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Discover Me

Page 8

by Cara Thereon

  He wasn’t classically beautiful with the slight bend in his otherwise straight nose, or his too angular chin and too full lips, but Kat found he captivated her anyway. It had to be the air around him, mystery and something that excited her. He ran a bronzed hand through his dark hair before resting it back on the steering wheel. Those lips tilted up in a sexy smile that made her breath catch. He knew she stared, but had the good grace not to comment on it.

  “Where ya headed?” He asked. That voice like gravel, rasped across her bare skin

  “I’m…” She cleared her voice of the sudden huskiness. Swallowing around the knot in her throat, Kat tried again. “I’m headed wherever the road will take me. Currently, I’m just trying for Monroeville.”

  She couldn’t see his eyes, but felt them on her skin. Her tank top felt too small just then, her breasts seeming to swell and spill forth. She had the uncomfortable urge to straighten her top lest she revealed too much, but she just managed to stay still.

  He made a soft sound under his breath, “Monroeville? It’s a half an hour away. I think I can give you a lift there.”

  Stark relief went through her when he nodded and reached over to open the door for her. She uttered something that may have been thanks, but it got lost in the shuffle of her getting in the car. Her backpack slid to the ground as she buckled herself in and settled back against the leather seats.

  The first few miles flew by, the landscape out her window a blur. Quiet permeated the car, not uncomfortable just uncertain. Most of that feeling had to come from her because that’s how she felt next to him. From the corner of her eye she watched the play of his muscles under his shirt as he shifted gears. His long fingers seemed to stroke the shifter in the most provocative manner. Kat couldn’t get the thought of his fingers brushing her skin off her mind.

  His voice startled her out of her thoughts. “So, what’s your name?”

  “Kataphine.” There was no masking the grimace saying her name always caused. “Most people with any sense call me Kat.”

  He made that same sound from earlier. It was a cross between a groan and a murmur that did stranger things to her. “Kataphine. I like that name.”

  “Thanks.” She let her eyes scan his profile, enjoying the ease that seemed to pass between them. “And what do people call you?”

  A sexy smile played over his lips. “Ian. People typically call me Ian.”

  Kat nearly said something stupid about him looking like an Ian. It was a strong, commanding, and masculine name and seemed to fit him well. Everything in her responded to what she saw in him. She needed to reel her thoughts back in before she did something totally out of character.

  “Where you from, Kitty Kat?” Her head snapped around at that nickname. It seemed intimate when spoken in those smoky tones.

  “I’m from Asheline; tiny town two hours south. Not much to see there.”

  “Small towns tend to hide the most interesting things.” His hand gripped the steering wheel, the action making his muscles ripple as she watched.

  She rolled her eyes, the words tripping off her tongue faster than her mind was working. “The only thing my small town is hiding is all the single and available men.”

  The deep rumble of his laughter filled the car and that spot deep in her belly clenched in longing at the sound. The level of acute attraction she felt for a man she knew nothing about surprised her, but for once she hang on to the feeling instead of pushing it away. There was something about him that she wanted to linger in, something that made her pussy come alive.

  He let the silence settle anew for just a moment before he flipped on the radio, the heavy strains of alternative rock floating. That was a clear a sign as any that the conversation was over, but she was okay with allowing her mind to wander. Fatigue must have been closer than she thought because she fell asleep in moments.

  The dream, so erotic in its touch, took her completely. He was there, his face so close, his chocolate-colored eyes gazing into hers as his lips took control. His calloused, worker’s hands slid up her thighs and rested on her hips before reaching for the waistband of her shorts. Kat could do nothing, but lift her butt, her body and his lips demanding compliance. Her eyes fluttered shut as air brushed her skin, her mind willing him to touch her where she ached. His fingers caressed the curve of her stomach before slipping down to cup her through the damp fabric of her panties. She moaned into his mouth and opened her legs wider. His fingers shaped and traced the lips of her cunt, teasing more wetness from her as they circled her clit.

  She needed more and breathed her plea against his lips. “More. Please.”

  He nipped her lower lip. “Kitty Kat.”

  She moaned again and moved her hips against his hand. Instead of touching her more like she wanted, his touch disappeared. She cried out and reached out to bring him back.

  “Wake up, Kitty Kat.” He whispered in her ear.

  A hand shaking her shoulder pulled her from the dream. She sat straight up and looked around in a daze. A flush, whether from arousal or embarrassment she wasn’t sure, warmed her face as she reached true awareness. They’d stopped, darkness having fallen in the little time she’d been asleep. The car was parked in front of a greasy spoon that was mostly empty even though it was dinnertime.

  Kat turned to face Ian, words of thanks on the tip of her tongue. The words died when she met his eyes. They were the very color she’d dreamt about and there was a gleam in them that made her body giving a violent lurch at the possibilities she saw. Her mind lost the ability to distinguish dream from reality blurred as she recalled his hand between her thighs.

  Sucking in a steadying breath, Kat offered her thanks. “Thanks for the ride, Ian.”

