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Seal the Deal (1Night Stand Series)

Page 7

by JoAnne Kenrick

  “Oh, Anne. It doesn’t matter if you don’t love me. I love you.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her. “I really do. My heart tells me so.” And he kissed her. “We’re at fate’s mercy now.”

  “Hold on to her, on to the feeling you have for her,” his mother ordered. “It’s important, Finn.”

  He unleashed a brassy bark, his nose wiggling.

  Seals barked in the distance, over and over, their uproar suggesting the time had arrived.

  Anne gasped. “No, Finn, don’t turn. Don’t let it happen.”

  “Tell me you love me.”

  “I can’t, Finn. I don’t know if I do. It’s too soon.”

  “I need you to love me. Do you love me, Anne?”

  “I think I do, yes. I love how you take so much time caring for others, how you put them before your own happiness. I adore the way your mouth creeps tae the side when you smile, how your eyes are the color of the ocean. How you love the monkey bars, and the swings.”

  He kissed her, putting his all into making her feel special and loved then pivoted, the ocean lulling him to take the dive.

  He retrieved the sealskin and stepped out onto the porch. The warmth of the sun sparkled, shimmering across the ocean. Anne wrapped her hand in his and whispered, “You can’t go anywhere. You promised me a coffee from Dioli’s and then a swinging match.”

  The lighthouse flickered out of existence.

  He dropped his oceanic coat. Braced for the change, he squeezed his eyes shut.

  His parents squealed.

  He turned to question their delight.

  “Your sealskin, son. It’s gone. A puff of smoke and then, this.” His mother pointed to a pile of dust at Finn’s feet.

  Cheering, kissing each other, his parents did the do-si-do.


  “It worked! Son, your selkie days are behind you.”


  “So we love each other? I don’t understand.” Anne’s brow knitted. “Not possible.”

  “But it is, Anne. Your passion for life has rubbed off on him, renewed his love for life and the Isle. You may not love him, and he may not love you, but he loves the possibility of you, of your future together. Oh dear, we can’t thank you enough.”

  Finn swirled her in the air.

  “Can you forgive me for not telling you ’bout my own cross tae bear?”

  “Scottish Anne, there is nothing to forgive and lots to embrace.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Four months later, on a Midsummers Eve.

  Her three besties from Scotland turned back and grinned her way. All the locals—Bethany, Mrs. Gaverty, even Rowena—were all there, too.

  Anne glided across the meticulous lawns toward the seated guests awaiting her presence, tears tricking through pasted-on lashes making her blink several times—darn village beauticians sure liked to overdo things. But they mixed a great Buck’s Fizz which tasted like they’d used mostly champagne with just a few drops of orange juice, and knew their way around all those hair fancy products. She looked, well, amazing. Of course, the girls in the salon complimented her beauty with or without the goop. But their little touches made all the difference.

  Head held high, she relished her spotlight moment. Step, together, step. Step, together, step. Step, together, ste— “Argh.” Stuck. An echo of gasps whooshed over the crowd then an eerie, nerve-racking stillness followed. Yikes. New objective: walk down the aisle without getting her four inch stilettos lost in the grass or the hem of her fit-for-a-gypsy wedding dress. Layers upon layers of white lace and silk, tight bodice bejeweled to the max. The dress had been his mother’s. Anne hadn’t had the heart to say no. So long as I dos were exchanged, she’d wear anything, be anywhere, do anything.

  Besides, every girl deserved to feel like a fairy princess at least once in her life. And did she ever right now. The only thing forgotten was a tiara. No, wait. Her waved, glitter-sprayed locks had been intertwined into a delicate, aquamarine encrusted tiara. A magic wand. Where was her magic wand so she could wish her, dead mother to manifest as a wedding guest? Her adoptive parents were there, and Bill and Emily. But it would have been so special to see the woman who brought her into the world. A girl who has all she ever dreamed of is a spoiled girl, though. Anne didn’t need to be spoiled, she already had everything she ever needed. Her soul mate and a wonderful family.

  Finn awaited her beneath the spectacular gazebo he’d built especially for their day, wearing casual slacks and a breezy, white cotton shirt. Furrowed brow, hair unruly. He paced then glanced up as everyone around him gasped at her faux pas. Traveling the length of her with a lustful gaze, a grin spreading across his face. Her chest tightened, her heart pounding hard. Love. Such a powerful emotion. How would she get through the day without bursting into tears when thinking of her happy ending with Finn Kneale?

  Finn was her man, and she’d happily spend the rest of her life with him. Pride emanated from her father who stood beside her straightening his bow tie. Miranda, her mother, winked from the front row. The whole town had shown up. They cheered as her father hooked his arm in hers and guided her down the token bridal walk between the parting of pretty white chairs all lined in a row, arrangements of blue carnations and silk bows swagged across them.

  Finn took her hand and leaned forward, “See, I told you we were soul mates. I love you, Anne Ward.”

  “Anne Kneale,” she corrected, “well, in a few minutes I will be, anyway.”

  The ceremony went by in a blur, seen through a veil of happy tears and streaming mascara. Drinks flowed, people laughed, and couples danced all through the wee hours of the morning.


