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The Sheikh's Matchmaker Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 9)

Page 13

by Cara Albany

  He moved his head lower tracing his tongue across her belly, and for a moment she was sure he was going to explore her most intimate area with his lips. The sheer erotic promise of that shocked her for a moment. Then she felt his fingers move slowly across her mound, and then he was touching her, opening her. She arched her back and groaned, and that merely encouraged him even more, as she felt the tip of his finger circle the peak of her pleasure.

  Aliyah gasped, and her body quivered, answering his every movement with a move of her own. She didn't want him to stop. She was sure she was going to lose her ability to breath if he continued what he was doing. The pleasure was so intense she thought she'd scream out loud. But, she managed, somehow, to contain the urge. Instead, she gave herself over to the ecstasy. Reaching both hands out by her side, she fisted the bed's blanket, gripping the fabric in a desperate attempt to distract herself from the wave of pleasure she knew was about to engulf her.

  Shahid's fingers moved slowly, expertly and yet so tenderly. She was grateful for the delicacy of his touch, but she felt the urgent need, the surge of pleasure coming. Impatient now, she shifted, and sensed that Shahid understood what she wanted. What she needed.

  And, with one movement, he helped her, taking her to the place she knew was hers. She submitted to the wave of ecstasy that came crashing over her, feeling her entire body alive like never before, feeling as if she was tumbling over a cliff and into a delicious, unavoidable emptiness. She cried out and reached down to grasp at Shahid. She wrapped her legs around his body, allowing the pleasure to subside.

  Shahid held onto her for a long while, obviously sensitive to her need. Then, once she had recovered her senses, she wanted to be there for his pleasure, knew she wanted to do that for him.

  Shahid lifted himself, his body easing across hers, until he was facing her. He smiled at her, and then kissed her gently. She could feel his firmness at her core, and she moved slightly, feeling him press gently at her entrance. Their eyes met, and she saw love in his eyes, as well as a hint of demand, one that she desperately wanted to satisfy. He'd taken her to undreamed of heights of ecstasy, and she wanted the same for him.

  Shahid's hips shifted and then she felt him press against her core. Their eyes were locked upon each other, and no words were necessary, no words would ever again be needed to express how they felt for each other.

  Shahid moved softly, and she felt him press into her, easily and softly. She clenched around him, and saw his eyes light up as he felt her tightness around him. Then he pushed, and she gasped, feeling his firmness fill her, sensing herself enclose him. He began his strokes, slow and easy at first. With every movement she felt waves of pleasure course through her body. They were complete now.

  His movements became more urgent, and for a while it was if they moved as one, each thrust driving them both to new levels of pleasure. She savored the heat and the sublime pressure of his body upon her. It was a dance that seemed to go on forever. She heard his breathing begin to quicken, felt the pace of his thrusts become more urgent.

  She couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to have him within her, how amazing it was that finally, they had broken down all the barriers.

  Then Shahid's pace became faster, and she saw a dark need fill his eyes. He was so close, and so was she. Once more she sensed the overpowering wave descend toward her, and she could see that Shahid sensed it also. His thrusts became faster, deeper and she knew they were both going to share the ultimate ecstasy, the sweetest union of all.

  She grasped a hold of him as they moved in perfect unison, and then the wave was coming toward them. Shahid arched his back, his head lifted up in sudden feral bliss. She grasped his shoulders, feeling his muscles tremble. Then he roared his pleasure, and she cried out, feeling the climax take hold of her, sending them both tumbling over the precipice and into a world utterly and completely changed.


  Chapter Seventeen

  Aliyah awoke with the light of the full moon shining on her face. The curtains of the balcony doors were open, and through the windows she could see the silvery light illuminating the garden and the desert beyond.

  She turned to look at the sleeping figure of Shahid. He looked so peaceful. Content.

  He lay on his back with the blankets pushed down to his waist. His broad chest rose gently with every breath he took.

