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Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

Page 15

by West, La'Tonya

  Nisey had come over. We’d been watching a movie. “Hey Reggie.” She spoke as we walked into the living room.

  “Hey Nisey. How are you?” He replied.

  “I’m fine. Hanging in there.”

  “I hear that.” He laughed looking around. “Where is little man?”

  “He’s with his grandparents.”

  “Oh so you have a little break then?”

  “Something like that.” She smiled. “I miss my baby when he’s gone though. So I guess it isn’t much of a break.”

  “I can understand that.”

  I’d taken a seat on the other end of the sofa down from Nisey with Laila on my lap. Reggie took a seat in the recliner. I pressed play on the movie and we sat and finished watching the movie that Nisey and I had been watching before he’d came.

  By the time that the movie went off it was a little after five. “Baby what would you like for dinner?” I asked. “Whatever you want, that is what I am going to prepare.”

  “Listen at you, catering to your man.” He smiled and winked at me. Then he rubbed his chin like he was giving my question some serious thought. “How about barbeque chicken, string beans, mashed potatoes and gravy and cornbread.”

  “Dag, that sounds good. Almost makes me want to stay for dinner.” Nisey teased.

  “No ma’am you are not invited.” I looked over at Reggie and smiled. “Tonight is all about my man.”

  “Oh that’s messed up.” She said shaking her head.

  “I still love you, girl.”

  “Well let me go ahead on home.” She stood to leave.

  “Hold up, aren’t you going with me to the grocery store.” I asked.

  “I can.”

  I turned my attention to Reggie. “Me, Nisey and the girls are going to run to the grocery store.”

  “Okay but you could leave the girls here with me if you want. I mean that way you could go faster without having to juggle them.”

  “Nah, that’s okay. You go ahead and relax while we are gone. I got them.”

  “Lala, I really don’t mind. Laila and Lola are my little buddies. Isn’t that right Lola.” She’d woken up from her nap and was now crawling around on the floor. She stopped and looked back at him and continued on her way. “Plus Laila is asleep now. There’s no need in waking her up.”

  He did have a point. I wasn’t sure if he could handle two babies but I figured that he must feel like he could so I agreed to it. “Okay then we’ll only be gone about forty-five minutes.”

  “It’s no problem baby. Take your time.”

  I went down the hall to my room and slipped my shoes on. When I came back down the hall I scooped my keys up off the table and then leaned over and gave Reggie a kiss. “I’ll be back in a few.”


  “Come one Nisey.” The two of us left.

  We were almost at the store when Nisey asked if I had any gum. “Yeah, look in my pocketbook.”

  She looked in the backseat. Then on the floor in the front. “I don’t see your pocketbook.”

  “Damn it!” I huffed hitting the steering wheel. “Girl, I done walked right out of the house and left my pocketbook.” I turned around and headed back in the direction of my house.

  “It’s a good thing that I asked you for that gum because if I hadn’t you would’ve made it all the way to the store before you noticed you’d left it.”

  “Yeah you are good for something.” I teased.

  We both laughed. When we pulled into my driveway. I got out to get my pocketbook. I decided to use my key instead of ringing the bell because I didn’t want to wake Laila up. I unlocked the door and went inside. “I left my pocket…” My words got caught in my throat and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. The scene that I saw before my eyes had to be the worst thing that I’d ever seen or would ever see. Reggie was laid back on the sofa with his pants down past his thighs. One of his hands were feverishly stroking his erection. Lola was lying on the sofa next to him with nothing at all on and he had his free hand rubbing her private area.

  When he looked up and saw me a terrified expression covered his face. He jumped up and tried to pull up his pants. “Lala, I can explain. It’s not what it looks like.”

  I lost it. I ran over to him and started to spray his face with the mace that was on my keychain. He fell back onto the sofa coughing, holding his eyes and screaming like a bitch. Lola started to cough and cry as well and so had I. I scooped her up and ran outside with her. I could barely see as I made my way to the car. I wasn’t sure if my eyes were running water because of the mace or because I was crying. I opened the door to the car and practically threw Lola in Nisey’s lap.

  I heard her asking me what was going on and why Laila didn’t have a diaper on but I didn’t respond. I turned around and went back inside. My mind was on one thing…killing Reggie’s ass! When I got back inside, he’d made it off the sofa and was trying to feel his way to the door. I picked up the metal candleholder off of the table and swung it with everything in me. The first blow landed in the back of his head. He yelp in pain and blood splattered everywhere. I swung it again this time I connected with his shoulder. I kept swinging until he fell to the floor he balled up in a fetal position and was trying to shield his head.

