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The Ambassador's Daughter

Page 15

by Theodora Lane

  Jonathan’s silence must have urged her, and she continued, “However, we were not in love. It was mere convenience for both of us. I ended it after three months.”

  He shook his head. “I never expected to feel the way I’d felt about my wife with another woman. I was so blessed with Elaine. I convinced myself I’d never fall in love again. Wanting it again would be greedy, wouldn’t it?” He looked at her, searching her eyes. She met his gaze and laid her hand on his leg. Jonathan stared down at it and swallowed.

  “Be greedy, Jonathan,” she whispered.

  He looked up at her and raised a hand to cradle her face, his fingers in her hair. So beautiful, she took his breath away. Her blue eyes closed at his touch and then opened, pupils wide and dark, as he pulled her to him. His lips brushed hers softly, and then he pulled away, rested his head against hers, and sighed softly.

  This couldn’t be happening, not to him. He didn’t deserve this second chance, and certainly didn’t deserve her. But whether he did or not, he was here, and she was letting him kiss her and it would have to be good enough for him.

  He kissed her forehead, slowly worked his way to her mouth, and then kissed her again. She parted her lips slightly, his tongue found hers, and they hungrily kissed.

  She whimpered, her hands clutched his jacket, and then pulled away.

  “Take me home.” She said it flat, with no hint of emotion in her voice, but the heat burning in her eyes told him enough. He nodded and they stood. They walked past the doors, into the ballroom and out to the foyer.

  Jonathan called for her car, handed her into it. “I’ll be right behind you. Take Lady Brandon back to her home.” The driver saluted him and closed the door.


  She gave Jonathan a smile and settled back into the seat as the driver pulled away. A laugh, more of a giggle really, bubbled up from her as she thought over their moonlit kisses. Sobering, she told herself this was quite odd, and no one would ever believe she, a settled woman of a certain age, would feel like a schoolgirl with a crush.

  She reached her building only a few minutes before Jonathan and waited in the car for him until he opened her door, and then she got out. He spoke to her driver, and the vehicle drove off. Then he went to his car and told the driver to relax and wait for his call. The car moved off to park farther down the block.

  Together they entered the building and rode the elevator up in silence to her apartment.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The three men stood apart, staring at the fourth man, tied to a chair. His head hung, and his slack body, held up only by the ropes binding him, listed to the side. The cold, dark room, just four walls and one door, seemed almost too small for the four of them.

  “You idiot, why did you send for me? Just to tell me you have no new information? I told you I would be busy tonight.” The man wore a formal black suit with tails, and a sash over his shoulder. “You must have missed something.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but he won’t talk. If I keep on, I’ll probably kill him.” The man who spoke was large, powerful, and bald. His wore black leather gloves and held a short piece of stropping leather in his hand.

  “You, are you sure you searched everywhere?” the man in the sash asked angrily, turning on the other, smaller man.

  “I’ve been following him for days, milord. Work, home, work, home, he never goes anywhere else. Pretty boring chap, this one.” The man was thin, of average height, and plain looking.

  “There must be something you are overlooking. If the disk isn’t at his house and not at his work and not on him, it has to be somewhere else. Are you sure you searched his office thoroughly?”

  “I tossed the office properly, milord, even got into the locked spaces, but no disk.” He shook his head.

  “Well, you have to find it. Need I remind you, if we don’t find the disk with the schematics our whole plan will be destroyed? No disk, no money.” He paced back and forth in the cramped room, then turned to the man slumped in the chair and spoke to him, despite his unconscious state. “Rogers, you stupid fool. I worked so hard to get you into the department without anyone getting wind of you. We invested so much time and money in you. The promotion to place you in charge of the accounts so you could cover up the R&D costs. All the effort, just for you to have a guilty conscience at the finish and try to double-cross me. When I buy someone, I expect them to stay bought.” He raised his hand as if to strike him, but stopped and spoke to the smaller man, “You’re missing something, the disk didn’t just vanish. Did you check everywhere he went?”

