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Black Magic: Book 3 of The Black Butterfly Series

Page 10

by Nika Michelle

  “I’ll call you later,” was all he said as his long strides made it hard for me to catch up with him. I watched him leave the building, but I refused to chase him any further.

  The fact that he had walked away from me like that for her made me sick to my stomach. I knew that it was only right for him to go see her, but he was acting as if what we had wasn’t shit. We’d just had a beautiful New Year and suddenly it felt like he didn’t give a damn about me. Once again Kristie had her fingers around my throat, squeezing the life out of me.

  I shook my head. If anything I was just thankful that the nightmares had stopped. At least I felt like my old self again and that was a good thing. After the call from my grandmother I was uncertain that what I was going through was going to end. Now that part was over, but not knowing what was going to happen next had my head spinning.

  Was Ahmad and I going to make it through the obstacles that were in our way? Shit, would he end up back with Kristie and if he did, would he be happy? She was a nut job and I was certain that he would never be satisfied with her. Still, I wasn’t going to be a fool for any man. If he wanted to throw what we had away because his weak ass wife couldn’t move on, then so be it. Hell yeah, I was stronger than Kristie. She was willing to hold on and be bitter because he had moved on, but I was the complete opposite. After the bullshit with Maurice and the nonsense that that bitch was putting me through, I could give a shit if Ahmad wanted to be with me or not. Maybe I was just better off by my damn self.

  * * *

  I was in the car with my top down attempting to let the beautiful Miami scenery change my mood. That shit wasn’t working. How in the hell was that motherfucker going to act like his fucking wife was the victim? That bitch was not the victim. As a matter of fact, although she had attempted to take her own life, it was her own damn fault. I didn’t want her to die, but I didn’t want to die either. I also didn’t want anything to happen to my family because of some bitch’s ill feeling toward me.

  When I was less than a quarter mile from my house my cellphone started ringing. I checked the screen to see who was calling. I sighed when I saw that it was Byron Reynolds. Byron was a standup comedian turned actor who was hot shit. He was selling out arenas nationally and I was a huge fan of his. As far as looks, he was fine as hell, but it just was not there with him. I had gone on a couple dates with him before I started dating Jermaine, but it didn’t go anywhere. I was surprised as hell to hear from him.

  “Hello,” I answered against my better judgment.

  “Seandra, I didn’t think you were going to answer,” he said with a light chuckle.

  “I actually started not to,” I said just to let him know that there was no need to get excited.

  “Well, happy New Year to you,” he said ignoring my comment.

  “Same to you. I am just curious as to why you called me today Bryron.”

  He cleared his throat. “You were on my mind beautiful. As a matter of fact, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

  “Oh really. Well, in that case, why are you just calling me now?” I asked.

  “You started dating Jermaine of course and then…well…you know…”

  “Yeah, whatever. I’m with someone now anyway,” I said for good measure, although I didn’t know where I stood with Ahmad.

  “Oh, so the rumors about you and Ahmad Cruz are true?” Byron asked. He didn’t really sound too shocked.

  “Byron, once again. Why are you calling me?” At that point I was a little annoyed.

  “I’m in Miami for a few weeks and I wanted to see you. I guess Ahmad wouldn’t be having that, but isn’t he married?”

  “Why are you suddenly interested in Ahmad’s marital status? Look, I haven’t seen or heard from you in almost a year. There’s no point in us even carrying this conversation any further…”

  “I think I’m in love with you,” he cut me off.

  I laughed so loud and hard that my throat was hurting when I was done. “Are you fucking kidding me? How could you possibly think you’re in love with me? We barely kissed.”

