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Gage's Serenity: Honey Creek Den Book 5

Page 4

by Taylor Rylan

  Realizing that I had no clue as to which day it actually was, I carefully crawled out of bed and went in search of my phone. I found it in my pants pocket that I’d discarded on the floor several days ago. It was dead so I plugged it in and went to the bathroom to take care of business.

  When I looked in the mirror, my bear grunted at the claiming bite that Linus had given me, and I had to agree, it was perfect there. Our feisty little mate marked us as his and that made not only my bear happy, but me as well.

  I decided that a shower was the best choice for cleaning up, so I turned on the showerhead and climbed in under the hot spray. I didn’t want to take too long because I still needed to go to the kitchen and fix Linus something substantial to eat.

  After hastily washing and rinsing, I dried off and snuck back into the bedroom to grab a pair of sweats so I could go cook something for breakfast. I snatched my phone off of the nightstand, and after one last look at Linus, I left the bedroom for the kitchen.

  Edison had obviously been back after he’d told me to claim my mate, because not only was there a note on the counter, the refrigerator and the pantry were fully stocked. I glanced at the note while I searched the pantry for pancake mix.


  I let myself back in so I could help with your food situation. It’s understandable that you didn’t have time to prepare for Linus’s heat so we stocked the kitchen for you. Wallace made several dishes for you and put them in the freezer. They each have reheating directions on them. Wallace and I will stop by each day to check in, but we won’t disturb you if you’re occupied. When Linus’s heat ends, we need to take care of the burial of his parents as well as the items they had in their house. For now, everything is at the rental house he lived in with his parents. I can have it at your place in a blink, just let me know. Also, War said to tell you, again, that he was sorry, and that he doesn’t accept your resignation. You’ll have two to three weeks off to claim your mate, and then you’re expected to be back at work. Don’t forget to call when you emerge from your den. We’re all quite fond of Linus and are looking forward to adding another mated pair to all of the upcoming festivities.


  That explained all of the food. I would need to thank them both, in person, the first chance I got. Right now, I needed to get to work on feeding my mate. It had been several days since he’d eaten something more than fruit and water. Foxes liked pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Right?

  Linus — 6

  I felt absolutely wonderful. My body was deliciously sore everywhere, but I wasn’t going to complain about that. Nope. So this is what being mated and going through your first heat felt like. My mom had been right. I was worried about so many things for no apparent reason.

  Realizing I was in bed alone, I sat up and looked around the room. I recalled being brought here, but I didn’t pay much attention to my surroundings. At the time, the most important thing was my mate and how wonderful he smelled. But looking at Gage’s bedroom, I was given a little more understanding about my mate. The room and furniture were beautiful, but seemed very impersonal.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. I’m in the kitchen finishing up breakfast. I’ll bring it to you just as soon as it’s done.”

  “I’ll come to you. Just let me go to the bathroom and get cleaned up a little. Do I have time for a quick shower?”

  “Define quick.”

  “Five minutes?”

  “Yes. I can start the eggs in five minutes. How do you like them?”

  “Any way. I’m not picky about food. I like it all.”

  “Alright. You sure you don’t want me to bring it to you?”

  “Yep.” I got up and dashed to the door and realized it was the closet. It was huge and you could get lost in there easily. I turned around and went to the other side of the room and gasped when I walked into the bathroom. The entire wall was windows and had a gorgeous view of the lake. There was snow on the ground outside, and I wondered how long I’d been in heat. I turned on the shower, and then emptied my bladder and quickly cleaned up. I was just reaching for a dry towel to wrap around my waist when Gage entered the bathroom.

  “Here’s some clothes. I thought you might want to get dressed to eat. Not that I’d mind if you ate naked. You can be without clothes any time you want.”

  “That’s good to know. But I’m often cold and need clothing, so thanks. I was trying to hurry.”

  “It’s okay. Breakfast is ready and waiting.”

  “Great. Gage?”


  “Do I get a kiss? You’re not going to be standoffish, are you?”

  I immediately found myself lifted into Gage’s arms, and then his mouth was doing wonderful things to mine.

  “How was that?”

  “Mmm. Very nice. I’m all tingly again. But why’d you stop?”

  “Because you need to eat. It’s been days since you’ve had anything other than fruit. Get dressed and we’ll go eat. Then I’ll show you the rest of the house.”

  “That sounds good. Can we talk?”

  “We can always talk, Linus. I’ll always be available for you. Whenever and whatever you need.”

  I smiled at my mate as I quickly pulled on the clothes he’d brought to me. They were mine so they had to have come from my house. My question must have been apparent because Gage answered me before I could even ask.

  “Edison was here. Several times, I guess. But he didn’t disturb us. They just checked in, dropped off some food, and some of your things.”


  “Have you ever known Edison to go anywhere without Wallace?”

  I smiled because it was true. Edison’s One was never far from his side. I hoped Gage and I ended up like them. The love they still shared was absolutely beautiful.

  “You ready to eat?”

  “Yes. I’m hungry.”

  “Good. My bear is pushing to feed you. All I can say is get used to it. It’s what we bears do with our mates.”

