Book Read Free

Lethal Action

Page 15

by Rachel Dylan

He grabbed her arm. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “For now I have to be.” And she believed that. “What are the other lawyers going to think when Candice doesn’t return? Are they all in on it?”

  “I don’t know. It would be pretty crazy to have that many players in the know.”

  “Walk with me.” She started walking back toward the courtroom. “This was the first time I’d ever met her or heard of her. The other two guys are the regular counsel.”

  “Then that would make sense that she was sent in just for this job. I’m not saying the Cyber Future lawyers are clean. But they might have a limited role in what is happening to you.”

  “Where have you been hiding?” Sam tugged on her arm. “We’re about to start again. I think the judge is going to let them do their opening statement, then we’ll break for lunch and have ours.”

  “Your opening is solid, Sam. I feel good about it.”

  “Thanks.” He turned to look at Gabe. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes. Focus on your work for now, and I’ll make sure things run smoothly.”

  She was grateful that Gabe didn’t get into what had happened with Candice right now. Sam needed to be thinking about the lawsuit. Regardless of her woes, the case was happening.

  Hope took her seat next to Sam and gave Lee a quick smile. No one on the outside would know that she had just been held at gunpoint. She’d always been good at compartmentalizing. Mostly because of her childhood. But she was amazed that she was able to really keep it together. A lot of that had to do with knowing that Gabe really did have her back. She quietly thanked God for sending Gabe into her life. And for him stopping Candice.

  She’d been distant from her faith—a faith that was fledgling to begin with. But over the past week she’d started to feel drawn to God again. Even when she wanted to pull back and blame Him for the awful events of her past and the scary threats to her now, she heard a voice that told her just the opposite. To trust in Him. She was still alive, and that had to be for a reason.

  Settling into her chair, she opened her laptop ready to take notes of Walter’s opening statement. After the judge gave his standard admonishments, Walter took to the podium. She was interested to see what tactic he would take. How would he attempt to relate to the small town southern jury?

  “Ladies and gentleman,” he said. “My name is Walter Herring. I represent Cyber Future in this case. And we are the plaintiffs in this action. We are the ones who are bringing suit against Wakefield Corporation for breach of contract.”

  He walked out from behind the podium, seemingly at ease and strode closer to the jury box. “I’m not going to pretend to be an insider. Everyone knows that I’m from a big law firm in California. And that we represent Cyber Future, a large corporation based in California.” He paused and looked at the jury. “But I also know this. You’ve been given instructions by the judge, and you’re going to follow those even if you dislike Cyber Future or me for that matter. You can dislike me all you want, but you aren’t allowed under the law to hold that against my client. And you may dislike my client too, but once again you aren’t allowed to hold that against them.”

  Sam shot up out of his chair. “Objection, your honor. I let this go on for a minute, but I think Mr. Herring’s speech is veering off a bit into prohibited argument.” Hope wasn’t surprised that Sam made the objection. Opening statement was all about what the evidence was going to show. Lawyers weren’t allowed to do what Walter was trying to accomplish by making arguments. That would only be proper for closing arguments.

  “I tend to agree, Mr. Upton. Mr. Herring, I think you’ve established your point for the jury. Please proceed with your opening statement focusing on what the evidence will show.”

  “Of course, Your Honor. Thank you.” He walked a couple of steps backward and then stopped. “Ladies and gentleman of the jury. What the evidence will show in this case is that Cyber Future entered into a distribution contract with Wakefield Corporation for the sale of the Wakefield Chip. While Cyber Future diligently held up its end of the bargain, the evidence will show that Wakefield breached the contract by failing to pay Cyber Future the amount it was due under the contract.”

  For the next half an hour, Hope took copious notes as Walter presented his opening statement. He was relaxed, persuasive, and intelligent. Hope would feel a lot better if she didn’t have the knowledge she did about Nola. And the fact that Wakefield was in breach.

  Hope also studied the jury. Trying desperately to get a read. The jury was made up of seven women and five men plus one female alternate. They were paying attention and many of them were taking notes. She had no doubt that many of them were pro Wakefield, but she also thought that they would take their civic duty and the instructions provided by the judge seriously.

  “All right, ladies and gentleman of the jury,” Judge Masters said. “We’re going to take an hour lunch break. Then we will reconvene and hear opening statement from the defense. I will remind you at each break that you are not to discuss the case amongst yourself nor talk about the case to anyone else or on any social media.” He sighed. “I remember the good ole’ days when we didn’t have the internet, and these things didn’t need to be said over and over again. But I have zero tolerance for any of that in my courtroom. Everyone understand?”

  A murmur of noise came from the jury.

  “All rise,” the bailiff said loudly.

  Hope stood up and had Walter’s opening running through her mind. All in all he hadn’t said anything she wasn’t expecting. Unfortunately for them, he’d been more persuasive than she had anticipated. Sam didn’t seem fazed though.

  “For lunch breaks we’re just going to be walking back to Greg’s firm and having lunch brought in from local places each day,” Sam said. “I’m interested to hear if you think I need to make any adjustments based on Walter’s opening.”

