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Page 4

by Jaci Burton

  She imagined the two of them taking her right there in the water, stripping off her top and each of them sucking a nipple into their greedy mouths, licking and biting until she writhed on top of the waves and begged them to fuck her. Her pussy clenched and she whimpered with need. Too long. She'd waited too long for an orgasm. Too long for a man. She craved strong, callused hands between her legs, searching her swollen slit and pumping fingers into her core, caressing her clit until she cried out in climax and demanded a hot cock to replace those fingers.

  Maybe Santa would bring her that for Christmas. A nice fantasy come true in her stocking.

  She smiled. Then felt the press of lips against hers.

  Her eyes drifted open and Justin's face loomed in front of hers.

  A million words hovered on her lips, all of them denial, every single one of them obliterated when his mouth came down on hers again, this time harder, hungrier. She gasped against him and his tongue slipped between her teeth, finding hers. It was an electric shock, a velvet fire as he licked her, his lips doing dangerous things to her senses.

  He dragged her upright. She bobbed in the water, her legs adrift, her arms clasping around his neck as he drove into her mouth with more intent.

  She'd always known there was a primal side to Justin, this barely unleashed animal he kept tucked away in business suits. Now he was letting it out, letting her see it, and she couldn't get close enough to this side of him. She wanted more.

  But another set of arms came around her, dragging her away from Justin. Justin smiled at her, nodded, and as she was turned she found Mitch in front of her, his hands slipping around her waist to draw her against him. Her heart slammed against her ribs, her mind nothing but liquid. She couldn't think this through.

  "Don't," Mitch said. "Don't think about it. Just let it happen."



  He laid her against his arm, and touched his lips to hers. Where Justin was all fiery passion, Mitch's kiss was softer, more coaxing and gentle, but still demanding that she pay attention. She was out of breath, and completely out of her mind.

  Her world exploded as she realized that in the space of thirty seconds, she had been kissed by two different men. For someone who almost always lived in a man drought, this was overload to her senses. She felt Justin's presence behind her, his chest against her back, his lips pressed to her neck while Mitch continued to kiss her. As Justin's body pressed full against hers, she felt his cock--hard, insistent, rocking against her buttocks.

  Mitch's hard-on rested against her hip.

  Oh, God. Fantasy was one thing, but this reality? She wasn't nearly ready for this.

  She palmed Mitch's chest and he broke the kiss. Justin backed away. Mitch grinned.

  "I told you, Amy. You're safe with us. You don't need to worry." Mitch pushed off the bottom and swam to shore.

  Shaken, Amy pushed back her hair and raised a trembling hand to her lips. She was almost afraid to turn around and look at Justin, afraid he'd mock her, accuse her. But she knew she'd have to face him sometime. She pivoted and he jerked her into his arms, his lips crashing into hers, still filled with the hunger that had consumed her with his first kiss.

  She should pull away, regroup, gather her bearings. But God, she wanted him, had wanted him for a long time. She reached down, palmed his cock, shuddering at the rock hard feel of him against her hand. She wanted him inside her.

  Justin dragged his lips away, leaned his forehead against hers. "I could fuck you right here, Amy."

  Her breasts felt heavy, her sex on fire with need. His words only inflamed her more.

  "But not here. I want you alone. I don't want anyone else watching. Not right now."

  He took her hand and they walked out of the water. Every step was agony, seemingly taking forever to get to shore. Without a word they grabbed their things and headed back to the bungalows. 35

  Jaci Burton

  She thought that by the time they got back to the bungalows her ardor would be cooled.

  Oh, no. It was worse. Walking alongside Justin--he'd held her hand the entire time--only made her want this more. She'd stopped questioning why. She knew why.

  The scene with Justin and Mitch in the water had just been a warm up. She didn't really understand why Mitch had left, and frankly, she didn't care. It had been fun kissing two men. Hot. Incredible. But she wanted Justin.

  The realization was somewhat shocking. Though she didn't know why she was so surprised. Justin had been her fantasy man for a very long time. Maybe because she had never expected this to become a reality. And now it was going to be. It was really going to happen between them.

  They reached the bungalows and Justin automatically went to her door, turning and waiting for her to get her key. Her hands were shaking--her hands were actually shaking!

  She couldn't believe it. She was no virgin. She'd had sex before. Quite a few times, in fact. But not for a while. And never with a man she'd wanted in the way she wanted Justin.

  She handed him the key and he opened the door, holding it aside while she stepped in. He shut it, flipped the deadbolt, and didn't bother to turn on the light.

  Amy set her bag on the table.

  "I need a shower. Ocean salt. Makes me itchy."

  Justin smiled and took her hand, led her to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  "Turn around."

  She did, and he untied the string at her neck. She held onto the bikini top covering her breasts as he untied the laces at her back. Justin swept her hair to the side and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. She shivered.



  "Let go, babe."



  She wasn't sure if he was referring to her bikini top or the tension rocketing her body. She was nervous. God, she couldn't believe she was about to get naked with a coworker. If she thought about it too hard, she'd probably shut down completely.

  She decided not to think about it at all. She let go of the top and Justin reached out, peeled the top away from her breasts. He inhaled.

