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Wanting You fm-1

Page 17

by Ryan Michele


  Voices—no—a voice. The muffled, masculine sound came from a distance as if someone was speaking through a door or wall. The voice was low and gravelly, but not in a sexy way and not one that I recognized. I tried focusing on the words being said, but the pain surging through my head was blinding.

  Speaking of blinding, how come I couldn’t open my eyes? Opening them is challenging, but something dark was covering them with only a small slither of light coming through the bottom. I tried to move, but my arms and legs were restrained, maybe tied to the chair I was sitting on.

  My head felt so heavy, as if it weighed a thousand pounds and my neck couldn’t hold it up, but I strained to keep it up. My head was so cloudy that nothing seemed to come into focus.

  My head became too heavy, falling back to hit the back of the chair. Closing my eyes, I just needed to rest a bit.

  * * *

  Startled and shaking, my eyes flew open only to see blackness again. I pulled my arms and legs trying to move, but they wouldn’t budge. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Panic surge through my body, causing it to shake.

  The memories of the accident flood my brain, and I immediately know who has me: Gary. I try my damnedest to calm my ass down. There was no way in hell I’d get out of here alive if I kept freaking out, but it was definitely easier said than done.

  I listen, trying to hear anything. The only thing I made out was a small scratching as if something was scratching wood.

  Moving my head back and forth, I tried desperately to shake off the fabric covering my eyes, but it didn’t work. The small light that was at the bottom was still there, and I focused my energy on it, trying to find out where the hell I was.

  My slither of light didn’t reveal too much. I was indeed sitting on a chair, which I could feel. Raising my head to get a better feel for the room, a bed sat off to the right of me with messed up blankets as if it was just slept in.

  On the other side of the bed were bookshelves. As I squinted the one eye that could see out of the slit, shock pulsated my body. My books. It looked like all seventeen of my books all lined up and displayed on book holders with the covers facing out, in order of when they were written.

  My entire body began to shake, but I reeled it in quickly knowing that I was the only one who would get me out of this alive. I needed to think and quick.

  In front of me was a door with my purse lying next to it and half the contents spread out on the floor. I needed to get to my cell. I saw the screen light up with Deke’s picture and name. Thank God I had it on vibrate. I never turned the ringer back on after dinner.

  I began to move my body trying to get over to the phone, but being tied so tight was hindering my movements.

  The rattling of the doorknob caught my attention. My one eye flew to the door, trying to get a look at who was walking through. In an instant, my heart stopped, and I couldn’t breathe.

  “Well, well, well … what do we have here.” He smirks. “Well, since you can see me, I may as well give you a good look.”

  The man stepped closer to me, and it took all my willpower not to flinch as he pulled the fabric off my eyes. Blinking rapidly, I needed my eyes to adjust quickly to the harshness of the light.

  Staring at the man in front of me, I was certainly confused. The khaki shorts he wore showed off his narrow, pale legs. His light blue polo shirt was neatly tucked inside his shorts with a brown belt encasing his skinny waist.

  As my eyes travelled up his face, his green eyes locked on mine, but there was a void of emotion there. A cold shiver ran down my spine, but I did my best to keep it hidden. This man was clean-shaven with a slither of a nose. His jet-black hair was styled intricately and swept to the side with some sort of gel.

  This man reminded me of an All American good ol’ boy, except for the eyes. The eyes were freaking me the fuck out, not to mention all the swelling around them. I didn’t know what I expected, let’s face it, I never wanted to meet face to face with this man ever, but this was not what I pictured. And it hit me. I’d seen his picture before, at my dad’s. My pulse picked up fast.

  “Hi there … Gab—” he stopped, and then continued, “I mean Savannah.” I began to try to move my body, not knowing what this man was going to do to me. “Oh, come on … you’re not getting out, so stop it.” His voice was totally calm, and as much as I wanted to freak out, I knew I needed to learn as much as I could. Grams always said ‘knowledge is power.’ I willed my body to listen and calm down.

