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Needing You_A Friends to Lovers Romance_Book 2

Page 2

by Alexis Winter

  * * *

  Bridgette blinked several times, trying to register the foreign sounds and bright lights that surrounded her. Her vision was still fuzzy and her hearing was slowly returning. “Ma’am?” A voice she didn’t recognize called out to her. “Bridgette Summers?”

  * * *

  She slowly pulled herself up as the room came in to focus. “Where am I?” Suddenly the throbbing pain in her head hit her like a bus, she groaned as she reached back and felt her a large bump that hard formed on the back of her skull.

  * * *

  “You’re at Northwestern hospital Bridgette, do you remember what happened?” The nurse was leaning over her shining a light in her eyes as she spoke. Bridgette whined and tried swatting her hand away. The words hospital took a moment to register, she immediately grabbed her stomach as fear gripped her.

  * * *

  “Hospital? I’m pregnant! Is my baby ok?” Bridgette couldn’t hold back the tears as she looked down at her stomach.

  * * *

  “How far along are you? We’ll make sure we do an ultrasound right away to check on the baby’s health. Bridgette I need you to listen to me. You fell down a flight of stairs in your apartment building and your neighbor called it in. Do you remember any of that?”

  * * *

  Bridgette nodded slowly as she wiped away the snot and tears. It was slowly starting to register with her what had happened. She remembered running up the stairs to call Luke and how everything had went black. She told the nurse what she could remember and asked if they had called Luke.

  * * *

  “Is Luke the baby’s father? I can reach out to him if you give me the number. For now though, I need you to relax. The doctor will be in shortly and we’ll get an ultrasound tech in here asap to get a read on your baby ok? Try to drink some fluids and I’ll be back in about an hour or so to check on you again.” She gave Bridgette at terse smile as she grabbed her stethoscope and left the room.

  * * *

  Bridgette laid back slowly, her hands naturally cradling her stomach. She felt ashamed, Luke was right she was being so selfish about this whole situation. Tears flowed from her eyes as she spoke to her unborn baby, “I’m so sorry, mommy wants and loves you so much. Just please be ok, please.” She whispered the words over and over again, wishing and praying for her unborn child to be ok.

  * * *

  Luke stepped into the room but stopped when he heard Bridgette talking to their baby. His heart shattered as he saw her hopeless and broken. A tear fell down his cheek as he watched her profess her unconditional love for this helpless little baby. He couldn’t take it any longer and he walked over to her bedside. She burst into sobs as he pulled her into his arms and they wept together.

  * * *

  “I’m so sorry.” Bridgette said over and over again through her sobs.

  * * *

  “Don’t apologize sweetheart, I didn’t handle things well and this is not your fault.”

  * * *

  Bridgette was just telling Luke that they weren’t sure about the baby when the doctor came in with the ultrasound machine and tech. “Bridgette Summers?” He introduced himself and explained that he was going to have a look at the baby and then do some more comprehensive tests on Bridgette to make sure there was no internal bleeding.

  * * *

  The technician squirted a large globe of the cold gel on her stomach. She could feel herself holding her breath as she squeezed Luke’s hand as tight as she could. He placed the wand on her lower abdomen and began to move it around to find the heartbeat. The seconds felt like hours and then, the rapid sound of a heartbeat filled the room. Bridgette exhaled as she and Luke burst into tears again.

  * * *

  “Well mom and dad it looks like everything is ok with baby, the heartbeat sounds strong and looking at the measurements everything seems to be right on track. I would like to suggest that over the next few days you watch out for any spotting or bleeding, make sure you’re eating properly and taking in a lot of fluids and resting ok?”

  * * *

  Bridgette and Luke both nodded eagerly at the doctors instructions. He then grabbed his flashlight and told Bridgette he wanted to do a few nerve response tests. “Everything looks ok but you did sustain a concussion in your fall. Your neck feels ok, and I didn’t find any broken bones or fractures but I want to keep you overnight for observation. We’ll make sure you are getting enough fluids and check in to make sure there’s no hemorrhaging or clots ok?” He turned toward Luke, “You’re more than welcome to stay as well, I’ll have the nurse bring in some bedding for you.”

  * * *

  They both thanked the doctor as he left the room. Luke pulled the chair closer to Bridgette’s bed as he grabbed her hands in his own and leaned forward. “Listen there’s something I want to tell you. I…I’m scared too. You’re not alone in this Bridge. I’m terrified that I won’t know how to support you or the baby emotionally, that I won’t be enough. That I’ll fail as a father and partner to you. I want to be everything you need but I know there are times I’ll feel lost and helpless. I hate that feeling Bridge but I can’t lose you because of it.”

  * * *

  Bridgette pulled his hands to her lips and kissed his fingers softly. “Thank you, it does make me feel better to know you’re scared too…I know that might sound weird but you seemed so calm and confident through all of this it just made me feel weak and selfish for being more worried about myself than our baby. I need you and I want you to feel valued and loved in our relationship. Let’s promise each other to keep that communication open? No matter how uncomfortable it is?”

