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Page 2

by Jaci Burton

But he had a fix. He'd just have to convince her that he could give her what she needed and that he had no ulterior motives in doing so.

  He looked up at the sound of the bathroom door. Their gazes met and she paused, her eyes widening for a fraction of a second before her cool, professional face settled back into place. She slipped into her seat and glared at him.

  "Nice nap?" she asked, disdain in her tone.

  "Yeah. Had some wicked hot dreams, too."

  He caught the telltale blush on her cheeks as she shot him an icy glare. "Spare me the gory details and take a look at these documents I worked on while you were having your long nap."

  She pushed the laptop toward him and shuffled through her briefcase, effectively ignoring him.

  He grinned, opened the document and scanned it quickly. Of course everything was in order. Amy never made mistakes. She'd long ago perfected a competent, don't-fuck-with-me attitude.

  That was about to change, because he was definitely going to start fucking with her.

  The Magruder Sports Company wasn't the only thing that was about to be acquired in Hawaii.

  Justin had an acquisition of an entirely different sort in mind. 13

  Jaci Burton

  Chapter Two

  Amy waited outside her bungalow for Justin. Since his room was next door, he'd told her they could meet before heading to the main hotel for dinner with Mitch.

  They'd been assigned adjoining bungalows instead of rooms in the main hotel. The bungalows were spacious and right near the edge of the beach. The setting sun shimmered over the water, casting it a glittering gold. A handful of swimmers still hung out on the beach to catch the last rays of sun.

  What a great place to spend the Christmas holidays. If only she was on vacation.

  Instead of enjoying the water, she'd spent the afternoon at the resort gift shop, buying new clothes. She took a quick glance at her red and yellow flowery sundress, feeling a bit too casual for a business dinner. But Mitch had insisted they wear casual clothes instead of business suits. And he was right. It was entirely too warm for anything else but minimal clothing and she hadn't had time to shop before they'd left Los Angeles.

  "Well, that's a new look for you."

  She turned at the sound of Justin's voice, as always, a small hitch interrupting her normal breathing pattern whenever she looked at him. Typically he wore business suits, but today was different. Much different. The white tank top and royal blue shorts showed off his tanned, well-muscled arms and legs. Way more than she'd ever seen of him, making her wonder how it would feel to slide her hands under his shirt and palm his chest. Shaking off thoughts of moving her hands even lower on his sculpted body, she asked, "You're really wearing that to a business dinner?"

  He grinned, showing off straight, white teeth that seemed even whiter against his dark skin. He must have been out in the sun today. "I've known Mitch for a lot of years.

  Trust me, he'll be wearing the same thing. And you," he added, tilting his head and perusing her skimpy sundress, "look damn hot in that dress. Quite a departure from your typical buttoned-up look."



  Ignoring his comment as well as the internal heat shooting through her nerve endings, she said, "Shall we go?"

  He nodded and stepped beside her as they made their way along the walkway leading to the main hotel. The Royal Surfer Hotel was a sprawling resort with twin white towers curved toward each other. They passed three swimming pools on their way into the main entrance, all filled with laughing children and very relaxed looking adults.

  Along with his sporting good interests, Mitch owned this hotel as well as a few others on neighboring islands. His decision to concentrate on the hotel business was the reason they were meeting to finalize the divestiture of Magruder Sports.

  The scent of gardenias filled the air around her and she inhaled, enjoying the smell of fresh, clean air. You didn't dare take too deep a breath in Los Angeles, otherwise you might choke on the smog.

  This, on the other hand, was paradise. She might not be on vacation, but she still intended to enjoy every moment of her visit to Maui.

  The lobby of the hotel was pristine, decorated in white marble and pale, whitewashed wood interspersed with flowering tropical plants and waterfalls.

