planted a kiss on William’s cheek. “It was very nice to meet you, handsome.” Then she turned on her heels and flounced away. “See y’all tomorrow evening,” she shouted as she disappeared around the corner. “Eight thirty sharp.”

  Once Sylvia was out of sight, Layla shoved William away from her and muttered several unflattering comments about him as she got into the Jeep and slammed the door. She watched as William calmly got into the passenger seat.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Layla snapped as she started the engine.

  “I don’t understand why you’re so upset,” he said in that all-too-calm tone.

  She shook her head and backed out of the space. “I guess it doesn’t matter,” she muttered and pulled onto the street.

  “What doesn’t matter?” William shouted above the din of traffic.

  “Human or Amoveo.” Layla shot him a look, shook her head, and threw it into high gear. “Men are dense.”

  They drove back to the farm in silence. She knew that he wanted to talk and fix things, but she wasn’t in the mood. The truth was that she was as confused as he was, and on top of everything else, she couldn’t stop thinking about what Ginny had said about Rosie selling the farm.

  When they got home, Layla didn’t say more than a word or two to William. Rosie was nowhere in sight, so she dropped the groceries in the kitchen, mumbled vague directions about where to put things, and went upstairs. All she wanted to do was to take a hot bath and be alone. She needed time to clear her head and think.

  Ever since William had come around, everything was all topsy-turvy. Nothing made sense. She couldn’t think straight because her hormones kept getting in the way and muddying up the waters. A nice hot soak in the tub could cure almost any ill, and right now, that ill was a six-foot-two-inch hunk of bossy hotness.

  Layla went into her room and closed the door. She leaned against the cool painted wood and shut her eyes. She savored the familiar smell of her childhood bedroom, a combination of cedar chips, clean cotton sheets, and a hint of jasmine, all of which conjured up feelings of peace, comfort, and safety.

  Layla glanced at the clock and realized that it was almost dinnertime, but she was too tired to eat. A long hot bath was first, and then maybe a chat with Rosie. She’d sensed something going on with Rosie when she’d gotten home earlier today. She, Raife, and Tati had always made a concerted effort to respect Rosie’s privacy, but sometimes her energy was so strong, she couldn’t block it out.

  Layla had gotten a whiff of concern and worry from Rosie when she got home, which she originally chalked up to Rosie’s concern for her—but not anymore. She knew that there was some truth to what Ginny said, and she was damn well going to find out.

  Layla shed her clothes and wrapped herself up in a soft white towel. She sat on the edge of the old claw-foot tub as it filled with piping hot water, and generously poured in her favorite bath salts. Within seconds, the scent of gardenias filled the steamy bathroom.

  Layla removed the towel and caught a glimpse of herself in the fogged up mirror. She wiped at the slick surface so she could better see her reflection and clipped her hair up off her neck. She inspected her naked body with a woman’s typically critical eye and went down the laundry list of things she didn’t like about herself… too thin, breasts are too small, and way too many freckles.

  Layla sighed audibly as the steam gratefully fogged up the mirror and obscured her reflection once again. “Not exactly a Barbie,” she mumbled. “More like Raggedy Ann.”

  She submerged her body in the soothing, fragrant water and laid her head back on the bath pillow as her mind wandered to William. She hated to admit it, but he was beginning to grow on her, and it had definitely impressed her the way he jumped right in with Ginny and Ralph. The man didn’t miss a beat.

  She’d been cold to him from the moment he’d found her. She wouldn’t have blamed him if he’d let her fumble through that introduction, but he didn’t. He even came to her rescue. She giggled and lathered up the bar of soap between her hands… he’d rescued her from a socially awkward moment.

  She ran the slippery bar up her arms and thought about the way he did it again when Sylvia showed up. Her brow furrowed. It was a rescue up until the point he’d agreed to go to the Rustic tomorrow.

  Layla tensed at the memory of the way Sylvia looked at William. That trollop wanted to sink her claws into him and have him for dinner. She figured that William, like every other man she’d ever known, would fall all over himself to impress her, but he didn’t. In fact, he barely paid her any attention and kept his focus on her, not on Sylvia.

  Layla ran the slippery bar of soap over her breasts and down her belly. She closed her eyes and couldn’t help but picture William and his broad shoulders, strong arms… and that face. Sweet Jesus, that handsome face could melt butter… just like Rosie said.

  Her eyes tingled and shifted harshly. Her heart raced, and for the first time, she allowed herself to feel it… to feel the rush of desire that the mere thought of him provoked.

  She wanted him.

  There was simply no denying that her body craved his. A contented sigh escaped her lips as she pictured him there washing her body with his strong hands. Trailing those long, nimble fingers over her breasts, down her stomach, and finally finding her most sensitive flesh, and… I like to think of myself as a gentleman. His gruff, seductive voice rushed into her mind with zero warning.

  Layla shot up to a sitting position as water sloshed out of the tub. She covered her naked breasts and looked wildly around the empty bathroom. He wasn’t physically there, but his mind was firmly linked to hers, so at this point… it was just geography… for all intents and purposes he was in there with her.