  “Come on, we’ve got to be at the dock before the ferry leaves.”

  “We’ve got plenty of time, yet, a few hours. Dance with me, Finn.” She wiggled her hips, swaying to the wedding band’s ’90s melody. “Please?”

  “One dance then we’re leaving.” Taking her hand, he spun her into him and held her tight. Dance. Yeah, she’d have to take the lead. He couldn’t blame this one on years of flipping about in the sea on his short comings. Nope. He’d always had two left feet.

  “What’s your hurry?” she cooed.

  “I want to show you something, Scottish Anne.”

  “I need the restroom to freshen up.” She pivoted to walk off.

  “Not so fast.” He caught her arm and attempted to move her across the dance floor with some style. “Our bags are packed and waiting for us at the dock. I’m whisking you away.”

  “You still haven’t told me where we’re going?”

  “A month-long cruise.”

  “Perfect!” Clapping her hands, she squealed. Guess he’d done right by her. Sweet. “When do we leave?”

  “As soon as you want.”


  He stuck out his arm out in a grand gesture. She slipped hers through. He did his damnedest to make their sunset exit the best any bride could hope for. On a golf cart. He zipped down the little single traffic back streets then down onto the promenade toward the dock.

  He parked a little way out so they’d have a romantic beach walk.

  “But I’m so not dressed for this, Finn.”

  “I’ll carry your shoes for you. This will always be our special place, so it’s only right we visit it on our wedding day.”

  She reached up and kissed him. “I love you, Finn Kneale.”

  “And I love you, Scottish Anne Kneale.”

  They strolled, dusk falling around them.

  “I’m going to rebuild the lighthouse when we get back, Anne.”

  “Oh, Finn. What a wonderful idea.”

  “A B&B of sorts, for lovers. Let Madame Eve know. Maybe she could send her clients our way.”

  “Madame Eve. I wished she’d been at the wedding. I’d have loved tae have thanked her in person for bringing us together.”

  “I found this box from her in the stack of presents.” He pulled out a jewelry
box from his pocket. “I wanted to wait until we were alone before opening it. I had a feeling she’d picked out some something special for us to share.”

  She pried the box open. There, in deep blue velvet, sat a pair of earrings. Each a seal positioned so they were kissing each other. “I love it!”

  He wrapped her in his arms and spun her, beaming. “I love you.”

  A whimper and a cry for help echoed from beyond a pile of rocks.

  “Did you hear that?” Anne glanced in the direction of the cry.

  A naked woman crept from behind a boulder. She shivered, her hair sopping wet and teeth chattering.

  Finn rushed over and threw his sweater over her shoulders.

  Up close, he recognized her as the woman he’d swam after to save all those years ago. The woman he suddenly recognized from the photo. Anne’s mother.


  The naked woman nodded. Teeth chattering, she stared at her stunned daughter and said, “I need your help, Anne. Our lives depend on it.”


  Born ’n bred Brit, Joanne Kenrick grew up in a wee seaside town in North Wales and has enjoyed a variety of vocations such as holistic healer, window dresser, and ghost tour guide. Having lived in Wales, England, and Scotland with her dear family, she finally escaped the dull British summers to reside in sunny Australia. After two years, they moved to the States where she endured three harsh winters in Minnesota. She now lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and two puddy cats. When they aren't demanding her attention, or jumping on her head, she strums away on the keys of her little laptop, creating worlds and adventures she could only ever dream of. Come across the pond and faraway....with JoAnne Kenrick! Find out more about JoAnne’s work by visiting and get exclusive sneak peeks at her upcoming releases by signing up to her quarterly newsletter here

  Marry Me, I’m Irish

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  Dracula’s Kiss

  A1Night Stand Story

  Cathela's Office Halloween Ball is a complete bust. She spills out of her Dracula's Bride costume, and her vamp fetish chases away her boyfriend. Only redeeming feature to the night? Necking multiple shots of Dracula's Kiss—a lush Black Cherry Vodka cocktail—and an interlude with a gorgeous man dressed Gary Oldman style.

  No one comes close to satisfying Alec Murray's needs until he meets Cathela during some lame-ass party for bankers. One taste of her blood, sweet yet darkly dangerous, he knows she's perfect for him.

  A night of goth bondage is planned for one. For the other, a night of sexual control is a must. A perfect fit. Alec is compelled to reveal his true nature but can their relationship survive his dark secret?

  Bittersweet Symphony

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  To onlookers, Seren lived the high life in London with her orchestra conductor of a husband. She had a major case of unrequited love for her best friend, though, so their relationship was doomed from the beginning. Divorce papers served, it’s time for her to go back to her hometown on the England-Wales border and face the music.

  Owen, now a postman of their little market town, is thrilled to see Seren when he shows up at her doorstep with mail. It’s not long before they’re releasing their pent up lust and love for each other. Within that mail, though, are letters addressed to Seren’s parents. They’re from her ex and hold a truth Seren is too fearful to face. Even with Owen by her side.


  Title page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Table of Contents

  Title page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen





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