  The past few hours had been the most astonishing of Aliyah's life. Pleasure beyond belief; love and connection that had transformed everything she thought about life. Shahid had been a sensitive, skillful lover, yet there had been times during their repeated love-making when she'd sensed the ferocity of his need, the barely restrained wildness she'd always knew he possessed. He'd driven her to extraordinary heights of ecstasy until she'd reached a point when she had become so exhausted, so sated that she'd thought she couldn't take any more. But then, somehow, he'd found a way to entice, tempt her once again, and their love-making had resumed, with a renewed hunger on both their parts.

  Now she relished the peace and quiet after the delicious storm of passion into which they'd been swept. She wondered what time it was. She searched the bedroom for a clock but found none. She realized with a start that it could be later than she thought. Azim and Lucy's wedding was possibly only hours away.

  Shahid drew in a deep breath and opened his eyes. He looked straight at Aliyah and reached out an arm.

  He smiled broadly at her. "Hey there," he murmured sleepily.

  Aliyah snuggled up to him and kissed him. "Hey there, yourself," she said smiling.

  "How are you?" he asked quietly.

  "I'm fine. You?"

  Shahid grinned. "Never been better," he said and sighed contentedly.

  Shahid shifted and wrapped his arms around Aliyah. She felt his naked body crushed against hers, felt the firmness of his desire again, sensed the sheer power of his body as it promised to claim her once again.

  He dipped his head and kissed her, his lips tender and persuading. Not that she needed persuading anymore. Yet again desire stirred within her, and she wondered if they were about to make love again. Anticipation curled within her. Could she take any more pleasure? Of course she could, she snapped at herself. She wanted as much as she could get from this incredible man; this sensitive yet determined male who'd sought her, pursued her, and claimed her.

  Because she realized that that was what had happened. He'd made his mind up that she was the only woman for him. He'd whispered those words to her in between their love-making. And he'd murmured so many other things, words that she'd never forget. Ever. Words that sounded true; words that made her soul sing.

  Shahid's kiss ended and he gazed at her longingly. "I love you, Aliyah. You know that, don't you?"

  Aliyah didn't hesitate; didn't doubt the sincerity of those words. She never would ever again.

  Aliyah nodded. "Of course I do, Shahid."

  She gazed into his dark eyes, now filled with burning emotion. The way he was gazing at her made her feel like the most desired woman in the world. As far as she was concerned nothing else existed except her and Shahid. During the past few hours the entire world had faded into nothingness; all that mattered was them and their love. Because that was what it was, she told herself. Love.

  For a while they just lay in each others arms, content to share the moments, the feeling of just being together, feeling the heat of each others bodies.

  After a while, she suddenly thought about the wedding she'd promised to attend. She looked up at Shahid. "What time is it?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "I don't know." He pulled her closer and smiled. "And I don't care."

  She squinted at him and he opened a drawer on the bedside cabinet. He lifted an expensive looking watch out and peered at it. "Nearly midnight," he announced.

  Aliyah gasped. "That late?"

  "Stay a while longer," he murmured.

  "No, Shahid," she insisted. "I have to go. I've got so much to do before the wedding."

hid's brows furrowed slightly. "Everything's fine Aliyah. There's plenty of time."

  "There's never enough time when it comes to weddings," she said.

  Aliyah pulled herself away from Shahid and sat up. He rose up and took her by the shoulders, starting to kiss her neck. She groaned and felt delicious tingles race through her body.

  "I love it when you make that sound," he growled.

  She turned and looked at him, quirking a brow. "I'm not the only one who makes noises, as far as I remember," she challenged.

  Shahid shrugged. "You just make me feel so good," he murmured. "What am I supposed to do? Pretend you don't make me feel more alive? Pretend you don't make me feel happier than I've ever felt?" He nibbled on that place behind her ear; the part of her which made every nerve flicker into life.

  Aliyah closed her eyes and savored his touch. She wanted him to consume her, needed his every touch. She felt his arm reach round and settle beneath her breasts, and she thought he was about to start again. Correction. They were about to start driving each other crazy all over again.

