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Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

Page 3

by West, La'Tonya

  “I cooked dinner for you because I figured that you’d want a good home cooked meal after being cooped up in the hospital for so long eating all of that nasty hospital food.” Lala giggled.

  “Thank you.” I smiled and then left out to go and see the babies. They were in the living room sitting in their swings asleep. I walked over and kissed them both on their chubby little cheeks. They looked as if they were sleeping so peacefully and they smelled so good. I had to give Lala credit she was an excellent mother. I stood there and just stared at my little princesses for a minute. Just appreciating the fact that I’d been given a second chance to do better by them and I wasn’t going to let them down…them or my boys.

  My dad walked into the living room and took a seat on the sofa. I walked over and took a seat down the opposite end.

  “I took your bags into the bedroom.” He told me.

  “Thanks pops.”

  “No problem.” He looked over at the girls and smiled proudly. “They are so beautiful. Boy, you sure make some beautiful children. You get that from your old man.” He chuckled.

  I looked at my babies and smiled. “Yeah they are beautiful.”

  “So what are you going to do now?” He pried.

  “What do you mean?” I asked looking over at the older version of myself, not fully understanding his question.

  “I mean, are you going to try and make things right with Kisha or are you going to try and make things work with Lala?”

  I opened my mouth to speak but heard my mama’s voice from behind me. “He doesn’t need to be trying to work things out with anyone right now! He needs to concentrate on getting himself back in tip top shape so that he can go back to work and help these women out with these children.” She said sitting down in the chair that sat across from the sofa. A strand of her salt and pepper hair fell in her face and she tucked it behind her ear. “Not only that but I personally do not want him with Kisha. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kisha because she has been a part of this family for many years now and I do believe that at one point she really did love my son more than any other woman ever will but the things that came out of her mouth that night that Tre got shot…” She shook her head. “I will never forget it and I will never forget how she acted. Not only did she have no respect for herself but the way that she carried on in front of those children didn’t make any sense at all!”

  “Dorothy, don’t be like that. That girl was upset and acting out of anger and pain. You or I can’t imagine how she must’ve felt after finding out the reason why Casper had done what he had to Tre. People react to things differently.” Daddy tried to explain to her. “You may have been able to handle things in a more calm way but she handled it the way that she saw fit.”

  Ma sucked her teeth rolling her eyes. “Oh please! I’m not saying that she wasn’t hurt but there is a time and place for everything! Her children were there! At some point she has to grow up! Look at how she jumped on Lala while she was holding Lola! I’m sorry but she can’t keep blaming her actions on being hurt! I’m not taking up for Lala! I’m not saying that she didn’t deserve that butt whooping but not how Kisha did it! One of those children could’ve gotten hurt and then she would be sitting in jail!”

  “I appreciate both of you guy’s opinion but honestly right now I am not focusing on getting back into a relationship with anyone, Lala or Kisha. I will say that, I do understand Kisha’s behavior.” I admitted. “I’m not saying that it’s right but I know that my actions really hurt her. I hurt her bad. She didn’t deserve the things that I did to her. I should’ve been man enough to either be with only her or let her go.”

  My daddy nodded his head in agreement with what I’d just said. “Now I totally agree with that but don’t be so hard on yourself son. We live and we learn.”

  “Yeah, a big part of life is making mistakes.” Mama added. “I’m curious to know, what made you mess with that girl Tamika? I mean, she was your friend’s girlfriend. Why on earth would you do something like that? Do you not have any loyalty to anyone?”

  I opened my mouth to answer but Lala appeared.

  “I’m so sorry to interrupt y’all conversation but dinner is ready.” Lala announced. I wondered if she’d heard any of the conversation. If she had she was doing a good job of hiding it because she was still wearing the cheerful expression that she’d been wearing since I walked in. “I hope you two are staying for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson because I cooked right much.”

