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Chance Collision

Page 18

by C. A. Szarek


  “I’ve been worried about him since I married Cole. He’s spent too much time invested in me and Ethan since I lost Iain. But if it wasn’t for Pete, I wouldn’t have survived. He went over and above as my partner. Now he has a different role in my life, and it’s been an adjustment for us all. But when he cares about someone, that’s just how he is. He’s one of the best men I know. I love him. I really do. If you’re the one for him, if you can love him like I love Cole, I’m totally for that. For the both of you. I love you, too.”

  Nikki blinked away tears. If Micah hadn’t been napping in her lap, she would have grabbed Andi up in a hug. “Thanks,” she croaked.

  The detective nodded. “Knock that off. If you cry, I will.”

  They looked at each other and laughed.

  “I needed the girl-talk, so thank you. I mean it. You were right—it’s been too long since we’ve talked.” Nikki squeezed Andi’s hand. “Not like I could call up Gram and tell her I’m sleeping with Pete.”

  Andi grinned. “No way. She’d kick your ass and grab a shotgun before she kicked his.”

  “Probably.” Nikki laughed again.

  “Well, I should probably go.”

  “Okay.” Nikki gently relinquished the baby.

  “See you soon, though, promise.”

  “You bet.”

  “Call me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Nikki stared at Pete’s sleeping form. He was gorgeous and naked, though the sheet was slung low around his waist, obscuring the view of all of his beautiful body. Tapered hips, powerful thighs, thick sex.

  She’d cried after they’d made love tonight. Like a big baby. Because she loved him more than words and couldn’t tell him.

  Instinct told her if she’d bared her heart, he’d pull away—probably put her out of his bed.

  Pete hadn’t said much about it, just held her until the sobs had quieted. Maybe he’d thought she was stressed about the case, scared of Luciano Marchetti.

  He’d kissed her wet cheeks then carried her to the shower, where he’d washed her body with tender hands that only made her burn for him all over again.

  It might be only physical with him but she didn’t want to lose that. Nikki would take Pete any way she could get him.

  He still brought up their age difference too much, joking and laughing about how he wasn’t good enough for her.

  What the hell did that mean, anyway?

  Anything to keep her at a distance, even though he kissed her into oblivion in the next breath, made her feel more than any other man ever had.

  Andi’s words haunted her. If Pete didn’t do relationships, if he didn’t kiss and tell, if he definitely avoided getting involved at work, why was Nikki different?

  Her heart missed a beat and her stomach fluttered.

  “Sweetness?” His voice was heavy with sleep. He stretched and yawned, his pecs heaving.

  Nikki’s body tingled. Flashes of his hands all over her made her limbs warm. Her breasts felt heavy, nipples hardened.

  “Is everything okay? Why are you awake?” Pete drew her to him.

  “Everything’s good. Just couldn’t sleep.”

  “Hmmm.” Warm breath caressed her cheek as he kissed her there, then he pressed his lips to her temple and forehead. “You smell so good.” Hot hands landed on her waist, urging her closer. Nikki straddled him as Pete rubbed her back in long strokes.

  “You smell good, too.” Leaning down, she brushed her mouth against his.

  Resting his hand at the back of her neck, he deepened their kiss. Pete’s chest hair teased her nipples and a tremor shot down her spine.

  Nikki rocked her hips into his, already throbbing at her core. His erection bit into her bottom, but it wasn’t in the right place. “I want you,” she breathed against his lips.

  “I want to taste you first.” He nibbled around her mouth before kissing her hard and fast.

  She went to move off him, to lie on her back, but Pete stopped her with a hand to her wrist.

  “Not like that, darlin’. Come up here, come to me.” He patted his shoulder.

  A shiver racked her frame and she moaned. He wanted her where? She would’ve teased him about being lazy, but it was a major turn-on to know he would give her that much control. Looming over him. At the same time, making her feel so good.

  With his hands at her waist, Pete guided her where he wanted her, having Nikki straddle his shoulders. His rough stubble grazed her inner thighs, making her blood sing for him.

