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Escaping Me

Page 12

by Cat Mason

  “I felt like shit Daisy. I wanted to bury myself in you right there in the booth but then my brother… He told me he was bringing a girl but never thought about it being that serious. I wanted you the moment I saw you there alone in the booth. I didn’t care whose you were because you were supposed to be mine.” Leaning up he runs his nose along my ear. “You are supposed to be mine. Mine Daisy.”

  “For right now, I am.” I whisper as the words he said make me tremble against him.

  “You’re not going anywhere. You’re mine. It really is just that simple. Where’s that fuckin’ list I made last night? I need to add this.” He says pulling up to sit.

  “No. I won’t forget.” I whisper against his lips. “Brand me Gray. I want you to take me, mark me, make me yours Sex and Sin.” This time Gray doesn’t laugh at his nickname. This time he growls low in throat, diving onto me and he makes me his in every way all night long until we watch the sun start to rise.

  “Good morning Wildflower.” He purrs just as I start to fall asleep.

  “Now who’s the smart ass?” I tease sleepily making him slap my ass as he pulls me against him. “Good morning Gray.” I whisper realizing that if this is wrong then being right can go straight to hell along with my list.

  The next morning comes all too soon. By noon we are being rushed around like mad by the crazy man known as Aiden in his OCD scheduling glory. “If we aren’t out the door for the radio studio in two minutes then we might as well cancel!” He shouts as we all make our way out of the bus for the ten second walk it takes to get to the studio.

  “Calm down Anal Annie we have time.” Hunter says clapping him on the back. “You can’t enjoy something like this wound so fuckin’ tight that your head will explode. Go take Cam back in the bus, fuck her good and hard, make the right head explode then we’re golden.” He teases as Cam comes off the bus slapping him in the back of the head. “Ow feisty bitch!”

  “Do not talk about my sex life asshole. It’s something you will never see babe.”

  “I’m kinda glad I lost this bet.” He groans. “I can’t wait to shake my stuff. Gonna lead to some major fuckscapades tonight. I’m goin’ to have bitches singin’ Hail to the Beef!”

  I choke on my coffee, spitting it all over the sidewalk. Leaning over I heave for breath through my laughter. Gray pats me on the back. “Are you alright?” He asks while I try to compose myself.

  “Is it possible to pretend I don’t know you tonight?” I huff, clearing my throat.

  Hunter licks his lips, “Babe, the first dance is yours. I’m bringin’ you up on stage with me.” He grabs me by the waist pulling me to him. “You in a chair, my sexy ass grindin’ all over you…”

  Gray glares at him, “I don’t think so Cunter. Let’s go before we miss the interview slot.” He barks. Gray grabs my arm, tucking me beneath him as we walk through the turnstile entering the building.

  “So what’s the plan?” I ask as we exit the elevators outside the studio room doors. There is a huge window where we can see the D.J.’s talking about the guys and their latest hits. The speakers above us let us feel almost like we’re in there with them.

  “You will stand here with Cam at the window so I can see you. Just think of it as stage left Wildflower.” He says kissing my lips. “Back in a bit.”

  “Oh look here they are! Aren’t they a bunch of studs!” The female D.J. says nearly panting.

  Hunter doesn’t wait as he flings the door open, hopping on the stool next to her. “I’m Hunter you’re smokin’.” He purrs kissing her hand.

  “We know who you guys are. You’re my favorite though. My name’s Jesse.” She says giggling.

  “I always am.” He tosses out as the male D.J. looks at the window watching Cam and I.

  “Hey who’s the hotties?” He says gesturing at us.

  “Oh them?” Jesse says, “They’re groupies right?” She asks her eyes not leaving Hunter.

  “Nope those are our ladies.” Aiden says smiling at Cam through the glass. “Cam on the left, she’s my girl. Then Daisy is here with Grayson.” I watch as Gray smiles, giving them a nod of agreement. My eyes fly to meet a frantic Cam.

  “He just ratted us all out on the radio fuckin’ live!” She shouts wandering back to the sofa just as her legs give out. “Oh my GOD!”

  “Cam, what’s wrong with him admitting you’re his?” I ask sitting on the arm of the sofa next to her so that Gray can still see me.