  My daddy looked at my ma and she nodded her head. “I guess we could stay and see if you know what you are doing in that kitchen.” He chuckled.

  Lala laughed at his joke. “I do alright.” She replied.

  I started to get up slowly because I was still sore. My body was in no way healed. Lala rushed over to help me up. She held onto my arm pulling me up. “You got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it. Preciate’ the help.” She was being extra nice and she’d been that way the entire time that I’d stayed in the hospital. My wish was her command.

  We went into the kitchen and Lala fixed everyone’s plates. The roast beef, mixed vegetables and rolls that she’d prepared was bangin’. For dessert she’d baked a chocolate cake, which was my favorite. She knew that because back when we were messing around I used to always insist that she bake me a chocolate cake every other Sunday.

  “Dag girl, you really out did yourself.” I complimented her on the meal as I was finishing up my second slice of chocolate cake.

  She smiled. “Well, I am just glad that you enjoyed it.”

  “I did.” I confirmed.

  “Lala, Tre is right you put your foot in that roast honey!” My mama told her. “I might have to take some of that with me home if there is any left.”

  “There’s plenty left. Help yourself.”

  “Where did your lil young tail learn to cook like that?”

  “My mama and my grandma, those two women kept me in the kitchen. That was our thing when I was growing up, we would cook together every Sunday.”

  My ma smiled like she was impressed. “Well they sure taught you well because you threw down on that meal honey child.”

  “Thank you.” One of the girls started crying. “Excuse me. I have to go feed lil mama.” Lala said getting up to go and feed the baby.

  My parents and I sat at the table and continued to talk for a while before they left. Once they were gone, I went into the living room and stretched out on the sofa. I was as full as a tick and had gotten lazy. Lala was sitting in the chair holding Laila.

  “I could take her if you want.” I offered.

  “No, I got her.” She declined. “You go ahead and relax. Do you need me to do anything for you? I could run you a hot bath or something. That might ease your soreness a little.”

  “Nah, I’m good you’ve done enough. Thanks for dinner and all that you have done since I’ve been in the hospital. I really appreciate it.”

  She stopped patting Laila on her back and waved me off smacking her lips. “You don’t have to thank me. Where else was I going to be except for by your side?” She asked looking at me waiting for an answer.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I just didn’t expect it.”


  “Well because you and I aren’t together.” I admitted truthfully. “I thought that you would’ve been gone back home by now.” A look of embarrassment took over her round face and made me think of how my reply might have sounded to her. “No…no, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I just meant that I figured that you wouldn’t feel obligated to stay here for me.”

  “We have two children together Tre and so just because we aren’t together or sleeping together doesn’t mean that I am going to leave you while you are lying in the hospital recovering from multiple gunshot wounds. I needed to be sure that you were okay and back on your feet before I went back to Danville.” She paused and then continued. “Besides us not being together or the recent chain of events, don’t change the fact that I still love y
ou. I’m going to always love you. You are the father of my children.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. I felt like I should say something but I wasn’t sure what so I changed the subject. “Laila and Lola have gotten so big.”

  She looked confused at first but then she responded. “Yeah they have.” After that neither of us said anything else. I ended up falling asleep right there on the sofa.

  For the next few days I stayed in the house but on the third day I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I was still confined to that hospital bed. I got up early that morning took a shower and put back on what I’d had on the day before because Lala was in the bedroom asleep and I didn’t want to wake her by going in there to try and find some clothes. I could wait until she got up. I fixed myself a bowl of cereal and took it back into the living room. I switched on the TV and began watching cartoons while I ate. Before I could finish eating my cereal, I heard one of the girls crying. I placed my cereal on the coffee table and went down the hall to the bedroom. I pushed the door open and went inside. Lala was knocked out and so was Laila but Lola was screaming like someone had pinched her. I reached over in her bassinet and scooped her up into my arms. She was soaked. I gave her, her pacifier to quiet her down. I didn’t want her to wake Laila. I grabbed a diaper for her and some clean clothes. Then I took her down the hall to the boy’s bathroom and gave her a nice warm bath. She seemed to enjoy her bath. The boys never liked taking a bath when they were babies. They would scream and yell like someone was killing them until it was over.