  “I can’t believe you’re making fun of me. Those niggas you fuck with got your head all swollen and shit. You’re fine, but your attitude stinks! Fuck you!” He snapped. “I bet your pussy ain’t even worth the lie I just fucking told!”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh, believe me when I say that this pussy is worth way more than you are! But you’ll never find out. Fuck you! Your dick is small as fuck and that’s why you didn’t get this good ass pussy! When we danced that night you claimed you were so hard, but I didn’t feel shit. I went home that night and called Jermaine over. He fucked me like you never could! Goodbye Byron and do please lose my number! Only a sexually frustrated little boy has to lie to get some pussy!” I hung up the phone with a smile on my face. Fuck a man. I was on a whole different level with those slimy motherfuckers from that day forward, even Ahmad.

  * * *

  When I got home I called Nell to talk to her about what had happened with Ahmad. She was always the level headed one of the three of us.

  “You can’t really be upset Seandra. He actually deserves the benefit of the doubt being that he doesn’t know what Kristie did to you. Right now he’s only being a good husband, whether he’s in love with her or not. Their vows stated that he has to be there for her right now. Plus he has to be feeling guilty,” she said. I could tell that something was bothering her too by the tone of her voice. There I was forever and always being the needy one.

  I sighed. “Like always you’re right. I guess I overreacted. He’s supposed to be my man now and the only reason he’s still her husband is because she won’t sign the divorce papers. Enough about me and my bullshit though. I can tell that something’s bothering you. Spill it.”

  Renell took a deep breath. “I had a surprise caller today.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Nate. He’s the one who sent the note.” She went on and filled me in on what he had revealed to her.

  “What?” I gasped in disbelief. “Really?”

  “Really,” she confirmed. “I couldn’t make that shit up even if I wanted to. I’m not that fucking creative.”

  “Wow. What are you going to do?”

  “What the hell do you think I am going to do? To say that I am mad as hell is an understatement!”

  “Look, you have to stay calm. You don’t need to be stressed out right now,” I advised her.

  “I know. I just can’t believe it,” she sighed.

  Shit, I couldn’t either.

  Chapter 16


  After I hung up with Seandra I had to fight the urge to pour myself a glass of wine. I couldn’t believe what Nate had filled me in on. My whole world had relied on the rock who I called my man and I couldn’t wait for him to walk through the door. When it finally opened and I saw his face, I wasted no time tearing into his ass.

  “We need to talk,” I said before he could even close the door.

  He walked over to kiss me, but I walked away and sat on the sofa. “Please have a seat,” I said showing him that I meant business.

  “What’s this all about babe?” He asked loosening his tie.

  “I uh, had a visitor from the past today.”

  His face suddenly looked uncomfortable and he opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he could.

  “He told me that you had become best friends in elementary school, but things changed when you got older. When you were fifteen you decided that you were going to play a prank on some old man in your neighborhood. The prank went wrong and he ended up falling down some stairs. He broke his neck, but he survived and the two of you were sent to a juvenile facility. After doing a year you both went back to school, but you were no longer friends. He said that you turned on him and said that it was all his idea. After that you two became rivals. It didn’t matter if it was sports, academics or women. You two always competed. After I broke it off with Nate, he started seeing his wife, wh
o happened to be your girlfriend at the time. Of course you knew about his relationship with me and a week after he married the woman he took away from you, you made a bet with him. That bet was that you could get me, knock me up and marry me in less than a year. Hmm, I guess you almost won the bet. How much was I worth Ricky? Huh? Is this baby a fucking joke to you? Our relationship has been built on a fucking lie. On a damn wager that you made with your nemesis.” I shook my head and watched the shocked reaction dissolve from his face.

  “Let me explain baby,” he said as he stood up and walked toward me. “It wasn’t even a real bet. I didn’t know that I would fall in love with you. I never…”

  I held my hand up. “Save it Rick. I don’t want to hear your lies right now okay. I really don’t. I can’t believe how you pursued me at the YBE Convention and then went so far as to let me run an ad campaign for you. All of the times that you flirted with me and asked me out were part of your act. Wow. It’s really fascinating how you called me that day to ask me to accompany you to a function. It was all part of a bet that you had with my ex-boyfriend. May I add that Nate was horrible to me? I told you all about how he and Maurice hurt me and you still continued with your sick bet.” I was far beyond pissed off. Shit, I wanted to hurt his ass. I wanted him to feel like I did.

