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The Omega's Mate:

Page 4

by E A Price

  He looked past her hopefully and sniffed. He couldn’t see or scent any evidence that wolves lived here, but you never knew. “I want to know who lives in your house.”

  The woman looked at him like he was an escaped mental patient. “What?”

  Cain grunted as his bear growled impatiently. “I’m looking for someone. Who else other than you lives here?”

  He’d decided the best way to find his mate was to work methodically. He would visit every single house in Rose until he found her. Easy peasy. However, after visiting only four houses, he was already furious at the lack of progress.

  At the first house, he had been arrested by the vision of a nude, elderly bull shifter answering the door. Other than being impressed by the size of the old man’s testicles, he was next to useless. The next door he tried was opened by an attractive bear shifter. He scented a she-wolf at her house and grew hopeful that the bear would have some information. Unfortunately, the bear was thoroughly suspicious of his motives and told him she was calling the cops, before slamming the door. Nobody was home at house number three. Whilst house number four was home to a stoned human, who was rocking on his porch swing petting a bunny. No, he had no idea about wolf shifters; he actually seemed surprised to discover there were any wolf shifters in town. When Cain told him it was a pack town, the man actually said ‘no shit!’

  Now arriving at house number five, he had lost all pretensions of civility.

  The old woman pulled her housecoat around her and sniffed. “That’s none of your business. Now get off my porch.”

  She moved to shut the door; Cain pressed a meaty paw against it, and loomed over her. “I said I’m looking for someone. Who else lives here?”

  Whilst most would have cowered at the seven foot bear shifter, this woman just dug in her heels and squared her shoulders. “I don’t have to tell you anything.”

  His bear howled in frustration. “Well, if you won’t tell me, I’ll look for myself!”

  Cain shoved past her and began stalking through her house, looking for signs of his wolf. The woman was apoplectic. “I’m calling the police!”

  Cain ignored her and ran upstairs to check the bedrooms. He could hear her shouting down the phone, but he didn’t care. He tried every room but couldn’t find evidence that anyone other than the quarrelsome woman lived there. The beast inside wailed in disappointment.

  Dejectedly he stomped down the stairs. He yelped as the woman threw a photograph at him. Shielding his face, he ran out her house, as she threw a collection of ornaments, books and lamps at him.

  “Get out!” She screamed.

  “I’m trying!”

  Cain hurled himself down her porch steps, to face an annoyed Sheriff and two wary Deputies. All wolves. The hard looking Sheriff faced him head on, whilst the Deputies circled round.

  “What are you waiting for? Arrest him!” screeched the woman hysterically.

  The Sheriff crossed his arms. “Go back inside Mrs Martin. We’re handling this.”

  “That psycho tried to rob me! Arrest him!” she demanded shrilly.

  “That’s a lie!” bellowed Cain. “I would never steal any of her crap!”

  The Sheriff’s eyes flashed amber. “Go back inside Mrs Martin.”

  Reluctantly she did, but she ran to the window to watch the unfolding events.

  The Sheriff fixed his gaze on Cain. “Why don’t you come with us back to the Sheriff’s station, for a friendly chat?”

  Logically, Cain knew that was what he should do, but by that point, his bear was pushing too hard. The time to be reasonable was long gone. He was angry; he wanted his mate, and he wasn’t about to be pushed around by a wolf.

  “Why don’t you make me, wolf?”

  The Sheriff bared his fangs. “You got it, bear.”


  “Just don’t push her okay? If you push her, she’ll clam up and won’t talk to us at all.”

  Kayleigh rolled her eyes. “Yes I know, you’ve already said. I swear you act like I’m some pushy loudmouth.” Melanie was almost as bad as her mate, Don.

  Melanie pouted at her best friend. As lovely as Kayleigh was, she was a pushy loudmouth, there was no mistaking that.

  They were meeting Carly for lunch, and were keen to find out what happened last night. Melanie had already tried grilling her brother-in-law, Acksel, but if he knew anything he wouldn’t say. Some crap about respecting Carly’s privacy.

  There was also the matter of persuading Carly to meet up with Cain, her mate. Hans warned Melanie to stay out of it, but Cain had just looked so forlorn. He looked like an overgrown little boy whose puppy had run away. Her heart melted, and she promised to talk to Carly.