  But, just as his lips started to trace a line across her bare shoulders, she thought again of what time it must be, how late she could be.

  Shahid seemed to sense the change in her. He lifted his head. "What's wrong?"

  Aliyah lifted the blanket up, covering her breasts. Shahid sat back against the headboard of the bed. She turned and saw his naked body, saw the extent of his arousal and realized with a tightness in her chest just what was she was about to refuse. What she about to deny herself.

  "I have to go," she said sharply.

  Shahid's brows furrowed. "Why don't you stay here until tomorrow," he suggested.

  Aliyah shook her head. "I can't do that. Everything I need for their wedding is back at my parents palace."

  Shahid nodded. "Okay." She could see the disappointment on his face.

  She slid off the bed and started to get dressed. As she did that, she saw Shahid lean back and simply enjoy the sight. There was a wicked grin on his face as she pulled on her panties, and a hungry look in his eyes as she hooked on her bra. It felt sensual and erotic to have him watching her like that, she told herself as she pulled on her dress.

  She slipped on her flat shoes and then she was ready to leave. Or as ready as she'd ever be, considering that all she wanted to do was stay with Shahid all night long.

  She watched as Shahid got out of bed and started to get dressed. She felt need tug at her as she watched him get dressed. He had an incredible body, lean and muscular. Memories of how it had felt, his skin, his heat, invaded her mind. She felt her face flush and saw that he'd noticed. The corner of his mouth creased in an appreciative grin. He lifted one brow at her and she whirled away from him. She had to get out of here, and right now, she told herself. This was sweet torture.

  After he dressed, he came to her and kissed her, holding her tight, as if trying one last time to stop her from leaving.

  Then they left the bedroom, walking hand in hand down the palace corridor. There was no-one around. She wondered where the servants were, but she was relieved that she and Shahid could walk like this, holding hands. She enjoyed the way he held onto her hand, his fingers snaking gently through hers. It was as if it didn't matter anymore who knew their secret. The pretence felt well and truly over.

  They made their way to the cars parked out front. She lowered herself into her car and looked up at him before closing the door. He was leaning against the roof, his gaze fixed on her.

  "How are you getting to Azim's palace tomorrow?" he asked.

  She was taken aback by the question. Of course, everything was different now, wasn't it?

  "I had arranged to go there with Nadyah. She's coming over first thing in the morning. And then I think the plan is for us to travel with my parents."

  He grinned and nodded. "I guess I should already know that, since I'm supposed to be in charge of guests' travel arrangements to and from the palace."

  She saw hesitation in his eyes, as if he was considering saying something to her. But then she saw his brows furrow and he sighed.

  "I guess we'll see each other tomorrow, then," he said casually. Somehow she'd expected him to say something more than that, and for a moment she felt a tinge of disappointment. But then he leaned down and wiped away her doubts with a kiss. Once again, the temptation to stay, welled up inside her, but she pushed it firmly away.

  Their lips parted and he gazed at her. "Tomorrow is going to be an amazing day, isn't it?" he said softly. She inhaled his wonderful musky scent, triggering the memory of their love-making.

  "I hope so," she replied.

  His gaze became suddenly intense. When he spoke his voice was full of determination."If I have anything to with it, tomorrow's going to be a day neither of us will ever forget, Aliyah," he declared.

  Now what had he meant by that? She peered into his eyes. "I guess we'll be on the dance-floor again," she said.

  Shahid nodded. "And so much more. This time they won't need pictures."

  Aliyah squinted at him. What was he planning?

  He kissed her one last time. Only, she knew this wouldn't be the last kiss they'd share. The certainty of that thought burned like a hot flame in her heart now.

