Book Read Free

Escaping Me

Page 15

by Cat Mason

  Twenty minutes and one fabulous IPhone video later, I walk back out grabbing Gray’s hand. “I’ll call you soon Chase. Thanks for everything!”

  Halfway down the block Gray stops me. “So what exactly did you two do in there?”

  “Oh I just conducted a Cunter sex survey to prove my point.” I shrug. “Pretty frills are in that fucker’s future. Although I feel bad for him so I may still buy him bacon. Chase wasn’t very impressed.” I say clicking my tongue.

  “Fuck you’re Grayson Cole!” A guy shouts in front of some all night wedding chapel. He runs down the steps with a woman following behind him. “Dude you rocked the shit outta that show. I asked her to marry me after you sang Lifeline. My name’s Davin this is my best bitch Nora.”

  Gray shakes his hand with a smile. “Thanks bro, good to meet you both.”

  Davin looks nervous, “Would you? I mean I know you’re busy but would you two be witnesses for us? I shouldn’t ask. Nevermind.” He says turning back to the steps.

  “Wait!” I shout looking to Gray. “We should do it. How cool would it be for them to tell their kids right?” I say nudging him.

  “Ah, what the hell.” Gray shrugs then we walk up the steps following them into the building.

  This was probably a bad idea. What was I thinking, offering to watch two people in love get married? Not one of my best ideas. Luckily there is a bar in the chapel. Who would’ve thought? After doing shots with the happy couple while they wait for their turn I’m feeling pretty numb. Gray is pretty lit too from the looks of him. His hands are all over me while I sit on a stool spinning my empty shot glass between my fingers. Stepping between my legs Gray kisses my lips gently. “The things I want to do to you right now…” He growls.

  “Can any of them be done in the bathroom of an all night wedding chapel?” I purr into his ear. Gray’s hands slide up my thighs. My eyes flutter closed when he runs his tongue just under my ear. “Gray…”

  “They’re ready for us now.” Nora says coming around the corner putting a halt to my almost bathroom stall sex session.

  “Awesome let’s get you two hitched.” Gray says helping me from my stool to follow them into the chapel.

  “You know I was supposed to be Mrs. Cole?” I laugh half-heartedly. “Although Landon and his meticulous ass would never get married here like this; but it was always the plan for me to be Daisy Cole. I was happy with Landon, and happy to get married. I wasn’t excited about the planning though Gray, it was just number six on a fuckin’ list.” I continue to ramble plunking down into the front row as Gray pulls me into his side.

  “Daisy when I said that you were off limits to the guys because you were going to be Daisy Cole; I didn’t exactly mean that I wanted to stand there watching while you marry my brother.”

  “What?” I yell in a hushed whisper.

  “Listen to me. You’re gonna be Mrs. Cole, but you’re not going to be Landon’s wife. You’ll be mine. It’ll be me takin’ care of you. I’ll get to hear your laugh, feel your skin against mine not fuckin’ Landon. Weeks from now, months from now, years even, it’s not goin’ to change what I want. So why not just do it now?”

  “Gray, we’ve known each other just over a week or something. Are you asking me what I think you’re asking me? Because it sounds like…”

  Covering my lips with his fingers, Grayson Cole rocks my world yet again. “Tell me you’ll fuckin’ marry me Wildflower.”

  My heart nearly leaps into my throat. I wait for the thoughts to swirl in my head. The voice to scream for me to run like hell for home and leave this behind me, but it doesn’t come. “I’ll fuckin’ marry you Sex and Sin.” I retort with a smirk.

  Turning to Davin and Nora, Gray smiles. “So if we witness for your wedding; will you witness for ours?”

  Chapter Eighteen:

  Diamond Rings and Tiger Lilies

  BANG BANG BANG! I roll over pulling the pillow over my head. BANG BANG BANG! “Gray I’m sure going to miss whoever’s bangin’ on that door.”

  “Room service assmoles!” I hear Hunter shout through the door. “I’m not leavin’ so just open up and say AH!”

  Peeking out from under the pillow I meet Gray’s annoyed face. “Mornin’ wife.” He purrs pulling me against him.