  His voice dropped low and tickled her intimately. However, if you keep this up, Firefly, I’m going to come in there and actually do all of the things you’re thinking about.

  Layla let out a shuddering breath. Stay out of my head. She waited for his response. The seconds ticked by loudly from the antique clock on the wall. His voice, softer, laced with disappointment, floated gently into her mind. As you wish.

  Silence followed, but so did something else that was completely unexpected… emptiness. When he withdrew his mind from hers, it was as though he had disappeared, but she knew he hadn’t. He was still here on the farm, yet his connection with her had been severed, leaving a horrible void where his energy signature had been only moments ago.

  Layla’s heart sank, and tears pricked at the back of her now human eyes. Tears? She sniffled and wiped at her eyes. What the hell was going on? William had some serious explaining to do.

  Layla got out of the bath and into her pajamas. What she needed now, more than ever, was familiarity and some alone time.

  She knew that she had to talk to Rosie and that she would be expected downstairs for dinner, but she had to lie down and close her eyes. Just for a little while. Maybe a nap would help her get her bearings back, she thought as she snuggled under the soft, familiar quilt that covered her bed. Her eyes fluttered closed, and as she was gently shrouded by sleep, she mumbled, “Lots of explaining to do, William.”

  The hint of a smile played at her lips as his voice drifted into her mind. See you soon, Firefly.


  Immediately after they’d returned from the store, Layla had escaped up to her bedroom. He knew she was upset with him, and he wasn’t exactly sure why, but suspected it had something to do with the woman they’d met earlier, Sylvia Clark. Based on Layla’s reaction, he deduced there was a rather cantankerous history between the two women, and now he felt stupid for not realizing it earlier. He let out a loud sigh of frustration and ran his hands over his face.

  Would he ever get anythin
g right where Layla was concerned?

  Left to his own devices, William took the opportunity to wander through the downstairs of the house and couldn’t help but notice the various photographs that lined the walls of every room. There were several of Layla, Raife, and another young woman he could only assume was Tatiana, but some were landscapes that had most definitely been taken by Layla. Almost all of the framed photos in the house had been taken by Layla. Her energy signature emanated from each one. It was nothing more than a ghost, a whisper of her left behind, but it was more than enough for William to know they were hers.

  The first floor was made up of the kitchen, a formal parlor that looked as if no one actually went into it, the front hall, and an enormous family room that cried out for a gathering. A well-worn leather sofa and chair reminded him of a bomber jacket he’d had in his youth. He felt immediately at home in this room and imagined that most people did. It was an open, welcoming space with several windows lining the far wall. The early evening sunlight streamed in and bathed the room in a warm, amber glow.

  At the center was a massive stone fireplace with a pitted wooden beam that served as a mantle, and a large black-and-white photo hung above it. He paused, captured by the starkness of it in such a cozy room. It was of a broken down cottage, or possibly an old farmhouse, sitting amid barren trees that held the distinct mark of winter. Slowly, he moved in to get a closer look and was amazed at the crisp, black-and-white details throughout. It was a haunting photograph.

  He recognized Layla’s energy signature immediately and could tell that it was likely taken somewhere on the property, but there was something else about it that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He imagined that the cottage in the photo had some significance for it to have such a prominent place in the room.

  In the midst of his art appreciation, and without any warning, wicked images of a naked, soapy Layla filled his mind. His eyes snapped to their clan form when a soft moan filled his mind. He squeezed his eyes shut and leaned one hand on the wood mantle as one wicked image after another flashed through his head in a pornographic slide show.

  A moment passed before her curt voice cut abruptly into his mind. Stay out of my head.

  His heart sank at the sound of her request, and the heat left his body as quickly as it had come.

  Emptiness crept in as he severed the connection to his mate. Before he found her, loneliness had become a way of life, and he’d grown accustomed to feeling detached from the world. He’d lived with it for so many years that it shouldn’t bother him, but it did, because now he knew exactly what he was missing.

  He let out a growl of frustration and shoved himself away from the fireplace. How on earth was he going to be able to win her over and convince her that he wasn’t here to drag her off and dominate her? He had to find something to do with all this pent up frustration. Sexual frustration he could handle. It didn’t thrill him, but he could handle it. It was the emotional cost that he was finding more uncomfortable than anything else.

  William wandered back into the kitchen. With neither Rosie nor Raife in sight, he decided to make himself useful and put the groceries away. It took a bit of investigating and several wrong cabinets being opened, but by the end, he felt satisfied that he’d put things in their proper place. William gave one last look around to be sure he didn’t miss anything, gathered his packages from their shopping excursion, and headed upstairs.

  Rosie’s now familiar bark stopped him just as he reached the top of the stairs. “Looks like you had a successful shopping trip today?”

  William leaned over the railing and held up one of the bags. “Yes. She’s a very efficient shopper.”

  Grabbing the ever-present dish towel from her shoulder, she looked around quickly. “Where’s Layla?”

  “She’s taking a bath, I think,” he said, trying not to think about the erotic images she sent him. He cleared his throat and quickly changed the subject. “I put the purchases from the market away. I hope everything is in the right place.”