  When I was done, I went into the kitchen and warmed up a bottle of breast milk that Lala had pumped and then went into the living room. I sat down in the chair and fed her. After feeding her I placed her on my shoulder and burped her. She was still wide awake so I sat there and played with her for a while and watched TV.

  About an hour later, I heard the bedroom door open and then I heard footsteps coming down the hall.

  “Good morning.” Lala spoke walking into the living room carrying Laila in her arms.

  “Good morning.”

  “How long has she been up?” She asked nodding her head towards Lola.

  “I came and got her about an hour ago.” I replied. “You and Laila were knocked out. She was wet and hungry so I gave her a bath and fed her.”

  “Look at you, daddy.” She remarked laughing.


  “Nothing…I’m just shocked that you are up on top of things so soon. You just came home a few days ago. You could’ve woken me up. I would’ve gotten her.”

  “I didn’t need to wake you. I had the situation under control.” I assured her. “Shit, I’ve been laying up in that hospital bed for the past few weeks and lying on this sofa for the past three days. Trust me the last thing that I want to do is continue to lay around some more.”

  “I feel you.”

  We small talked for a while longer until Lola fell asleep. Once I noticed that she’d fallen asleep. I got up, carried her back down the hall and placed her in her bassinet. Then I got dressed. I threw on a pair of baggy black basketball shorts and a wifebeater and slipped my feet in my black Tims. I walked back down the hall.

  “Lala have you seen my car keys?”

  “Yeah, they are on the counter in the kitchen.” She replied looking me up and down. “Tre, should you be driving?”

  “Yes mama, I’m good.” I joked.

  “Are you sure?” She pressed. “I mean…don’t you think that it’s too soon to be driving? You are still really sore. What if someone pulls out in front of you or something? You may be a little too slow to react fast enough! And have you taken your pain medicine? Doesn’t that stuff make you a little drowsy?”

  I was very grateful that she was worried about me but I hoped that she wasn’t getting the wrong idea about us. Friendship was truly the only thing that I was interested in. After all that had happened I wasn’t trying to go backwards. From here on out I was looking forward and trying like hell not to make any of the same bad choices that I’d made before and trying to be in a relationship with Lala or Kisha for that matte would be a bad choice. I’d never get any peace because the two of them would stay at each other’s throats. I didn’t want all of the chaos in my life. I just wanted to live peacefully.

  “I appreciate your concern but I’m good.” I told her. “I’ll be back in a little while.” I could tell by the expression on her face that she still wasn’t too pleased with my decision to drive but she didn’t say anything else. I walked over and kissed Laila and told her that I loved her. After almost losing my life a few weeks ago, I wasn’t sure if I would make it back so I felt it to be necessary for me to kiss my babies and tell them that I loved them in case my black ass didn’t make it back.

  I left headed nowhere in particular but ended up at Tyson’s crib. Well his mama’s crib. He’d been back living at home since his ex-girl had put him out. I got out and knocked on the door, a few seconds later I heard him unlocking the locks. He swung the door open, when he saw that it was me a wide grin formed on his lips revealing a mouthful of gold fronts.

  “Oh shit! My nigga done made it home!” He hollered pulling me into a big brotherly hug!

  “Ahhh…damn man…chill!” I yelled out in pain. He was squeezing me too tight.

  He instantly let go of me, a worried expression covered his face. “Oh damn man my bad.” He apologized. “Shit, I’m so glad to see your ass that I forgot all about your injuries. Come on in.” My hand went up to the wound in my chest. I rubbed the spot where I’d been shot. That spot was the sorest. Tyson had started inside but then looked back. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” He went on inside and I followed. When we passed by the living room I noticed Ms. Jackie sitting on the sofa watching TV and eating. “Hey Ms. Jackie.” I stuck my head in and spoke.

