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Battle Mage: A Hero's Welcome (A Tale of Alus Book 8)

Page 24

by Donald Wigboldy

  She didn’t know why she asked such a blunt question. The odds of the giant being alive were minimal at best, but for some reason the young woman felt like he lived. When one of them nodded slowly; her eyes widened slightly in disbelief.

  “Then he leads here?” Rilena added in surprise and received a similar nod.

  The creature spoke and his voice sounded like rocks being tumbled in a bucket, “Garosh and Verian live, but they hide from the emperor. We all hide from the emperor. If he has sent you, then just kill me now. I am tired of the death.”

  Most of the men were amazed since few ever had heard an orc speak. They were roughly as intelligent as humans and Rilena had witnessed that they were more like them than she would have believed in her time under the mountain with Garosh.

  Darius spoke first as if the creature’s speech was no surprise at all to him as he shook his head, “Be at peace, my friend. We come as allies against the emperor and would like to find Garosh to see how we can help.”

  Rilena nodded and added, “I came with him awhile ago before the attack. If we can help, we will.”

  “If you were the human girl that he brought here; then you know where he is,” the orc answered before sighing. “I will lead you to him or the others might attack you first.”

  As the orc led, Rilena asked, “How many survived the attack?”

  Without looking back, the creature answered, “I am Gorm and I do not know. Since I do not know how many remained before the exodus, I do not know how many died. There are dozens hiding and some probably even hide from us.”

  “I am Rilena, Gorm. I am a mage and we have wizards as well. Maybe we can help.”

  The orc shrugged as if he no longer cared. His spirit was crushed or nearly so. The assassins had come and killed many of those who had come with Garosh. She knew that most, if not all, were loyal to him and had come to get away from the emperor in truth. They were tired of the fighting, much like the people of Southwall who had been resisting the Dark One’s armies for generations.

  Realizing that they would get little out of the orc, who probably knew very little, they let the soldier lead the way without bothering to ask him much more. He was leading them to someone to get rid of them. Gorm didn’t really wish to discuss the attack or how they were trying to survive the aftermath of it all.

  When they neared the tunnels closer to Garosh’s room and office, Rilena knew they were close. More orcs, goblins and a few men often with pointed ears like elves began to appear more often. She guessed that they passed more than two dozen, who all looked resigned to being killed if this was the vanguard of another assault force. No one moved to block their way or reach for their weapons. Even though weapons were near, either Gorm’s presence made it easier to believe the eight visitors didn’t mean any harm or the men were simply too defeated to care.

  The double doors to the prison caused Elias to warn quietly, “We have an old gate here.”

  Darius answered with a nod and said, “If it was one that brought the emperor, for now we should leave any of them alone. If they can monitor a gateway, then we don’t want to let them know that someone is alive here. Better to leave them alone and hope that their interest in the fortress is done.”

  It was a short walk from the prison to another set of double doors, but these were set at the end of the hall. Burn marks blackened the doors though they still stood after the intensity of the assault. They were also ajar giving sight to melted stone and a bed that looked to have seen better days.

  A cloaked figure spotted them through the doors drawing his sword. From out of sight, Rilena heard voices. As a large man quickly moved to the doorway; his familiar voice carried a question as he spotted the group approaching, “Rilena?”

  Chapter 17- Uncomfortable Meetings

  Sebastian and his team barely had time to return to the Sea Dragon before a messenger arrived calling them to the mayor’s office.

  “The mayor gave the excuse of being too busy to see me today, but he did offer a meeting tomorrow morning,” Annalicia stated looking at the sheet of paper Sebastian had slid across the table after reading the summons. “Should I come along or save the meeting for tomorrow?”

  Though he had made sure to obscure the fact that they were from Southwall, Sebastian had also led the guardsmen towards the thought that they came in on a Malaiyan frigate. If they sailed on the frigate, they would assume that his team was also from Malaiy. While he didn’t want to drag Anna and her people into a conflict between Southwall and the emperor, in theory all freemen should contest the Dark One and his soldiers.