  Rosie raised her eyebrows and made a sound of approval. “Nice gesture, putting the groceries away. You’re a good houseguest, and it’s not a bad move when trying to woo a woman either.”

  “Happy to help,” he said with a nod. “Would you like me to get Layla for you?” He hoped he didn’t sound as transparent as he felt, because he was looking for any excuse to go to her room.

  “Hmmm,” she murmured and shook her head. “No. If I know her, she’s about to crawl into bed.” She made a tsking sound. “That girl needs to eat something. She’s skin and bones.” She sighed. “Well—” She patted her ample backside. “As you can see, no one has to twist my arm to eat. It’s dinnertime. Are you gonna come have somethin’? I don’t know where Raife has gotten off to, and I hate eating alone,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

  “I would like that. I’m almost as hungry as I am tired.” William’s face heated with embarrassment, and he looked away quickly. He suspected that she knew he wanted to connect with Layla in the dream realm. “It’s been a big day for all of us. I think a good night’s sleep is exactly what we need to move things along.”

  “Sounds good,” she said with a wave. “Put your things away, and I’ll make you a plate. It’s leftover night, so I hope you aren’t too picky.”

  William put both bags into one hand and grasped the mahogany newel post with the other. “Thank you, Rosie. I’m quite hungry and could eat a horse.”

  “You may be from a bird clan, but it sounds like you don’t eat like one. Good. I like a man with a healthy appetite.”

  “Yes. My mother always said that there must be some trace of her wolf clan in me, and it is revealed every time I eat. Leftovers sound perfect, and I’ll be down shortly. Perhaps you could give me a tour of the farm tomorrow morning? Show me the ropes, so to speak?” he said, hoping she’d get the hint.

  He really wanted to learn more about Layla, and he knew Rosie was the one who could give him a clue as to how to figure her out. Raife wasn’t likely to be much help at all, at least no help getting to know Layla. The only thing he would probably do is kick his ass out the door.

  “You betcha.” She nodded and winked. “Tonight you c’mon down for something, and then tomorrow morning after breakfast you’re gonna get schooled.” Laughing heartily, she made her way back toward the kitchen. “I’m too damn old and tired to drag your ass around the farm tonight. Now put that crap away and get down here and eat something.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  His hand had barely touched the doorknob when Layla’s vibrant energy signature latched onto his, re-opening their connection. William stilled. His body hummed with the power of their combined energies, barreling through him like a freight train. Past the buzzing, dynamic charge whistling through his body, he heard her soft voice tenderly utter his name. “William.” It sounded like a prayer… a promise. Any reservations he had about trying to connect with her in the dream realm disappeared.

  Steeling himself and struggling to maintain control, delicately he touched his mind to hers. See you soon, Firefly.

  Chapter 6

  The pewter mists rolled around William lazily as he walked through the as-yet-undefined dream realm. Reconnecting with Layla’s energy signature before he fell asleep had allowed him to find the path to her dream with surprising ease and was another encouraging step in the right direction.

  Making his way through the fog, he hoped she would call to him, whisper his name and light the way, but so far she remained shrouded from his sight. At least she wasn’t running away from him as she had been. She was there. He could sense her watching him, tracking his every move, and since it was her dream that he tuned in, she held all the control.

  His impatience rising, he decided it was time to rattle the cage a little bit and draw her out of the shadows. I’m relieved that you’ve stopped running away f
rom me, he shouted into the swirling haze with his hands held securely behind his back. But you’re still hiding from me and hiding from a challenge doesn’t strike me as your style. He tried to keep a smile out of his voice, but to no avail. He didn’t know why, but he found it amusing to tease her. He’d seen Malcolm and Dante banter this way with their mates and never understood it—until he found Layla. I thought you had more guts than that. A low growl rumbled around him in response, and the mists dissipated to reveal the moonlit woods of the farm.


  As he suspected, she didn’t shrink from any challenge, and that was a major turn-on. He always admired women with guts, like his sisters and mother. His father had always said that it was his mother’s unwillingness to retreat and her unwavering tenacity that he found most attractive. His mother and two sisters were descended from the Arctic Wolf Clan; most women of the wolf clans were known for their fierce determination and loyalty.

  William searched the woods for the red-headed minx, and as he wandered along the path, he had to admit that Layla’s stubborn streak was one of the most appealing things about her. He scanned the surrounding area with painstaking slowness, but still didn’t see her. Come out, come out, wherever you are, he sang.

  What’s the matter, counselor? Her teasing voice tumbled into his mind. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Her words were immediately followed by another growl that reverberated through him.

  William froze—she was in her clan animal.

  His heart quickened with excitement at the mere thought of seeing Layla in her cheetah form. Standing on the carpet of fallen leaves mixed with pine needles, he called up the sharp eyesight of his falcon and scanned his surroundings in search of her. A high-pitched chirping sound just above him caught his attention; he stilled and zeroed in on the vaguely familiar sound. He’d heard members of the Cheetah Clan utilize various growls, chirps, and hisses to communicate with each other in their clan form, much like cheetahs in the wild. The chirping sound stopped and was immediately followed by a soft rumbling in his ear.


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