  She almost snickered thinking of the tiny, timid wolf matched with the enormous, obnoxious bear. Fate was a tricky devil.

  “Let’s just wait for Carly to broach the subject with us first.” And then she’d try to steer it in the direction of her meeting up with Cain.

  “Yes, no problem.” Kayleigh tutted. The way Melanie went on, it was like she thought Kayleigh didn’t have any control over her mouth at all!

  “Here she comes,” murmured Melanie.

  They were meeting for lunch at Pizza Moon. Carly was working on her shop next door, and Melanie could jump up and help her mother-in-law waitress if needed. Melanie and Hans ran the pizzeria together, with Hans’ mother and sisters taking shifts.

  Carly walked over to them a little cautiously. The last time they’d seen her she had been crying, and begging Acksel to take her home. They were probably a little curious about what happened. Unless Cain had already told them… which would be nice and humiliating.

  “Hey guys.” Carly slid into the booth observing them carefully; her wolf was prowling warily.

  They both said hello and the women looked at their menus.

  “What are you guys having?” asked Carly.

  Kayleigh slapped the menu down. “Alright enough small talk, what happened with you and Cain last night?”

  Carly’s cheeks shone pink, and Melanie growled as furiously as a witch could. Usually something she reserved for her mate, who found it totally hot.

  “Well done Kayleigh! You held out for less than a minute!”

  Kayleigh held up her hands in surrender. “I’m sorry! But last night Carly was clearly upset; then we find out that Cain’s her mate, and today she looks really bad… I mean not bad… just tired, like you had a rough night… and not in a good way.”

  “Ugh Dios mío! Stop talking Kayleigh!”

  Worry coursed through the little wolf. “What did Cain tell you?”

  Melanie took her hand. “Only that he was your mate. He didn’t seem to know why you ran out of there like you were on fire.”

  Didn’t know?! Carly found that hard to believe!

  Melanie squeezed her hand. “You can tell us anything you know. We won’t repeat it to anyone but our mates. If blabbermouth here even tries, I’ll put a spell on her that makes it sound like birds are cheeping whenever she opens her mouth.”

  Kayleigh harrumphed at the other witch but smiled encouragingly at Carly.

  Taking a deep breath, Carly succinctly told them what happened.

  Their eyes bulged a little. “That’s unfortunate,” muttered Melanie.

  Kayleigh wasn’t quite so forgiving. “Unfortunate? The guy’s a total dickhead!”

  Melanie held up placating hands. “In his defense, he had no idea he was going to meet you that night, so he wasn’t actually cheating on you.”

  Carly looked at her searchingly. “So, you don’t think there was anything wrong with what he was doing, with those two girls?”

  Melanie grimaced and tried to be diplomatic. “Well, it’s not really something I’d be into… but as far as I’m concerned, consenting adults can do what they like. People might frown on some of the things I get up to with Hans…”

  Melanie colored slightly, but cleared her throat, and continued ignoring Kayleigh curious glances. “But, that does
n’t mean there’s anything wrong with it.”

  Carly shifted uncomfortably. Her beast liked what she was hearing, but Carly was still stinging over what happened. “So you think I should give him a chance?”

  “I think it’s your decision, but I spent ages ignoring the mating pull, because I thought my mate was a total jackass…”

  “I heard that!” shouted a livid voice from the kitchen. Hans.

  Melanie exhaled loudly. “And it was a huge mistake. We wasted a lot of time we could have spent together. I regret not jumping him the moment I met him… even if he was acting like an arrogant tool.”

  Carly’s face creased. “It’s just that I always pictured meeting my mate would be a bit more… fairytale. He’s not at all like I imagined.”

  Melanie chuckled. “If my life had worked out as expected, I’d be married to some boring dude, and living in the suburbs, with two fat children and a slobbering dog. I don’t think anyone really ends up with the person they envision when they’re young. Isn’t that right Kay?”

  Kayleigh cocked her head on one side. “No, I ended up with my dream guy.”

