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Escaping Me

Page 22

by Cat Mason

  Turning us Gray reaches out switching the shower on, adjusting the water with his free hand. His other arm is snaked fully around me, his straining erection twitching between us pushing into my belly. I push away from him and walk over to the sink to brush my teeth. The taste of morning breath and vomit gotta go. I barely rinse and spit before Gray starts yanking at my clothes, stripping me naked. Without another word, Gray pulls me under the spray crushing his mouth to mine. My nails dig into his hips, desperate to get him as close to me as possible. It’s frantic. My mouth taking as much of him as I can get, I grab his hair holding him to me. Not giving either of us the opportunity to catch our breath. I need this. I am positive that I always will.

  I let my tongue run along his lip ring. When I suck his bottom lip into my mouth making him moan I feel the heat spreading between my thighs up into my belly. Gray grabs my hips pushing me onto the shower bench. My legs wrapping around him without a single thought. This is right. It is just how it should be. Gray runs a finger between my breasts down to my belly button. “Please Gray.” I whimper when his hands run up and down my body, teasing me. His cock throbbing as it presses against the inside of my thigh. I’m primed and about to go off without him even being inside of me.

  Pleased with himself, Gray just smiles as he pushes into me. I clench my muscles making his lips part. “Fuck. Tight and hot as hell!” He moans sliding back out slowly then slams into me hard pressing me against the bench.

  “AH Gray!” I scream pulling his hips to me. I can’t get enough. “Hard Gray, please. I need it hard.” I beg.

  Gray slams his hips against mine making my whole body shake. Every thrust he gives me is so hard that my tits bounce nearly hitting his chin. Burying his face between them, Gray just fucks me harder, rougher with every stroke of his pierced cock. I fucking love it. My nails raking across his back no doubt breaking the skin but I can’t stop, I can’t hold back. My back slams against the wall as he takes me hard giving me just what I asked for. I scream a garbled up version of his name when my orgasm grips me hanging on and not letting go. It steals my breath but I hold him to me pleading for more. If I died in this moment right now I wouldn’t give a shit. Pulling back Gray meets my eyes as his cock swells inside me. I roll my hips, my body squeezing every ounce of come from him as he pulls my body against his giving in to his climax.

  After we wash up I throw on a pair of jeans then pull a tank top over my head deciding to go check on Cam. I walk down the hallway heading for coffee to find Camaron sitting on the edge of the chair looking out the window. She doesn’t turn toward me she just shakes her head. “You realize that you two are like animals?” She laughs sadly. “It’s really hot.” I blush turning toward the coffee pot when I barely hear her whisper. “We ended it.”

  “What the hell do you mean ended it?” I shout in disbelief. Aiden storms in here, they are locked in that room until sunrise then just like that it’s over?

  Turning toward me I watch a tear slip down her cheek. “I don’t have the security in myself to be what he needs. Aiden knows that now. We aren’t good for each other the way we are right now. I’m going back to Vegas to try and rebuild my life. I need to fix me before I can be anything to anyone Sweets. This is all about me, nothing to do with him.”

  “This is stupid. You two love each other.” My voice cracks as I bite back tears.

  Cam walks over to me with a sad smile. “I didn’t say that it’s over Daisy, because I don’t think that it is. You don’t have a connection with someone like I share with Aiden for no reason. I have to get my shit together first. I know that. It may never happen, we may never work but I’ll never know if I don’t work my shit out on my own. Hopefully, he will still want me when I get there.”

  “You will babe.” I say reassuring her as much as myself, then I hug her. “Alright let’s get this shit packed up. You seein’ us to the bus before you fly out?” I ask. She just nods a reply then heads back to the room to get her bags.


  Two hours later the ‘Burban pulls up at the bus. Chase, Camaron, and Luke are heading back to Vegas from here leaving me with all boys once again. “You sure you don’t wanna come on the bus babe?” Hunter asks Chase, “We’ve got Jenga you know how much fun it is playin’ with my wood.”

  Chase leans in close enough for their lips to brush. “Babe.” She purrs mocking him. “If that board game has been worked as much as you have I’ll be diggin’ splinters outta my fingers for days.”