  “Wait.” His hand on her arm sent a jolt through her system that landed right where she wanted him to touch her.

  It was an eternity before she could raise her eyes to his. The intensity of his gaze snagged her. “Yes?” she breathed out.

  He pulled her into the car and kissed her gently on the lips. Kat leaned into that kiss savoring the feel and taste of this man, wanting harder but taking the gentleness. Long before she was ready, the kiss ended. Their eyes held for a long moment as the pace of her heart slowed.

  It was there in his eyes, everything she wanted but couldn’t ask for. “I’ll see ya around, Kitty Kat.”

  All she heard was want and this once couldn’t help answering with a little of her own. “I’ll be in town for a few days.”

  A single dark eyebrow rose. “I thought you didn’t like small towns.”

  Kat felt something unravel inside of her. A need to deep for the words she said. “This one has a little more appeal than others.”

  She slipped out the car and let the promise of more hang between them.


  Three days in this tiny town and not a single sighting of Ian.

  If Kat hadn’t felt his lips on hers, she would’ve thought that moment before she slipped into the diner was a figment of her imagination. Maybe it really was and she was just in denial.

  She’d have liked to say it was the healing blisters on her feet that had her stay one more day, but the constant heaviness of her breasts and the incessant ache between her thighs told her the real reason for lingering. The fact that she’d masturbated more in the three days since she’d arrived in town than all her adult life said something as well. Dreams of him spurred her libido to ridiculous heights, but it wasn’t enough.

  The desire to know what he’d be like kept her hanging on. Would he nip her skin with his teeth? Tease her with his tongue and hands? Growl like an animal as he surged deep into her wet pussy? Just the thought made her groan. No matter how many times she told herself he was a stranger and she didn’t do one night stands, something about that gleam in his eyes made her want to forget herself. If only she knew where he was so she could start forgetting.

  No other man made her want this badly. It was that desire that had her heading out the fourth day ready to ask
around town about him.

  It was a small town and someone had to know an Ian. Her smarter self-conscious called her stupid for chasing after a man whose last name she didn’t even know. Her smarter self seemed a bit too smug when her searching yielded nothing, but stares.

  She packed her stuff and checked out with the mental promise to leave that day for bigger things. No need to linger, Kataphine. Her words did nothing for the disappointment that pricked her. Just once she wanted a real connection, but she’d just have to find it somewhere else.

  The bell over the door tinkled as Kat stepped into the diner. Lunchtime had every booth and table packed. A thin waitress in a black dress and white apron rushed up to her. The dark-haired woman’s smile barely reached her eyes.

  “Let me clear a table, hun, and I’ll seat you.” Every word was hurried as she bustled away.

  “Take your time.” She said to the air.

  Kat knew she should just leave and she convinced herself that this was just an opportunity to refuel before she started walking. She obviously wasn’t going to find him here and, if he hadn’t shown back up by now, he wasn’t going to. Just thinking about how she was behaving made her irritated with herself. She left town to avoid being this girl. That was enough to spurn her into leaving right them.

  In her haste to depart, she plowed right into a hard body, dropping her backpack to the linoleum floor. Hands landed on her hips to steady her, feeling far to possessive for her tastes. She raised her eyes to off an apology.

  “Excuse me. I’m —”

  Her words died in her throat as she looked up into the eyes of the man who’d been plaguing her dreams. She felt herself leaning into him, pressing her body against his, absorbing his heat and swimming in his eyes. The corner of his too full lips quirked up in that smile that did things to her insides.

  “Kitty Kat.” He murmured, his strong arms pulling her closer. “Are you leaving already?”

  She opened her mouth ready to tell him to get away, to tell him she was leaving, but no sound came out. Her mind was too hung up on her breasts against his chest and his spicy smell. Finally, she was able to push words past the lump in her throat. “I . . . I’m just going to get some fresh air.”

  His smile spread across his whole face, brightening it. Before she could do anything else, the waitress returned signaling that a table was ready. Ian stooped to pick up her bag and turned her around. A firm hand at her back was all he needed to lead Kat to the empty booth. She sat with a plop and watched as Ian sweet-talked the harried waitress into bringing us some coffee and a pastry.

  He turned to her when the waitress moved away; his eyes were liquid as they took her in. Kat licked her lips, gratified when he followed the movement. She wasn’t alone in her attraction. And just like that, she was contemplating being bad with him.

  “Enjoying Monroeville?”

  Ian’s quiet question startled her. For some reason that’s not what she thought he was going to say next. Glancing away, she trained her gaze on the busy counter, searching for the right response. The man had her thinking sex since the moment she met him, and Kat was finding it difficult to switch of that train of thought.

  “It’s not been too bad.” She shrugged proud of how cool she sounded.

  Something had her moving her eyes to meet his, the swish of his clothes, the slight cough. She wasn’t sure what, but she looked at him. There was a knowing look in his eyes as though he really knew what she was still doing in the one-stoplight town. That same fire from before still burned.

  When he leaned forward, her heart skipped a beat. “Have you found the hidden secrets yet?” He asked in a low whisper.