  They started walking out of the courtroom followed by the rest of their contingent. Hope felt an elevated sense of importance. Sam was looking to her for advice and insight. All of the work was paying off.

  She glanced over her shoulder and Gabe scowled. He wasn’t comfortable with this situation. That much was painfully obvious to her.


  Sitting in the law firm that night around the conference room table, Gabe knew what he had to do. And he also knew that doing it was critical to keeping Hope safe, but could be the end to building a relationship. Today had been too much of a close call.

  It bothered him that he’d had side conversations with Caleb, Lee, and lastly Sam. But they’d all agreed it was the right thing to do. And of course they all thought he was the perfect person to break the news. They promised they’d back him up. So they sat around the conference room table having just finished up their dinner.

  It was now or never. Sam started the discussion. “Hope, there’s something we need to discuss.”

  She looked at him, her eyes lit up with anticipation. “Okay. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited about tomorrow. Your opening was the perfect counterpoint to Walter’s. You really pulled them back into our court. And I think we can do some damage on cross examination of their witnesses. And…”

  Sam held up his hand. “Gabe, why don’t you tell Hope what we all discussed.”

  Uh oh. Sam wasn’t doing a good job of setting this up. Hope narrowed her eyes at him.

  Before he could say anything, she leaned forward in her seat. “So, you guys have been talking about me?” The accusation rolled off her tongue.

  “It’s not like that, Hope. That’s why Caleb joined us after dinner. He wanted to be here for this discussion. He and I let everyone know what happened at the courthouse today. And after further questioning of Candice and an examination of all the facts we know, we think the only way to keep you safe is for you to leave Maxwell.”

  “No way.” She stood up from her chair. “I can’t believe you all making decisions about me as if I have no say so.” She turned to Sam. “You�
��re the only one who can make me leave. You know how hard I’ve worked on this case. You also know that you really need me to try this. It would be difficult without me.”

  Sam looked down and then back up at Hope. “Hope, if there was any other way, I would be all for it. You’re so right. You deserve this chance. You’ve more than earned this opportunity. But you’re also one of the lawyers in my firm. I’m responsible for you while you’re here. And no job, even if it’s your dream job and your dream trial, is worth risking your life.”

  “But, Sam.”

  “Let me finish,” he said. He stood up from his chair and walked over to face her. “There will be other opportunities, Hope. When you have talent, real talent like what you have, there will be other ways for you to gain experiences and demonstrate what you can do. The only way you’ll have a future at the firm is if you’re safe. And after what happened today, I’m convinced you aren’t safe here.”

  She turned away from Sam and walked toward Gabe. “You’re the one who agreed with me that they’ll just follow me wherever I go.”

  “Which is even more reason to get you to a truly safe location until we can locate and neutralize the threat,” he said.

  “And if I refuse.”

  “I’m sorry, Hope,” Sam said. “This is non-negotiable. You’ll leave Maxwell with Gabe. You will not be in court tomorrow.”

  He watched as she turned a bit pale. But she didn’t say a word. She grabbed her laptop and her purse and walked out of the room.

  “I knew that was going to happen,” Gabe said.

  “She’ll see in the long term that it was the only option,” Sam said.

  “I’ve got to go after her,” he said. Then he jogged out of the room. She couldn’t have gotten far. But to say that she would be angry at him would be the understatement of his career. He needed to deal with the issue head on. Take the beating and try to move on.

  “Hope,” he called.

  She didn’t turn around. He caught up to her and grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t you dare touch me.” Her eyes were ablaze. “You were supposed to have my back, remember? And I was stupid enough to believe that you could be different. That you really did have my back.”

  “Hope, I do. I’m doing this because I care so much about you. Even at the risk of knowing what this could do to us. I can’t have you put in this type of danger anymore. I just can’t do it.”

  “Let’s be clear, Gabe. There is no us. I may not be able to get away from you right now, but when I do, I don’t want you in my life. And I surely pray that I never come back to this awful town again.”

  He let her say those things because she was upset. And rightfully so. Maybe with time she’d forgive him, but he wasn’t so sure. “We’ll go by the hotel and get all of your things. Then stop by my place. Zeke’s going to stay with Caleb while we’re gone.”

  “And you don’t even know how long that will be.” Her voice was louder than he’d ever heard it.

  “No, Hope. I don’t. As long as it takes to keep you safe.”

  By the time they’d reached his place, she’d only said a few words to him. Mainly about moving her stuff. He would need patience and understanding to get through this.

  They walked into this house, and she grabbed onto his arm. “You said something that is really bothering me.”

  “What’s that?”

  “As long as it takes.” She paused. “Are you thinking about putting me into witness protection?”

  Her grip was tight on his arm. “My boss did bring that up.”


  “Everything is on the table right now. But we also agreed that it would be a bit premature to think about the Witness Security Program at this point.”

  “But it hasn’t been ruled out?” She let go of his arm and looked up.

