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Escaping Me

Page 5

by Cat Mason

  “Yell out the words, I’ll say yay or nay but I’m not wearin’ a fuckin’ ass-floss pasty. You don’t want that close of a look at the monster if you aren’t gonna feed ‘em.”

  “Fair enough.” Aiden relents, shaking his head.

  All four of us have our seven tiles each. After a draw to see who goes first the guys win. Hunter slams down A-N-A-L on the board, then sits back smugly crossing his arms over his chest. “Anal counts. That’s four points.” Aiden says writing down the score on the pad.

  “Anal? Figures you sick bastard.” Henry says with a chuckle. “Whatcha got ladies?”

  Cam and I scan our little racks of letters. I grin at her as I place my tiles on the board. “B-L-O-W” Aiden reads off. Henry gives his approval as well earning us eight points.

  “A good blow will always beat out anal.” Cam says with a giggle.

  Aiden shakes his head with a groan. “Alright Gray, your turn.” He says gesturing to the board. Gray’s eyes meet mine. I watch as his fingers brush along the tiles, making me curl my toes under the table. His brow knits in concentration as he moves tiles around and smiles wickedly.

  “C-L-I-T-O-R-I-S” Aiden shouts at Henry, making Landon’s head dart up to us. “Great job Gray, you finally found one!”

  “Fuck you shit-brick.” Gray growls. “I get a fifty point bonus on top of,” He yanks the paper from Aiden, counting up his letters. “…ten more for the word. That gives us sixty four points. I see bikinis in our future. I think the kitchen floor needs to be scrubbed with toothbrushes.” He says winking at me making me blush.

  “What the fuck does he mean a fifty point bonus?” Cam says looking at Aiden her eyes full of panic.

  “He cleared his rack babe. Used all seven of his tiles… fifty point bonus.” Aiden says as Cam yanks the rules away from Gray and reads.

  “Damn it!” She shouts tossing the paper back at Aiden. “This is bullshit!”

  “We’ve got this.” I tell her as I nudge her shoulder trying to help her relax. Shit she is wound tight as hell over just one round. Pulling my eyes from Gray, I start looking through our tiles as he draws new ones.

  By the time Henry parks the bus we’re all laughing hysterically. There’s only about thirty points keeping the guys in the lead right now. I had to fight Hunter on using the word blue-ball, since it’s hyphenated. Aiden quickly came to our defense making Hunter and Gray tell him how pussy whipped he is.

  “I’m not pussy whipped.” He says winking at Cam, “I whip pussy!”

  Cam blushes but laughs along with us. Landon and Tad have given input over word arguments but nothing more than that. They have opted out of the bet earning them the ‘Pussies of the Tour’ award from Aiden.

  “You are what you eat.” Landon says smugly.

  All eyes fall on me and I nearly explode with rage. Turning around in the bench seat I glare at Landon. This man has never talked about me like that. He hasn’t said anything remotely sexual to me in days now here he is acting like he just ate at the ‘Y’? Oh hell no! I’ve been rejected at every turn and everyone on the bus knows it. “Really Landon?” I snap. His eyes meet mine as he winces. “Maybe you should be over here watching for the educational value at least.”

  Tad chokes on his water as the chorus of ‘oh burn’ and ‘damn’ rolls out around me. Hunter reaches out to bump my fist. “Girl you’re a fuckin’ legend.”

  “You’ve never complained before.” Landon spits. Standing up, he throws his computer angrily to the couch.

  “I’ve never applauded either asshole.”

  “I don’t see you getting a standing fucking ovation either Daisy. Why are you being such a bitch?” Landon snarls angrily. Uh oh did I strike a nerve?

  “You have no idea what I’m like in bitch mode yet Landon. My advice is not to fuckin’ push me.” I bite out. The silence is madness. The tension so thick it’s making me squirm. Everyone is watching us, their eyes darting between Landon and me. Just waiting for the first punch to be thrown or someone to get naked and prove a point.

  “Before there is unnecessary bloodshed, I say we call this game quits. You can let me observe. I really would hate to see Daisy kill Landon.” Hunter says leaning against his elbows on the table. “Although, I’d be happy to critique your sexual performances for reference. Like the X-factor, we can just call it the O-factor.” I kick Hunter under the table and Gray smacks him in the back of the head. “Oh, yeah I like it rough. Landon your pussy has claws.” He teases.