  Stroking with two fingers, he parted her already slick folds. Touching, teasing.

  She threw her head back at the first swipe of his tongue. When he sucked her clit into his mouth, she arched her back.

  He drove her crazy, licking and nibbling up and down until she pulsed on the inside. Ached for more. Her thighs shook and she panted through the pleasure rolling over her.

  Pete kneaded and squeezed her ass, urging her to come closer when her body threatened to collapse.

  “I won’t let you fall, sweetness.” His grip on her rear end tightened and he kissed her inner thigh.

  Dragging his tongue up to her core, he parted her tender skin again. He circled her clit until the sensitive bundle of nerves could take no more. When he nipped gently, Nikki screamed and buried her hands in his thick blond hair.

  The orgasm hit hard, locking all her muscles as he blew puffs of air against her overheated clit. That intensified her release. The bed spun and she clutched at Pete with both hands.

  He chuckled and pulled her close, laying her down gently as she panted.

  “I told you I wouldn’t let you fall.”

  Pete took her mouth in a kiss that made her head fuzzier. Her own essence mixed with his minty taste as their tongues duelled, and she wiggled under him. Nikki wanted more.

  He must’ve read her mind because he parted her thighs with a knee then he was there, pushing inside her, making them one.

  She kissed him harder, wrapping shaking arms around his neck as she met his first thrust with one of her own.

  “Only God knows why, but I can’t get enough of you, Nikki Harper,” he whispered before covering her mouth with his again.

  Nikki closed her eyes and kissed him back, banishing the L-word from her thoughts or it was likely to fall out of her mouth. Because God also knew the reason she couldn’t get enough of him.

  She got lost in the sensations of their bodies moving together, Pete’s legs entwined with hers, the beat of his heart against hers. The way their breathing fell into sync, the way he anticipated her pleasure as much as she did his.

  When he shouted his release and stilled above her, she tilted her hips. She let go, climax roaring over her as well.

  She held on tight, wrapping herself around Pete. She didn’t want to let him go…ever.

  He laughed and she felt it rumble in his chest.

  “You okay, sweetness?” He kissed her neck before pressing a tender one to her lips.

  “I am.” Nikki smiled and met his eyes in the dimness of his room.

  “You’re holding on pretty tight.”

  Nikki flushed and loosened her arms. Made her legs fall to the bed. “Sorry,” she whispered.

  Pete cupped her cheeks and smiled. “Don’t be. I like it. I love how you lose control with me. You’re gorgeous when you let go. When you come for me.”

  Heat rushed her limbs. Her body was sated, heavy from pleasure, but his words were like an on-switch. She bit her lip to keep from moaning.

  “I’ll get something to clean us up,” Pete said. He slipped from her body and the bed before Nikki could say a word.

  She closed her eyes and tucked her hands behind her head, trying to convince her heart to calm. When emotion rolled over her and tears leaked from behind her eyelids, she called herself every name in the book.

  Foolish and idiot were headlining coward.

  No matter that Andi thought Pete cared about her. He’d never said, and Nikki w
asn’t about to risk voicing her feelings first.

  Every time he made a comment about their age difference and told her he didn’t deserve her, it was like solidifying some sort of plan. Pete didn’t need to tell her. She just knew.

  When the case was over, he would be done with her. His jokes were as good as stating the fact.

  His mother had said she’d have to fight for him.

  How the hell was she supposed to do that?

  * * * *

  Luca paced the shitty motel room about five miles from Antioch. He’d moved on from the one closer to the small city’s centre. The place he’d spent the night with Prostitute Barbie had kept him too long.

  Caselli’s reinforcements would’ve found him there. Even if they’d assumed he’d run after the second fucking botched attempt on Berto and his whore.

  They were both still alive.

  A quick call to the hospital posing as law enforcement got the answer he didn’t want to hear.

  “Fuck me.” He dragged his hand down his face, ignoring how the two-day stubble scratched his palm.