  Ugh Kayleigh! “Fine! Almost nobody ends up with the person they thought they would. And speaking personally, I couldn’t be happier. Hans is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “That’s more like it,” yelled the kitchen voice.

  Kayleigh snorted. “Careful, I think Hans’ ego is about to explode.”

  Melanie’s lips curled up. “Don’t worry; I’ll beat it down later.”

  Carly chewed on her cheek. Maybe she was a little hard on her mate. It’s not really like he had been cheating on her. And it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t fit her ‘perfect mate’ mold.

  Whilst she did find his antics with those women off-putting, to say the least, there was nothing to suggest he would behave that way again, now that he knew she was his mate. The bear would surely want to meet her, and be with her. The mating pull certainly seemed to take hold of him pretty quickly. He had been desperate to get hold of her last night. And she doubted it was to talk, not if the look on his face and the monster between his legs were to be believed.

  Instead of sticking around, she had turned tail and run away. She at least owed him an apology for that. Her wolf pranced around at this new turn of events.

  “Maybe I could give him a call,” suggested Carly.

  Kayleigh nodded. “Hmm, just make sure you give him hell for what happened last night.”

  “Kayleigh!” admonished Melanie.

  “What? Start the relationship as you mean to go on, and let him know you’re not going to put up with any of his crap.”

  Melanie groaned. “Be realistic, she can’t blame him or be jealous of the women he was with before her.”

  Kayleigh hooted with laughter. “Of course she can! Male shifters are not logical. They are possessive, irrational cavemen. Undoubtedly Cain will resent every man Carly has ever been with, and will be upset that she didn’t save herself for him. Trust me, I went through all this with Don, and he’s a thousand times more rational than other male shifters. So my advice is if you have the upper hand, grab onto it now...”

  “Or you could just behave normally, and not like your relationship is some form of urban warfare. If you’re reasonable, he’ll be reasonable too,” interrupted Melanie.

  Kayleigh lowered her voice. “So remind me again, how does Hans feel about the fact that his brother asked you out on a date, before the two of you were officially together?”

  Melanie bit her lip. “On second thoughts Kayleigh does have a point. Just bear what she said in mind, when you talk to your mate.”

  Carly nodded as she felt her anxiety rocket. She’d dated shifters and found their covetous natures a little stifling. Would she really be able to cope with a strong willed bear in the grip of the mating pull?

  Chapter Six

  Carly hurried to the Sheriff’s station. Her Alpha, Adam, had summoned her to soothe Mrs Martin. Apparently someone had tried to rob her whilst she was home, and she was understandably a little shocked. However, they wanted her calm, not screaming the station down.

  Pushing the door open, Carly waved hello at Liv, her Beta’s mate, before hastening in the direction of Mrs Martin’s strident voice.

  The pack did have another Omega called Kira, who had recently mated with her pack mate Gabe. Kira had taken some of Carly’s responsibilities, to allow her to spend time opening the cake shop. But Kira had trouble deciphering non-pack mate’s emotions. Kira had no trouble with pack members who weren’t wolves, and could even sense pack member’s non-wolf mates before they bonded, but she struggled with anyone not associated with the pack.

  Carly, on the other hand, was subject to everyone’s emotions. If they weren’t pack the connection was a little hazy, but it was still there. Although she blocked it out as best she could, she was able to sense every single member of the pack at any given time or place. Carly was a very strong Omega. It was a gift and a curse.

  Mrs Martin was sat fanning herself, whilst the female Deputies, her pregnant pack mate Mac and a bobcat called Deanna, tried to reassure her she was safe and plied her with water. “That ogre just burst into my house! He knocked me to the floor and said he was going to rob me blind!”

  “That’s a lie!” rumbled an enraged voice.

  Carly stopped. The voice was coming from the cells. The others winced when they heard it, but to Carly it had a deep, comforting quality that enfolded itself around her, and made her whole body hum. She inhaled deeply and shuddered at the delicious, earthy scent. Her wolf yowled pleasurably.

  Without thinking, her legs moved toward the voice. There were others now arguing with it, her pack mates, but she barely registered them. She tiptoed into the cells and found her bruised and battered looking pack mates, Deputies Gabe and Jake. The disheveled Beta and Sheriff, Alec, along with the Alpha, Adam, stood in front of the cell door, engaged in a heated argument with the occupant.

