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At Her Boss's Pleasure

Page 3

by Cathy Williams

  ‘I don’t have a hot date.’

  The words left her mouth before she could drag them back, and it was no big deal but she still felt suddenly vulnerable and exposed. Her cheeks were burning as curious eyes lingered on her face.

  ‘I...I prefer to stay in on week nights,’ she gamely went on, even though she knew she should just shut up, because now he was staring at her with even more curiosity. ‘I often take work home with me. There’s a lot to get through and I know how easy it is for...for...things to pile up...’

  ‘You work late every evening, Kate. I don’t imagine anyone would expect you to take work home with you as well.’ He moved towards the door and opened it, standing back to allow her through. ‘Which is all the more reason for me to take you out for dinner, so that we can discuss this in less formal surroundings. I wouldn’t want you to see me as an unscrupulous boss who denies his employees a private life.’

  Rattled, Kate walked briskly towards the lift. She turned to look at him. ‘But aren’t you?’

  It was a daring question. One she shouldn’t have asked. He represented everything she didn’t like. In the normal course of events their paths would scarcely overlap. He rarely ventured down into the bowels of his offices, where the little people kept the wheels of his machinery well oiled and turning. But she didn’t like what he did to her, what he did to her prized self-control, and some wicked little devil inside her had pushed her to be more daring than she normally would have been.

  ‘Aren’t I what?’ He wondered how he had not noticed before the way her green eyes were the colour of polished glass.

  Those polished-glass eyes slid sideways now.

  ‘Unscrupulous.’ Kate said eventually, although she still wasn’t looking at him as the lift carried them downstairs in what felt like a step out of routine that she didn’t want to take. Her heart was beating frantically inside her and she was thankful for the reliable armour of her neat starched suit. It gave her a confidence that was suddenly missing.

  As they exited the building it was at least easier to talk to him when she was walking next to him and not staring directly at his face.

  ‘What I’m saying is I thought that in order to make it to the top you would have to be unscrupulous. No one ever gets to play in the Champions League unless they’re willing to...well...’

  ‘Crush everyone and everything in their path?’ He clasped her arm and turned her to face him.

  ‘I didn’t say that.’

  ‘That’s not my style. There’s no need. And if this has to do with any decision I make about Cape, then you’re way off target. If Cape’s been defrauding my company then he’ll take the consequences. It’s an unfortunate truth that people must live and die by the decisions they make.’

  ‘That seems a little harsh.’

  ‘Does it?’ His eyes darkened but he released her arm, even though he didn’t immediately carry on walking. The crowds parted around them, shooting them curious looks.

  Here, outside, it was very warm, and her suit of armour was beginning to feel more than a bit uncomfortable. Her skin prickled and she licked her lips nervously.

  ‘Not that it’s any of my business,’ she was quick to add. ‘Where are we going to eat?’

  ‘Is that your way of telling me that you’d like to bring this conversation to an end?’

  ‘I shouldn’t have said...what I said.’

  ‘You’re free to speak your mind.’

  They began walking to a gastropub that was tucked down one of the tiny side streets close to his offices in the heart of the city.

  ‘Because it’s really just a family firm...?’ There was a smile in her voice as she tried to lighten the atmosphere.

  ‘You’ve got it. One big, happy family—just so long as all my family members behave themselves. When one of them steps out of line, then I’m afraid I have to rule with a firm hand.’

  ‘It’s a very big family.’

  ‘Which started small. And I suppose that’s why it’s important for me to take control when a situation such as the one we have now develops. I didn’t create this baby for anyone to get it into their heads that they could climb on my bandwagon and begin looting. Here we are.’

  He pushed open the door into a space that was so dark it took Kate a couple of seconds for her eyes to adjust. Dark and refreshingly cool, and quaintly higgledy-piggledy.

  ‘This is not the sort of place I thought you would have liked,’ she blurted out impulsively, and Alessandro smiled.

  ‘I’m old friends with the man who owns it, and as a matter of fact coming here is something of an antidote to my frenetic pace of life. Why don’t you take your jacket off?’

  ‘I’m fine.’

  Alessandro raised his eyebrows with mild disbelief. ‘I expect you’d like to get down to work immediately...bypass all the pleasantries...?’

  ‘I have all the files in my briefcase.’

  ‘I hate to curb your enthusiasm, but I could do with relaxing for five minutes before I begin to hear about what George Cape’s been up to. You might think I’m hard-line, but Cape’s been with my company for a quite a number of years. It’s regrettable that he could not have just approached me had he wanted a loan.’

  She was spared the temptation of telling him that perhaps he needed to work on the whole family atmosphere approach by the arrival of the owner of the restaurant, who made a great fuss of Alessandro. They lapsed into rapid Italian and she covertly watched Alessandro, relaxed, gesticulating, grinning, showing her a natural warmth that was usually concealed under the forbidding exterior.

  This would be the man who charmed women, she thought. The guy who could have any woman he wanted at the snap of a finger and made full use of the talent.

  And, of course, none of those women were Plain Janes or, God forbid, downright unappealing.