  “That’s it.” I huff, “Time to end this shit and get some guys cleaning.” I glance back and forth at the tiles working them back and forth with the free letters on the board. I have to get a bonus, whether it be a triple word score or use all my tiles. That’s the only option to win here and I will not lose this damn game to Cunter. My smile spreads as I grab my seven tiles that will intersect two words perfectly. Hunter and Gray lean up watching my fingers as I place my letters. Gray’s eyes go dark and hooded as I look up at them with a wide smile.

  “S-P-A-N-K-I-N-G-S…” Aiden and Henry look at each other. “Holy shit!” They turn to the bar and start tallying up my score.

  After a minute Henry turns around to pat my shoulder. “Fuckin’ genius girl.”

  Aiden tosses the tablet down showing where he added up my score. “Not only did she empty her tiles for a fifty point bonus, she got a triple word score. So she got ninety eight points for that little gem.” He says almost proudly. “Meaning the girls win with a combined score of 432. Sorry guys.” Aiden says and Cam jumps into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, knocking him back into the counter as she covers him in kisses.

  “You fuckin’ pussy whipped sonuvabitch!” Hunter yells jumping up from the table bumping into Cam and Aiden in the process. “Spankings isn’t an X-rated word!” He shouts, getting up in his face.

  “Then obviously you aren’t doing it right Hunter.” I tease as I stand kissing him on the cheek. “Don’t be a sore loser and if anyone needs a bit of manscaping I suggest you three get to it. The bus is filthy.” I say walking from the kitchen. “Oh and don’t forget the outside needs a good wash down too.” I say with a giggle. Cam leans her head back laughing hysterically.

  “Three?” Aiden asks. “Clearly I’m exempt here right? Just a judge remember?”

  “There’s no way! You bitches fuckin’ cheated.” Hunter says and it comes out almost like a whine.

  Tad looks over and laughs, “You made the bet ass. Now go get ready to show yours off. I posted to the fan page with our location which has been updating as the game went along. So there should be a good sized crowd gathering up out there expecting all three of you out there shakin’ asses. So yes, Aiden you will be out there with Hunter and Grayson.” He drawls.

  “Fuck me. I didn’t agree to this shit Tad!” Aiden says angrily scrubbing a hand over his face. “Alright I’m not a pussy, I’ll take one for the team. For the fans. Plus it gives Cam something to drool over.” He teases kissing her forehead.

  Henry looks out the window and laughs, “Yep. Look at that you already got some with popcorn out there. Get your dirty clothes together I’ll send that shit out if you find a dry cleaners Aiden.” Aiden nods then starts thumbing something into his phone.

  Gray breaks up Hunter’s bitch fest, shoving him toward the bunks. “A bet’s a bet man. Let’s get it over with.”

  Chapter Six

  Hang Out With Your Wang Out

  Twenty minutes later, I am sitting outside in a lounger next to Cam with beers thanks to Henry. “It’s been long enough! Where’s the man-candy?” Cam shouts as Landon flings open the bus door strutting over to us.

  His eyes go wide taking in our bikini clad bodies sprawled out. “What the hell Daisy? You won, why are you wearing that?” He asks as he sits at the foot of my lounger.

  “We’re workin’ on our tans Landon.” Cam answers for me. “Oh and by the way, you’re blockin’ our view so unless you have a thong under those jeans...” She says lifting
her shades a bit, “Buh-bye then Sweets.”

  Landon rolls his eyes as he stomps over to where Tad and Henry are talking to some fans waiting for the show to start. The guys of Shaft don’t disappoint either. Music starts pumping through some outdoor speakers Henry set up when Aiden struts down the steps first in his boots and a bright green thong completely owning it. The thought hits me so I turn to Cam, nearly choking on my beer. “Cam you realize that they already had these on the bus right?” We laugh just as a pair of bare feet hit the bottom step and I lose it. I can barely see through my tears as Hunter looks over at us in a yellow thong, his glare is probably meant to kill us but it only makes us laugh harder.

  “Quit poutin’ and grab a sponge pretty boy.” Henry says with a laugh earning him both of Hunter’s middle fingers.