  “The only other place he went was to visit some old duke. He was there for about thirty minutes, then left,” the smaller man said.

  “What? Who is this old duke?” The man in the sash turned to him, fists clenched.

  “A Duke Brandon, I believe. He’s an old man, about seventy years old.”

  “Brandon? Not Alistair Brandon?” His eyes narrowed and his lips drew back in a grimace.

  The smaller man nodded, his eyes wide with fear and the dawning realization he'd made a big mistake and might have to pay for it.

  The diplomat closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Then he took a deep breath and let it out. This is what he got for working with idiots. He spoke slowly and lowered his voice to a dangerous whisper, “Colonel Alistair Brandon, now Duke Brandon, was the weapons master for Military Intelligence for almost thirty years. His group did the first R&D work on antimatter weapons. It’s the work Rogers used to piggyback off of to develop our weapon, so we didn’t have to reinvent the wheel.” He strolled over to the small man, backing him up, cringing, against the wall.

  “I didn’t know who he was. I just thought he was some old man, an old friend.” The man wheedled and whined, with his hands outstretched to either beg forgiveness or ward off any blows that might rain down on him.

  “He has the disk. Rogers must have brought it to him.” The diplomat turned back to stare at the man tied to the chair with a new appreciation. He wasn’t so dense after all. “Search the Duke’s house, find the disk.” He picked up his gloves and jerked them on.

  “But it won’t be easy, sir, he has a large live-in staff. The house is very big, with security, and people come and go all day long.”

  “Then bring the duke here and let him”—he shoved his thumb at the larger man—“persuade him to tell us where it is.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “If this man is as old as you say,” interrupted the large man, “it will have to be done carefully. I could easily kill him before he tells us anything.”

  “Perhaps there is someone else we can use to persuade him to tell us?” the little weasel suggested, eager to curry favor again. It disgusted him to see the hunger in the man’s eyes.

  “Good thinking. I’ll leave it up to you to take care of it. Don’t call me again until you have some information, or the disk.” He reached the door when the large man called to him.

  “Sir? What should I do with this fellow?” The man grabbed Rogers by the hair and pulled his head up. Rogers’s eyes were swollen shut, his nose broken and bleeding, and his mouth was a mangled mess. Blood ran down onto his shirt and leaked from his ears.

  “Kill him and dump him somewhere he won’t be found for a while.” The diplomat left, slamming the door behind him.

   •●• 

  Jonathan rolled onto his side and looked down at Diane lying beside him. She still slept, her hair loose around her, the sheets pulled up to just above her hips. He stroked her slowly, running his fingers over her naked body from her neck, between her breasts, and to her stomach.

  How many years since he’d laid like this with a woman? She’d told him she hadn’t been with a man in nearly as long. She’d been a little timid at first, but she soon lost herself in their lovemaking. God, he never thought he would feel like this again.

  Diane’s soft skin welcomed his touch, and he admired how her body remained in excellent shape, with firm breasts and a tig
ht stomach. His cock stirred as he gazed at her. He wanted her again.

  She moved into his touch with a soft sigh. Opening her eyes, searching for him, she found his face, and reached to touch it tenderly.

  “Oh, your driver! Is he still outside waiting?” She sat up, fully awake, clutching the sheet to her breasts.

  “No, I sent him home two hours ago, while you were sleeping. I told him I’d call for him in the morning.” His hand now pressed more firmly on her skin as he stroked her arm. “It’s all right if I stay until morning, isn’t it?”

  She smiled at him. “Stay forever.”

  Jonathan lowered himself to her and kissed her. Her arms went around him and she held him. He would never forget how she’d made love to him, how she’d cried out as she came, and how they’d held each other tightly until both fell asleep.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying, Diane.”

  “Perhaps not. Stay till the morning, then.”