  Drawn into their conversation towards the end, she smiled politely and offered the owner her hand in a businesslike handshake which, as they moved towards a table nestled in its own alcove towards the back of the restaurant, Alessandro told her had successfully nipped his friend’s salacious ideas in the bud.

  ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’ Once seated, she pointedly extracted the file they would need to discuss and placed it on the table next to her.

  Wine was brought to them. On the house.

  ‘You must know the proprietor very well,’ she murmured, ‘if free wine is part of the deal when you come here.’

  ‘He would throw in free food as well.’ Alessandro sat back and looked at her with lazy consideration. ‘But I always insist on paying for what I eat.’

  ‘That’s very thoughtful of you.’

  He laughed aloud and shot her an appreciative look. ‘You have a sense of humour! I never realized.’

  Kate thought that that was borderline rude, but how could she object when she had been pretty outspoken in some of the things she had said to him?

  ‘Relax,’ he urged, gently removing the hand that she held over her wine glass and pouring her some wine. ‘We might be here to work, but you’re not in the office now.’

  And that, she thought, was the problem—because when she was in the office, surrounded by computers and filing cabinets and desks, and the constant buzz of ringing phones, she could be a cool, controlled professional. Whereas here...

  The place was popular. Nearly every table was occupied, and the bar area was crowded with men in suits and women in sharp summer outfits and high heels.

  ‘Why do you work so much overtime?’

  Kate frowned and played with her wine glass before taking a sip. What sort of a question is that? she wanted to ask. He owned the company. Surely he should be congratulating her on her dedication to her job instead of asking her why she worked so hard?

  ‘I thought that was the way to get ahead,’ she said neutrally. ‘But I might be mistaken.’

  Alessandro grinned, enjoying her understated dry sense of humour.

  ‘I mean,’ Kate continued, warm
ing to her theme because somehow, somewhere in his remark, there had been just the faintest hint of criticism. ‘You did express some disappointment that the entire floor was empty when you came to drop those files off for George...’

  ‘Quite true.’

  ‘So why are you criticizing me because I happen to do a bit of overtime now and again?’

  ‘I got the impression that it was more the rule than the exception. And I’m not criticizing you.’

  ‘It sounds as though you are.’ She could feel those dark eyes boring into her and had to restrain herself from squirming.

  He was her boss. Actually, he was the lord of all he surveyed, and it was in her interests to remain as polite and detached as possible. Never mind all that tosh about his hundred-thousand-strong family of employees...he could ruin her career with the snap of his fingers. As he would doubtless ruin George Cape’s career.

  She bristled with anger, stole a resentful glance at his lean, beautiful face, and wondered what it would feel like to have those sensuous lips on hers.

  She didn’t even know where that errant thought had come from, but it was so vivid that her whole body responded. Her breasts ached, and between her legs...she was horrified to realize that she was dampening.

  ‘I’m ambitious,’ she told him heatedly, ‘and there’s nothing wrong with that. I work hard because I hope that my hard work will pay off, that I’ll be promoted... I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth and I’ve had to fight for every single thing I’ve got.’

  It was more than she should have said, although not a word of it was untrue. It just felt weird—wrong—to be confiding in him. And why was she anyway? She wasn’t here for an interview and he hadn’t demanded that she explain herself.

  Usually so reticent, she had been propelled into speaking her mind. She licked her lips nervously, realized that she was sitting forward, fists clenched on the table, and deliberately made herself relax and smile.

  ‘You’re implying that your colleagues come from a more privileged background than you?’

  ‘I’m not implying anything. I was just...stating a fact.’

  Alessandro noted the pink in her cheeks. Up close and personal with her—which he had never been before—he sensed that her reactions were honest. She blushed when he wouldn’t have expected her to, because the impression she gave was one of complete self-control. He could remember asking her questions about certain technicalities in the jobs she had worked on and she had been cool, calm and knowledgeable, barely displaying any kind of personality at all.

  But then...

  He glanced briefly around him. This wasn’t a cold, clinical office, was it? The neat little folder she had pointedly stuck on the table next to her was the only evidence that this was a work meeting. And without the backup of an office he had a tantalizing glimpse of the person behind the beautiful but bland exterior.

  Did he want to bring the conversation back to work? Not yet.

  ‘Maybe you think that I do...?’ he murmured in a lazy drawl.

  ‘I haven’t given that any thought at all,’ Kate lied. ‘I’m here to do a job, not to pry into other people’s lives.’

  ‘Your days must be very dull, in that case.’

  ‘Why? Why do you say that?’

  ‘Because it’s commendable to work hard, and to do a good job, but doesn’t everyone get a little titillation from office politics? The salacious gossip? The speculating...?’

  ‘Not me.’

  Her voice was firm but her nerves were all over the place. She picked up the menu and stared at it but she could still feel his eyes on her.

  ‘I think I might have the fish.’

  Alessandro didn’t bother to glance at the menu. He responded by keeping his eyes firmly fixed on her face while he beckoned with a slight raising of his hand and was rewarded when someone sprang to attention and hustled over.

  How did he do that? Was there some poor sap hovering in the corner somewhere, waiting until the Mighty One beckoned him across?