  Hunter grins, shoving her against the bus jamming his tongue down her throat. Chase reaches down grabbing him through his jeans then squeezes hard. “Fuck Chase!” He groans, pulling back.

  “Gotta go.” She says walking over to the cab as it pulls up.

  Hunter rubs at the huge bulge between his legs. “You’re just gonna leave me like this? I could love you bitch.” He says climbing the steps to the bus then disappearing inside with Gray.

  Aiden is holding Cam to his chest, whispering in her ear as she cries softly. I watch him pull his long fingers through her hair. When she nods he pulls her chin up then kisses her lips tenderly. She hiccups and sobs against him, her mouth moving with his. He cups her face then meeting her eyes, he pulls back. “I love you but you have to love yourself enough to let me.” Kissing her forehead gently he walks onto the bus.

  I start to walk to her but she shakes her head so I just tell her to call me later. “All loaded up.” Henry shouts from inside the bus. I watch with tears streaming down my face as the cab pulls away with my girls and Luke inside headed for the airport.

  “You fuckin’ whore!”

  I turn just in time to see Tad flying around the bus toward me with a baseball bat. His eyes wild with rage as he swings. “Gray!” I scream, ducking just in time so Tad hits the side of the bus instead. I run away from Tad who is now blocking the door to the bus hoping the guys heard me. He chases after me, screaming for me to stop and face him. Our feet smacking against the pavement as I heave for breath. My ankle twists making me lose my balance sending me crashing to the ground.

  Tad looms over me with a grin. “After everything he still fuckin’ wants you! Says that he loves you! YOU! What do you have that’s so important? I watched those videos over and over you’re nothing special.” He roars then swings the bat making contact with my legs. I scream as pain shoots through my body.

  “Holy Shit! Grayson!” I hear Hunter yell as the guys dive from the bus barreling toward us in the parking lot. “Get the fuck away from her asshole!”

  Tad swings the bat again hitting me in the hip making me scream in agony. I pull my legs up for protection, my arms trying to cover my side. As he pulls back to swing again, my hands protectively try to shield my belly as I roll to my side away from him.

  Hunter leaps over me without a word tackling Tad to the ground punching him in the chest. Gray drops to his knees curling me into him. “Are you alright? Where did he hit you Daisy?” He asks looking me over, my body shaking so hard my teeth chatter. “Jesus. What the fuck was he thinking?”

  My gaze is fixed on Hunter as he tosses the bat across the parking lot then wraps his hands around Tad’s throat. “You stupid bastard!” He growls as Henry walks over calm as usual kicking Tad in the ribs with his humungous foot.

  Henry shoves Hunter onto the pavement then picks Tad up by the throat. Tad’s toes don’t even touch the ground as he claws at Henry’s huge fingers gasping for breath. Henry rips off his shades meeting Tad’s eyes “I saved you from him last time fucker. This time you deal with me.” He spits angrily. “You show your goddamn face near any of us again, I’ll fuckin’ end you. I mean I’ll fuck you up so bad your own hand will feel like a stranger when it wraps around your dick.” Henry releases Tad’s throat, dropping him with a thump onto the pavement. “You post that shit ‘bout our girl over there, I’ll make sure some of my ex-con buddies tear into your ass so that you know how it feels to get the raw end of the fuckin’. You got me?”

  The arena door swings
open with Landon walking out with a bag. Taking in the scene before him, his eyes go wide. Gray is holding me in his lap with the guys scattered around Tad who lies crumpled on the pavement. “What the hell did you guys do to him?” Landon shouts running over dropping to his knees as he reaches Tad.

  “He attacked Daisy with a bat asshole!” Hunter shouts. “You’re jealous bitch of a man came at her because he claims you still want her.”

  “I do.” Landon says simply but his eyes don’t leave Tad.

  I watch security come out the door toward us. One man yelling codes into a radio and asking for backup. Gray pulls my shirt up taking in the huge bruise already starting to come up where my tattoo is. “Oh Gray, the baby.” I gasp. The fear spreading through my mind at the thought of what Tad may have done.