  “I’ve missed you.” His voice was trying to be seductive, but I just wanted to puke. “You gonna talk to me?”

  I stared into those void green eyes wishing I had some kind of superpower to read his mind. But this was the real world and that wasn’t going to happen. I also wished for magical powers to get me the fuck out of here, but that wasn’t happening either. I needed to get him talking without pissing him off.

  I continued to stare at him. He knelt down in front of me landing on his knees as he looked up at me. “Come on, Savannah. Don’t you want to know why you’re here?”

  I slowly nodded.

  “You know I do much better with words.” His voice was stern, and I wanted to calm him.

  “Yes,” I said, my voice raspy as if I’d just woken up from a really long sleep.

  “I’m glad to see you talking.” He reached up and placed his hand on my knee. I breathed slowly in and out, trying like hell not to flinch or move. I didn’t want to give him any more power than what he already had. He began to slowly stroke my kneecap.

  “I’ve been waiting so long to have you all alone. I know you had to get rid of the toys I sent you, but don’t worry I bought new ones. I couldn’t believe the cops came to your house and just took them. I don’t get those guys. They’re just for pleasure.”

  Confusion seeped in. I began trying to piece this crazy ass puzzle together. He continued, “I saw them carry the boxes out and you looked so scared. I’m so sorry they did that to you.”

  His hand moved up to my face, cupping it gently as his thumb traced my jaw. “I’m fine,” I said, my voice very quiet. If this guy was feeling sympathy for me, I was gonna use it to my advantage.

  “You are gonna be better than fine now. I’m gonna make you happy. I can’t wait to show you the place that I made for us. We will be so happy here.” His hand moved down and rested on my knee again. It took all the willpower I possessed not to try and knee him, but I didn’t think it would do anything but piss him off at this stage.

  “You have my books.” My voice was barely audible.

  “Of course I have your books, sweetheart.” The term of endearment spread fire throughout my veins. “I have every single one. I’ve even marked all the special spots for us to try.” The fire inside was instantly frozen at those words.

  Needing to get him off the subject, I asked, “Why do you have me tied up?”

  “I’m not stupid, Savannah. You have to learn to like it here. The sooner you learn and guarantee me that you’re not running off, the faster you will get out of the ropes.” His voice was eerily calm as if he did this type of thing every day. I knew better than try to reassure him now, because like he said, he seemed smarter than that. “Now, do you need anything?”

  What a loaded question that was … yes, a gun to blow your fucking head off. I shook my head no.

  “Great.” His hands started at my knees and began sweeping up my body. The repulsion I felt was only firing my anger at this man. I didn’t move as his hand came higher and higher. Thighs … hips ... stomach. Reaching my breasts, he cupped them, squeezing gently. Closing my eyes, I tried to block him out. “Open your eyes,” he demanded.

  I opened them to see his flare back at me, this time filled with lust. His hands snaked up my neck and one rested behind my back. I knew it was coming before his lips landed on mine. As much as I didn’t want to kiss him, I knew it was the only way. In no way did I fully give into it. I only gave a little and when his tongue entered my
mouth, I did not reciprocate.

  Pulling away, he said, “That’s okay, Savannah. We’ll get there. The fact that you actually kissed me says you want this, too.” He smiled.

  I wish my hand were free, one to slap this asshole … two to wipe my fucking mouth. His kiss was filled with spit making me gag. He definitely needed kissing lessons, and I was not going to be his teacher.

  “I’m gonna go get you something to eat. You need to keep up your strength.” The words came out rushed as he was out of breath from the kiss.

  Him leaving the room was good. “Okay.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Getting up, he headed for the door. As he opened it, I peered through trying to see where I was, but only saw a wall. When he shut the door, I began pulling on the ropes, trying to loosen them, but got nowhere. Searching around the room, nothing was visible that could help me, and the blinds were shut on the windows, so that was of no help either.