  She arched a brow at him. “Not yet. So far it’s like any other small town.”

  “Obviously you need someone to show it to you. I bet you’d find something good then.”

  The suggestion in his words and eyes seared her. Desire raced down her back where it settled between her thighs. Kat felt her heart pick up as she contemplated what he’d show her. Her nipples hardened against her cotton bra and she felt an answering wetness low. Shifting on the plastic booth, she sought to relieve the ache, but his dark eyes only made it worse. She licked her lips much more deliberately this time, and watched as his eyes narrowed on her. Would he show her if she ask him to?

  The waitress returned with some strong coffee that she grabbed and brought to her lips. She needed something to remove the sudden dryness in her throat. It watched her still and she found the courage to give voice to what she wanted.

  “Are you volunteering to show me those secrets?”

  She didn’t know how she got that question out, but it held all that desire. Her eyes strayed to his lips. What would they feel like sucking at her nipple? She was ready to beg him to take her; desperation road her the longer she spent in his presence.

  “I want to show you so much, Kitty Kat.”

  She sat her cup down and lifted her eyes back to his. “Then show me.”

  The way his eyes changed, darkening and narrowing on her, sent a bolt of arousal through her body. Ian tossed a few bills down on the table to cover their coffee and pulled her to her feet. They were out in the bright light of day and heading to his car. When they were in, Kat tossed her bag in the back and reached for the hem of her top.

  “Not here.” His warm hand stopped her. Disappointment burned through her, but grasped her chin and turned her face toward him. “Just wait.”

  His words appeased her because some part of her trusted him. The car pulled out of the parking lot and into the thin flow of noonday traffic after that.

  “Have you been thinking about me?” His hand lifted from the stick shift and landed on her thigh.

  “Maybe,” she replied distracted by the pressure of his hand. It swept up, brushing along her bare skin before toying with her waistband. Her thighs parted just a millimeter, just enough to let him know what she wanted.

  He skimmed his fingers along the seam of her shorts, just enough to tease her. “Because I’d be a liar if I told you the thought of tasting you hasn’t been on my mind for the past three days.”

  “Then what took you so long to come find me,” Kat blurted out. She was restless and aroused and past the point of caring how she sounded.

  “I wasn’t free until today.” Her mouth opened, but his hand cupped her pussy, pressed and made her lose her mind. She moaned low as her hips tilted forward that much more. He chuckled softly, but she couldn’t rouse the necessary anger at him. His hand felt too good as it applied just the right amount of pressure to her clit. “I’m glad you waited for me, Kitty Kat.”

  Her head fell back on the headrest as he made his way beneath her shorts and underwear. She had no shame, her legs splayed wide so he could part her lips. Two thick fingers slid right inside, and she squeezed her eyes shut, loving the way he felt inside.

  “I can’t believe how wet you are.” The awe in his words felt better than his hand thrusting inside of her. He groaned under his breath when her muscles gave a squeeze. “I can’t wait to be inside of you.”

  “Stop waiting,” she cried. “Please stop. I need you.”

  He pulled over, the car juddering as it bumped over the rumble strip. She pushed open the door and shot out of the car in her eagerness to get to him. Ian met her around the front of the car, scooping her up and setting her on the hood. She lay back unconcerned about being out in the open.

  Kat let him yank her shorts and underwear down, bringing her bare skin directly in contact with warm metal. His eyes dropped down and she spread her thighs. Her hands reached for the button of his jeans, but he batted her away. When her hands went for the bottom of his shirt, he gathered both up and pinned them above her head.

  She mumbled in frustration. “I want to touch you.”

  He stepped between her thighs, bringing his denim-covered cock in contact with her pussy. His lips trailed down her collarbone, mouthing the curve of her breasts before he latched on to her nipple through the thin tan
k top. Kat arched, moaning as the fabric of his jeans grazed her clit. The teasing bit of his teeth into her engorged flesh made her cry out in pleasure.

  “Damn you,” she hissed, her body writhed beneath his. “Ian, stop teasing me!”

  “Impatient, Kitty Kat.” He yanked her shirt down, her breasts popped out, and he sucked it deep into his mouth. He laughed at her struggling, his determination to torture her evident in how he nibbled at her breasts and teased her clit with his fingertips.

  Pleasure, frustration, and pent up emotion bubbled in her. It made her buck, made dirty words she never spoke spill from her lips. The man turned her into this wanting, nasty woman so easily. And she loved it.

  His fingers thrust deep inside. “Please, please, please,” she babbled as he set that alternating rhythm of suck, thrust. “Please.”

  “Beg me for it.” His breath fanned across her hot, wet skin. “Beg for my cock.”

  “I need it, now. Please. Ian –“ His mouth cut her off.

  Her mouth opened under his hungry demand. He tasted and felt amazing; the dart of his tongue mimicked his fingers. The way he worked her, brought her right to the edge, so close her breath wanted to freeze in her throat. Her muscles fluttered, just on the pinnacle.


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