  Gray stands with me in his arms walking over toward the security guards. “She’s pregnant. We need an ambulance.” He barks out when we reach them.

  “Already on the way Mr. Cole.”

  Gray turns toward Landon who is helping Tad to his feet. “If you’ve hurt this baby I’ll kill you myself.” He says gritting his teeth. I wiggle free of him, thankful to get my feet back on the ground but he snakes an arm around my waist protectively keeping me against him.

  “Why would he give a shit about your baby?” Tad laughs, wincing as he holds his side.

  “Because there’s a chance it could be his. That sure would ruin your little dynamic wouldn’t it Tadder? How would that work you can’t command a baby like a puppet, asshole.” Hunter says with a chuckle.

  “That baby isn’t Landon’s.” Tad says crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes look to Landon, “Tell them. It can’t be yours...”

  “I had sex with him the first night of the tour Tad we didn’t use a condom. It can be his.” I say interrupting him.

  Tad laughs hard, doubling over grabbing his aching ribs. Everyone in the parking lot now wondering what is wrong with him. Landon just says ‘Please’ over and over begging him to stop. Tad shakes his head then looks at Landon commandingly. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth Landon.” He growls. “You have no hold on Daisy. You have no hold on anything unless I say you do. Which will never happen.”

  Limping over, Tad grins at me. “You know that precious little plan you had? The plan you crossed off every time you did something? I watched you. I think you checked off ‘get engaged’ before he put the damn ring on your finger. You fucking pathetic bitch.” Tad says staring at me with hate filling his eyes. “He can’t give you a baby Daisy.”

  “What?” I ask in disbelief.

  “When Landon committed to me years ago we both had vasectomies. We brought other women in often, still do but of course you know that.” Tad says smiling wickedly. “I couldn’t take the risk of one of us knockin’ up a bitch and ruining what we have together. I have to keep the control at all times. So when you two announced your happy little news last night I knew that I had won. Landon is all mine now just as it should be.” He says smugly as the sound of sirens echo through the parking lot.

  “Landon?” I ask looking to him for some kind of answer.

  Landon’s face falls, “I’m sorry Daisy. I just didn’t want to give you up. I couldn’t lose you. I love you too much.” He explains walking over running his palm along my cheek.

  “Landon, if you really do love me then you’ll let me go. Let me be happy.” I whisper looking at Gray. “I love you too Landon but what I feel for you is nothing like what I feel for Grayson. I won’t apologize for who I love so neither should you.” I say gesturing to Tad. “It’s time for us both to find happiness Landon. I’ve found mine. I hope you can figure out how to get yourself to that place.” Sadly he nods, kisses my cheek then walks back over to Tad.

  Chapter Twenty Seven:

  Moving On:

  Lying back against the pillows of the hospital bed in the ER I wait. I watch as the radiologist uses a wand to do an internal ultrasound checking on the baby they confirmed I am pregnant with. Gray is sitting next to the bed holding my hand in his as we watch her click buttons and turn knobs on a machine. My nerves are on edge at the possibility that Tad may have killed our baby. Even after being taken into custody he continued to shout how much he hates me for the hold he believes I have on Landon. Even with Landon sticking to his side like glue.

  Of course, Landon admits to everything as the police load Tad into the back of a squad car. Landon says he isn’t leaving Tad but knows how wrong things went. He swears all the videos and files will be deleted, along with all the money returned immediately to the band that was taken dishonestly. Gray just shakes his head telling the police no charges against Landon will be filed as long as he flies home and stays there which he agrees to immediately.

  Aiden, Hunter and Henry are outside pacing the hall impatiently waiting for any news on the baby. Aiden is on his phone typing away, changing the travel schedule and making notes until we are back on the road. The way the guys all ran out to save me when Tad attacked me brings tears to my eyes but I am blaming it on hormones if anyone asks.