  Of course there would be. Money talked, and Alessandro Preda had a lot of it. Vast amounts.

  People changed when they were around money. Common sense flew through the window. Subservience, slavishness and an awestruck inability to just act normally set in.

  So she might feel something—a little insignificant twinge of awareness about the man—but that was natural. He was drop-dead gorgeous, especially when she was receiving the full, undiluted blast of his forceful personality. But she wasn’t and never would be one of those simpering airheads who turned to mush around him. And actually not just airheads. Lots of clever women—definitely two in the legal department—giggled at the mention of his name and projected crazy fantasies about him over lunch in the office restaurant. Several times Kate had had to stop her eyes from rolling skywards.

  Her body might be a little rebellious, but thankfully she had her head firmly screwed on.

  She politely waited as he ordered, said no to a top-up of wine, and then relented because at least it made her relax.

  ‘So, about George...’ She flicked open the file and felt the weight of his hand over hers.

  ‘In good time.’

  ‘Sorry. I thought you might have finished relaxing.’ Her heart was thumping so hard that she wondered if she might be having a mild panic attack. Or, worse, turning into one of those simpering airheads. Or even worse than that, one of those clever women whose brains went missing in action the second he came too close.

  ‘Only just beginning.’

  He dealt her a slashing smile that did nothing to steady her disobedient body and she pursed her lips in response.

  ‘Perhaps I should have taken more of an interest in your career before...considering you’re one of my rising stars...’

  ‘I didn’t think you got involved in doing appraisals on anybody in your company,’ Kate responded politely. Boss/employee, she reminded herself. The boss got to ask all the questions and the employee got to ask none whatsoever.

  ‘True,’ Alessandro conceded.

  He didn’t look at the waiter as he placed their food in front of them and then did some annoying perfect positioning of their plates. All he wanted the man to do was disappear. Because he was pleasantly invigorated and didn’t want to lose the moment. They were few and far between as it was.

  ‘I like to think that’s what my human resources people are all about. Although, in fairness, they probably work to rule like the rest of the occupants of your floor.’

  ‘Everyone works overtime in the winter months. It’s just that it’s summer and it’s baking hot outside—I guess they want to leave on time and enjoy the sunshine.’

  ‘But not you?’ Alessandro pointed out. ‘Nothing urgent out of hours waiting for you?’

  ‘I don’t think what I do outside work is actually any of your business—and I apologize right now if you think I’m being rude when I say that.’

  ‘No need for apologies. I just want to make sure. Do you feel the need to live in the office in order to get on?’


  She tried to imagine living a life in which that mythical other half was right now whipping up something in the kitchen for her, anxiously consulting his watch if she was running late. She would have to do something about that—turn the passing thought into reality. She didn’t miss having a guy in her life now, but she would eventually. She wasn’t meant to be an island, and if she wasn’t careful she would wake up one day and find herself alone because she had sacrificed everything to her quest for security.

  ‘Tell me what you’re thinking.’


  ‘You’re a million miles away,’ Alessandro drawled drily. ‘Simple question, really. I didn’t think it would have required that much deep thought.’


  For a few seconds she nearly told him just how much deep thought that ‘simple question’ required. More than he could ever imagine because—like it or not—this man who saw his vast empire a
s a family affair was a man who came from money. How could he ever understand the drive inside her to fill all the gaps her upbringing had left?

  ‘Sorry... No. Of course I know that there’s no need for me to work long hours to get on—although, in fairness, I probably work fewer hours in winter than my colleagues.’

  ‘Ah, yes. Because you’re a creature of the night?’

  And just like that Kate thought of her mother, of those jobs in dark bars earning money from tips, dancing and showing herself off in whatever nonsense she was told to put on. A creature of the night doing night-time jobs. Nothing like her.

  ‘Don’t you ever say that to me!’ she blurted out before she could stop herself. She was shaking with anger and stuck her hands under the table on her lap so that he couldn’t see that they were shaking.

  ‘Say what?’ Alessandro asked slowly, his sharp eyes narrowed on her flushed face. ‘Did I say something wrong?’ He frowned and saw her make a visible effort to gather herself. ‘Tell me what the problem is.’

  ‘There isn’t a problem. I’m sorry. I overreacted.’

  ‘Firstly, stop apologizing for everything you say that you think might offend me. I don’t take offence easily. And secondly...there is a problem. You went as white as a sheet and now you’re shaking like a leaf. What provoked that sudden bout of outrage?’

  Curiosity dug deep. Underneath the calm surface, she was a hotbed of emotion and that intrigued him. He leaned forward, elbows on the table, crowding her.

  ‘You’re trying to think of a polite way of telling me that it’s none of my business, aren’t you?’

  Kate shied away from his searching narrowed stare. She could feel the full force of his powerful personality like something raw and physical and it appalled and mesmerized her at the same time. This was evidence of the driving tenacity that had propelled him into the stratosphere of wealth and power and it went far, far beyond his formidable intelligence and his ambition.

  She averted her face, her heart beating wildly. ‘My mother worked in a cocktail bar,’ she said flatly.


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