  “I love you Nell and I never intended for you to find out about this. Before I got to know you I was mad at Nate for what he did to me. It should have never crossed over into my relationship with you, but it is what it is. I’m just sorry you had to find out like that. I’m not sorry for how I feel about you. Nothing about this is a game. I really genuinely fell in love with you. I didn’t even want to continue to make Nate think it was just some bet to me. I even called to tell him that I was never really serious about the bet. I had actually liked you when I met you. I would never go that far with any woman for the sake of winning a bet or to pacify some rivalry. I promise you Nell that when I impregnated you and proposed that stupid bet was not on my mind. I swear.” Tears filled his eyes. “That bastard Nate didn’t have to fucking tell you that shit! I want to marry you and raise our child together. I love you and that’s the truth Nell.”

  “Get the fuck out of my house!” I yelled angrily. “I don’t need you! How the hell can I trust you now! Get all of your shit out of here and get out! I don’t want to see you until our child is born!” With that said I grabbed my purse. “Leave your key and don’t be here when I get back.” I didn’t even bother to look back at him before I left.

  * * *

  I aimlessly drove until I ended up at my father’s condo in SoBe, or South Beach as many Floridians called it. It wasn’t like it used to be knowing that he and mom were no longer together. I actually missed how things used to be, although my relationship with my parents had often been shaky.

  My pops came to the door with a smile on his face. “Come on in sweetheart,” he said as he led me to the living room. The television was on CNN and he had his stereo on National Public Radio (NPR). My pops was always in the know. “So, what blows you over this way to see your old man?”

  “The holidays have come and gone and I just wanted to check up on you.” I decided not to tell him about Ricky or my pregnancy as of yet. I simply just wanted to be in his presence. Part of me wanted to confide in my dad and cry on his shoulder. I wanted him to console me, but I didn’t want him to hate the father of his grandchild.

  “Oh, I’m fine. Have you checked up on your mother?” He asked as he picked up the newspaper he was reading. I was sure that he was reading the Sports section since he was already listening to and watching the news.

  “I called her earlier today, but she’s still in New York. She doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to come back here.”

  “Well, that’s your mom. She runs away from what she can’t solve,” my father said with a hint of animosity in his voice.

  “Daddy, I know you’re mad at mom, but why don’t you two work it out. She made a mistake, but I’m sure that she regrets it. I mean, you two have so much history together. Some things are worth working out don’t you think?” What I was saying made me think about my situation with Ricky. Did he deserve my forgiveness? No, that shit was just too fresh.

  Daddy shook his head before he spoke. “Like I said before, your mother’s infidelity is not the reason I am not with her. I’m not with her because she kept it from me for over twenty years. My baby girl may not be my child and I can’t just let that go like that. If I had an illegitimate child your mother would’ve cried bloody murder.”

  He was probably right. “Well, maybe you two should get some marriage counseling or something. At least try daddy.”

  My old man gave me a sideways glance. “How’s Ricky?” He asked attempting to change the subject.

  “He’s fine,” I said vaguely.

  “You okay sweetie. It looks like something is on your mind?”

  ‘Observant ass old man,’ I thought to myself. “Oh, I’m great daddy. A okay.”

  “You sure?” He asked.

  He was too damn inquisitive and I had to get out of there before he read me like an open book. “Yes daddy.” I kissed his cheek. “I was just stopping by to see you. I have to go now.”

  “For real? You’re leaving already?” He actually looked sad and I figured that he was lonely.

  “Yeah, but I will be back with the rest of the clan tomorrow since its Saturday.” I smiled before I kissed his cheek.

  “Okay, that’ll be good. We can go out for dinner or something.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I agreed just as he was about to stand up to walk me to the door.

  “Don’t worry. I can see myself out. Love you old man.”

  “Love you too,” he said behind me.