  Captain Drayden spoke up as he thought, “You should bring her along, but only as a third party. Annalicia must never refer to you as her people, but instead as her passengers. That way if this mayor is involved with the emperor, you can keep her from being directly involved.

  “I would also continue to keep your origin as a battle mage from Southwall a secret. You could even lie and say that you are from Staron if you think it wise.”

  Sebastian looked at the man appraising the idea. One of two men sent by the king to join his team in locating the Grimnal, Drayden Escovar was a bit of an enigma himself. He was like no soldier that the mage had ever met though he was an expert swordsman. Approaching middle age, the man had no magic, but was often silent in his step and had been offered as someone well versed in dealing with other countries. He had never spoken of what he did in those nations, and Sebastian could only guess that he was experienced in subterfuge even though the captain had a remarkable charm to him as well.

  Nodding at the suggestion, Sebastian agreed saying, “If you don’t mind coming along, Anna, then it might be a good way for you to meet him without being drawn into our troubles for the moment. We don’t need to start an international incident between Malaiy and Litsarin.”

  “Hmmph, like we would be afraid of a backwater nation like this one,” the girl replied in disdain. “Still it is always better not to add enemies for no reason, but I do owe you Sebastian so whether you like it or not I do consider you ‘my people’. I will, however, do my best to appear an impartial third party as the captain suggests.”

  Sebastian looked back to Captain Escovar and asked, “Do you want to come along as well? I assume that you have had dealings like this before or the king wouldn’t have sent you.”

  Trying to appear humble, the man raised his hands to his chest and replied, “I am your humble servant, Falcon Trillon. If you think that I may be of assistance, I will do my best at your side. As to being in this sort of situation, I do have to admit that I have never had to stand before a mayor to relay a story of mages killing orcs.”

  Maura snorted in annoyance, “Like he would admit to it anyway. What do you plan to say to the mayor, Sebastian?”

  With a look of chagrin, the young man replied, “Unfortunately I am a battle mage. We rarely have plans beyond our destination. I guess I will do what we do best and just wing it. If I get into trouble, hopefully Annalicia and Drayden can contain any damage.”

  The wizard shook her head and countered, “That is just another way in which our kind and yours are different then.”

  While it had not been meant as an insult, her offhand comment revealed the division between wizards and the presumably less powerful battle mages. He had seen little of the old prejudices on the voyage, and not at all from those he had come to rely on in his team, but he had been saddled with Maura and her men by the wizards’ guilds. Even after the time that they had spent together, Sebastian still didn’t feel like they were part of his team though most days they got along well enough.

  “Since we do not know if we are being called to the mayor’s for praise or criticism, I think my lack of planning is understandable; but I will bring Anna and Drayden along since they are both more versed in dealing with politicians than a simple falcon. With her gone, you will need to be on watch just in case this is a ruse to remove some of our power from the ship.”

  Gerid spoke up having listen
ed in with those of his team and Annalicia’s people, “I could come with if you want. Unfortunately, I have dealt with way too many politicians in my life; but I do know how to deal with them if my presence would help.”

  Shaking his head with a patient smile, he replied, “Like Maura, I would feel better having you here to cover our backs. I wouldn’t put it past them to send more customs agents or guardsmen to harass the Sea Dragon, though that is probably the worst case scenario. Still, with the two of you here, if something goes wrong, you would also be one of the best to figure out a way to come save us as well.”

  Barking a short laugh, Gerid drew his hand along his short beard and countered, “Well, the way you’ve managed to both butter me up and keep me out of your hair with that line, maybe you’re better at dealing with politicians than you let on, kid. Either way, I’ve got your back, but I don’t mind sitting out a meeting while enjoying the fresh air on the Sea Dragon.”