  * * *

  Luke nodded and pulled her in for a kiss. “And for the record you’re not selfish for being worried about yourself right now and I’m sorry about the marriage thing…I understand now what you meant and why you felt hurt by it. Let’s just focus on us and getting you better.”

  Chapter 3

  “Wait, you fell down a flight of stairs and spent a night in the hospital and you didn’t tell me?!” Harper slammed her hands down on the table. Bridgette steadied her coffee cup and looked around the restaurant.

  “Okay let’s use our inside voice Harper. Yes, it was almost two months ago and I’m fine I promise. I just had a slight concussion and thankfully the baby was ok.”

  “Well why didn’t you tell me Bridge? That is serious!” Harper pressed her hand to her chest in genuine concern.

  Bridgette took a sip of her decaf coffee and nodded, “I know Harper and honestly I’m sorry but Luke and I just wanted to keep it to ourselves since we haven’t even told anyone that I’m pregnant. My obstetrician did clear me though to get back to working out so I’ll be at bootcamp tonight.”

  “So speaking of not telling anyone, have you told his parents yet? I know you guys wanted to wait until you were out of the first trimester.”

  “We haven’t but we are actually heading down there this weekend. I’m so nervous is that weird? I know they’ll be happy for us but it is so soon in our relationship and we aren’t married and all that. What about you? Are you seeing Grant this weekend?” She couldn’t help but get a huge grin on her face as she asked.

  Harper’s eyes lit up, “Yeah, we are. We are actually going away for the weekend.” She said the last part very cautiously as Bridgette’s mouth fell open. Harper quickly threw her hands up, “Stop don’t make a big deal about it, we’re just going to his family’s cabin at Lake Geneva.”

  “Harper that’s great! Why are you always so reluctant about things with him? You always tell me it’s nothing or not to make a big deal out of things. What’s going on?”

  Harper glanced at her watch, “Hey can we catch up on this later? I have a class in about 15 minutes so I need to get back to the gym. I’m not blowing it off I promise!”

  Bridgette gave her a sassy look and sighed, “Okay, you’re right I should get back to the office as well. Let’s hang out after class on Monday?” Harper agreed and th
e girls said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways.

  Back at her office, Bridgette couldn’t seem to focus no matter how many times she read the same damn paragraph. She closed her eyes and let her head lull back, she had finally kicked the morning sickness but now it was like she had the hormones of a teenage boy running through her veins. She got up slowly and looked around her office, everyone seemed to be very engaged in what they were doing so she quietly closed her door and went back to her desk.

  She closed her eyes again and leaned back in her chair, images of Luke flooding her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about last night, his body hovering above hers as he pumped into her. Every time he thrusted forward his abs and chest flexed causing her to squeeze him a little tighter. It wasn’t just the way he moved, it was the naughty things he said to her as he brought her endless waves of pleasure. She couldn’t take it any more and she pulled out phone to send him a text.

  Hey baby, I can’t stop thinking about last night. I can still feel you when I squeeze my thighs together. Within seconds three little dots appeared in her text box meaning he was texting her back.

  Oh yeah? You like the way daddy makes you feel? Is your slit wet for me sweetheart?

  She squeezed her thighs together even tighter, he always knew exactly what to say to get her excited. She bit her bottom lip as she typed out a response.

  I think it is. I wish you were here to check for me.

  Well how about you do me a little favor? I want you to make sure your office door is closed and then I want you to slip your fingers down your dress…into your panties and tell me how wet I make you.

  Bridgette inhaled a sharp breath as she read his message. She looked around her office as if someone could see the message or know what he asked her to do. Her door was already closed but she felt so exposed following his instructions.

  My door is closed but what if someone sees in through my blinds?

  His response was quick and demanding. This isn’t a request Bridgette. I want your fingers in your panties and I want you to tell him that you’re dripping thinking about my thick cock inside of you.

  Bridgette moaned a little as she put the phone down and leaned back in the chair again. She reached under her desk and slowly pulled her dress up as she cautiously looked around the room. Her fingers grazed her inner thigh and she could already feel moisture pooling in her panties. She pulled them aside as she ran her middle finger up her drenched slit. Her breath was shaky as she stroked a few times then quickly removed her hand and pulled her dress back down.

  She picked up her phone again and typed out another message to Luke, I’m so wet. It’s starting to soak through my panties.

  She couldn’t see Luke but she knew what he was probably doing. He always ran his hands roughly over his jaw line when he was turned on but trying to reign it in.

  Good job baby, now I need you to do something else for me ok? I want you to reach back into your panties and rub your clit for me. I want you to rub yourself over and over until you orgasm. I want you wet and begging for me when you get home to me tonight.

  You want me to masturbate in my office?! Luke I can’t finger myself at work! Bridgette blushed just typing out the message.

  I didn’t say finger, I only want my cock inside you understand? I want you to rub your clit until you cum but the next time you orgasm after that it will be with me stuffed up inside of you, understand? And don’t tell me that you can’t do it or we’ll need to discuss punishment when you get home.