  In the next couple of days we will be back on the bus headed toward the next tour stop. I used to dread being the only girl on the bus before but now I don’t mind it so much. As long as I get stops with my girls in between. I realize that the whole time I was making the list to escape what my parents struggled with in life I could have missed out on this. My parents weren’t unhappy in their lives, I know that. I also know now I could have missed out on falling in love with Gray and the whirlwind passion that explodes between us when he touches me. His band mates are now like brothers to me as much as they are to him. The night Gray took my list, he changed everything. He made me face all that I was running away from. Now I find myself escaping me and my plan throwing it all away for the new list we will make together.

  “Mrs. Cole?” The radiologist says pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Yes.” I croak. Gray squeezes my hand while we watch her turn a knob. A loud whooshing sound fills the room as she smiles at us. “This is your baby’s heart beat. You’re just over five weeks. Congratulations, everything looks just fine.”

  I turn to Gray kissing him hard and fast on the mouth. “So everything is okay?”

  He just nods. “Everything is fan-fucking-tastic!” He says sliding his hand over my belly as the smile nearly splits my face. “Fuck. I love watchin’ you bloom.”

  Not The End…Yet

  This is a bonus scene from the bar the first night. Escaping Me was all in Daisy’s point of view, but I thought it was important for you to see a bit of what was going on in Grayson’s head when he met her. The pull was intense from the start even before he knew who she was. It started as just usually groupie action that Gray was after but as you see his desire starts to change the closer he gets to her.

  Almost from the start Daisy had started tearing away at the defenses Gray had put up. More importantly he saw something in her that made him instantly want her, need her, and even worse crave her. The way he was at the start is definitely not who he is in the end. When he saw his ‘Wildflower’ everything truly changed. She shook him to the core when she planted her seed.

  Enjoy Gray’s POV

  “Having regular pussy on the bus is a bad idea man.” I listen to Hunter whine again as the bartender slides us each a beer.

  “It probably is but what can I say? Landon’s girl shouldn’t be a problem.” I shrug, knowing he is probably right. My brother’s girl coming along for a six month tour is bad news. No woman should have to watch the shit we are capable of getting into. Especially Hunter, that fucker is crazy. None of us are thrilled about pulling out tomorrow with a new manager, his assistant and an unavailable vagina. This will mean tampering down on shenanigans along with putting an end to groupie pussy on the bus.

  Our new manager, Tad is a complete tool. Definitely not the ideal manager I’d have chosen since he reminds me of a fuckin’ weasel. Although, he and Landon did come to us so technically I didn’t choose. Tad off
ered to take the reins immediately, meaning Aiden and I would be able to quit working our asses off publicizing and scheduling ourselves. That I like; a lot. I hate the planning of everything, all the business shit. Give me my guitar, let us three guys loose on a stage and it is instant fucking magic.

  The random pussy falling at our feet every night is just a bonus. We eat that shit up. Seriously what guy wouldn’t? I’m the lead guitarist in one of the biggest up and coming bands in the country. By this time next year, we will be headlining a tour…not just opening for a band.

  “Chill out asshole.” I toss out, leaning against the bar as the crowd stars to pile in for the show. “She won’t get in the way of your tour wide fuck-fest.”

  Hunter huffs, “Nah, you know how it will go. She’ll see me then want to fuck me on the spot. Then after I make her scream my name the bitch will get all clingy and shit will get awkward.” He says with a shrug, “There’s no comin’ back from this shaft. Your brother might as well give up now.”

  “Not everyone wants to fuck you Cunter.” I growl. Of course the conceited bastard just rolls his eyes and walks down the hall to the back room.

  Hunter believes that being at the mic every night earns him status as King of the Shaft. Yeah the band is called Shaft. Say whatever you want but the chicks love it. Grabbing girls every night was our thing. Not so much Aiden lately but Hunter is always up for anything. The game of banging nameless pieces of ass is starting to get old at times. Two sometimes three chicks in one night, they don’t even care which one of us they climb on. It’s all about them getting their piece of the shaft to brag about later. Yeah, sounds great huh? Just once I’d like to know I was it for them. That Grayson Cole was stealing the show from everyone else for even just a night. Ah, fuck it. I need to get another beer and a nice set of tits to bury my face in before the show to shake my messed up head.


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