  Maura’s face suddenly looked curious as she frowned and wondered if Sebastian had managed to treat her similarly to the Grimnal’s words. She didn’t argue further, however, and the new group soon descended the gang plank to meet the messenger who awaited them to escort Sebastian to the mayor’s office. While Annalicia knew where it was already, apparently it was the man’s job to make sure they arrived without incident.

  Two guardsmen dressed in different uniforms from those serving as a police force for the town flanked the man. Sebastian assumed that it was more for show than anything, and he wondered why a mayor would need his own personal force of guards. While he said nothing and followed, the mage went over possible scenarios that might happen with the mayor; but since he knew absolutely nothing of the man, he could only imagine the possibilities.

  He wanted to hope for the best, but feared that Sardon, and Litsarin in general, probably served the interests of the emperor. It was another reason why he understood Drayden’s recommendation to avoid speaking of Southwall. Perhaps the foremost opposition to the Dark One’s expansion, it was likely that the entire world knew of their fight. The two countries were mortal enemies and an ally of the emperor could be assumed to be an enemy of Southwall.

  South of the heart of Sardon, buildings seemed to become larger and more focused on running the town. The guard headquarters had been in that direction and grander homes were there as well. These would house the rich who drove the growth of business and worked to increase the importance of the town on a more global scale. Merchants and shipping magnates stayed here building homes that revealed their riches in a concrete way.

  When they arrived in front of a massive three story building with a pair of flags hanging on either side of the doorway, the messenger led them up half a dozen marble steps passing between a pair of ornate marble columns. There was money in Sardon apparently, even if the mage had never heard of the town before his arrival in Litsarin.

  Once inside the entry of the mansion like building, Sebastian couldn’t help looking at the vaulted ceilings more than twice his height above his head. More marble columns were used inside to brace the ceiling holding the other two floors above it. Less ornate than those outside, still the stone was polished to the point of reflecting light from the large windows letting light into the first floor.

  Dark wood desks created a path down the center of the main room. Doors were on the far side of the room while a pair of staircases rose majestically along either wall with stain glass windows decorating their steps with colored light. Men and women moved up and down the steps while a waiting area of chairs held several more. This mayor did appear to be a busy man, so maybe his putting off of the lady from Malaiy wasn’t as rude as he had thought.

  The only other man in a similar position who Sebastian had met was a self made lord on the island of Trillian, a smaller island set in the middle of the North Sea. His office had seemed rich and his handful of secretaries had appeared capable of remaining busy with paperwork; but these looked many times busier than those had been. No one had been waiting for Lord Sumpterhall when they had arrived, though his people had tried to say that he was too busy to be bothered that day as well.

  No one questioned their entry from the staff, but as they made their way to the opposite side without waiting, the mage could tell that the people sitting patiently were not amused by being passed by so easily. The same emotion had probably been on Annalicia’s mind as she waited to be turned away earlier. At least, the young lady of Malaiy had been able to make an appointment for the following day.

  Holding out his hand to stop the gathered party, the messenger moved his final steps to reach a set of dark stained woods doors. The double doors looked heavy and matched the color of the desks outside as well as other wood trim highlighting the waiting room.

  At the sound of his knuckles rapping on the door, another man clad in dark blue, which was the color of the banners outside, the color of the guardsmen coats and even the escort they followed; opened the door to hear the messenger state, “The wizards that Mayor Holsun requested are here.”

  The man nodded, but closed the door for a few minutes. When he returned, their guide moved away as the two guardsmen held the doors for Sebastian and his entourage. Besides Drayden and Annalicia with Reynolvan trailing the girl as usual, Yara, Darterian and Mecklin had joined him. Serrena hadn’t been happy to be left behind, but he was afraid that there were too many going already. He was also afraid that the fiery tempered wizard might also say something to disrupt their meeting, if he was completely honest with himself.

