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Torn Series: A Bundle Set 1 - 10

Page 20

by Pamela Ann

  Trista was now crying uncontrollably. “I know, I know. I just need time,” Trista spoke in between sniffs.

  Taking Trista’s face and wiping her tears away with my thumbs, I gave her a hug. “I think we’ve had enough of sadness tonight. Do you guys want to go through the room service menu and eat our hearts out while we watch Vampire Bass kick some ass?”

  “Um, yes, please?” Trista tried to lighten up the mood.

  Lindsey stood up and pulled Trista out of bed. “You look like you’re in need of some pancakes and bacon. Come on, I’m starving!”

  Trista just nodded.

  “Do they even offer breakfast at this hour?” I asked.

  “If they don’t, I’ll make them. If pancakes will make Tris happy, I’ll make damn sure she gets some.”

  I loved Ferocious Lindsey.

  I got up and followed the two who were both hovering over the menu. “Don’t forget to order a shitload of dessert. I think we all need a little sugar lovin’. I want me some chocolate cake!”

  “You betcha!” Lindsey grinned at me.


  “What the fuck! Who farted?” Lindsey jumped out of the king-sized bed and opened the sliding door that led to the balcony while fanning her button nose.

  Trista started laughing. “Sorry, I think I ate too much last night. I’m gassy. There seems to be no way of stopping it.” She then resumed her laughing hysterics.

  Fuck, that stunk, BAD. I jumped out of the bed and went out on the balcony with Lindsey, laughing. Trista followed us.

  Lindsey pulled out a chair. “Sit your ass down woman and wait until the gods of shit bestow you the gift of using the toilet. Until then, do not come near me!”

  Trista was now on the floor, laughing. “Aye, aye, Fart Patrol!”

  It was already two in the afternoon; we woke up late because we kept rewinding the sex scene with Bass all night. Yeah, we drooled at the sight of his tight ass.

  Lindsey sat across from Trista. Both of their laughs were dying down. I plopped down on the other chair next to them. “Have you guys heard from Amber? I’ve tried calling and texting her, but she’s not picking up.” Amber had been MIA since Tahoe.

  Trista looked serious all of a sudden. “I’ve been trying to get in touch with her, too, but she doesn’t answer me either. I guess she’s just not ready to talk to anyone.”

  Trista had a point. It was obvious that Amber didn’t want to be bothered. I just hoped she was doing okay.

  We had to go home soon and I wanted to shower, but I hadn’t brought any clothes with me. “Guys, we have to check out in two hours.”

  “What? Why?” Lindsey asked, confused.

  “Because we have to go home?” Duh? We didn’t live here, although, I wished I did.

  Lindsey pulled down her shades and leaned against the chair, her face basking in the sun. “Forget it. We’re staying another day here. We’ll go shopping for clothes later and have dinner somewhere. How does that sound?”

  Hmmm, strange, I thought. I folded my arms and stared at her. “What’s your reason, Lindsey? Why don’t you want to go home?”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Same shit different day. Brody and I—I told him I didn’t want to do the whole relationship thing. Besides, I think this will be good for us. To stay another day, I mean.”

  And another one bit the dust. “Yeah, another day sounds good.”

  Trista stood up. “Sounds good to me. I have to get my phone charger. Be right back.”

  Lindsey and I were waiting for the coffee and fruit bowl we ordered when Trista came back. “Guys, look what I found!” She was out of breath when she slammed the magazine on the coffee table.

  Lindsey and I both leaned over to check it out. It was Bass coming out of a club with the gorgeous Winston Twins. The Winston sisters, Kate and Khloe, were models as well as socialites; they were beautiful and rich. Their father, Grant Winston, owned one of the largest production companies in Hollywood. Guess Lydia Cornwell was history.

  Lindsey and Trista were looking over the article, but I didn’t join in. I honestly did not want to know about Bass’s sex life. At all.

  “This picture was taken last night. It seems Bass is here in L.A. for the weekend,” Trista shrieked.

  Okay, so? I wouldn’t call him. “Well, that’s nice.”