  "You're beautiful. I've thought about your breasts for years."


  "Yeah. Really. Wondering what they looked like under those crisp suits and blouses you hid them under." He swept his hands under her breasts. Oh, his hands felt so good.

  She'd been dying for him to touch her. She laid her head against his chest and just watched. He covered her breasts, reached for her nipples, using his thumbs to gently sweep over the buds. They tightened, her breasts swelling into his hands, her nipples like sharp, aching points.

  She could stay like this for hours, letting him touch her. His hands were rough and she loved the feel of them playing over her sensitive nipples. He let go, and she whimpered. But then he moved in front of her, bent down, and reached for the ties at the sides of her bikini. He looked up at her, pulled the laces, and drew the material away.

  She was naked. And then Justin looked at her pussy. His face was right there, his mouth so close. Her pussy quivered at the thought of what those full lips could do to her.

  She'd fantasized about it so many times, had made herself come thinking about him sucking her clit, sliding his tongue inside her, making her scream.

  "I want to eat you until you come for me, Amy."

  Her legs wobbled. She couldn't breathe normally. His breath warmed her sex. So close.

  But then he stood, dropped his swim trunks. Amy swallowed. God, he was so perfect, just as she'd imagined. Amazingly well built, his cock erect and making her mouth water. He opened the shower door, stepped inside and held his hand out for her.

  She went in with him and he closed the door, drawing her under the spray. 37

  Jaci Burton

  "I figured we'd better get this shower out of the w
ay or the water would get cold," he said.

  Amy managed a shaky laugh. He was so right. She'd been lost in what he was doing, completely oblivious to the steamed up bathroom. She wet her hair and reached for the shampoo.

  "Let me."

  Surprised, she handed the shampoo to Justin, who poured some onto his hand. "Turn around."

  She did, and Justin lathered her hair, massaging her scalp and neck. It, too, was a sensual experience. He didn't wash her hair like she did, doing it fast and perfunctory. He took his time, using his fingers in slow, circular movements. Oh, God the man had expert hands. She was melting. He moved her back and rinsed her hair, then poured conditioner on it. While she rinsed, he poured soap onto his hand, a wicked smile curving his lips.

  "Turn around and place your hands against the wall," he instructed.

  She palmed the wall and he placed his hands on her shoulders, sliding soap there and along her back, washing her, using the same slow motions he had used to wash her hair.

  He washed her entire body that way--her arms, her legs, reaching around to do her belly and breasts, but making sure to avoid her most sensitive areas until she was writhing under his hands, desperate for him to touch her. Then he pulled her under the spray and rinsed her.

  She was throbbing all over, reaching for him, but he only smiled and placed a hand on her to hold her away. Instead, he poured more soap on his hands and washed himself, making her watch. And oh, did she ever enjoy watching him touch his own body. She finally had a chance to really look at him, from his well defined arms, to the way his biceps flexed with every movement to his six pack abs that showed how hard he worked on his body. When he soaped his cock, stroking it back and forth, she leaned against the wall and licked her lips.

  "I can't take much more of this, Justin," she said, not used to this kind of foreplay.

  She was accustomed to guys who got right down to business. This was torture.



  He stepped under the water and rinsed his body, washed and rinsed his hair, then turned the shower off, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her to dry her off. He dried her hair, then let her go grab a brush so she could brush out the tangles while he dried off.

  She didn't take time to blow dry her hair. She didn't care. This time she took the lead, grabbing Justin's hand and leading him out of the bathroom. But Justin wasn't having any of that. He swept her into his arms and carried her. She thought he was going to take her to bed.

  He didn't. He took her to the back door, to the patio.

  "Justin, it's the middle of the day." The sun was out, and though they were located on a private stretch of beach, someone could still walk by.

  "I don't care. You look gorgeous in sunlight. I want to see you." He placed her down against the door. She leaned against the wall, the sunlight streaming across her body.

  "Perfect," he said, then crouched down and spread her legs.

  She palmed the wall, wishing she had something to hold onto.

  "I told you, Amy. I'm going to eat you until you scream. I've been dying to hear you scream. " 39

  Jaci Burton

  Chapter Five

  Amy might scream right now. Her clit pulsed, her pussy clenched and she was wet.

  She was primed and ready and he hadn't even touched her yet.

  Justin lowered his head and brushed his lips across the inside of her thigh. She shuddered out a moan.

  "You smell so good. You always smell good. Edible." His tongue snaked out and licked along the seam of her pussy lips, making her quiver. He reached around and grasped her buttocks in his hands, tilting her upward, then planted his mouth over her.

  Amy tangled her fingers in the wet strands of Justin's hair, holding onto him as he licked and sucked her clit. Hot, wet pleasure sizzled throughout her nerve endings, her whole body tense with need. She wasn't going to last. This had been building too long.

  Wetness trickled down her thighs--whether it was his saliva or her juices she couldn't tell, didn't care. She was wet, hot, wanted to come, wanted it now. She pumped her hips, driving her pussy into Justin's face.