  Mitch was waiting for them by the dolphin waterfall. As always, Amy felt a pure rush of feminine appreciation when she saw him. At forty-two, he had the body of a man fifteen years younger, no doubt due to the time he spent surfing. The only evidence of his age was a slight graying at the temples. Otherwise, his hair was still a rich, midnight black, his face darkly tanned from years in the sun, and his eyes such a vivid, turquoise blue any woman looking at him would do a double take.

  "Hey, gorgeous," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "Glad you took my clothing suggestions seriously."

  She smiled. "I always do what a client asks."

  Mitch arched a brow, his gaze flitting quickly to Justin, who grinned and shook Mitch's hand. "Hey, buddy. Long time. Sorry I missed the last meeting, but I was finalizing another case." 15

  Jaci Burton

  Mitch shook his head and motioned them toward a long breezeway. "You're always too busy, Justin. You should still be here working for me here in the tropics instead of that overpopulated plastic Los Angeles."

  Justin laughed. "You didn't need my help back then. Besides, you already had an army of attorneys. How the hell was I supposed to shine in that crowd of sharks?"

  "Still out to be number one, huh?"

  "You know me."

  "Yeah, I do. And it suits you. Though I still think you should come work for me again."

  As always, Amy felt like an unwanted third whenever she and Justin met with Mitch.

  Justin had apprenticed for the legal department of one of Mitch's corporations while in college before coming to work for McKenzie and Shoals. They were close, almost like brothers, even though they weren't close in age. But their easy, relaxed camaraderie was always a bit disconcerting. She wasn't used to sitting back and being quiet. That wasn't her style at all.

  The Tiki Lounge stood high on a deck overlooking the ocean. The swirling breeze provided a cooling respite from the humidity as they walked outside and were seated at a table cornering the outdoor restaurant.

  "Mai Tais," Mitch announced to the waitress, holding up three fingers before turning his attention on Amy. "Hope you don't mind eating here. I hate being stuck inside the offices or the suite. Nothing like fresh air and a Hawaiian sunset to relax after a hard day.

  Besides, if I know you, you haven't been outside much yet."

  "I spent the afternoon at the gift shop."

  "There's a surprise," Justin said. "I thought you'd spend it working."

  If she hadn't needed clothes, she would have. "I'll work later tonight."

  Their drinks arrived and when Amy took a sip, she grinned at the tangy, fruity flavor.

  "Oh, this is good." She'd always been a sucker for a sweet drink. It was like having a forbidden dessert.



  Their business was discussed over drinks, all the last minute details ironed out. They had only to go over the documents tomorrow to finalize everything and make arrangements for the transfer of assets to complete the deal.

  Amy spied a couple strolling along the water's edge, the woman wearing a simple white shift, a row of flowers in her hair. She held a bouquet. The man had on a white linen suit.

  "Newlyweds," Mitch said with a grin. "Lots of people come here to get married.

  You'll see a ton of them."

  Amy nodded. "Uh-huh." She really should have bought a new vibrator.

  "Hawaii is all about sex and romance, you know," Mitch said. "Must be something in the air."

  Amy shifted and squeezed her legs together, d
etermined to quell the throbbing of her clit. She would not think about sex. "So, Mitch, are you satisfied with the arrangements for the acquisition?"

  Mitch laid his hand over hers. "Amy, relax. The acquisition is fine. There's nothing left to do but paperwork." He gave her fingers a light squeeze. "You really need to let loose and enjoy yourself, breathe in the Hawaiian air, have another Mai Tai."

  Let loose? "Mitch, I appreciate the sentiment, really. But Justin and I are here to work. For you. We're not on vacation."

  "There's not much paperwork left to do except going over the finer details and making sure everything's signed," Justin said. "Mitch is right, Amy. Have fun while you're here and relax."

  Easy for him to say. He took everything lightly, as if he didn't have a care in the world. Amy was serious about her job, her career, advancing up the corporate ladder.

  This acquisition had to go down perfectly.

  "Don't you ever unwind?"

  "Of course I do."

  Mitch leaned back in his chair. "Really. And what do you do for fun?"