  Carly trembled when she saw who it was, partly in fear and partly in excitement. She was right; it was Cain Moran. Her mate. Her wolf was ecstatic. Yes, he has found us… sort of. Was he in Rose for her?

  The bear suddenly straightened and let out a lusty growl. Fear danced over the eyes of the Deputies, but Cain ignored them, he looked past them to the only thing that mattered. His mate.

  A predatory grin spread across his face, as his eyes blackened. His fangs and claws descended and his beast roared in contentment. Arousal more potent that he had ever experienced surged through him. The cell bars groaned under his tightening grip.

  Carly gasped at the wildness of her mate. Her pack mates spun round in surprise. Alec moved to her and took her arm to lead her away.

  Cain howled at the other male touching his mate. My mate, mine! “Don’t touch her!”

  Adam looked between Carly and Cain with fearful suspicion. “Carly?”

  “Carly…” crooned the bear. Yes, a name at last.

  The Omega wrung her hands. “What’s going on?”

  Alec dropped his hand and jutted his chin at Cain. “This gentleman was apparently knocking on doors, demanding to know who lived there. When Mrs Martin wouldn’t tell him, he forced his way into her home and started searching it.”


  “I was trying to find you baby.” Cain told her proudly.


  “Carly? Explain now,” ordered Adam, impatiently.

  Cain bristled at the tone this male used with his mate. “Don’t speak to her that way!”

  Carly rubbed her neck. “He’s uh… he’s my mate.”

  The four male wolves gaped at her in disbelief, whilst Cain and his bear roared in satisfaction. Their mate acknowledged them. Now all they had to do was bond. If these idiot wolves opened the cell, they could get onto it straight away.

  “This bear?” asked Gabe, gesturing to Cain. “This bear is your mate?”

  Carly nodded embarrassed. She could see Gabe and Jake
were trying not to chortle with laughter. The idea of the tiny Omega mated to the behemoth of a bear was priceless.

  In spite of Cain’s snarls, Adam put his hand on Carly’s shoulder. She soaked up his rays of calm, allowing her inner turmoil to dissipate. “We’ll give you a few moments alone.”

  Adam motioned to the other wolves, who quickly followed him out the room, Alec somewhat reluctantly.

  Cain inhaled her scent and moaned. Mmmmm cookies. Now that the four males had left, he could smell her delicious fragrance, unspoiled by their sweaty musk. Although, the scent of the Alpha and the Beta did linger on her skin. His bear didn’t like that. He needed to get out of this cage so he could rub himself all over her, and cover her with his fragrance.

  Carly raked her fingers through her hair. She quivered under his intense gaze. Nobody had ever looked at her like that that, like he wanted to devour her body and soul. “So uh hi I guess.” Smooth Carly, real smooth.

  Cain beamed at his nervous little mate. She was adorable. “Hello Carly.”

  She gulped and spoke quickly, stumbling over her words. “I’m Carly Finlay by the way. As I’m sure you can tell, I’m a wolf shifter, and I‘m a member of the Grey wolf pack. And I uh, I know you’re Cain Moran.”

  The bear cocked his head. She already knew him? Had they met before, and he’d been too stupid to see who she was and what she meant to him?

  “I saw you fight last night…”

  Cain puffed out his chest; he was pleased his mate had witnessed his dominance over the larger shifter. She had already seen what a strong and fierce protector he would be. “Yeah? You saw me take down that rhino? Guy was pretty big, but he went down like a pussy cat.”

  “Well, actually I umm, left after the first round… I wasn’t feeling well.” Maybe now wasn’t the time to mention the reason she wasn’t well, if they were to have a relationship, she didn’t want it to start with him knowing what a wuss she was. That could be an unpleasant surprise for later.

  Cain frowned as his bear whimpered. He didn’t like the sound of her being sick at all. “Baby I’m sorry, come here so I can check your temperature.”

  He reached out through the bars, keen to get hold of her. It had been at least fourteen hours since they met, and he still hadn’t felt his skin against hers. Both he and his bear were getting antsy.


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