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Needing You_A Friends to Lovers Romance_Book 2

Page 5

by Alexis Winter

  “I’m not your mother Luke! Every woman is different and you didn’t even ask me what I wanted. I’m not wild about some stranger raising our child but I also know that I’m not giving up my career Luke…I’m not. I love my job and the people I work with. It’s more than just my dream career it’s my passion. I wouldn’t ask you to give yours up.”

  Luke ran his hand roughly over his face. He clearly wasn’t budging on how he felt about the situation and she wasn’t going to change her mind. “Look this isn’t something we have to figure out right now. It’s late and I don’t want to fight anymore about it.”

  He went into the bathroom and flipped on the shower. Bridgette sat on the edge of the bed and held her head in her hands. She wasn’t sure how she felt…she was angry and hurt but also sad. She didn’t want to fight with Luke, it made her miserable and broke her heart but she knew she needed to stand her ground on this issue. Closing her eyes and letting out a deep sigh she grabbed her journal and made her way out to the living room.

  It was late but she needed to write down her feelings. She knew that if she attempted to force Luke to talk more about things it would only end in another fight. Thinking through her thoughts and feelings while writing them out allowed her to not respond in an emotional and hurtful manner.

  Dear Luke,

  I never thought that I would be so lucky to have you love and care for me the way that you do. As you already know, I have loved you for most of my life and now I get to bring a life into this world with you. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I’m so lucky. You’re my best friend and the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Our daughter is going to be the most loved and adored little girl and you’re going to be the most amazing father.

  I’m sorry for the hurtful things that I said to you yesterday, It breaks my heart when we fight. You’re the last person I want to hurt or disappoint but I want to explain to you why I reacted so severely to your suggestion that I quit my job.

  I don’t want someone else to raise our daughter. I want to be able to witness all the moments in her young life and see her change and grow from day to day. However, I love my job and I do believe that women can have it all.

  When I was growing up I loved that I had a strong, independent mom that worked to support she and I. I want to be that example for our daughter. I want to show her that she can have it all. She can be a CEO or lawyer or artist or whatever and still be a successful and involved mother.

  I can promise you I will never put my job above our daughter or you but I also know we are strong enough to make it all work but it’s going to take both of us. I will always work with you and support you in your decisions and I hope you’ll do the same for me. I know that I can do anything if I have you by my side Luke. I need and love you more than you know.

  Always Yours,


  Chapter 8

  The next morning Bridgette woke up early before Luke and placed the letter on her pillow. She was supposed to meet Harper at her place to get ready for her baby shower today. She grabbed her things she needed and made her way out of the bedroom, stopping to look at Luke sleeping peacefully before she made her way to Harper’s.

  The girls sipped fresh orange juice and coffee as they got ready in Harper’s bedroom. “So how are you feeling? You look great. You really have that crazy pregnancy glow people talk about. I never knew it was real but you look like you spent a weekend at a spa.” Harper rubbed moisturizer into her face as she envied her friend’s skin.

  “Well thank you, I certainly need to hear that. I didn’t sleep much last night so I was worried I’d have huge bags under my eyes today.”

  “Everything ok?”

  Bridgette sighed, she didn’t feel like getting into it right now and she certainly didn’t want to kill the celebratory mood of the day. “Yeah just exhausted a lot. Growing a human is no joke!”

  The girls finished getting ready just as Harper got a call from Luke’s mom stating that she and Luke’s sister-in-law were arriving at the shower location. “Okay people are arriving so looks like we need to head out.” Harper grabbed her purse and did one last look in the mirror.

  Just before they ran out of the apartment Bridgette stopped Harper, “Hey thank you so much for this. You have been so wonderful as usual but this is just…” tears welled up in her eyes as Harper pulled her in for a hug.