  Before I knew it, the rattling of the door handle came as he walked in the room carrying a small tray. “I’m gonna feed you.” He knelt down in front of me and held up a grape.

  “No, thank you.” I didn’t want to eat anything. My stomach was in knots, and I was afraid I’d puke all over the place.

  “Come on. You are going to eat.” The stern voice he used earlier came back in full force. Knowing I didn’t have much of a choice, I slowly opened my mouth as he fed me the grape. I slowly chewed and swallowed.

  This followed some cheese, crackers, grapes, and strawberries. “Good job, Savannah. Now you’ll have your strength.” He rose to his feet, taking the tray with him. “I’ll be right back,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  Trying to come up with some kind of plan, my head began to feel foggy making it difficult to hold up. My eyes began to close on their own, even though I was forcing them to stay open. Then … blackness.



  I couldn’t go to the station and find out what Fly was coming up with. So I chose to head to Sully’s, not that it would help, but being holed up in my office was better than searching woods that showed nothing. I knew she wasn’t there.

  It’d been hours. Hours this asshole had had with her, and there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing. I couldn’t escape the loud growl that came from my body as I stood up, throwing the chair behind my desk.

  “Fuck,” Ace murmured by the door.

  “What?” I barked, panting from my anger.

  “You just want me to handle shit tonight?”

  “Yes. Don’t bother me. Even if the damn place is burning to the ground.” I stared at him in challenge.

  “You got it, boss.”

  I didn’t blame him for his quick exit. I am not one to be around right now. Being helpless, I’d learned, was not an emotion that I handled well at all. If anything happened to Vann, I swore to God I would kill that fucker with my bare hands.

  My phone ringing had me whipping back to my desk to see a call from Z. “What’d ya got?”

  “We got a trace. It’s faint like the phone is losing juice so we gotta go quick.”

  “Where?” I already had my keys, heading to the truck.

  “It’s off of rural US-50 … called Schlink Road. There’s only two houses on that road, and we have it pinned to the second.”

  “I’m out.” Rushing to the truck, phone to my ear, I fired it up, peeling out as fast as I could, grabbing my GPS and plugging in the vague address.


  “What?” I’d forgotten to hang up on Z.

  “All the guys are heading out there. We’re parking out and walking. I told them all you will be there and are one of us. Put your vest on.”

  Touched he actually did this, I said, “Thanks. Will do.” Hanging up the phone, I followed the crazy lady on the GPS’s instructions to a tee, coming up on Schlink Road. The entire area was black as I expected, being out in the middle of nowhere.

  As I drove down the winding road, I took in everything trying to make sure I knew the area a bit. I hated going into a situation blind, but that wasn’t going to stop me here.

  Several cop cars, including Z’s, lined the road. I pulled behind his and grabbed my Georgia State Police vest and gun.

  Walking slowly, I nodded to the cops I saw on the way. If they didn’t know for sure that I was on the team, they sure did now. Whatever.

  Following the path of the road, in the distance was a small house with lights flashing on in several of the rooms. Two cars were parked in the driveway causing the cop in me to believe there were two of them.

  Hearing a loud scream come from the house, I began sprinting as fast I could to the door.


  Oh.My.God. I attempted to open my eyes, but my head felt groggy, and I realized he’d drugged me. Instantly, I realized why as I assessed the situation. My eyes were focused on the ceiling, and my entire body was spread eagle lying on the bed. Trying to move my arms and legs, I came to the realization quick that they were tied up tight.

  Looking down my body, all of my clothes, except for my bra, were off me. “Glad you woke up. We’re gonna get to the fun part,” his nasally voice said.

  I turned my head to the right to see him standing there with only his khaki shorts on. His nose covered in a bandage. In his hand was a long purple dildo, and I immediately knew what he had planned. I should, I wrote it.

  “Remember the scene from Stripped ‘n’ Teased, where Sarah was strapped just like this while Dustin pleasured her?” I nodded as my body trembled with fear. “We’re gonna play, just like they did.”