  “I don’t want the attention Daisy!” She shrieks nearly hyperventilating. “I am having a fling with a rocker. I have feelings for Aiden of course I told you that but I want to stay in the back ground. I don’t want to have the groupies attacking everything I do. Oh and the paparazzi. They don’t exactly have that problem yet but it is going there and fast.” She shoves her head between her knees taking deep breaths. “Oh Daisy, I can’t do this. I can’t be in the spotlight. I can’t even be on stage. That’s why…”

  “That’s why you freaked when you thought Hunter won?” I ask remembering how nervous she was at the diner.

  “I don’t do vulnerable. I won’t. The most vulnerable I’ve ever been is with Aiden and that is only when we are in a scene. That’s only because he knows my limits. I can safe word anytime then it is over.”

  My eyes fly wide open as I jerk her head up. “What the fuck do you mean safe word? Are you and Aiden like…”

  She looks at me like I’m crazy. Shit maybe I am. “Yes. I’m only going to tell you this because we’re friends Daisy. Aiden commands then I submit. I do that because I want him. I want to please him. It’s one of those things that he can’t get from groupie pussy. That’s all I’m gonna say. It’s not ugly like what Tad was doing with Landon. What Aiden and I have is beautiful. It’s what we need from each other. He doesn’t do whips, chains or anything like that. It’s about me giving him the control. He needs that from me. More than that though, I need to give that to him. It makes us each feel cherished but in our own way.” She explains as we watch him talk about their latest album. Her smile spreads across her face her love for him so damn clear it could be a neon sign.

  “It sounds like you love him Cam.”

  “I do Daisy. That’s the problem. I can’t do the limelight, that’s where he is and where he wants me to be. Look at him. He’s a fuckin’ rock star. He wants a woman who is going to stand beside him, shine with him as she encourages him. I can’t be that. It was never meant for me to be that woman for him.”

  “How do you know that? Cam shit, you told me to be strong. To say fuck the plan. Well that’s what you need to do too. Don’t let this go to shit when you could be everything to each other.” I snap out, pissed that she would even consider that Aiden is anything less than crazy as hell in love with her.

  “I know what I need to do. This is why I quit my job to be with him. I wanted this last month with Aiden. Then I am going to break it off while I still can without it ruining us both.” She says turning away so that Aiden doesn’t see the tears streaming down her cheek.

  “Cam I think it’s a bit late for that isn’t it? You’re both so wrapped up that breaking this between you may ruin you both more than you could ever fix. Are you prepared for what losing Aiden is goin’ to do to your heart?”

  “It will be like dying. I already know that I’ll leave my heart with Aiden Chesterfield on that bus.” She turns meeting my eyes. The sight of my friend in so much pain over this rips my heart out. “Promise me that you will watch over him when I’m gone Daisy. He’s more fragile than he lets on. He won’t admit it but he is.”

  I pull her into a hug. “I’ll be here for both of you anyway that I can. Until you find your way back to each other because you will. You may think that this is for the best Cam but if you leave, I know that you’ll be back. Fight it all you want but you belong here with him.”

  Cam excuses herself to go clean up her face before Aiden sees, claiming she doesn’t want to ruin tonight or cause him to worry about her. I know it is really
just an excuse so she can cry in private. I know that she doesn’t want to leave Aiden. I just hope that something I said shakes her, making her change her mind. She needs to realize that if Aiden just made that sort of commitment to her on the radio that millions of people heard then what they have means something to him. Then a breath gets caught in my chest as Gray winks at me. Millions of people including Landon and Tad just heard that I’m here with Gray. I am torn between the feeling of happiness at the sting Landon must be feeling right now then with the sadness of how hurt he probably is that I didn’t tell him when I had the chance

  Yeah I know that this is probably the perfect revenge. Instead of walking in on it like I did or noticing something I wasn’t supposed to, Landon finds out on the radio probably while eating his lunch or checking the setup for tomorrow’s concert venue. The guilt grips me by the throat as I fumble for my phone in my bag. I thumb a text to Landon hoping that he finally turned the damn thing on:

  Landon meet me tomorrow before the show please?