  I don’t want to die.

  He looked around the room. This place wasn’t a chain. A U-shaped building right off the highway. Some stupid mom-and-pop place that actually rented rooms by the hour.

  So truckers could catch a nap. Suuuuuuuuure.

  At least the deadbolt worked better here. Place was cleaner, too. No bugs in the bathroom. Waterbugs, my ass. Them fuckers looked like roaches.

  Luca hated to admit it, but cockroaches made his skin crawl.

  Sighing, he gave himself a pat-down, feeling better when he touched the two guns he had on him. His trusty Beretta and the backup SIG were both in their normal places on his body. There were a few more weapons in the bag on the bed. At least he could protect himself.

  The glass of the single window facing the parking lot shattered and Luca rolled across the bed on instinct. Pieces of the doorframe went flying as someone kicked the door open.

  Hit his knees and drew his Beretta.

  Black boots came into view before another shot went off. His ears rang, but Luca pushed to his feet and pulled the trigger twice.

  Pain exploded in his already injured shoulder, but he took another shot, cursing under his breath.

  I will not die here.

  The shooter grunted, falling to his knees and holding his belly.

  Luca rounded the bed and kicked the asshole in the gut. The guy went down on all fours and dropped his gun. Luca grabbed it and tucked it into his waistband.

  “Get up. Frankie, you fucking son of a bitch, get the fuck up.”

  Frankie grunted and complied when Luca stuck his forty in the man’s face.

  “Sorry, Luca, it was orders.” He moaned, almost-black blood seeping through his fingers when he cradled his stomach again.

  “Orders. Fuck orders. Who else came with you?”

  The man shook his head and Luca punched him. Frankie toppled over and Luca cursed as both his bullet wounds—old and new—shouted a protest. He didn’t dare rotate his shoulder. It’d burn like a bitch.

  “Who. The. Fuck. Came with you?” Caselli never sent only one guy.

  Unless he didn’t see Luca as a challenge.

  He growled. That pissed him off.

  “Only me. Me.” Frankie’s bloody palms rose in submission as he lay on his back.

  Luca kicked him in the balls.

  Frankie screamed but didn’t get up.

  “Give Mickey my regards.” Luca aimed his Beretta at Frankie’s head and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Can we meet up?”

  He sat up straighter on the couch. Pete turned the TV down and shot a glance over his shoulder. Nikki was still in the kitchen. Good. “What’s up?” He held his cell tighter to his ear.

  “I’ll tell you when we meet. I’m not alone.” Raleigh’s voice shook. More than normal.

  It’s something serious.

  “Who’s with you?”

  “Someone who needs to talk to you.”

  “When?” Pete asked.

  “Now would be good. My…friend is twitchy.”

  “I don’t suppose you’d let me take you to the station?”

  “No way. You know I won’t go there. Neither will my friend.”

  “I need about an hour.” Pete sighed. He couldn’t bring Nikki. He needed to arrange for someone to protect her.

  He’d track down Lee—Pete wouldn’t walk into the meeting alone. No telling who was with Raleigh.


  They arranged a meeting place near the warehouse district. Ironically, it was the same spot where Raleigh had been supposed to meet him that night last year when he and Andi had run into Carlo Maldonado. Pete had been shot. Twice. The CI hadn’t showed.

  “You better not be pulling some shit on me, Raleigh.”

  “No way, boss. Seriously.”

  “I’ll take your ass in if I have to.”

  “I know you would. But I’m trying to help you.”

  Pete arched a brow. “Help me?”

  “Billy was my friend.”

  Shit. It was serious, all right. “Is this about Luciano Marchetti?”

  “We’ll talk when we meet.”

  The line went dead and Pete cursed under his breath. He had no choice but to wait for whatever Raleigh had. “This had better be good.”

  “What had better be good? The movie?”

  His gaze collided with Nikki’s gorgeous brown eyes. She was holding a bowl of popcorn. Standing in front of him in blue yoga pants and a too-tight white ribbed tank, he wanted to do a lot more to her than just wrap her in his arms and curl up with her on the couch.