  “No. I don’t want this.”

  “Yes you do. Don’t lie to me. I hate liars,” he growled.

  “I really don’t want to do this. When I write, it’s whatever pops in my head, it doesn’t mean that I actually want to do those things,” I pleaded.

  “You write them because they’re what you want … and I’m gonna give them to you.” His eyes connected with mine, sending another slithering shrill down my spine.

  “Please,” I begged.

  “The only please I will accept are the pleas for more … and you will be begging for more.” He smirked.

  “No!” I screamed as loud as I possibly could, not knowing if anyone would be able to hear me, but I had to try. He quickly covered my mouth.

  “Savannah, we are out in the middle of nowhere. If you want to scream, go ahead, but no one will hear you, and you’ll just hurt my ears and piss me off.”

  He slowly released his hand, and while I knew I couldn’t believe anything he said to me, I somehow believed that he was telling me the truth so I refrained from screaming. He slowly moved down to the end of the bed as he stood at my feet.

  I braced myself for what was about to happen. If he raped me, I’d still be alive, and I could still get out. Not saying the thought didn’t scare the shit out of me, but it was better than thinking the other way.

  He began to stroke my feet with his hands creeping up my body. I felt nothing but repulsion as his smooth hands snaked up my body. His mouth began giving me wet kisses on my inner thigh. I clenched my pussy as tightly as I could, thinking in my mind that I could just shut it and make this asshole stop.

  It was the only control that I had. I turned my head to the side and began praying that Deke would find me and get me out of here.

  As his mouth connected with my pussy, I jumped. “Please don’t.”

  Ignoring me completely, he began to lick and nip, but it did nothing for me. All of his painstaking ministrations were useless on me. As his finger slipped inside, he began working me in earnest. My body was horribly dry, making his fingers a very painful reminder of its location, his nails actually scratching the inside of my walls. “You taste wonderful. I’ve waited so long to taste you, Savannah,” he murmured in my leg.

  His fingers pulled out, and I heard the distinctive buzzing sound of the dildo I saw in his hand earlier. “Now, I’m gonna make you come with this. Don’t fight it. You know you
want to.”

  With my head turned, he didn’t see the lone tear that fell from my eye hitting the pillow below my face. I love you, Deke.

  The dildo began moving in and out of my pussy. He stuck it so far in it hit my insides hard, causing me to flinch. Taking it out, he rubbed it over my clit, and then put it back inside … over and over again. My body was having none of this. It was in the same mindset as me, we didn’t want this. I hated to admit, though, if he kept moving the dildo over my clit, I was afraid my body would change its mind.

  “Damnit Savannah! Come!” he growled at me, seriously angry.

  I knew there was no way to come. I didn’t want to, and so far, my body was cooperating. He pulled the dildo out of me. “Savannah!” he yelled. I moved my face to look at his.

  “You will enjoy this. You will come when I tell you to. Do you hear me?” I lay there motionless, knowing I’d never give him the right answer.

  Being so out of it, I didn’t see his hand rise, but felt the fire burn through my cheek along with a few stars from the blow he just projected on my face. Turning my head to the side, I refused to let another tear fall; I held it in with everything I had.

  “You know you brought that slap on yourself. You’re supposed to enjoy this. That asshole you’re dating won’t give you what I can, but no worries you’ll never see him again,” he barked as he climbed to the end of the bed.

  “Jake!” a very familiar baritone voice bellowed from behind the door, but seemed pretty far away.

  “Fuck,” he whispered.

  I didn’t think twice. I screamed … and screamed … and screamed. He ran around to my head, trying to cover my mouth, but I kept thrashing my head back and forth, making it difficult on him as I screamed my heart out.

  “Shut the fuck up! Now!” His angry words did not stop me. I saw this as my only chance and kept my screams coming out.

  The door burst open, and who I saw standing at the door made me stop. “Dad?” I questioned, but immediately swung into action. “Dad, get me out of here now.”


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