  He answers back quickly:

  Can’t meet before. If we have to do this it has to be after.

  At least he is talking to me so he can’t be too upset. I am relieved that I will be able to talk to him in person. I want to get everything off my chest so that we can move on. I don’t like the way he did things but I know that I love him enough to want him happy. I want him to find that happiness even if it isn’t with me.

  That’s fine. Will you be back on the bus?

  No Daisy we won’t. I’ll text you when and where.

  I reply that I’m glad they are alright. That we will speak tomorrow then quickly shove my phone in my purse as the guys end their interview. “So Grayson, we know that you end the shows lately with a cover song of your choice. Any logic to pickin’ those?” Jesse asks.

  “Yeah.” Gray says when I walk back up to the glass. “They’re for her. Every song has been for her.”

  “Well you heard it here ladies, Shaft has officially had two of the three members tamed. Attack Hunter while you still can. I hear you lost a bet now you have to do a little strip tease at a club downtown?” She asks making Hunter smile.

  “That’s right ladies come down tonight I’ll shake it for ya. I just get so lonely.” He says trying his best to sound pathetic.

  Jesse giggles, completely falling over herself to flirt with Hunter, leaving her partner to keep the conversation going. Then he announces the name of the club along with all the details for both their concerts while here in Vegas. The guys say their goodbyes then walk out of the room just as Cam walks back out of the bathroom looking like her mini-break down never happened.

  Her eyes meet mine in a silent plea as Aiden wraps his arms around her lifting her from the ground. I watch her force a giggle when he swings her around then kisses her. If Cam thinks that leaving Aiden is what’s best for him then she is crazy. He is head over heels for her. There is no way she can just walk away from something like that is there? They are so good together I just hope she sees it before it’s too late. If Camaron walks away from Aiden she will regret it for the rest of her life.

  “You good?” Gray asks grabbing my hand, interlacing our fingers.

  “Yep, let’s go eat then get ready to watch Cunter shake ‘dat ass.” I tease as Hunter smacks his ass cheek while he gyrates in front of the elevator.

  “That’s right you sexy bitches. I’m gonna make it rain hundred dollar bills!” He whoops as he hits the call button nearly making me lose my appetite.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Radioactive Crotchcunters

  Hunter is sulking by the time we pull up at the club. Cam has perfected his outfit while Aiden helped me search for just the right song to make Cunter’s night. Of course we couldn’t make it easy for him. We couldn’t just give him something sexy that he could grind to. There is no way this is going to be easy for him. According to all the guys there is only one song that makes his skin crawl. One song that was the only real choice.

  Grabbing the mic from the bouncer, I strut up on stage in my little black dress. My electric blue heels clicking along the stage as I walk under the spot light. “How’s every one tonight?” I get some screams but mostly some drunk chicks yelling to bring on the men. “Well I’ve got a treat for you tonight ladies. Have any of you heard of a band called Shaft?” I ask as I twirl my hair innocently around my finger. The ladies are all screaming now in full blown hysteria. I wink at our table where Gray sits laughing. “What if I were to tell you that Hunter, the lead singer of Shaft is goin’ to give you a night you’ll never forget?” Nearly the entire room full of women rush the stage holding up hands full of bills. “Well I won’t keep you waiting then. Ladies, Hunter Chesterfield!”

  Hunter rushes the stage in his usual jeans and black t-shirt, but he’s replaced his boots with sneakers. As the music starts to play his eyes shoot to mine. “You fuckin’ bitches!” He growls as the ‘Thong Song’ echoes through the club. “I hate this goddamn song!” He says flipping me the middle finger.

  All the ladies screaming draw his attention enough to let me make my way over to him. “Now, now Cunter you know you love me you little attention whore.” I purr as I run a dollar bill up his arm. “I’m givin’ you exactly what you want aren’t I? Rabid pussy…but you’re gonna have to work for it.” I say tossing it to the floor. I hear him yelling something that sounds like fuck it when I walk off the stage toward our table. Sitting down beside Gray I watch as Hunter rips his shirt over his head; thrusting his hips wildly as he throws it into the crowd. He gropes his crotch, shoving his jeans down his thighs. The women are screaming, money is flying up on the stage as he kicks his jeans out into the sea of women dying for a piece of him.