  Trista looked at me and then back to the trashy magazine. “Well, who needs another playboy anyway? I sure don’t.” Trista took the magazine and dumped it in the trash.

  That was much better, thank you.

  “I wonder, when you look into my eyes and watch my heart shatter, does it break your heart too, even crack it a little bit?"

  ~Author Unknown

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I heard a loud knock on the door.

  “Emma, talk to me, please?” Ugh, not again!

  “Go away, Carter. You’re majestic dick is not needed here. Goodbye!” It had been a month since the boathouse incident and Carter was still trying to talk to me. Every. Single. Day. He hadn’t been successful, though.

  We dropped by Home Depot to buy new locks before we headed home from L.A. after the weekend at Chateau Marmont. I didn’t want to take a chance on Carter prancing in here, asking for forgiveness, with me caught unaware. He waited for me everywhere, but I’d been able to avoid seeing him so far.

  At times, I feel bad, like I was Cruella de Vil, but it didn’t last long. All I had to do was remember the boathouse and it set me off in flames. I felt relieved when I heard him kick the door and stomp off.

  Way to go and fuck up my day, Carter! Today of all days when I had to leave for L.A. Barbara’s assistant, Mark, booked me a room to stay overnight in once a week. Upon arriving in L.A., I had to see my acting coach, Shiva, for two hours. After that, I had a one hour yoga session with Liston. The next day, I had a two hour grueling work-out session with my personal trainer, Ben. This painful, ass-kicking schedule started last week and today, I have to start it all over again. I didn’t think my body had even recovered from the trauma it went through last week. Yes, Ben was crazy. It was hard to catch my breath with him. He was always breathing down my neck to keep on going and blah, blah, blah.

  I honestly didn’t think I needed to lose any weight. My stomach was flat and my body was toned from years of Pilates. I didn’t know why Ben made me feel like I was the fattest kid in town. Whatever. I decided that after every session with him, I got to reward myself with something sweet and fattening. I knew it was naughty of me to cheat like that since I only had three months left before I left for Greece, but I really did believe that I seriously deserved it.


  Lindsey and I were busy chatting as we unloaded our groceries from the trunk of her car. Once we got everything out, we walked towards our place. We both stopped chatting when we saw Carter leaning on the door.


  Of course, we both pretended that he wasn’t there. When we got to the door, Linds pulled out her key and opened it.

  “We need to talk, Em. I’m so sorry,” the six-some lover said.


  “Do you hear that weird sound, Em?” Lindsey asked me, amused.

  I cocked my head a bit and blinked a few times. “Yeah, I think that’s the sound of a dog crying because he got his balls stomped on.”

  Carter caught my arm and pulled me aside. Lindsey was about to flip a switch when I stopped her. “Go on in; this will only take a minute.” Linds nodded and closed the door behind her.

  For the first time in a month, I looked at Carter’s face. I gulped, even though he was my least favorite person, it didn’t change the fact that he still somehow affected me. Looking away, I hissed, “I’m only giving you a minute, Carter. I suggest you make the most of it.”

  Carter took hold of my chin and made me look at him. “Don’t do this, Em. We need to talk… in private. Not out here. Please, I’m begging you.”

  “Will you leave me alone after you say your piece?” I looked at him ske
ptically. With Carter, it was hard to predict if he would keep his promises. His mercurial personality was one of the main things that infuriated me about him.

  He shook his head. “No, I can’t promise that. What I can guarantee, though, is that I won’t be pestering you on a daily basis.”

  Good thing he knew he had a problem with sticking to his promises. Resigned, I reluctantly nodded. “Where do you want to talk?”

  “Can we talk in your room?”