  "I work out at the gym." 17

  Jaci Burton

  Justin snorted. Amy shot him a glare.

  "That's relaxing to you?" Mitch asked.

  "It releases the tension and keeps me in shape."

  "Well, there's no doubt you're in shape, but there are much better ways to release tension."

  Oh, God. She didn't even want to think of all the "better" ways she could release tension, and she wasn't about to discuss the other ways she released, especially in the privacy of her bedroom. And she especially didn't want to start thinking about said release while in the company of two very sexy men. Her fantasies were vivid enough without sending her mind into overdrive.

  She took a long swallow of her drink. It was sweet, so she took another, quenching her thirst until the glass was empty. At least one of her thirsts, anyway. Mitch signaled the waitress and in short order she had another full drink. Yummy.

  "Damn, Mitch, I should have never left your side," Justin said, tipping his glass toward him. "You've made one hell of a life for yourself."

  "Thanks. So much a life that I have to unload some of the business side of it so I have a chance to enjoy a few of the fruits of all the years of labor."

  "That's why you have us," Amy said. "To help you divest some of your hard work.

  It's time for you to relax a little and unburden yourself."

  Mitch laughed. "I'm hardly ready to head out to pasture yet, Amy."

  Amy sat straight in her chair, realizing her blunder. "Oh. Of course not. That's not what I meant at all. I mean, for someone your age you're in phenomenal shape. Most guys half your age don't look as good as you."

  She realized she was babbling, and in a really inappropriate way. Why didn't she just crawl into his lap, lick him all over and just complete the humiliation?

  Her cheeks flushed hot, her eyes widened, and Mitch grinned.

  Jesus, could he read her mind?

  "I'm sorry," she said. "Long flight, not much sleep and...what's in these drinks anyway?" She pushed the offending cocktail to the center of the table.



  Mitch pushed it back in front of her. "Amy, chill. I'm the last person to be insulted. I want you and Justin to have a good time here. I'm a pretty laid back kind of guy. You can say, or do, anything you want."

  He wasn't helping by saying things like that.

  "Now that's a tempting offer," Justin said, slanting his gaze to Amy. "And Mitch is right, Amy. You do need to unwind."

  Amy's gaze shifted back and forth between Justin and Mitch, and her fruity-drink-addled brain went foggy.

  Oh, yeah. That could be fun and a fantasy come true. Sexy, forbidden Justin, the man who'd fueled her fantasies for years, and rugged, outdoorsy Mitch, older, experienced...

  "It's hot out here," she mumbled. "And I should get some food into my empty stomach to counteract the effects of these cocktails."

  "Oh I don't know," Justin said. "I kind of like you loosened up and under the effects of alcohol."

  The warmth of Justin's gaze was unnerving. She fought it by using her normal antagonistic attitude, her only armor against him. "You would. Wouldn't it advance your agenda?"

  Normally Justin would tell her that his interests were purely professional. This time, he leaned across the table. She took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh, just-showered scent of him.

  "Actually, I do have an agenda where you're concerned, Amy. But it has nothing to do with business."

  Before she could react to that bold statement, Mitch laid his hand on her forearm, and she dragged her shocked gaze away from Justin.

  "It's not hot out here, Amy," Mitch said. "There's a cool breeze coming off the water. I think it's just you."

  Amy stared straight into Mitch's piercing blue eyes, and melted.

  Between the two of them, she was going insane. Cool breeze, hell. She'd like to crawl onto cool sheets, naked. With both of them. 19

  Jaci Burton

  She was in so much trouble. And it had nothing to do with the cocktails.



  Chapter Three

  Justin fought back a grin. Amy was definitely wavering, and he didn't think it was entirely due to the alcohol.

  Damn, she looked beautiful with her hair down, the breeze blowing the strands away from her face. Moonlight glowed on her bare shoulders, and he wanted to press his lips to them, work his mouth from there to her neck, then everywhere else. He'd bet she'd taste like strawberries. Every time she walked by him she smelled like strawberries.