  Then he stood up and she closed the door. With a wave she drove away from the man who'd utterly changed her life.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Aliyah made it back to her parents' palace just after midnight. Luckily for her, no-one saw her coming in. She made it back to her room without any awkward conversations. Once in her room she showered and flopped down in bed, every nerve in her body still quivering with excitement. It wasn't just those nerves though, it was also her heart. She'd never felt happiness like this before.

  Could it be really true? Were she and Shahid truly in love? It felt like it, that was for sure. Everything about tonight had convinced her that she and Shahid had destroyed every barrier that lay between them; that they had stepped across a line and committed to one another.

  What about him? Was Shahid as much in love with her as she was with him? As she lay in her bed, shaking with excitement, feeling more alive than she'd ever done, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he did love her.

  Her soul seemed to sing with that one simple thought. Shahid loved her! At last. After all these years, they had both admitted a nagging truth. For so long, she'd had a whispering voice in the back of her mind, every time she'd been close to Shahid. But every time she'd silenced that voice, telling herself that such a thing could never be, would never happen. She and Shahid had existed in different worlds for so many years. But now, everything had changed. It all felt so incredibly real.

  Aliyah wondered if she was going to ever get to sleep. Right now, she didn't care. Even if it meant that tomorrow she would look less than her best. For the first time, Aliyah thought first of all about her own happiness. That in itself was proof that everything had changed. Of course she would do her absolute best to ensure that Azim and Lucy's wedding was as wonderful as possible. But, above all, Aliyah couldn't wait for one thing.

  To see Shahid again. And soon.


  In the morning, over breakfast with her parents, there was no discussion about how late Aliyah had arrived the previous night. All the talk was about the events of the coming day. Aliyah knew she would be seeing her brother, their wives and the children. It promised to be a wonderful family gathering, one that would remind everyone of just how important it was to support and love one another.

  Just before ten o'clock Nadyah arrived. She and Aliyah went to Aliyah's room and started getting ready. Aliyah had chosen an elegant white silk dress and plain low-heeled shoes. Nadyah was already dressed in a similarly tasteful outfit. The wedding ceremony was scheduled to start at three o'clock, so Aliyah knew it would best for them all to arrive early, around midday.

  "Maybe they need some help getting things ready," Aliyah suggested standing in front of the mirror examining her re

  Nadyah frowned. "Everything looked ready to me when I left the palace," she replied.

  "Are you sure? I mean, you never know. Last minute emergencies always crop up at weddings," she said.

  Nadyah shook her head. "Azim and Lucy have been on top of everything this week. I think it's all under control, Aliyah. You just need to sit back and relax, for once. Just enjoy being a guest this time."

  Aliyah laughed. "You know that isn't going to be easy."

  "I suppose not. I forgot I was talking to Qazhar's matchmaker," she replied.

  Aliyah frowned. Maybe people weren't going to label her a matchmaker for much longer, she told herself. Old habits died hard. She knew the impulse to help was going to be almost too much to resist. Habit was a terrible thing, she told herself.

  Maybe this time would be different, though. Aliyah still hadn't told Nadyah about Shahid. In fact, the absence of any questions from Nadyah about Shahid had been starting to bother her. Was Nadyah deliberately avoiding any mention of Shahid?

  "Exactly how many guests are there going to be?" Aliyah asked.

  "About a hundred," Nadyah replied.

  "The roads to Azim's palace are going to be busy," Aliyah said.

  "Shahid is the person who'd know most about that. I think some people are coming by helicopter," Nadyah said.

  Aliyah laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised if some tribal leaders arrive by camel or horse."

  Nadyah giggled. "That's not as unlikely as you'd think."

  Aliyah and Nadyah went out onto the terrace. Down in the front courtyard, away to her left, Aliyah could see servant loading up the trunk of the long limousine with packages; gifts of every shape and size for Azim and Lucy.

  Out in front, the garden of the Al Kharif palace stretched away for hundreds of yards. The wide expanse of lawn, as large as football field, had been freshly cut. She could smell the sharp tang of cut grass as it mingled with the scents of the numerous flowers that bordered the lawn.


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