  Gray walks down the steps his eyes meeting mine. My eyes drift down to the little black piece of fabric that barely covers him and quickly jerks back to his face. He’s hard! Oh my God! Looking down he blushes. Turning away from us, he grabs a sponge and starts scrubbing the bus. Cam and I watch the three bare asses bend to reach the lower spots. Each time he bends or stretches Gray’s cheeks tense making my insides quiver. Clear your thoughts Daisy. Don’t go there. I repeat over and over in my head, trying to ignore what is stirring in my blood right now. It’s roaring through my veins pumping through my ears making me completely crazy.

  “I don’t know about you Daisy but if Aiden bends over one more time I’m goin’ to need bail money. I can’t take much more of this.” She says rolling her beer bottle over her forehead. “Work that ass baby!” Cam shouts, cupping her hands around her mouth. “Whew! Shake it for me!”

  Aiden turns walking over toward us. He struts and shimmies to the beat of the music with a wicked grin spreading across his face. “You’re slackin’…” Cam says as he leans down over her.

  “I am.” He agrees. “I missed a spot.”

  “Did you?” Leaning up she lifts her sunglasses from her face looking closely at the bus.

  “Yep, I did.” Aiden squeezes the sponge over Camaron, drenching her.

  “Aiden! You asshole!” She squeals leaping off the lounger.

  Aiden grabs her, pulling her flush against his nearly naked body. “Enjoyin’ the show Cam?” He asks nuzzling her ear. “Like watchin’ all of us hang out with our wangs out?”

  “Yes.” She whispers snapping the side of his thong making him jump. When Aiden releases her she pulls a dollar out of her top sticking it though the side of his thong. “You earned every penny.” She teases then plops back on the lounger.

  “Later Cam… Payback’s a bitch.” He says turning to face the crowd of women then slaps his ass with both of his enormous hands as he struts across the concrete back to the bus to help Gray rinse the tires.

  The crowd gets restless women are yelling all kinds of suggestive things at the guys. Luckily Tad thought ahead about having a perimeter set up to keep them back. The thought of them mauling my Gray makes me sick. Wait…my Gray? Where did that come from? I shake the thought from my mind. I gotta get outta here to clear my head. Wrapping my towel around myself I tell Cam that I’m going to go clean-up for tonight.

  Since we are parked, we negotiated Tad letting us loose to go to a club. I can’t wait! Maybe this is what Landon and I need, a little dancing a few drinks then some down ‘n’ dirty in a bathroom stall. Gah! I’m such a slut but I spend my day looking for ‘not on the bus’ loopholes. This is one so I’m taking advantage!

  Since the guys are moving around to the other side of the bus, I decide to shower. After washing my hair, I wash my body. All the pent up frustration comes to a head with every touch of the sponge. My skin tingles, just begging to be touched. I picture Landon flinging the door open, coming in and taking me hard against the shower wall while everyone is just outside feet away. His blue eyes are staring into mine, as I explode around him, screaming his name with every breath. Then thoughts of Gray invade my head again pushing Landon out before I can stop it. Fighting so hard against wanting Gray is exhausting, but I’m alone now so I let myself relax. I lean my forehead against the cool tile letting the thoughts invade my brain again. I let myself have this if only in my mind.

  I picture Gray’s hands on me as the water streams over us, him smiling against my skin as he nips his way along my hips. Letting myself pretend my hands are his as I skim them along my body like he would. My hands are soft, nothing like the rough touch of Gray’s calloused finger tips. I don’t let that stop me though. I can hear myself moaning, but I don’t worry since everyone is still outside. I let my hand drift lower. I circle my fingers pressing down right where I need it most. Letting go right now is the only way I’ll be able to get through tonight. No one has to know right? As I find my much needed release I shout Gray’s name, coming so hard my knees buckle making me fall to the floor.

  I clean back up and since I rushed in here, I forgot my clothes. Not wanting to put my bikini back on, I wrap my towel around me then crack the bathroom door. After making sure I don’t hear anyone inside the bus, I make a run for the bedroom. I slam the door behind me then nearly drop my towel in shock. Gray is standing there, holding a pair of jeans in his hand, naked and HARD. His eyes rake over my body barely covered by the towel. He makes no movement at all, he just watches me.