  A well kept middle aged man walked in front of another dark stained desk. More ornate than his secretaries, the tall, blonde haired man looked very regal in a black coat over his brown slacks tucked into black boots. Like a contrast between a horseman and a military sea captain, the mayor had long sideburns framing his face and a slightly curled mustache over his lips. Gray eyes seemed to echo the smile on his face as the man stated, “I am Mayor Elles Holsun. Captain Iklyn sent word of the fracas on Main Street earlier today. I hear you stopped a horde of orcs with just a handful of wizards.”

  “I don’t think that they were a horde exactly,” the mage started slowly as he tried to read the man. “I am Sebastian Trillon. We were just in town when we spotted a dozen orcs led by three wizards. They spotted us as well and attacked without provocation.”

  “They had wizards as well? The captain didn’t do well on conveying that danger to me. I must reprimand him on his communication skills next time I see him.

  “So, Master Trillon, they had wizards and still you were able to defeat them. You must be exceptional wizards to have killed so many orcs and driven away these wizards. Where did these wizards go? I did not hear of any deaths aside from some orcs.”

  Sebastian was a bit surprised at the dismissive tone in reference to the orcs. As if the matter were of little importance, the man had already started to move on, but the mage tested him as he informed the mayor, “We believe that they may have come from Parik. A portal gate has appeared which we were going to visit and close.

  “Darterian is one of the wizards tasked with closing such tears between worlds to preserve our world from being overrun by such creatures. If our stopping the orcs doesn’t keep us here longer than I had hoped, we planned on renting some horses for the trek to the mining town tomorrow.”

  Acting as if the question of their restriction to Sardon was surprising to Elles, the mayor waved his hand with a smile plastered to his face, “If you are asking if we planned to incarcerate or otherwise delay your departure for preserving the safety of Sardon’s people, I assure you that we have no intentions of penalizing you for fighting in our streets.

  “No, I brought you here to meet the saviors of our town. Since this isn’t your home, I had to meet the selfless heroes for myself and thank you,” he replied with words that sounded like praise, but the mayor’s eyes never quite said that his feelings echoed his words.

  “If I might ask,” the man continued trying to look relaxed as he leaned aga
inst the edge of his desk, “how did you manage to not only kill so many orcs, but defend yourselves against wizards, or do you call them sorcerers or warlocks? I have never been well versed in those magic types, since we rarely see a wizard here.”

  “Darterian and the two ladies from our group are full wizards, while Mecklin and I are well versed in fighting against magic users, though we were more occupied by the orcs.”

  Elles glanced to the swords at their sides and nodded, “Magic swordsmen or are you those... oh, what do the northerners call them... ah yes, battle mages? Supposedly they have taught men and women how to fight with magic, even if they have very little to use. Still, they sound more like soldiers that have some magic. Are your skills like those?”

  “Similar, I am sure,” Sebastian nodded without saying they were from Southwall. “We have been traveling aboard the Lady Annalicia’s ship. She is from Malaiy and was here earlier hoping to discuss opening up trade between Sardon and her country. Even in Taltan Litsarin’s mines, and the gems coming from the mountains there, have become well known. Since no one else from Malaiy has come, as far as we know, to establish trade, the lady had some hope of doing so to both of your benefits.”

  The man’s gray eyes strayed to the beautiful young woman in her foreign dress. Wearing her favorite color of light blue, the dress’s hem wasn’t the straight edge that most northern dresses would have. It was also shorter coming to just below her knees. The sleeves were made of a lighter weight, silken material that wafted like clouds as she moved her arms. A silver necklace with a large diamond attached, which matched her diamond earrings and silver bracelets, helped make the girl look stunning even in a glance. The mayor’s eyes stalled a moment as a glimmer of enjoyment lit his eyes.

  “Well, I hope we have an appointment set besides this one. I think I would like hear more about these plans of business from the lady,” Elles stated looking a bit like a predator as he studied the pretty lady from Malaiy.


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