  “Awe sweetie don’t cry! I know it’s just the hormones. I have loved planning this and I cannot wait to be your baby girls aunt. I know it was unplanned and a shock but Bridge, I am so incredibly happy for you and I know you’re going to be the most wonderful mommy.” She squeezed her one last time before wiping the tears off her cheek and linking their arms. “Now let’s go see what kind of cool shit people bought you.”

  Harper had planned a beautiful brunch baby shower for Bridgette at their favorite weekend brunch spot. It looked like a beautiful rose gold, gold and cream oasis. There were fresh cut flowers at every table with gorgeous gift bags and an abundant buffet of pastries and fruit. Bridgette couldn’t believe how breathtaking it all looked. Once again her hormones kicked in and she had to choke back tears.

  She caught up with Luke’s mom and sister-in-law for a while before making her way around to everyone else. There was a lot of baby belly rubbing and congratulating. There were fun games and a beautiful picture montage of Bridgette as she was growing up, several of the pictures of course had Luke in them.

  Watching the memories on the screen was so emotional. If she had told 17 year old Bridgette that the man of her dreams would not only be the father of her child but that he would love her unconditionally, want to marry and provide a wonderful life for her she would have never believed it. Her heart felt so full, she knew it wasn’t tradition but she wished Luke was here. She wanted to share every moment of this journey with him.

  She turned around to go get her phone when she saw Luke walking in to the restaurant. Harper smiled and waved him over as everyone cheered. “Let’s give a big welcome to the daddy!” Harper said as everyone clapped and continued cheering. Bridgette smiled as Luke walked directly up to her and leaned down to kiss her.

  “Hi sweetheart, I read your letter.” He said in her ear.

  Her breath caught in her chest as she looked at his eyes.

  “We can talk about it more later but Bridgette…you are everything I’ve ever wanted and the most amazing woman I’ve ever known. I love you more every second of every day.” He squeezed her hand and planted another kiss on her lips before standing up and waving and smiling at everyone.

  Harper came over to them, “Sorry to interrupt guys but I knew the ladies would love to see you together plus I thought he might want to stay for presents?”

  Luke smiled and nodded at her, “Whatever you say Harper you’re the boss.”

  The rest of the shower went really well. There was a cake made out of cupcakes decorated as roses, opening up the presents and a ‘funny story time’ about Bridgette from her friends. Things were wrapping up and Luke said his thank-you’s and goodbye’s to everyone. He was meeting Grant out tonight for a bit of a ‘dad’s baby shower’ with a few of their other friends.

  Harper and Bridgette had plans to head back to Bridgette and Luke’s house so they could take the presents and maybe organize the nursery a bit. He pulled Bridgette aside before leaving and held her in a tight hug. “You’re my entire world. I love you so much.” She buried her face in his chest and inhaled his scent. She looked up and gave him a small smile. “I won’t be out too late, I promise.” He gave her a soft kiss and headed out to meet Grant.

  “Holy shit I can’t believe how much stuff we got! I don’t even know how it’s all going to fit in the nursery. You wouldn’t think a tiny human would take up this much space.” She looked around at the final load of stuff they brought up from the car. Luke had actually demanded the ladies leave the stuff in the car until he was home but they insisted they would be find and wouldn’t lift anything over the recommended wei
ght by the doctor.

  There were still some heavier things in Luke’s Range Rover that the girls didn’t bring up but for the most part they got it all. “They say you can never have too many diapers and by the look of it you have enough to last you until your baby is out of diapers.” Harper said as she threw yet another Costco sized box of Pampers into the nursery. The baby certainly had an insane amount of onesies, socks, diapers, bibs and basics to get her through the first six months of her life.

  They had finished putting everything away and had pulled out the iPad to go over some color schemes and nursery designs to help Bridgette make some decisions. “Do you think you guys will be staying her for a while then?”

  Bridgette shrugged as she took a bite of the pizza they ordered halfway through organizing. “I guess it depends on things. It’s almost completely paid for and there’s plenty of room for us and the baby so who knows.”