  Bridgette put the phone down and got up to check the blinds were as closed tight as possible. She had to admit this was beyond exciting, she had never been with someone who was so demanding in bed yet so attentive and giving. She once again pulled up her dress and set about touching herself. She was worried she wouldn’t be able to focus, being that she was at work but soon she was lost in the moment.

  Bridgette could feel the flush creep up her neck as her hear rate quickened. Her strokes became faster as her left hand stayed planted on her desk. She could feel the pressure building, images of Luke flooding her mind. Images of him on his knees in front of her right now, devouring her most intimate parts. Soon she was groaning in pleasure as a powerful orgasm rippled through her body.

  It took her a few moments to recover and her breathing to return to normal. She picked up her phone with still shaky hands and sent Luke a message.

  OH.MY.GOD! I needed that. My hands are still shaking.

  She didn’t have to see Luke to know he was smiling to himself with that cocky grin. Good girl, I can’t wait to reward you when you get home tonight. I’m going to ravish your body from head to toe. You’re going to be screaming my name baby. Now get back to work and stop distracting me ;)

  Bridgette laughed out loud as she let her head fall forward onto the desk. She had a brief moment of relief before he had to go and say something like that, driving her absolutely fucking crazy again.


  Luke reached across the consul in his Range Rover and squeezed Bridgette’s hand, “Trust me everything is going to be fine. My parents are going to be incredibly happy for us and to be honest I’m pretty sure they’ve always liked you more than they’ve ever liked me and now that you’re carrying their grandchild, well you can do no wrong.” He pulled her hand to his lips and planted a soft kiss on it.

  Bridgette smiled and leaned back in the seat. She had to admit Luke had a way with calming her down and putting things into perspective. She loved his family, they had always been the family she didn’t have and had always made her feel loved and welcome. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous but Luke was helping her feel better about things. Her last several doctor’s appointments had been great, the baby was healthy and everything was right on track.

  She turned to Luke, “Hey we haven’t talked about if we want to find out the baby’s gender. How do you feel about that?”

  “You’re right…I guess I assumed we would find out before the delivery but if you’d rather not that’s ok, we can wait.”

  “No I think I’d rather know. It makes the whole nesting thing easier for me, not that the nursery needs to be a color based on gender. I guess at the end of the day I just want to know what I’m cooking in here!” She said as she placed her hands on her belly.

  Luke laughed, “Well then let’s do it. I think the doctor said we can find out in a few more weeks. You aren’t showing at all yet.” He said as he reached over and placed his hand on her lower abdomen.

  She smiled as she looked at his hand on her stomach. She moved it a little lower, “If you press in a little you can feel it getting harder. I’m sure I’ll start showing soon since I’m not very tall. I hope you’re prepared to deal with me hiding a watermelon under my shirt.”

  The rest of the trip to Luke’s parents house went well. They chatted and then Bridgette fell asleep for about an hour. She was finding out that pregnancy was no joke, she had felt a recent decline in her energy and she had been napping like a cat. She was so glad to be over the morning sickness but the hormones were getting out of control, although Luke didn’t seem to mind at all.

  She had just settled in to a nice dream when she felt Luke nudging her awake. “We’re almost there hun, thought you might want to wake up before we get there. Any good dreams?”

  She laughed a little as she adjusted her seat up and fluffed her hair. “Well, it was another dream about you. This time we were on a flight to Australia and we somehow ended up in first-class completely alone. At one point you had me bent over the seat with my leg up—“

  “Whoa, whoa okay, as much as I want to hear how this dream ends I don’t need to show up to my parent’s house with a raging hard-on! Unless you want to show them just how we made that baby!?”

  Chapter 4

  They hadn’t even put the car in park before Luke’s parents were both standing on the front porch with huge grins on their faces. Laura and Jens had always been the most welcoming and loving people to Bridgette and anyon
e else they met, to be honest. They were genuinely nice people with a heart of gold. Bridgette used to tease Luke growing up that he came from a picture perfect family…you know the type, matching Christmas sweaters every year and even one on the dog.

  Luke looked over at Bridgette and squeezed her hand, “You ready for this? First time breaking the big news to anyone.”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” She smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss. She reached down and grabbed the puzzle they had made with the pregnancy announcement on it. Luke’s parents loved puzzles and Bridgette grew up attending their family game nights, which more often than not, ended with the family putting in at least some time on the current ongoing puzzle.

  They made their way up to the house and were greeted with a warm embrace and kiss from both parents. “We’ve missed you both so much, it’s about time you got down here again to see us.” Laura stood on her very tiptoes and pulled on Luke’s shoulder to plant a kiss on his cheek. Sometimes it was hard to believe this 6’2” man came out this woman but then looking at his father it was evident he took after him.

  Luke’s dad pulled him in for a bear hug, slapping his back as Laura squeezed Bridgette’s hands, “You have such a sparkle in your eye dear, must be true love!” Both women smiled and linked arms as they made their way into the house.

  “I’ve just made some tea, would you two like some? Go in the front room with your father and I’ll bring in some snacks.” Laura scurried off to the kitchen like usual, she was always the perfect hostess. Brigette followed her into the kitchen to help and allow the men to chat about work.


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