  “I have to grab Lee and go out, sweetness.” He stood and took the bowl from her hand, setting it down on the coffee table. Pete tugged her close and kissed her.

  He’d meant it to be fleeting, a goodbye for now, then it melted into something more.

  Nikki slipped her arms around his neck and moved her mouth under his until they were panting against each other and his cock was pressing against his crotch.

  “Do you have to?” she whispered.

  Pete cupped her cheeks and caressed her soft flushed skin with both thumbs. “Yes. Unfortunately. I won’t be gone long. I’ll have someone come stay with you.”

  “I can’t go?”

  “No, darlin’, I need you here, safe.”

  “You’ll come home to me?”

  His heart thundered. Home. To Nikki. Didn’t that appeal? “Yes, sweetness. I’m going to meet a CI. Remember the guy from the trailer park?”

  She nodded, but a tremor shook her frame.

  Pete rubbed up and down her arms, careful to avoid her stitches. “He has some info for me. Lee’s going to come, so I don’t want you to worry, okay?”

  “How does Andi deal?” Nikki whispered.


  Her brown eyes bored into his. “She watches Cole do what you do every day. But she does it, too.”

  “Hey, hey.” Pete pressed a quick kiss to her mouth. “Andi has me at her back. Cole has Jared. We all have our eyes open. And we’re talking about Antioch. It’s not the big city.”

  “No, but you walk into danger anyway. Shootouts and drug deals.”

  “Nikki, this job is my life, and I know what I’m doing.”

  Something flashed across her expression, but it was gone so fast he couldn’t read it. Her mouth slid into a hard line and she nodded. “Okay.”

  He kissed her again, but she was no longer supple in his arms. What had he said to upset her? “I’ll be careful, I promise.”

  “Okay,” she repeated.

  Pete needed someone to cover for him while he was out. He called Jared Manning first, but he didn’t answer his phone. He didn’t blame him, though—the guy wasn’t on-call. He struck out next with Sully, the detective who was on-call. Sully was chasing down something of his own. Sully apologised profusely, but he couldn’t come.


  “What’s wrong?” Nikki asked. She watched him warily from the corner of his couch.

  “I’ll have to call dispatch. I don’t want to bother Cole, and I can’t get another detective. I’ll see if Chloe can come.”

  “I’ll be fine, Pete. I know how to use a gun. You have some around here, I’m sure. Or I could get mine. It’s in my bag.”

  “No way. Sweetness, I’m not leaving you here without a badge to go with those guns.”

  Nikki looked as if she would argue, then only nodded.

  Pete caressed her cheek and called for a patrol car. Chloe was working an accident, but said she’d send two of her guys. It would have to do. He waited until the cruiser parked across from his house and kissed Nikki one last time.

  “I’ll see you in a few, okay? Lock the door. Stay close to your cell. Crowley’s across the street and Benton is in the area.”

  She nodded and squeezed his hand. “We’ll both be fine.”

  He threw her a smile and jogged to tell Officer Shannon Crowley what was up. Satisfied the guy would tell him if Nikki so much as sneezed, he climbed into his pickup and found Lee’s number in his contacts.

  “I like you, Pete Crane, but this better be good,” she said by way of greeting.

  Pete laughed. “I’m on my way to pick you up.”

  “That good, huh?”

  “Of course, if I’m bugging you past eight p.m. it’s gotta be good.”

  Lee sighed.

  Pete heard a familiar male voice in the background. And water running. Damn, he was interrupting them. “Tell my brother I said hi. And that I’m sorry for ruining y’all’s evening.”

  “I suppose he’ll just have to understand.”

  “Brief you when I get there.”


  He hung up and shook his head, throwing his phone in the cup holder. Pete was missing out on being home with Nikki and Lee was losing valuable time with Nate.

  Should he feel better or worse he wasn’t the only one suffering?

  * * * *


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