  “What kind of things does it depend on? You guys going to get a four bedroom house in the ‘burbs with a white picket fence and a dog? Those kinds of things?”

  Bridgette nodded her head slowly, “Yeah those kinds of things. Luke wants to get married already. I think if it were possible he’d have me pregnant with the second kid before I have this first one.” She rolled her eyes as she took another bite.

  “Okay I’m just going to ask…Why don’t you want to marry him? You pined for him for ten years and he’s everything you could ever want. He loves you so much, he’s loyal and devoted and wants the best for you and you seem to almost be annoyed by that.”

  Bridgette picked at the crust of her pizza as she listened to Harper. “It’s not that I don’t want to marry him. It’s that—I don’t want to be an obligation Harper. He IS the man of my dreams. I couldn’t believe I finally got to be with him and that he was in love with me and now I feel like I only got him because I trapped him. Or at least that’s how I’m keeping him.”

  “You know I don’t need to say how silly that is…you know that. I understand that you’re scared. That you don’t want to lose or ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to you but Bridge! He is insanely in love with you! Everyone can see it. His own family loves you like their own. Nobody thinks that you got him or are keeping him because of this baby. To everyone else it’s like the final piece of the puzzle for you two. I’m sorry I know I’m super loud right now but I just want you to see that you deserve this. That you deserve to be happy.”

  Bridgette let out a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. “Saying it all out loud does make it seem so silly. I feel like every time Luke presents me with this beautiful moment on a silver platter I ruin it. My stupid fears and insecurities get the best of me. I know what I want, I want that house in the suburbs with him as my husband and our two kids.” She was smiling from ear to ear as she pictured the images in her head. “It will be a cat thought, we’ll have a cat.”

  The girls cleaned up their dinner plates and glanced at the clock, “How times have changed huh?” Harper laughed as she yawned and looked at the clock which read 8:30 PM. “Pretty funny what a wild night is for us anymore. Pizza, diet soda and sorting through baby stuff.” They both laughed as they said their goodbye’s. Harper had an early bootcamp tomorrow morning and Bridgette was ready to crawl into bed.

  She got ready for bed and sat nervously waiting for Luke to come home. They hadn’t talked about yesterday and she knew they needed to. It was very unlike Luke to go to bed angry and let something simmer like this. She was just lotioning up her baby bump when Luke walked into the room, their eyes meeting instantly.

  He walked over and sat next to her on the bed, reaching over and taking her hand in his own. “Bridgette, I’m so sorry. I was wrong.” She was about to interrupt when he pressed his fingertips to her lips. “No sweetheart this was me. You were right and I’m so ashamed at my behavior. I hadn’t considered your desires and feelings on the matter before I made some rash judgments and uninformed decisions. You’re right that you can have it all. If any woman alive can it’s you. You are the most capable and responsible person I know. Hell I’d be a fucking mess without you!”

  “You are going to be the most wonderful example of a woman to our daughter. I will support you however you need it and you’re one hundred percent right we can work through anything together. That’s what I’ve always wanted. Thank you for being patient with me and loving me Bridge. I mean it when I say I don’t deserve you.”

  Bridgette leapt into his lap and threw her arms around his neck. She stayed there for a few moments with her face buried in his neck. “Thank you,” she muttered before slowly pulling back to look at him.

  “I want a life with you Luke. I want to build a home with you. I’m sorry that I reacted poorly to the suggestions before. I’ll admit I was scared and insecure but I’m not going to let that dictate how I feel anymore. You’re the man I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with.”

  A huge grin spread across his face, “Is that a proposal? If so I think I need some time to think about it.”

  She placed a hand on either side of his face and leaned in for a soft kiss. “You’re lucky you’re cute Luke Foster.”

  Chapter 9

  I’ll be working late tonight baby, I’m sorry.

  :( I was going to make your favorite pasta dish for dinner…and rub your back and feet…and maybe rub some other areas too.