  The tears stung my eyes as I closed the door on my way out. I loved my daddy and I knew at that moment that he was the only man I could trust.

  Chapter 17


  Rah and I were on the way to his crib after leaving his club. I was tipsy as hell from drinking shots of Patron and smoking on some fruity tasting loud ass weed. I was laughing at everything my baby said as we pulled up to a stop light. My ass was laughing so hard and Raheem’s eyes were on me. Neither of us noticed the black utility van that pulled up in front of us to block our path. There weren’t any cars behind us because it was after four am and we were in a residential area, but it was too late for us to back up. Mostly everybody was in the damn bed like we should’ve been.

  I almost screamed when two masked gun men approached Rah’s money green Benz. I guess it looked like we had money, but there weren’t many robberies in the area we were in. Maybe goons were getting braver than ever and venturing outside of the hood to do their dirt. Shit, my high was blown immediately.

  “Put your fucking hands up!” The masked gunman on Raheems’s side of the car yelled.

  We both followed his instructions. The other gun man on my side demanded that I open my door. Before I stepped out I glanced at Rah. He had a helpless look on his face and I knew that he wanted to do something. “I’ll figure it out babe. I’ll get us out of this,” he whispered as I opened the door.

  I nodded and stepped out of the car knowing that it wasn’t just a random robbery, or carjacking. If it was why was he only asking me to get out of the car? They had to know who I was. When I got out of the car I realized that I still had my purse on my shoulder. We had just stopped at a gas station and I was laughing so hard that I forgot about it. That was when I remembered the baby 380 that I always kept on me since the situation with Nafis. I never had a reason to use it and I knew that I had to be extra careful not to get myself or Rah killed. I also remembered that he had a .45 on the side the driver’s seat, but it wasn’t registered.

  “Damn, you’re even finer in person,” the masked man said admiring my body in my short, blue cocktail dress. “Mmm!”

  I had to think fast to help us get out of that shit. “Uh, are you after money?” I asked knowing that

; they had to have planned to rob us, or kidnap me for ransom. Maybe they’d followed us from the club to do both.

  “Hell fucking yeah. What did you think?” The guy with the gun on me asked as he licked his lips. Something told me he would be weak as hell over some pussy. I glanced behind me and noticed that the other gunman was simply holding his gun on with Rah without saying a word.

  “You don’t have to do this. I have money and you can have it. If you want some pussy you can have that too. You don’t have to take it. I’ll do it willingly,” I said as I stared at the man with the gun in my face. “I’m a real freak. You can ask my boyfriend. Right Rah?” I discreetly winked when I looked back at him to let him know to go along with it. Shit, I was a woman. As long as a straight man with a dick had a gun on me, I had a chance of using my pussy’s power to get the upper hand.

  Rah looked at me like I had lost my mind, but I gave him a look to let him know that he had to trust me. That was the only way we were going to walk away from that shit alive.

  He spoke up. “Shit, hell yeah,” he said. I could hear the reluctance in his voice, but those motherfuckers didn’t know him, or what he normally sounded like.

  I slowly lifted my skirt up to reveal my upper thighs. The one with his gun on Rah was breaking his neck to see what I was doing. He didn’t want to miss the show and that was the plan. Weak ass, horny bastards.

  “Damn,” the one with the gun on me muttered. He hadn’t lowered the gun, but his eyes were not on what I was doing with my other hand. As I reached for my gun, I slowly revealed the fact that I had on a sheer, white thong. He could literally see that my pussy was waxed clean. He had on a ski mask, but I could see his tongue dart out to lick his lips. “So, fuckin’ sexy. Ya’ll Beauvois bitches are bad as hell.”

  The other gun man spoke up as I spread my legs a little. “Don’t get distracted by that bitch man. We got a fuckin’ job to do. Once we get her to the spot you can fuck her all you want. She is just fuckin’ wit’ your dumb, star struck ass. I’m ‘bout to go ahead and kill this nigga…”


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