  My eyes soften at the way it sounds coming from his mouth. I run my fingers down tracing his bandage covering the flower. My flower. Leaning down I brush my lips against it softly. “Is it sore?” I ask when he hisses out a breath.

  “No but now I’m hard.” He says making me giggle. “I love your fuckin’ laugh Mrs. Cole.” He murmurs rolling me beneath him.

  “Get the fuck off of her man and answer the door!” Hunter yells beating on the door harder this time. Jeez where is the hotel security when you need it?

  Gray rolls off of me onto the floor pulling his jeans on commando. “Oh Mr. Cole, I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave.” I say with a giggle when he walks toward the door.

  “No you love to watch me come.” He shouts as I leap from the bed, running to the bathroom to get dressed.

  I walk out of the bathroom dressed in jeans and a shaft t-shirt to find Hunter sprawled out across the bed. “Afternoon, Sunshine.” He says sweetly.

  “Oh but it was.” I tease. “We had a great night last night though. After the show we ran into a friend of yours.” I say barely containing my excitement. Walking over I grab my phone from the table then hand it to him. “I made a video last night with your Tiger Lily.” I say with a wink.

  Hunter’s eyes go wide when he presses play and Chase’s face pops up on the screen. Her voice filling the room makes the smile spread across my face. “Hi, Hunter. I ran into Daisy at the tattoo shop a bit ago. We had a long talk then she asked me a few questions about you. I wish I could tell her something memorable. Yes, we danced that night for a while. Then you and I spent the night together but I just don’t remember it being as world rocking as you did. I mean I remember your thong, I remember Daisy, even dancing with you.” She shakes her head on the screen. “I just don’t remember Earth shattering sex. I mean maybe you should hand out gift baskets like Daisy suggested. I had to go home and fuck my vibrator twice just to get off. Totally fine though babe, it happens to every guy at some point. Better luck with the next one, yeah?” She says blowing a kiss into the screen.

  “She’s a fuckin’ liar!” He roars. I laugh as Gray wraps his arms around me from behind. “I’ll find her just to prove it even if I have to fuck her on the table of that tattoo shop!” Hunter’s eyes roam over us as his wheels turn in his head. “So what’s the ink?” Gray pulls back from me letting me pull the bandage away from his abdomen. “Sex and Sin? I gotta tell ya man. That’s badass.” Hunter says standing to bump his fist. “What did you do to your chest?” He says pointing to the other bandage.

  Gray nods at me when my palms slide up his chest. I pull the bandage away, Gray’s eyes never leaving mine. “Would you two stop fuckin’ each other in your heads long enough to show me the damn ink? Henry left me to tend to some top secret shit so I’m lonely and hungry.” Hunter groans pushing me away. “Fuck man. You inked a bitch on you? Not just a bitch but your brother’s bitch!”

  “Daisy’s mine Cunter.” Gray growls getting up in his face. “Don’t call her a bitch again. EVER.”

  “Yep Daisy is his alright.” Tad shouts from the door making us jump. He walks arrogantly into the room followed by Landon carrying a folder in his hand.

  “We fired you.” Hunter says pointing at Tad. “Get the fuck out.”

  “My contract is very clear Mr. Chesterfield if you weren’t drunk all the time you would have read it. You can’t terminate either of us without a justifiable reason. Our sexual preferences? Well, that would be discrimination. You wouldn’t want a law suit would you?” Tad says handing Grayson the folder. “This is a press release stating that Grayson and Daisy got married last night. Or should I say this morning rather?”

  “They what?” Landon and Hunt
er shout in unison.

  Landon shoves past Tad, nearly ramming into Gray, the papers scattering to the floor at their feet. “She was my fiancé Grayson! The moment she took her ring off you pounced on her? You’re my goddamn brother!” Landon’s fist connects with Gray’s jaw sending them both knocking back into the wall.

  Gray spits blood from his mouth. “I fuckin’ love her. I wanted her ever since that first night. I fought against it so hard, so did Daisy. If you had felt anything for her like I do then you would’ve fought for her. Moved Heaven and fuckin’ Earth to make her smile every goddamn day! I’ll fight for her and protect her every fuckin’ day that I’m breathin’. After what she’s walked in on in the last week did you honestly think you’d get to keep her? Landon I didn’t pounce on your girl man, you lost her when you pushed her away and right into my arms. Now that’s where she stays because I would never make her feel like second place.”