  Bridgette giggled a little to herself as she read Luke’s text. She was nearing the end of her eighth month of pregnancy so she wanted to get as much work done as possible before she went in to labor.

  “You working late again?” Bridgette’s coworker Chandra poked her head into her office.

  “Yeah I have a few more things I need to get done. I won’t be too late I promise.” Her coworkers had all been giving her a hard time lately about her working late. She ensured them that she was listening to her body and it was perfectly ok. Just as she uttered that last sentence Katherine kicked her from inside.

  “Oof!” She laughed as she placed a hand on her belly. “She apparently disagrees.” Chandra scurried over and placed her hand on Bridgette’s belly as they both waited for her to kick again. Sure enough a little foot bumped their hands. Chandra squealed with delight, the ladies in the office all seemed to have baby fever, young and old alike.

  They had all pitched in and bought a beautiful stroller for her as well as several smaller items and of course diapers. They even decorated her office with miles of pink streamers and balloons when they found out the gender.

  The rest of the office had cleared out which left Bridgette to focus on the tasks at hand. She wasn’t really thrilled with staying late but it was a safe building and neighborhood and she would feel a lot better if she got through the initial launch phases of a major book she had been working on. She yawned and glanced at the clock, it was only 7:30 pm but she already felt exhausted.

  As much as people complain about pregnancy she was having a very smooth time. The first few months were rough with all the morning sickness and general lethargy but these last few months had flown by with no problems. She did have to pee more and finding a comfortable sleeping position was always an ordeal but she couldn’t complain.

  Her stomach growled as she riffled through her drawer trying to find a snack. She kind of wished she had took Luke up on his offer of pasta. He had continued to tempt her to come home with suggestions of essential oil massages and more erotic suggestions. He sent her a few pictures of himself in a low slung towel, trying to tempt her to get her ass home.

  She had her head down in her desk drawer still when she heard a sound out in the main area. She brushed it off thinking it was the cleaning crew and went back to hunting for an old granola bar when there was a soft knock on her slightly open office door. Startled she shot up to find Luke dressed in a suit leaning against the door jam with what looked like dinner in his hands. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “What are you doing here?!” She hopped up as quickly as she co
uld in her current state and walked over to give him a hug and kiss. “Wow that smells amazing!”

  “Well my love, since you insisted on being difficult I wanted to make your favorite dinner anyway and bring it to you. I didn’t like the thought of you stuck here without dinner and…I missed you.” He set the food down as he spoke and leaned down to give her a sweet kiss with just a hint of his tongue slipping into her mouth. “Now, you continue working while I set up our office picnic.”

  She went about finishing up her current task but couldn’t seem to focus. She watched as Luke slipped his suit coat down his arms and placed it gently over the back of one of the chairs in her office. He unbuttoned both of his shirt sleeves and rolled them up to his elbows, exposing his muscular forearms. She watched as he pulled out plates and silverware and dished out the aromatic food. A few moments later he motioned for her to come join him.

  The food was delicious, Luke had such a talent for cooking and it certainly came in handy on nights like this. He not only made her favorite pasta dish accompanied with a beautiful salad and garlic bread but he also made a decadent caramel dessert for her. She finished her dinner and leaned over on the couch to kiss Luke’s cheek, “Thank you darling that was wonderful.”

  Luke insisted she relax for a moment while he cleaned up. She had just returned from the restroom when Luke was slipping his suit coat jacket back on, “You heading back home? I shouldn’t be much longer I promise.” She reached a hand out to his chest as she leaned in to kiss him goodbye.

  “No, I’m not leaving. We’ll leave together in a little bit. Right now I want you to walk over to your desk and face it for me.” Confused Bridgette turned and walked over to face her desk just as he asked. She glanced back over her shoulder to ask him why when he told her to turn back around. “I want you to bend forward a little until you can place your palms flat on the desk.”


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