  He moved his body on top of hers, and she spread her legs to welcome him. Warm wet sheathed his cock, and he knew he’d never tire of this or of her. She shuddered as he plunged inside her, moving with purpose and skill as he took her from awake and eager to limp and satisfied.

  She cried out his name, clutching his neck, her body arching toward his, and once her spasms ceased, he let himself fall over the cliff to join her.

   •●• 

  Diane woke in the morning and watched her lover sleep. He’d been so tender with her, so loving, but also, very much in control. He’d let her know he wanted her, and made every effort to please her before himself. And he did please her, several times.

  She pushed up on her side, one arm supporting her head, and looked closer at the scars on his left shoulder. There were several. One large jagged one, where the shrapnel hit him. It was irregular, his skin dimpled. The other scars must have been from the surgeries to repair his shoulder; they were neat and straight. She reached out and traced them gently.

  He stirred at her touch, and his eyes opened halfway. She smiled, and then leaned over to kiss his shoulder. Her kisses moved down to the scars, and she kissed each of them. He shifted under her and caressed her hair. She opened her mouth, traced the scars with her tongue, and he moaned softly.

  Kissing him across his chest, up his shoulder to his neck, she worked her way to his face. His eyes were wide open now, and she saw the hunger in them. She smiled, realizing he wanted her again. They’d made love twice before. Would he make good his gaze’s promise and take her again?

  Jonathan took her by the shoulders and rolled on top of her. He caressed her breasts, plucked at each hard nipple, then took each one in his mouth, bathing them with his tongue. A tremor of pleasure raced from her breasts to her core as he covered her body with his, clear intent burning in his gaze, and the hard length of him pressed against her belly.

  Oh, yes, he would fulfill his promise.

   •●• 

  Brett finished dressing and went down the stairs, still braiding her hair. She stopped in the library and pulled open a drawer in the desk, searching for the cards. She found the deck and then turned to discover where James stored the rack of chips. She spotted it on a shelf of one of the bookcases and picked it up.

  Out in the foyer, she placed her items in a tote bag and checked herself in the mirror one last time. She was going to the duke’s to teach him to play poker, an Old Earth betting card game, and she wanted to look just right. She wore a dark blue mid-calf dress, belted at the waist with a full skirt, and a soft scoop neck top with three-quarter length sleeves. She relented on wearing the boots today, and wore a pair of soft leather slippers. She was getting used to them. They no longer hurt her feet, and her ankles no longer missed the support of the boots.

  She didn’t see her father at breakfast, but assumed he either had slept late or gotten up and out early to the embassy. She’d eaten alone and then gone to her room to get dressed. She received a quick call from Stephen, wishing her a good morning and asking if he could see her today.

  She and Stephen had spoken every day on the console since they met. In the morning he’d call and wake her, and in the evening she’d wish him goodnight. In between those hellos and good-byes they talked about their future together. She reminded him about her lunch date with the duke.

  Stephen told her he had to work at home on his mystery, but he suggested he might catch up to them later. They said good-bye and touched their fingers to the screen in a caress neither could feel, but both still needed.

  “James, bring the car around for me, please,” she asked their man, who was standing in the foyer, and he nodded. He spoke into a commlink briefly and then opened the door for her. The car pulled up, and she skipped down the steps with her tote bag in hand and got in the back. The vehicle pulled off, and she sat back thinking about when she could see Stephen again.

  The car stopped in front of Brandon House, pulling Brett out of her thoughts. She got out, told the driver she’d call when she needed him, and, out of habit, scanned the street. Only a man on the other side, walking down the block, away from her.

  She climbed the stairs and rang the bell.

  The duke’s man answered the door, welcomed her to Brandon House, and escorted her to the library.

  “Brett, my child, come in, come in!” Duke Brandon stood when she entered and came around his desk to welcome her. He took her hands and held them out, surveying her. “You look wonderful, my dear. Have you been seeing that boy of mine?”