  Let’s just get this shit out of the way. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  Lindsey looked sour when I informed her that Carter and I were going to talk in my bedroom. Once inside, I sat on my bed and waited for him to speak. He was leaning against the wall, pensive. What could he possibly say that would make anything better? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

  I started picking at the edges of a pillow when I heard Carter speak. “I know there’s nothing that I can say that will make you forgive me. I was so stupid. When you told me that you were late, I started to panic. All of my doubts of becoming like my father surfaced again. It was a big reality check for me. I suddenly felt suffocated. I can’t even describe the kind of relief I felt when you told me you weren’t pregnant. Nothing mattered then because I felt free. Before I even decided to cheat on you, I knew for a fact that it would hurt you, but it still didn’t stop me. I do love you, Emma, but I don’t know how to accept it and live with it without getting paranoid.”

  He came over to the bed and sat across from me, the bed dipping under his weight. “I’m really sorry for hurting you this way. There’s no excuse that will make anything better for you. I love you and I will always love you. Maybe someday, when I am ready to fully accept my love for you, maybe we can try again.” Fat chance, bitch.

  When I looked up and met his eyes, I felt pain. I had really wanted things to work out between Carter and me, and he screwed it up because he couldn’t accept the fact that he loved me? LAME BALLS! “Well, geez, this was a nice chitchat, Carter. What are you going to say next? That Cece and Amanda were your side whores while you were with me?”

  “No, it was just you then, Em, and no one else.” Yeah, sure, I so believe you. Not.

  Carter raked a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh. “I fucking miss you, Em. What the hell am I going to do without you? I don’t like that I love you, but that doesn’t change the fact that I do. You’re all I see.” Good, let the ghost of me make you suffer and hound your thoughts.

  My breathing hitched when he came closer and touched my cheek. Fuck! “I’ve missed how your skin feels. You’re beautiful and I just wish things weren’t so fucked up.” Carter moved a little closer.

  I wetted my suddenly dry lips. I couldn’t do this with him. This was just too much. “Carter, you have to stop.”

  “I know, but I don’t know how, Em. I don’t know how to stop…” Carter trailed off as his lips captured mine. Maybe it’d been too long or maybe I somewhat missed this stupid toad, but I responded to his fevered, hungered kiss. I moaned when he pushed me down on the bed and positioned himself on top of me.

  A knock came on the door. “Carter! Your time’s up! You gotta scoot!” Lindsey yelled from behind the closed door.

  “Fuck!” Carter cussed against my lips. Yeah, fuck. Thank God for Lindsey because I was just about to submit to him again.

  Getting off the bed, Carter stood up and gave me a quick kiss. I just stared at him, wide-eyed. “I love you, Em.” After telling his sister to back off, he stormed out and left the apartment.

  Lindsey knocked on my door before she opened it. She strolled in and sat on my bed. “I knew you were in trouble when I didn’t hear voices anymore. I just had to throw in my super life-saving skills.”

  This woman was awesome! “Thank you, Lindsey. Yeah, your brother almost had me. Fuck! I’m so stupid.”

  Lindsey gave me a quick hug. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Carter is just stupid. He’s hurting because of what he did to you, but there is no one to blame but himself.” She kissed my forehead and left me with my thoughts.

  And for the next two months, he stayed away; physically, not emotionally. He would send flowers or presents to me on a weekly basis, along with random text messages.

  Carter: I love you, my Emma.

  Carter: I miss you, my Emma.

  Carter: I can’t stop thinking about your lips. I wish you were next to me.

  Carter: I saw Pirates of the Caribbean today and couldn’t stop thinking about our Halloween together.

  Carter: I bought your perfume today. I just wanted to smell you again.

  Carter: I will come back for you when I’m ready and I won’t stop until you’re back with me because it’s not over. It will never be over.

  Although I tried ignored his messages, they were in my thoughts. I had to give him props because he was really getting through to me.

  I was being mind-fucked, plain and simple.


  A month before I left for Greece…


  I was surprised that Carter was waiting for me outside of my class. I had seen him around school from afar, but never up close. From time to time, I could feel his hot gaze follow me around, but he never approached me, until today.

  “Yes, Carter? What can I do for you?” I wanted to roll my eyes, but refrained from doing so. He was exasperating.

  “I got an invitation to play for the L.A. Galaxy for two seasons a few months back and I accepted. My first game is next week and I was wondering if you could be there as my good luck charm and wear my jersey.”

