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Needing You_A Friends to Lovers Romance_Book 2

Page 7

by Alexis Winter

  “I still can’t for a few weeks, which sucks because I feel like I still have all the pregnancy hormones raging through me. Plus you look so damn good and I can’t touch! Ugh!”

  “Hey you can still touch we just can’t…insert stuff.” He said as he pinned her against the wall. “We can do all sorts of fun things like kissing you here.” He said as he kissed her neck right below her ear. “Or how about here?” He said as he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his button down shirt she had thrown on and kissed the tops of her breasts.

  She giggled as she arched her back into his kisses, she slipped her hand into his hair as she pulled him from her chest to her lips. She moaned into his mouth as her lips massaged his. She could feel his erection pressing into her belly as they explored one another’s mouths. “Okay, okay we have to stop.” She managed to get out between kisses.

  “I’m sorry baby but this is torture for me. I’m afraid to get too excited and bust something loose down there. I’d love to go make-out in bed though a little if that’s ok?”

  “Gladly!” He said as he swept her up in his arms and carried her back to their bedroom.


  “Okay we have everything?” Bridgette said as she looked around the room.

  “Babe we have enough stuff for three kids at this point. It’s just brunch and it’s right around the corner so if something goes wrong we can just come right back home.”

  “I know, I know I’m just so nervous. This is our first outing with her and our fiends and I just want everything to go well and for her to be comfortable.” She stared up at him nervously as he rubbed her arms and kissed her forehead.

  “You know, for being this bad ass, independent woman sometimes you’re still just that same petrified girl I met freshman year. It’s pretty adorable, almost like you still need me sometimes.”

  They grabbed the diaper bag and made sure that Katherine was comfortable in her stroller before heading out to meet their friends for brunch.

  Naturally everyone gravitated towards the baby as soon as they arrived. Bridgette brought her out of the stroller so she could meet everyone and made the rounds with her. It had only been a few short weeks since they had been out with their friends but it seemed like months. They spent the time catching up with everyone and just enjoying the time out and about.

  The guys talked about their upcoming softball season, the opening game was in a few weeks and they were anxious to get back out there and dominate again. Bridgette caught up with Harper a little, finding out that she and Grant were doing well and that their sex life was fantastic.

  Bridgette held up her hand, “I don’t want to hear it! I’m still on the bench so I’m really jealous right now.”

  Harper laughed and rolled her eyes, “Please I had to hear about how hot and heavy you and Luke were back when I wasn’t getting any so suck it up buttercup! But seriously, oh my god.” She paused between each word for emphasis. “He is just insatiable and his stamina is whoa!”

  “I have to say it’s actually good to hear you talk about it, seeing as how you were vague and coy about everything with you two for so long. I’m just glad you guys are happy and doing well and take it from me, use protection! Like, double bag that puppy if you have to.”

  “We’re being careful don’t worry. And don’t act like you wouldn’t have things any other way, you two were meant to be parents.”

  “It really is crazy. One minute you’re panicking and the next it’s like this calm comes over you and all these instincts that you didn’t even know you had kick in. I didn’t think that I could love Luke any more than I do but seeing his as a dad is so hot! Seriously it’s just so sexy, to see him hold this tiny little human and love her so much.”

  It wasn’t too long and Katherine began to fuss so Luke and Bridgette said their goodbyes and made their way back home.

  Chapter 12

  “I can’t believe she’s six months old today!” Bridgette said as she buried her face in Luke’s chest. “It feels like just yesterday we brought her home and now she’s not even the same baby. Pretty soon she’ll be walking and off on her own adventures.”

  Luke rubbed her back as she sulked, “Sweetheart I can promise you she’s going to be needing you for a long time to come yet, don’t worry. They both watched as Katherine pulled herself to a sitting position on her blanket on the floor and grabbed for her favorite toy. “She is going to be a little firecracker like her mama.” He said as he squeezed Bridgette a little tighter and kissed the top of her head.

  The summer had flown by, the guys came in second this year in their softball championship, Bridgette and Luke had ran another half marathon and then the full Chicago marathon in the fall and Harper and Grant were still going strong. The lazy summer nights that they had once experienced of hitting up local bars or drinking on Lake Michigan were long gone but they wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  Their nights now consisted of walks with Katherine or taking her to see her family down state or introducing her to the baby water park down the street. It was like life had new meaning. Each season brought new things to try, things that Luke and Bridgette didn’t think twice about but now were so excited to introduce to their baby girl.

  They had even dressed her up for Halloween and taken her to Bridgette’s office so everyone could see her. It was like a little celebrity had arrived when Luke brought her in her My Little Pony costume. Bridgette thought for sure she’d scream and cry when they put the little rainbow colored horse costume on her but she actually loved it, playing with the little snout that hung over her head.