  He licked her up and down in slow, deliberate motions, then plunged his tongue inside her, lapping up the cream that spilled from her as she bucked and writhed against him. She pulled his hair, releasing a moan as she reached the very edge of endurance.

  When he slid two fingers inside her and then pressed his mouth over her clit and sucked, she was gone. She climaxed, her pussy gripping his fingers as the spasms racked her body in uncontrollable bursts of lightning.

  Justin took her down easy, giving her time to catch her breath, keeping his fingers inside her and pumping them with slow movements. She finally remembered she was clutching his hair and let go, smoothing the strands with her fingers. He kissed her sex again, then stood, pressing against her, his mouth wet.

  He leaned in, kissed her. He tasted like her--dear God that was hot--his tongue plunging inside her mouth like he was desperate for her. And she wanted him again. Just 40


  like that, she was needy all over again. She lifted her leg and wrapped it around his hip, feeling his cock heavy and hard against her belly. He lifted her, brought her to the bed and laid her down.

  "I'll be right back," he whispered, slipping on his swim trunks. He was gone only a few minutes. When he came back, he had a few foil packets in his fingers and a wide grin on his face.

  Amy leaned up on her elbows. "You didn't bring the whole box?"

  "Voracious, are you?"

  "I might be. There's been a drought."

  "Here, too. We'll see who cries uncle first."

  "It won't be me. I can guarantee it."

  "I like a challenge," he said, waggling his brows.

  "You would."

  He slipped out of his shorts and tore open a packet, slipped on the condom, and crawled onto the bed, spreading her knees so he could climb between them.

  She loved that things between them were so easy, so lighthearted. She didn't know what she'd expected. Tension, maybe, like what they usually experienced when they worked together? It hadn't been like that since the moment they landed.

  Maybe it was the air here in Hawaii. Maybe she finally relaxed. Maybe she was just ready for this and tired of dancing around the inevitable.

  He pressed down on her, keeping his weight off but laying his body fully against hers. She loved the feel of his body against hers. There was so much she wanted to do with him, but not right now. She'd waited a long time for this.

  "Fuck me, Justin."

  His eyes went dark, and all sense of fun and laughter went out of them, replaced instead by that animalistic hunger that made her belly tumble. He grabbed her wrists and pulled them over her head, bending down to take one of her nipples into his mouth.

  She arched her back, crying out when he sucked it hard between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. How did he know she needed more than just a light flick of tongue, a 41

  Jaci Burton

  gentle caress? How could he seem to know her body so well? He suckled her nipple, teasing it with his tongue, his mouth, even nibbling her with his teeth until she wriggled uncontrollably underneath him. When he released her nipple, it stood upright and glistening, wet, and hard. He took the other in his mouth, conducting the same sweet torment until she begged him to stop, to fuck her.

  He popped that nipple out of his mouth and nipped at her bottom lip. "You want my dick inside you, Amy?"

  "Yes," she whispered, lifting her hips as if she could grab his cock and slip it inside her pussy.

  "Do you know how long I've wanted to fuck you?"

  "As long as I've thought about you fucking me. Now do it."

  His mouth captured hers at the same time his cock found the entrance to her pussy and slid inside with one, sweet thrust.r />
  No surprise, he fit her perfectly. He let go of her wrists so she could wrap her arms around him, her fingers roaming the hard planes of his flesh as he lifted and plunged inside her again. And again. Her walls tightened around him, gripping, raking her with pleasure each time he pulled out and drove into her with punishing force.

  And she loved it, loved the way Justin powered his body inside her, gripped her buttocks to lift her so he could penetrate her deeper. He mastered her body, rubbing his pelvis against her clit, at the same time thrusting inside her and finding that special spot that sent her flying again. Her eyes wide open, she moaned his name, clutching his shoulders when he gave her yet another orgasm. And he watched her, just watched her, still pumping inside her and holding her close while she rode the wave, then slowed his pace, let her catch her breath.

  But then he started in on her again, slowly at first, then picking up speed and voracity. Like a hurricane, he built the pressure until she couldn't take it anymore. This time, when she burst, he went with her, and he let her see the way his face tightened as he came, the way he gripped her shoulders and shuddered when he let loose a torrent of come and collapsed against her, burying his face in her neck.



  Spent, she stroked his back while he played along her waist and hip. She waited for the awkwardness to set in, the moment when this fantastic experience became uncomfortable.

  It didn't happen. Justin rolled to his side and took her with him, still inside her, waiting until he softened to pull out and dispose of the condom. Then he crawled back into bed and gathered her in his arms again, pulling her close and pressing his lips to hers.

  She was drained. Happy. Apprehensive. Content.

  Sleepy. Justin stroked her hair and she let her eyes drift shut, figuring she'd let worry set in later. Right now, she was going to fall asleep.

  Justin woke with Amy in his arms. They'd slept a couple hours. She was still asleep.


  He inhaled, let it out, stared at the ceiling and smiled. He couldn't have planned this better. Hell, he hadn't planned on this. Not all this...feeling. He'd wanted to show Amy a good time. He was pretty certain she'd had a good time. He hadn't counted on the gut punch of emotion that being with Amy had caused.


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