  “I know. I’m not upset. Lead the way and I’ll follow. I’m not really sure where I’m going.”

  Gage turned and walked out of the bathroom and I hastily followed. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, I smelled the sausage, and my stomach growled loudly in protest of not having fed it in so long. Gage chuckled ahead of me.


  “I can hear your stomach.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be happy soon enough.”

  “I hope so. Here, have a seat, and I’ll get the food,” Gage told me as he pulled out a chair that was sitting in the nook in the bay window. Again, the view of the lake was breathtaking. When my mate had filled the table with plates piled high with food, he joined me and grabbed the empty plate in front of me and started filling it with food.

  “Thank you,” I said as I took the plate with some of my favorite foods on it. “How did you know that pancakes and sausage were my favorite?”

  “Honestly, I didn’t. I know I could go searching through our bond, but that seemed like an invasion. I simply took a chance. I’m glad I did,” Gage replied as he filled his own plate. “Eat. It’s already not as hot as it was. I don’t want you to eat cold food.”

  I dug in and couldn’t stop the moans that the delicious food produced. How did he get the pancakes so fluffy? When I realized my mate wasn’t eating, I stopped and looked up at him. I saw hunger in his eyes, but it wasn’t for food.

  “Gage? If you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m not going to eat.” Gage dropped his head and took several deep breaths.

  “Sorry. I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that I have a mate. I’d hoped I’d get one, but at the same time, I didn’t want to subject someone to me. I love you, and I’ll always cherish you, but I’m sorry you’re stuck with me. You deserve so much better, Linus. But I promise I’ll try to be the best mate I can. And I’ll try—”

  “Stop.” I sighed, completely exasperated with what Gage was saying. What had happened that he had suc
h a low opinion of himself? I felt the sadness from my mate before I saw it in his eyes when he finally looked up at me. “I know we’ve just met, and now we’re already mated. But I’m completely happy with you. You’re absolutely perfect for me. If you weren’t, the fates wouldn’t have paired us together, right? But this low opinion of yourself has to stop. To me you’re perfect in every way.”

  “Linus, you don’t realize how much I screw up.”

  “Doesn’t matter. We’ll work on it. I’m sure there’s something I can do to help. We’ll fix whatever’s wrong. And if we can’t, then we’ll figure it out. I’m not upset that you’re my mate. Not the slightest. I tried to tell you that when I first saw you lying in bed at War’s. I lost my parents that day, and I almost lost you, too. That would have…I don’t think I could have recovered from that, Gage. I loved my parents, and I’m sad that they didn’t get to see me happily mated. But losing you, it would have completely devastated me.”

  “Come here, sweetheart,” Gage said as he scooted back from the table. I was out of my chair and in his lap before he could even completely open his arms for me. “I promise that I’ll try my best to always be here for you. Things happen though, and we can’t tell what the future has in store for us. But as my mate, you’ll always be cared for, and you’ll always have a place to live.”

  “I just want you,” I mumbled into Gage’s neck. I started rooting around, and when I found his claiming scar, I smiled at the memory of me giving it to him.

  “Proud of yourself? You were quite impatient, little one.”

  “I knew what I wanted. I know I was supposed to wait for you to claim me, and then tell me it was time to claim you, but I was afraid you’d back out. You seem to think it’s a tragedy that I’m fated to you. I don’t. In my opinion, I couldn’t have gotten a better mate.”

  Gage squeezed me tight, and I was more than willing to just sit there and be held.

  “I know I don’t deserve you, but I’ll always cherish you. I realize I’m repeating myself, but I can’t seem to stop. Here, you need to finish eating. Although my bear is super happy that you’re in my lap, he’s grumbling at me that I pulled you away from your first meal in several days.” Gage let me go, and I got up and went back to my own chair and dug back in to my meal.

  “Speaking of days, what day is it?”

  “It’s Sunday. You were in heat for six days, I estimate. I’m really sorry about that. If I hadn’t let War tell me no, it would have only lasted four or so. As it was, you suffered for two days before Edison and Arik talked some sense into War. Well, mostly Arik. I heard that our alpha mate forced our Alpha to the couch for sleeping.”

  “What?” I asked before I busted out laughing. I was picturing our Alpha sleeping on the couch because he’d upset his mate. Arik was a wonderful choice for War; the fates did well with those two. But War was completely enamored with his mate, and I couldn’t imagine him doing anything to piss off the tiger. That was, until he’d all but told Gage he shouldn’t claim me. I remembered that part, and it made me sad.

  “Sweetheart, it all worked out, right?”

  I looked up at Gage and smiled before starting back in on my food. I really was hungry and knew I needed to finish eating. When we’d eaten everything on the platters, I helped Gage clean up from breakfast, and then looked around the spacious kitchen. Much like Gage’s bedroom, it too was beautiful, but it just seemed impersonal. Where was my bear? Did he actually live here? It almost seemed like a showplace or model home or something.

  “What?” Gage asked as he watched me.


  “It’s something. I can see the questions. What?”

  “How long have you lived here?”

  “My whole life. Why?”

  “So this was your parents’ home?”