  “I’m going to kill you! You no good motherfucka! She’s an innocent baby!” I screamed as I continued to wear his ass out with the candleholder. “That’s my fuckin’ baby.” I could barely see him through the tears.” The mace was starting to get the best of me and I had to get some air. I dropped the candleholder and staggered outside. I was coughing so badly that I leaned over and started to vomit. My hands and clothes were covered in blood. Nisey ran over to me with Lola in her arms.

  “I already called the police and the ambulance because I could tell that something was seriously wrong.” She said shaking and panicking. “What happened? Why are you covered in blood?”

  I stood up wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “He… was…molesting my baby…Nisey.” I managed to get out before I broke down and sobbed loudly into my friend’s shoulder.

  “What did you do Lala? Did you kill him?” I could hear the fear in her voice. “Where is Laila?”

  I realized that I’d left her inside. She’d been in her and Lola’s room in her crib taking a nap. Just as I started back inside to get her the police pulled into the driveway.


  It was starting to feel like God had something against me. I couldn’t believe what Lala was on the other end telling me. I wanted her to be wrong, for it not to be true but from the way that she was crying into the phone. I knew that it was true.

  “How could he do something like that to my baby Tre?” She cried. “Why would he do that?”

  I wish that I could answer her and tell her why some sick ass motherfucka would chose to do something like that to a baby but I couldn’t. Tears fell freely from my eyes and I could barely see the road as I made my way to Tyson’s house. I’d called ahead and told him that I needed to borrow his gun.

  “Tre, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left her.” She continued to cry. “This is my fault, I did this to her.”

  I couldn’t stand to hear her cry like that. It only made me madder and that was nearly impossible to do being that I believe I was as mad as any human could be right now. I hung up the phone and threw it over in the passenger seat. Reggie was going to pay with his life for what he’d done to my baby.

  Author’s Note

  I hope that I have in no way offended anyone by the child molestation scene. I decided to add this because it is very real and happens all the time. Most of the time this crime is committed by someone we know really well and have known for years. Someone that we trust around our children. I mostly wanted single mothers to be very aware of who they allow around their children (and single father’s as well). Predators are everywhere. *Everything that glitters ain’t gold*

  Stay tuned for part 4 of Side Chic which will be the final part
of the series***


  First and foremost I would like to thank God for everything. Without him nothing would be possible. I thank him for blessing me with this wonderful gift to be able to write and entertain people with my stories. Secondly, I would like to thank my three beautiful babies, Ny’Ajah, Camari, and AnTeyvion. You three are the reason that I grind so hard and continue to strive for more and to become a better me. I would like to thank my mom, Angela Taylor and my dad, Paul Hill. I am thankful for and appreciate you both. To my grandmothers Ann West and Mable Hill, I love you both and thank you for being there for me whenever I have needed you both. To my sister and my best friend Tinika Taylor, I love you more than life itself. You are my rock, the one person I can depend on when everyone else in this harsh world has turned their backs on me! I treasure every moment that the two of us spend together.

  To all of my aunts, uncles and cousins, I love you guys. R.I.P to my uncles Steve and Calvin, I miss you both very much. A special shout out to my uncle Al Kelly, even though we don’t get to see each other much anymore because of our hectic schedules, I love you to pieces and thank you so much for the love and support that you have shown me. Thank you to my sister from another mother Denise Mason, I love you girl and appreciate you. Thanks for listening to my constant drama lol even though I already know what you be saying in your head when I be yapping…lmao! To my cousin, Teresa Porter (my late night, early morning riding partner). Thanks for being there for me the times when I have needed you the most to just be a listening ear.

  Now I’d like to thank all of the fans who have followed my work! Thank you to each and every one of you who has ever purchased any of my work or just taken time to read an excerpt of mine. I appreciate it. Thank you to Cash who has believed in a sista since day one. I can’t begin to express to you how much your friendship and constant advice and support means to me, I love you and will always treasure our friendship.

  To all of the wonderful authors who have supported me or just given me advice, thank you. Aaron Bebo, Jason Hooper, Aleta Williams, Authoress Redd, Andrionna Williams, Candice Stevenson. There are a few of you who have been some real riders so I definitely have to shout you out. Kendra Littleton, Brandi McClinton, Novie Cuteyez, Sharon Blount, Skeet the Poet, Karen Patterson, Chyna Blue, Raychelle Williams, Shayna Williams, Judy Richburg, and Shaniqua Townes. Shout to one of the best book clubs BRAB! You guys rock!!! Thank you all so much. If I have forgotten any one I truly apologize. I suck at this lol. Please know that it wasn’t intentional.




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