  “You know she’s growing so fast, I tried to put that outfit on her your mom bought her last month and it wasn’t even close to fitting. Thankfully her Christmas outfit is big enough that she should still be able to fit it next week. Are we still planning on Christmas Eve here and then driving to your parents house Christmas day?”

  They had wanted to experience their first Christmas as a family at their home, Bridgette had spent a lot of time decorating the house and picking out the perfect tree. “Yeah I talked to my mom yesterday and that’s still the plan. Oh and my dad found this vegetarian ‘roast’ at the store the other day and he’s super excited about making it for you.” Luke looked at her with big eyes and a toothy grin, “Sooo just pretend you like it even if you don’t.”

  Bridgette laughed as she picked up Katherine and her toy kitten, “I’m sure I will actually. I’ve had a few over the years that were really good. Plus your dad is like a master chef so I’m sure he’ll transform it some magical way.” Katherine squeezed her kitty tightly and slobbered on it. “Luke look at how much she loves this little cat, I’m telling you now is the perfect time to get one. She’s young enough that they could grow up together and the cat would grow accustomed to her.” She looked at Luke with pleading in her eyes. She had a cat growing up and she’d been hinting at adopting another one for some time now but Luke always protested.

  “You really want to have another little needy thing running around the house? Peeing everywhere and relying on us to feed it and take care of it?”

  She rolled her eyes, “They outgrow that stage pretty quickly, besides you loved my cat in high school. You even nicknamed him! What was it again? Sir meows a lot!” She said through fits of laughter.

  Luke smiled and shook his head remembering how he used to play with her cat and chase it around her house. “Well we can certainly consider the addition to the family but right now how about you start getting ready for my office party and I’ll get this little munchkin a bath before Harper gets here.”

  Bridgette handed her over to her dad and started making her way to the bedroom, “It’s a shame you can’t join me in the shower Mr. Foster. I think I could really use some help making sure I get all the spots.” She threw him a wink over her shoulder and rounded the corner.

  “You’ll pay for that later!” He said as he made his way to Katherine’s nursery, “Your mother is a little minx baby girl.”

/>   The office party was a black tie event, Luke looked dashing in his tux and Bridgette looked like she had just stepped off a runway in her floor length merlot colored dress with a slit up one thigh. She had worked hard to get back in shape after Katherine’s birth. After leaving the hospital she only had about eight extra pounds she was carrying but she had pretty much lost all muscle definition that last trimester.

  With Harper’s help she whipped her back in shape in no time. It certainly helped that she and Luke had signed up to run two long races just a few months apart. Running was still their time together. They could joke and laugh or talk about serious things that were bothering them or on their mind or sometimes they just enjoyed silence and the company of one another.

  “You guys look like Barbie and Ken! Seriously Bridge how do you look better now than before you had a baby?” Harper had arrived to take care of Katherine for the evening and was admiring how stylish her friends looked.

  “Yeah he looks like Ken, I look like Barbie if Barbie was 5’1” and had dark hair. I’m like Barbie’s third cousin or awkward sister, but thank you.” She said sweetly. “And the only reason I can fit into anything is because of you so thank you for kicking my ass at the gym every day and smacking donuts out of my hands on the regular.”

  Luke and Bridgette said their goodbyes to Katherine and Harper, they had already gotten a lot better at leaving her with someone else and not freaking out the entire time. It helped that they trusted Harper implicitly and she had been so wonderful to help with watching her a few days during the week while Bridgette worked. Because of Harper’s flexible class schedule and her ability to make her own hours with her clients, she was free to help out with childcare. It had been a god send for Luke and Bridgette and they were eternally grateful. They made sure to pay her well and not ask her to baby sit for them outside of that time…too much. Tonight was an exception and Harper was more than happy to spend the time with Katherine.

  They made their way downstairs where a limo was waiting to take them to the party. “Wow babe! Did you do this or your company?”

  “I did it. I know we don’t get out much anymore and I wanted to really go all out since we were getting all dressed up for the occasion. You deserve a night out sweetheart.” He pulled her in for a quick kiss as the driver opened the door for them. “Thank you sir.” Luke said as he ushered Bridgette into the backseat and climbed in behind her.

  It wasn’t a long drive to the upscale restaurant where the party was being held but you better believe Luke made good use of the time. The divider was already up and as soon as the car was in gear he was pulling Bridgette into his lap and crashing their lips together.

  Little was said as Luke used the slit in her dress as easy access to her panties. Making sure to get her good and wet before sliding two fingers inside her. She gripped the lapels of his jacket as he quickly and feverishly brought her to orgasm. She had tried to slip down between his legs and on to the floor to return the favor but he insister he wanted tonight to be about her.

  “Fine, but on the trip home I get to have my way.” She said as she as she kissed his cheek and settled back in her seat, smoothing out her dress.