  “Yes. Again, why?”

  “Just curious. Do I get a tour now?” I asked as I hopped up on the counter. Gage walked over to me and with gentle hands, he opened my legs and stood in between them as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Yes, you can have a tour. There’s not a single place in this house you can’t explore. But first, you really need to tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “Promise you won’t be mad?”

  “Sweetheart, I couldn’t ever be mad at you. But I am curious.”

  “Well, from what I’ve seen, your house is beautiful. But it just seems so empty. It’s almost as if you don’t even live here. Everything’s neat and perfect, but it just doesn’t seem like it’s you. Does that make sense?”

  “It makes perfect sense. Actually, the house isn’t really me at all. I didn’t decorate it; my mother did. When my parents died, I never bothered to change much except get rid of a lot of extra furniture. I’d hoped that I’d find a mate one day, and then they could help make the place ours.”

  “Really? This is how you grew up? Were you allowed to play in here? Or make messes?”

  “Sure. My parents weren’t unloving. But you have to remember, I’ve been alone for a long time. I go to work and then come home. I don’t have a whole lot to do to occupy myself except clean the house. But anything you want to change, you’re more than welcome to. All I ask is that you leave the books in the library alone. You can even change the furniture in there if you’d like. But the books, please leave them.”

  “You have a library? I know where I want to start my tour then. Where is it? I can’t wait to see it. I love to read,” I said enthusiastically as I hopped off of the counter.

  Gage smiled lovingly at me and grabbed my hand as he turned and left the kitchen. I had a library to inspect. Among other things.

  Gage — 7

  Watching my mate get so excited about something as simple as a home library made me realize that the fates truly did know what they were doing when the paired us. I loved to read and often spent evenings lost in a book. I thought that maybe it was just because I was so lonely, but knowing that Linus shared one of my favorite pastimes warmed my heart.

  “Wow. How many books are in here?”

  “I’m not sure. Thousands though. Some are centuries old and are in other languages I can’t read, but my mother loved books and collected them. My father supported her in it, and this is the result. I’ve added a few over the years, but nothing like she did.”

  “I’m so sorry I’ll never get to meet them. They sound like they were great parents.”

  “They were. They were taken too soon though. I’ve often…”


  “I’ve often wondered what life would have been like if they’d been able to have more cubs. Most of the time I think I love to read so much simply because I’m always alone. That’s partly my fault, but not completely. I’ve never really felt like I belonged. Even growing up, I felt like I didn’t quite fit.”

  “Hmm, there’s nothing wrong with that. Maybe you’re just not a people person. Aren’t bears supposed to be solitary creatures anyway?”

  “Yes and no. Actual bears, yes. Bear shifters, no. We’re all about our mates, cubs, and den.”

  “Well, you have two of the three, so maybe things will start to change for you now.”

  “Maybe. Linus, we should probably talk.”

  “Why does that sound ominous. You can’t take it back you know.”

  “I’m aware of that. Come here,” I said as I sat down in my favorite chair. When Linus got close enough, I pulled him down onto my lap. “Sweetheart, we didn’t use any suppressors or anything. And I wasn’t given too much of a choice to pull out when you bit me. It caused my knot to immediately inflate and I was stuck. You might very well be pregnant already.”

  “Did you not want cubs or kits with me?”

  “Of course, I do. But we didn’t really get a chance to talk about it before it happened.”

  “Sure we did. I told you I wanted your cubs and kits. Don’t you remember?”

  “Yes, I remember you saying that, but you were in heat. That’s different.”

p; “How so? I want to be your mate. I want to have your cubs and kits. I want you, Gage. What’s the issue? I hope I’m pregnant. If not, then we’ll try again next month.”

  “Wait. What do you mean next month? Heats come once a year.”

  “Maybe for bears. Not for foxes. I’ve met my mate. Until I get pregnant with our first cub or kit, I’m going to go into heat each month. But it’ll only be for a few days, not the week-long heat like this time.”

  I groaned at the thought of Linus going into heat so often. I was certainly up for the challenge, but each month? “Okay, so if you’re pregnant, then what?”

  “Then it’s about twice a year. Some foxes—especially male omegas—tend to go into heat every nine months or so.”

  “You’re telling me that there’s a possibility that we could have a house full of cubs and kits in no time? Wait! How long is your gestation? I realize I should know these things, but I’m sorry to say I don’t.”

  “Why would you know these things? Until my family, you’d never been around a family of fox shifters, had you?”

  “No. So, gestation?”

  “Yeah, you’re probably not going to like my answer.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if I’m pregnant, we only have two and a half months until we can expect a little one to join us.”

  “Two and a half months? Did you say just over two months? As in the middle of January?”

  Linus giggled at what I was sure was a shocked look on my face. “Yep. Two and a half months. Or seventy-five days. Give or take a few here or there. Is that a problem? I know I don’t have much of anything, but I can find a job—”

  “No. Stop. You’ll never have to find a job. I’ve worked for a long time. This house is ours free and clear. My parents were an older couple when they had me. They were already well-established when I came along. We won’t ever hurt for anything financially.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”


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