  The sequins that Cam has sewn onto his thong reflect the light as he drops to his knees, grinding against the floor. Jumping to his feet, he faces away from all of us shaking his ass to the beat. I think a chick faints when he dips his hips nearly touching his ass to the floor. Our entire table laughs as Hunter slaps his ass when a woman climbs on stage shoving bills in the front of his yellow thong. “It’s a banana colored banana hammock!” Cam laughs.

  Henry whistles loudly. “That’s right fucker! Shake that sequined ass for your bacon money!”

  Pulling a screaming woman on stage, Hunter grinds against her while she gropes his ass making him grin. Turning them around, he grabs her hands as he sits her in the chair. Straddling her lap, he ruts all over her like a dog until the song ends. She is screaming so loud that you can hear her above everyone else. Hunter looks over at me as he slides off her lap. Jumping from the stage he walks over to our table in nothing but that ridiculous yellow bedazzled thong.

  Grabbing the chair next to me he flops into it stretching lazily. “You realize I’m gonna get you back for makin’ me dance to that song right? I would’ve rather done the fuckin’ Macarena!” He groans yanking the glass from my hand.

  “Hey get your own asshole!” I shout as he downs my drink.

  “I’ll pay ya back just dive in, take what ya need.” He says wickedly thrusting his crotch in my direction.

  Hunter’s fans start surrounding our table. Once they realize the entire band is here tonight, it’s chaos. Putting an end to any hopes Henry had for an easy night. Hunter has a groupie on his lap who he’s begging to help him find the bathroom.

  “Hey Cunter, did you bring your gift baskets?” Cam teases as she swirls the straw in her glass.

  The groupie looks at her, “Cam-ER-on is it? I heard the interview today on the radio. Why are you so worried about us, if you’ve already nailed one?” Leaning over she touches Aiden’s cheek. “Unless you wanna switch? I don’t mind.”

  Cam jumps up from Aiden’s lap, grabs the mouthy bitch by the shirt, shoving her to the wall behind Hunter’s chair. “Listen up you radioactive crotchcricket you’re fuckin’ with the wrong one. The name is Cam-A-ron, with A’s like the car. I’m total class, all about the sass and not afraid to beat your ass. Not like those bit
ches who spell it with E’s. Just so you know…you’re just loose pussy for him.” She says tossing over her shoulder where Hunter sits panting. “Once he’s wrung you out, he’ll be done with your snatch so you better take pictures babe.” She spits angrily.

  Cunter’s crotchcricket stomps away through the crowd of women waiting for some attention. Camaron looks around at everyone watching her then quickly retreats to Aiden’s lap. “What a way to make a scene Cam shit!” Hunter says slamming down another shot. “That was hot!”

  She blushes. I look down and see her hands trembling in her lap. “Aiden can’t we just go back to the bus?”

  “Sure babe, if that’s what you want. Last night on the bus for the rest of the week.” Aiden says, stretching his arms above his head.

  “Yeah us too.” Gray agrees looking over at Henry. “You got him Big Man?”

  “Yeah.” Henry says with a nod. “Take a cab. I’ll have him back as soon as he’s drunk, fucked or shit outta luck. I mean it can go either way.”

  “Come on ladies I own this fuckin’ floor!” Hunter shouts shaking his thong clad ass on the dance floor as the women surround him like moths to the flame. “What’s your name kitten?” He asks a red head who is shoved into him.

  “Chase.” She purrs, meeting his eyes.

  “You look like one too kitten. Nothing better than a good chase.” He growls pulling her against him.

  “I’m gonna hurl.” I say to Gray. He laughs then pulls me into his side as we walk out the door with Cam and Aiden.

  Back at the bus, Gray and I sit on the couch with Cam and Aiden watching some SyFy movie. We are snuggled up, eating popcorn, laughing about Hunter’s performance. “I can’t believe he was just walking around in that thing.” I giggle into Gray’s chest from under the blanket.

  “Ha! That night we had to play that little arena naked? That was his idea. The idiot soaks up attention like a crack whore.” Aiden says blushing. “I still search YouTube for videos of that night scared my ass is viral.”


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