  Landon growls shoving Gray again. Running over I putting myself between them, my back against Gray’s chest as I stare up at Landon. “I am where I want to be Landon. I’m sorry but last night was about getting closure. Walking in on the three of you was all the closure I’ll ever need. You two should just go.”

  “Oh but we won’t.” Tad says. Walking over he wraps an arm around Landon’s shoulders. “You see you can’t just fire us.”

  “The hell if we can’t! You sneaky bastards plotted this shit from day one!” Hunter yells then stomps over meeting Tad toe to toe.

  “If you try to unjustifiably we have grounds for legal action. So since Landon and I feel threatened, for the remainder of the tour we demand separate travel arrangements from the band. Also separate lodging because we won’t be on the bus anymore. It’s all in the contracts like I said. I think it’s really best for all parties wouldn’t you agree? Then we only see each other when necessary. I’ll correspond with Henry or Aiden only.” Tad says as I just nod trying to process all of this. “Now if that’s settled then all I have to say is: enjoy your three day honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Cole.” Tad finishes then turns toward the door to leave.

  Landon looks broken, his blue eyes clouded in pain while watching Gray’s arms wrap around my waist protectively. Leaning in Landon kisses my forehead making me tense against Gray. “Everything I did was for you Daisy.” He whispers sounding defeated.

  “Landon, come on now pet. We’ve got lots to do before the next show.” Tad says commandingly. Landon bows his head then follows Tad out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

  My legs give but luckily Gray keeps me pulled against him. Turning me in his arms he meets my eyes. “Don’t wilt Wildflower. I’ve got you.” Brushing his lips over mine I melt into him.

  “You told Landon that you love me.” I whisper into his mouth.

  “I do.” He whispers.

  “You’ve said that before.” I say, smiling.

  “I’ve said I love you before too. In every song I’ve sang since I kissed you.” His words make my legs nearly give out again instead kisses me slow and deep telling me he loves me without any words at all.

  Gray pulls back when Hunter starts making heaving noises. “Alright Cunter let us get ready then it’s time to go shopping. We’ve got to go buy you a dress before dinner.” He says smiling making me laugh.

  Sitting in the dressing room as Hunter tries on dresses I snap pictures, sending them to Cam and Chase so they can approve as well. “Stop fuckin’ laughin’! If this ends up on Facebook I’ll shave your head while you sleep.” He snaps walking out in a purple maxi dress.

  “Oh I like that one honey. You look so lovely.” Gray says clapping his hands.

  “Suck my left nut jealous bitch. You wish you looked this good.” Hunter says twirling in the mirror, checking his ass.

  “It’s just fun Cunter. I already said I’d stock the bus with microwave bacon for when we’re on the road again.” I remind him then send a message to Cam and Chase:

  Be @ diner in 15.

  Chase: Doesn’t he look pretty in a dress? C u soon.

  Camaron: Henry just picked Aiden and me up. On our way.

  After I pay for his dress because really it’s only fair we grab a cab to the diner. Gray wraps his arm around me as we walk into the diner followed by Hunter strutting in full out diva fashion. The purple maxi is supposed to be floor length but on his tall ass it just passes his knees. His black boots slam against the tile as he works his ‘runway’. Stopping to pose for people eating at tables, kissing old ladies, he is eating this shit up. Walking by the table where we are sitting wiggling his ass then walks the aisle again. Turning around he gives us a duck face making Henry jump to his feet to get a better angle with his phone.

  “Give me hellcat fucker, work that runway.” Henry teases making us all laugh.

  “Be jealous fucker it feels good to be a kept bitch. Havin’ a sexy lady buyin’ me pretty shit, then flaunt me around. Makes a man feel special.” Turning again he slams right into Chase. “You!” He growls.

  “Wow Hunter and here I thought yellow was your color. I was wrong it’s purple.” Chase says shoving her red hair over her shoulder.

  “You loved it the other night. We both know that; so let’s not play games kitty. Why don’t you come to the concert in a couple days before we leave Vegas? I’ll get you a ‘Shaft Approved’ shirt then a nice hard fuck from me as a parting gift, Tiger Lily.” He says brushing his hand along her cheek.