  She sat the plate of chicken that she’d been holding down on the coffee table. “Hey Tre, baby. Come here and give me a hug.” I walked over and hugged her. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling fine.” I replied offering her a warm smile.

  She shook her head her chubby hand went up in the air. “That sho’ is good! Yes Lawd, I’m certainly glad to hear that! I prayed for you! I asked the Lawd to bring you through and he did! Yes he did! Can’t nobody tell me that he ain’t good! You hear me?”

  “Thank you, Ms. Jackie for praying for me. I certainly appreciate it.”

  “No need to thank me baby, you need to thank the man upstairs! He is the one who brought you through this!”

  “Yes ma’am, I have more times than you can imagine.” That wasn’t a lie. I’d been thanking God ever since I’d opened my eyes in the hospital and realized that I’d pulled through.

  “Don’t stop thankin’ him!” She shook her head again, the huge pink rollers in her hair shaking as well. Ms. Jackie was a plus-sized woman with skin the color of cocoa and she stood about 5’1. She was truly the mouth of the south. Nothing got past her. She knew a little bit about everybody’s business. It always amazed me how she claimed to be so into the church but was the most judgmental gossiper I knew. “I tell you, y’all young people out here living so careless, betraying each other and selling your souls to the devil! You’d better stop this nonsense because if you don’t you are going to end up locked away in a jail cell or six feet deep! Look at how that poor girl lost her life behind all this foolishness! I feel so bad for her mama! I remember when that girl was born! I know poor Marsha is about to lose her mind because Mika was her only girl!”

  I’d known that people would be talking about what’d happened but I hadn’t been prepared for this. I did feel bad about Tamika’s death and I did feel partially to blame for it but it wasn’t like I’d pulled the trigger or initiated what went down between her and I. The day that everything went down she’d come at me like always. I’d been trying to leave but I knew people wouldn’t look at shit that way. To this day no one knew that the real reason I’d slept with Tamika in the first
place was because her triflin ass had blackmailed me!

  Tyson must’ve picked up on the uncomfortable expression on my face. “Ma, chill out. Tre has been through enough. He didn’t come here for you to throw the situation in his face!”

  “You be quiet! I’m not throwing anything in his face. I’m simply making him aware of the fact that if he keeps going the way that he is going he may not make it through the next time!” She looked at me like she was trying to see if I was paying attention. “I know Tamika wishes that she could have another chance, poor thang but you have one. So make good of it and do better!”

  “I will.”

  “I sure hope so. I heard that Mika’s brother Parnell is taking this extremely hard. You know that he’s locked up. He didn’t even get a chance to go to the funeral and say good-bye to his sister.” She shook her head sympathetically and then looked up at me. “I heard that he has said that this mess ain’t over with yet and that he plans on taking care of everybody who was responsible for his sister’s death when he gets out in a few months.” She warned. “I would hate to see something happen to you, Tre.”

  Hearing that only infuriated me! “No disrespect but I’m not worried about Parnell doing shit to me! If he wants to see me, I ain’t hard to find! I’ll tell you what though, this time I won’t be the only motherfucka lying up in the hospital fighting for my life! Somebody else will be joining my ass!”

  “Man, don’t worry about that shit! Come on, Tre.” Tyson told me looking at Ms. Jackie and rolling his eyes. He turned and walked out and I followed behind him, glad to get away from his mama’s mouth! She had me tight and the thought of cussing her old ass out had crossed my mind several times while I was standing there listening to her preach with all of that chicken grease and crumbs around her fat ass mouth! She lucky because that last bullshit that she’d said about Parnell had pissed me off to the point that I nearly told her what she could do too! The only thing that had stopped me was knowing that I would no doubt have to fight Tyson if I disrespected his moms and I was in no shape to be fighting anyone!


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