  She may act like the no-nonsense, straight-laced corporate professional, but she smelled damn edible and she was driving him crazy, because she had everything he wanted in a woman--intelligence, independence, beauty and she knew exactly what she wanted out of life.

  There was nothing he'd change about her.

  Okay, maybe one thing. He wanted to be included in those things she wanted in her life. She worked too damn hard and she never played, never had a serious relationship, always got involved with the wrong kind of guys.

  Correction--she never got involved at all. She used men as arm candy, but she never had relationships. Her life was her work and Justin meant to change that, because he'd been guilty of the same thing.

  Because too much work and not enough play wasn't getting either of them what they wanted. He wanted Amy, she wanted him, and she also wanted a menage.

  And Justin intended to give Amy a very special Christmas present this year. But first, he was going to have to figure out just how far he could go with Amy, because his intent wasn't to push her into something she really didn't want or wasn't ready for.

  Though he had a pretty good idea it wouldn't take much pushing.

  In fact, he intended to start tonight. But first, it was going to be just the two of them.

  He was greedy--he wanted Amy all to himself. 21

  Jaci Burton

  They ate dinner, discussed a little business, and had more drinks. Amy seemed to relax, which was a good thing. He'd been hoping this trip to Hawaii would help her loosen up a little, and even for the first day, it was working. By the time the four day trip was over, he planned to have her completely stress-free.

  "So we'll meet in your office in the morning to sign all the paperwork?" Amy asked Mitch.

  Mitch nodded. "I'll surf in the morning, so how about ten?"

  "Ten works," Justin said. "It'll give me time to take a run on the beach and clean up before we head to your office."

  "Great." Mitch pushed back from his chair, lifted Amy's hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Have a little fun and don't work so hard. I'll see you in the morning."

  Justin noted Amy's gaze was riveted on Mitch
as he kissed her hand. The heat in her eyes didn't escape him. The odd thing was, he felt no jealousy, because when she looked at Mitch it was lust. When she looked at him, yeah there was definitely lust in her eyes, but something more than that. He couldn't really explain it, it was just...different. He supposed he'd have to explore that. With her. Starting tonight.

  After Mitch left, Amy pushed her chair back. "I think I'll call it a night." He noticed she was weaving just a bit.

  "I'll go with you. You look a little unsteady on your feet."

  She managed a little smile. "Those fruity cocktails pack one hell of a wallop."

  They hadn't made it more than a few steps outside the restaurant when Justin realized Amy was more than a little bit hammered. Not enough to have her stripping and jumping into the ocean naked, sadly, but enough that her typical inhibitions were long gone.

  Good. Not that he'd take advantage of her in her inebriated state.


  She weaved and crashed into him.

  "Shit," she mumbled, blowing her hair out of her eyes. "Sorry."

  He lifted her so he carried more of her weight. "Darlin, you're toasted."



  She stopped, tilted her head back to stare at him. "I am not. I just didn't eat enough today."

  "Which means the alcohol got to you."

  She waggled her brows. "Maybe a little. It feels good. I need to do this more often."

  A-freakin-men to that. He liked the feel of her body pressed up against him.

  Normally she kept her distance. More than kept her distance. Like the other side of the room if possible. Now she was close. Close enough for him to smell her skin, feel the softness of her body as he held her waist and maneuvered her along the walkway toward their rooms. He'd been waiting a long time for this.

  When he got to her door, he held out his hand. "Key."

  She fished into the tiny bag and drew it out. He opened her door and walked her inside, kicking the door shut behind him.

  "Where are the damn lights?" she mumbled.

  "Here." Justin flipped the switch and the room was bathed in the soft glow of the light from the lamp on the nearby table.

  She tossed her purse on the table and turned to him. "Thanks. Not sure I could have found my room without your help."

  "You're welcome." He marched into the tiny kitchen and pulled open the refrigerator.


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