  I watch Chase lean in, nearly brushing her lips to his. “What if this bitch doesn’t approve of the shaft?” The tension between them is so thick you can almost see it. Hunter’s chest is heaving against hers making her smile at how undone she has made him.

  “Are you as fuckin’ turned on right now as I am?” Hunter says pulling her to him.

  “You have no idea what it takes to put this fire out Hunter.”

  “Fuck me.” Hunter mumbles.

  “Chase!” I yell, snapping her out of her haze.

  Shaking her head she pushes away from Hunter then walks over sitting next to Cam. Hunter stomps over flopping next to Henry with a huff. “I was workin’ over there Daisy.” He pouts.

  “I know what you were tryin’ to do man whore. Chase reeled you in then tossed your ass back. You can’t handle the rejection? That’s not my problem.” I shrug. “She’s here to see me before we leave Vegas not your ass.”

  “Hey what was that about not wantin’ boomerang pussy Cunter?” Henry says smugly. “Babe you take on the big man, I got moves that make him look tired as hell.” He says winking at her.

  “Fuck you Henry.” Hunter says smiling from behind his menu.

  I sit wrapped in Gray’s arms in the booth staring at the ring he had Henry pick up on his secret mission as Hunter called it. It’s a yellow canary diamond surrounded by smaller oval diamonds. Perfect for his Wildflower Gray said, since it almost looks like a daisy. I was completely speechless when Henry had shown up after Tad and Landon left. I didn’t even know that Gray had made a call or anything to anyone. Henry took it upon himself also buying a platinum band for Gray to wear which I was more than happy to slide on his finger when he handed it to me. It was almost as if we had another ceremony in the room in front of Henry and Hunter. This is pretty perfect right now. Sitting here in a booth with Gray’s arms around me watching our friends toss playful insults back and forth but it’s not without the drama. The topic of Landon and Tad has to be brought up but no one seems to want to discuss it.

  “I can’t believe you two ran off and eloped without any of us knowing!” Camaron huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. Chase matching her posture then they both glare across the table at Gray and me. “I’d be really pissed off at you if your ring wasn’t so awesome!” Cam adds as she nearly yanks my hand across the table.

  Gray shrugs as all eyes at the table fall on us. It seems we have angered the Shaft. “It just sorta happened guys. What can we say?”

  “You can say that you were total assholes and beg for our forgiveness? Maybe let
me touch a boob or grab some ass?” Hunter suggests arching a brow.

  “Um let’s not.” I snap yanking my hand back from Camaron, but can’t hide my grin.

  “I’m good with it.” Henry tosses out, lifting his shades to wink at me.

  “Well if you two are happy then that’s great.” Aiden chimes in smiling at us, “I’m just disappointed there was no phone call man. I mean there should’ve been shots to celebrate or at least something. What the fuck?”

  “So.” I exhale looking around the table deciding to change the subject. “I hate changing the topic of discussion from the wedding bells to something else but it has to get figured out. What’s going to be done about Tad and Landon? We can’t keep putting it off. You want him out I get that but the contract won’t allow for unjustified dismissal. The two of them fuckin’ me over isn’t enough to give them the shaft.” I say with a giggle.

  Aiden points a chicken wing at me. “You just let me worry about that. I have a few theories. Once we get to Minnesota in a couple weeks I’ll have this all sorted out I think. If this is what I think it is it’s fuckin’ over.”

  I let the subject go. If Aiden says he will handle it then I have no doubt that he has a plan. Aiden is the thinker, the planner of the band. He is so organized that it blows my mind. You would never think by looking at him that he would have his entire life backed up on his phone; but he does along with everything for the band. Aiden’s need for control comes out more and more every day. I didn’t catch it before; but especially with Cam around he holds the reigns tightly which she says she needs from him just as much as he needs to give it to her.

  Is that what Landon needs? He needs Tad to command him, to make the choices for him? Since Landon won’t talk to me I plan to ask Cam about it all before she leaves. Maybe then I can understand it? Landon says that he did everything for me. Those words still echo in my head. How could it have been for me if he killed us in the process? There is so much that I need answered but one thing I know for sure so I turn my face to meet my husband’s eyes whispering it to him. “I love you too.”


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