  He got invited to play for the L.A. Galaxy? I was wowed, but I knew this day would come. He was going to be a senior this year and he was on his way to getting into MLS—Major League Soccer. His dream was to play for FIFA—Fédération Internationale de Football Association—and win a World Cup. I had no doubt in my mind that he would get there, for he was one determined mother fucker.

  Carter was fascinating to watch when he played. He dominated the field and I used to love watching him own it. In his jersey he was extra yummy. I loved his powerful, strong, thighs; they were thick, hard and all manly.

  I once loved this man, but that was before he screwed it up.

  “I’ll think about it, but I’m not sure about the jersey thing.” I wasn’t his girl anymore. He had made that decision all on his own by choosing the kinky boathouse incident over us—me.

  He handed me his jersey. It was in a white gift bag. I knew without even looking that it would have the number seven stitched on the back, his lucky number. I hesitantly grabbed the bag from him. My hand tingled when our hands brushed. “Thanks.”

  Carter shoved his hands back inside his pockets, he looked unsure. “I guess, I will see you next week then?”

  “Yeah, I’ll see you then.”

  He looked like he wanted to say more, but he didn’t. With a sad smile, he departed.


  “You sure you want to go with me? I mean he’s my brother and all so I have to give some familial support, but you, you don’t have to do this and torture yourself. You don’t owe him anything.”

  I was already dressed and set to go, wearing Carter’s jersey. FUCK!

  “Lindsey’s got a point, doll. I don’t know about you going.” Trista gave me a sad smile.

  “It’ll be fine, you guys. I have you two for a buffer. Now, let’s get moving, shall we?”

  We drove to The Home Depot Center—the home field of the L.A. Galaxy. Truth be told, I really wanted to see Carter play.

  When he got on the field, he immediately looked to where we were seated—in the reserved seats section—and his face broke out in a massive smile when he found me. I almost smiled back.

  When the game started, all three of us were cheering him on. Lindsey glanced over to the general admission seating and stiffened. I looked to see what she was staring at and I saw Cooper, Brody, Amanda, Cece and the three nameless bitches from the boat house sitting right beside our seats.
r />   I wanted to rip Cece and Amanda’s heads off when they stood up and started hollering, their large boobs jumping along with them.

  “Stupid, skank-a-bitch,” Lindsey muttered under her breath. My sentiments exactly! They definitely popped our damn bubble.

  I was relieved when the game was almost over, but I was on the edge of my seat since the score was tied. All three of us stood up when Carter had the ball and started The Roulette to move towards the opposite side of the field. I knew then that he was going to do the Overhead Bicycle Kick and I hoped to God that he would fucking get it in past the goalie. My breathing stopped when I saw him go for the shot. Everything went in slow motion for me until the black and white ball went inside the goal, scoring the winning point. The stadium went ballistic and Carter took his shirt off and waved it in the air. He bared his hot, banging six-pack for everyone to see. He laughed when people started to chant his name.

  When he stopped and looked at me, he bunched up his hand, tapped over his heart twice and pointed at me. I thought I was going to melt in to a puddle. Oh, fuck.

  “Shit,” both Lindsey and Trista muttered.

  He gave me a beautiful smile before he threw his shirt in the air and aimed it towards the screaming fans. The crowd went wild.

  After the game, Trista, Lindsey and I checked in at The Chateau Marmont, again. I supposed this hotel was now our place to stay when we were in L.A. We simply loved it here. Carter and the boys rented out a house in Malibu for an after-party. Of course, both Tris and Linds didn’t think that I should go, but I wanted to.

  “I don’t know, Em. Carter still wants you after what he did. What if he tries something with you tonight? Will you be able to resist him?” Trista asked. It was a question that I couldn’t answer.

  Since we would be partying with Cece and Amanda, I had carefully chosen my outfit. This was going to be the first time I had been to a party since the boathouse ‘incident’ and I wanted to make myself as hot as possible tonight. I was going to flaunt my super sexy assets—thanks to Ben and Liston’s dedication.


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