  “Merry Christmas!” Bridgette pulled a giggling Katherine out of her crib and on to the changing table. She talked to her about what they were going to do today while she changed her diaper. She dressed her in a cute little Christmas pajama set that matched her own and headed out to meet Luke in the kitchen.

  He had poured a fresh cup of coffee for Bridgette and had a bottle ready for Katherine as he worked on breakfast. “Who’s ready for coffee and breast milk?” He joked as he turned the bottle into an airplane and handed it to Bridgette. “How do you feel about blueberry pancakes and fruit?”

  “Sounds amazing baby thank you and Merry Christmas my love.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him before heading over to the couch to finish feeding her daughter. Katherine cooed and grunted through her bottle as Bridgette watched Luke work his way around the kitchen. She had to admit she was loving her life more and more every day and she felt so lucky to be blessed with so much love and happiness.

  Breakfast was delicious as usual, Luke took after his dad with his ability to work up a masterpiece in the kitchen. “You ready to open presents?” Luke said enthusiastically as he swooped up Katherine in his arms.

  She will still young enough she didn’t understand what was happening and to be honest she seemed more interested in the ribbons and bows but it was still adorable to see her squeal and laugh as Luke opened her presents for her and Bridgette took nine thousand photos.

  Luke and Bridgette didn’t go crazy on gifts this year, they both agreed they were going to plan their first family vacation in a few months and that would be their gift to one another. Bridgette was finishing up picking up the discarded wrapping paper and surrounding Katherine with new toys that she was very interested in placing in her mouth.

  “I’ll be right back.” Luke said as he made his way out of the condo.

  “What? Where are you going?”

  “I just remembered I left something in the car.” He said as he dashed out the front door.

  Bridgette finished cleaning up the paper and was talking to Katherine about her new toys when Luke came back in the house. “Babe I’m positive this girl’s first word is going to be cat, she only wants to play with the stuffed cat toy she got this morning.” She said as she picked her up and turned to face Luke.

  “Oh my god! Luke!” Bridgette stopped dead in her tracks as Luke stood there with a tiny orange ball of fur in his hands. Clearly unsure what was going on Katherine screamed too and clapped her hands with joy.

  The ball of fur squeaked as Luke made his way closer to them. Bridgette sat on the floor and placed Katherine in her lap. He sat down as well and placed the little kitten on the floor, it wobbled at first trying to gain balance and then slowly made it’s way closer to Bridgette and the baby meowing the whole way.

  “I can’t believe you got a cat! How? I mean, I had no idea!”

  “Well Mr. Andrews downstairs watched him until I could bring him up here. That’s why I’ve been sneaking out a few times the past few days.”

  The kitten made it’s way all the way to Bridgette, she picked him up to kiss his nose when something sparkling around his neck caught her eye. “What the hell?” She brought him closer to her chest and moved his fur to see a beautiful cushion cut champaign diamond set against a rose gold band. “Oh my god!”

  By the time she registered what was happening Luke had got down on one knee, “Sweetheart, I can’t imagine a life without you. You’re everything that I could ever want or need. Will you marry me?”

  Tears sprang to her eyes as she nodded her head. Luke pulled the ring off of the kitten’s collar and placed it on her hand. “I’m so overwhelmed.” She said as tears ran down her cheeks. “I’m just so happy, honestly these are tears of joy.”

  Luke pulled her in for a hug as Katherine poked at the kitten. They sat in silence for a moment, Bridgette’s heart was so full. She watched as Luke introduced the kitten to their daughter, glancing down at the beautiful ring on her hand. “How’d I get so lucky?” She whispered to herself. Life certainly had come full circle. She smiled and scooted closer to her family and laid her head on Luke’s shoulder, “Thank you Luke, thank you for giving me everything I could ever wish for.”



  * * *

  Resisting Her: Who Knew Innocence Could Be So Tempting

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  Business & Pleasure

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  Drake: A Rocky Mountain Romance

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  Always You: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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  Always You

  A Friends to Love
rs Romance

  A Novella


  Alexis Winter

  © Copyright 2018 by Alexis Winter - All rights reserved.

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  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Chapter 1

  Bridgette stared at the floor blinking rapidly. “I don’t understand. You’re…you’re breaking up with me?” Her brain was still trying to process what she was hearing but tears had begun to pool in her eyes and run down her cheeks.

  “Bridgette listen, I’m sorry. Honestly I never wanted to hurt you. I just feel like you and I are heading in two separate directions. I’ve had a great time with you and I want you to be happy. I—I just don’t feel like I’m the right person for you.”

  She sat motionless on the edge of her bed thinking of a million things to say back to him or at least call him out for being a punk ass bitch for breaking up with her over the phone! Instead she swallowed down the lump in her throat and took a deep breath. “Well Bret, I guess there isn’t much I can say to that. I certainly wasn’t expecting it that’s for sure. I’m sorry that things didn’t work out between us but I wish you the best.”


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