  “I thought that I was…” I start but I don’t know what to say I am in total cock shock.

  Gray has four piercings running the length of his penis. I had heard about the Jacob’s ladder but I have never seen one, until now. I’m openly gawking at my future brother-in-law’s dick. I can’t look away. Oh my God! What’s wrong with me? Gray shakes his head quickly yanking his jeans on, ruining my view. As he painfully tucks himself into them he zips but doesn’t button. I nearly cry at the loss. He walks over to me pulling me flush against him so now I can feel him. Nuzzling my ear he inhales my scent. “Now we’re naked friends, Wildflower.” Nipping at the hollow of my throat he chuckles. “I heard you Daisy. I heard you cry out my name in the shower.” He says arrogantly. I jerk away from him as if he struck me.

  “Cocky much Gray?” I ask, arching my brow at him arrogantly. Walking over, I grab a red halter dress from my bag. I drop the towel, making Gray hiss through his teeth as I pull the dress over my body.

  “Daisy this isn’t fair. I’m drawn to you too. I’ve never felt this before, I don’t want to fight it but I do for you.” He says as he walks toward me. It isn’t fair, I completely agree. We are torturing each other. “God the noises you made. It took everything in me not to come in there and fuck you against the shower wall. Landon and everyone else be damned!” He shouts and I believe him.

  As I turn to face him, I smooth the hem of my dress over my thighs, meeting his gaze head on. “Don’t Gray. I wasn’t screaming your name.” I say defensively.

  His lips quirk up at me, “Really Daisy? You’re gonna try and talk your way out of this one?” Leaning into my ear Gray continues, “I’ll let you, this time baby because you’re fighting this. Whatever it is you have with Landon, I get it. I’m trying to respect that too but watching you go on as if nothing is wrong between you two fuckin’ kills me. You deserve better than that shit.” His hand grips my hip hard making me whimper. I can feel the calloused tips of his fingers through the thin fabric of my dress. The feeling of his hands on me has me trembling making him smile against my sensitive skin. “Just one more thing Daisy.” Gray purrs as he brushes his lips over my earlobe. “You didn’t do me justice. You’ll scream a lot louder when I make you mine, baby.”

  Releasing me, Gray grabs his shirt off the bed stopping just at the door. With his back to me he says words that rock me to my core. “I will have you Daisy. Soon too but you’ll have to ask me to take you that first time. I won’t fuckin’ beg for you to either. Damn it, it’s fuckin’ crazy but I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life. I don’t know what it is about you Daisy, you make me ache. I can’t stop it any more than I could stop breathin
g. I don’t just want you, I’m scared as hell that I’m starting to need you. I’m not Cunter so I won’t force this shit on you before you see it for what it is. I also won’t sit by and watch Landon fucking hurt you either.” With that he walks out of the room leaving me more confused than ever.

  The rest of the afternoon is uneventful. While Cam and I took up the bedroom to get ready, the guys changed and straightened up the living area. Landon kept his distance from me but I could tell he was still upset about my outburst about his lack of sexual prowess earlier. Someone needs to tell him that I can’t be held responsible for my choice of words when my orgasms are being held hostage. Cam has informed me that I need to buy a vibrator. It is step one of her plan of attack to shatter Landon’s resolve.

  “A man walks in on a woman using one of those it’s a done deal Sweets.” She says with a giggle as she digs under the bed for her other heel. “No man wants to think that a couple AA batteries can out do him.”

  “What if he just walks back out Cam? What if he isn’t interested?” I ask as the uncertainty drips from my voice.

  She meets my eyes and shrugs, “Then you get a great ‘O’ from the B.O.B. Just make sure you scream like you’re in a porn film. That way the guys all know who isn’t givin’ it to you.” She sits on the bed, buckling her shoe. “Listen to me real good Daisy. When he sees you, be a goddamn temptress. You know, be all, ‘hey big boy wanna join in?’ If he’s dumb enough to say no just tell him to suit himself but then you make the shit Oscar worthy. I don’t get his motives for holdin’ out but all men are visual creatures. Once they get hard, the southern head takes over. Both heads share a brain so it can’t think for both heads at the same time.” She smiles at me. “Now tell me what the fuck is goin’ on with you and Gray.”


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