  He couldn’t help it. He had to try to comfort her. He pulled her into his arms. “Hope, I’m sorry. I don’t want it to come to that. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn’t, but I’m not going to lie to you. No secrets. It’s a possibility.”

  She pulled back from his embrace and looked in his eyes. “That would destroy everything I’ve worked for. Do you understand that?”

  “You can’t think of it like that. You have to think of it as a fresh start.”

  She broke away from him and started pacing back and forth in the living room.

  “What would I do? I know I couldn’t be a lawyer since that’s what I do now. Everything, Gabe. Everything! I told you how I grew up. Poor with an awful family life. No stability. I worked my way through school and have done everything and more to excel at the firm. To have that ripped away from me is unfathomable.”

  He walked over to her and lifted her chin up. “Hope, listen to yourself. What’s the theme? You’re a fighter. Whatever challenge is put in front of you, you take it head on. Without fear, and with full determination. It’s one of the things I admire the most about you.”


  “Yes, admire. I know we haven’t known each other but for a short time. In that time, though, I’ve seen you face down threats and get back up. Never once did it occur to you to cut and run. Because you’re not a cut and run type of woman. And if we could stay and fight we would. But this is one time where we have to hunker down.”

  “Even if it means me losing everything?”

  “I think even as you’re saying these things, you realize that your career isn’t everything. Being with you has taught me that about my own career. I know you think that we come from different worlds, but we’re more alike that you believe. I’ve put my work ahead of everything else. And I had this bull headed idea that I could find someone to neatly fit into my world and live happily ever after.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked quietly.

  “What I mean is that you’ve changed all of that, Hope. My career is still very important to me. But I want more out of life than just being an FBI agent at the top of my game. I want someone special to share life with. To laugh and to talk and to bear the burdens together. I’ve been so caught up in my plans and goals that I’ve gotten myself to believe in something that doesn’t exist. I believe the Lord brought you into my life to show me another path.”

  “I honestly don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. I know we’re in a crazy situation and things have been moving quickly. But know that I don’t want to let you go, Hope. I refuse to. And if that means going into witness protection with you, I would.”

  “You would give up your career in the FBI for me?”

  “Without hesitation.”

  She grabbed his hands and tears welled up in her eyes. “No one has ever been willing to sacrifice for me. Ever.”

  “You’re stuck with me now. We’re a team, and we’re going to get through this together. I know you’re angry at the situation, but I really hope you won’t stay angry at me.” He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

  “You tell me what we need to do. And I’ll do it.”

  He smiled. Her fight was back. This was the Hope he needed right now. “I’m going to pack my bag. Then we are going to hit the road.”

  “To where? It’s already getting late.”

  “I’ll be fine driving. I want to put some distance between us and Maxwell. They won’t be expecting you to be leaving during the trial. So we need to get as far away as possible as quickly as we can.”

  “Why not fly?”

  “We’d be easier to track that way.”

  “What about FBI transport?” she asked.

  He smiled. “Come with me while I pack, and I’ll fill you in.”

  She walked up the steps to his room and he pulled out a suitcase and a duffel. “Since I told you no secrets, there’s one more thing you should know.”

  “All right. What is it?”

  “My boss and I think there may be a mole in the Bureau.”

  “A mole at the FBI?” she asked.

“Yeah. I know it sounds crazy, but this type of thing does happen. Especially when you’re dealing with organized crime. The agent could be being blackmailed or be motivated by money.”

  She looked out the window in his room into the darkness of the night. “What made you suspect a mole?”

  “I think someone has been accessing my reports on the investigation that I’ve been putting in the system and sending to my boss. I have the tech guys looking into it, but for now, we need to be extra careful.”

  “The bad guys are everywhere,” she said softly.

  “But don’t worry. I’ve got a plan to flush out the mole. We’re going to feed false intel through the system on our location and what our plans are for protecting you.”

  “That’s smart. I assume you can trust your boss?”

  “Hope, if I can’t trust my boss, then I’m in a world of hurt.”

  She walked over to him as he threw socks in the duffel bag. “That wasn’t a yes.”

  “It was a yes. I do trust him, but beyond him, I can’t say for sure. I’m definitely not willing to risk your life over it.” He grabbed a few more things and put them in the duffle. “Grab us nonperishables from the kitchen while I finish up here. I’ll only be a minute.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Gabe. I know I lashed out earlier, but I do appreciate what you’re doing here.”

  Before he could respond, she walked out of the room.

  Lord, please help me keep her safe. You’ve brought her into my life. I can’t lose her now.

  He grabbed his bag and a shot rang out piercing the silence in the room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Hope hit the ground when she heard the first shot. Thankfully, she wasn’t hit, but she was staying low. Crouched down behind the island in the kitchen.

  “Hope,” Gabe’s voice rang out.

  “I’m okay,” she yelled.

  But then more shots were fired. It sounded louder than fireworks on the fourth of July. By speaking she’d given away her location. A bullet pierced through the wood cabinet above her head.

  “Run, Hope,” Gabe yelled.


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