  “Yes, my duke, I have, and I hope to see him again later today, if he can free himself from his work.”

  They sat on a couch, and she put the bag down next to her feet.

  “Working hard? Stephen? Are you sure you have the right man?” He winked at her and grinned.

  “Absolutely. You must start taking him seriously. I’m not sure he lets you know how involved he is with his work.” She became serious and sat back. “He’s working on a real mystery right now. He won’t tell me much about it.” She ran her hands over her skirt to straighten it.

  “Indeed.” Duke Brandon sat back and regarded her. “I do take him seriously, sometimes. Probably not as much as I should, though, you’re right. What’s this big mystery all about, do you know?”

  “He wouldn’t say much, but I got the feeling he may be in over his head. It seems to touch on an area not necessarily in his provenance and with someone very high ranking.”

  The duke rubbed his chin. “Perhaps I should speak to him?”

  Brett smiled and sat up. “It might just help, give him someone to bounce it off of and get some feedback. But don’t tell him I told you, please.” She felt a brief stab of guilt, unsure if she had told too much.

  “Well, I have my own mystery, my dear.” His eyes lit up as he spoke.

  “Oh no, not you too! And I suppose you aren’t going to tell me much about it, just like your grandson.” She put her hands on her hips and laughed. “You two are so alike. Do you see it, I wonder? Both of you are too clever for your own good.”

  “Well, my mystery is top secret too, so no, I can’t tell you, but I have been working on it for several days now, and I think I have finally figured it out.” He folded his arms and looked pleased.

  “Give me a hint, at least, now you’ve gotten my curiosity up.”

  “All I can say is it has to do with a weapon.” He grinned at her, clearly enjoying their game.

  Brett’s face changed slowly, from a wide smile to a very serious frown.

  The duke leaned forward, frowning, and touched her knee. “What’s the matter, my dear? Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, it just struck me as a strange coincidence Stephen’s mystery concerns a weapon also.” She looked at him, as her mood turned serious.

  “Don’t be silly, it would be nearly impossible for it to be the same thing.”

  She shook off the feeling the old duke was wrong as they both stood.

  “Let’s go to lunch, and we can talk
about it later.” He took her arm in hers and they headed out to the foyer.

  “Shall I call for the car, sir?” Blalock stood at the door and waited.

  “No, it’s such a nice day, I feel up to a walk. The little place I want to take you is just about five blocks away, my dear. Are you up to it?” He paused at the top of the stairs.

  “It sounds just fine, sir, let’s go.” They headed off down the street, arm in arm, and talking animatedly to each other.

   •●• 

  The man standing in the shadows across the street from the duke’s house had been there all morning. He’d watched one of the servant girls come out and go down the street, probably to the market, and when she returned carrying two bags, the door had been opened by one of the duke’s men. He estimated there were at least five people, including the duke, in the house right now. Too many to make a clean snatch and far too many to even do a good burgle. He would have to wait for a better opportunity, thinking it would take all day, perhaps all night.

  But his luck had changed.

  A big official car had pulled to a stop at the house. The door opened, and a young woman got out. She was very attractive, and he stared at her, sizing her up as she climbed the steps and rang the bell. The door had opened almost instantly, and she stepped in.

  Now she’d done his work for him. Even more luck. She and the duke came down the steps, arm in arm, and headed down the street on foot.

  The man in the shadows waited until they were a block away, stepped into the sunlight, and followed them. He smiled, still not believing his good luck. The duke out of his house, on his own, and with someone he obviously cared for, to boot.

  He matched his speed to theirs but kept his distance.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Stephen sat at his console and ran the message piece again. He had finally tracked down the rest of the message on the SatCent satellite sitting at the point in space where the gravity of the planet Century IV held it at bay. After running simulations on four of the satellites of the system, he’d found what he’d been looking for at Century IV. As each of the satellite’s buffers emptied, he watched as the transmissions were tracked by their blue lights, either to downside or passed on to the next satellite.


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