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To Me I Wed

Page 12

by K. M. Jackson

  She smiled, relieved that he’d acquiesced so easily. It was then that she noticed the photo in the center of the bar. The pretty woman with the young boy, their matching eyes and smiles undeniable in the little shack she knew to be his on the beach. “Is that your mother?”

  Lily couldn’t mistake the immediate tension that zinged the air as Vin straightened. His voice came out hoarse and rough. “Yes. It is.”

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, she was.”

  Lily frowned. Oh hell, she didn’t mean to hit on a sore spot. The last thing she wanted to do was cause him pain. Also, she definitely didn’t want to add anymore tension to their already tense situation. “I’m sorry,” she said sincerely, hoping he could feel that she meant it. “Hey, I can see the resemblance in the eyes. You have a lot of her features.”

  Vin didn’t turn to look at the photo. Only stayed turned her way. Frowning, not quite connecting. “Yeah, I guess.” He cleared his throat. “Listen, I think we should eat. How about I show you the kitchen and we plate it up.”

  “Great.” So that was it. Door slammed firmly shut on the subject of his mother. Sharp, but she could respect his need for privacy. Besides he hardly knew her. Lily smiled. “Lead the way.”

  With her smile, Lily noticed Vin ease up on the tightly wound tension in his stance. “Come on, follow me.”

  Not the worst part of any day, Lily thought as she followed Vin, taking a moment to further admire his amazing physique. Wide shoulders, corded arms, that sexily tapered waist, not to mention—but since she was there she was totally going to mention it—that ass that was museum sculpture worthy. How did he do it? The guy must work out every day. Around food all the time and he still looks like he looks. “Do you work out a lot?” Lily had murmured her question before she had a chance to think about it and pull it back behind her tongue.

  Vin stopped right before hitting the kitchen door, turned, and looked back at her. His movements so quick that she couldn’t bring her eyes up from his behind fast enough to not get caught. By the time her eyes met his, his were shimmering with mirth.

  “It’s just, well, uh . . .” Lily stuttered, trying to find an explanation for being caught staring. And judging by the look Vin was giving her, it didn’t seem like he was going to give her an out. “Working around food all the time must be really tempting. I don’t know if I could handle it.”

  His grin was playful and accompanied by a long up and down. The look was heated enough to pleasantly warm each body part his eyes caressed. “Thanks for noticing. Not that you have anything to worry about in that department.”

  Lily fought not to blush under his praise, and as for the look, she guessed he gave as good as he got.

  Vin continued, “And as for exercise, I’m not that big on anything formal. I may or may not do a little something in the gym every once in a while. But I mostly get my exercise out on the water.”

  When Lily’s brows pulled together, he explained. “I surf as much as I can during the season. When it’s not the season is when I hit the gym.” Lily was grateful to follow him and head into the kitchen.

  “Ah, gotcha,” she said as she took in how organized, not to mention clean, Vin’s kitchen was. It was a true testament to his work ethic. She knew from the reception and the small sampling she’d had of his empanadas that he was a good chef, but the kitchen showed just how much he cared about his business and his customers. It also showed an exceptional respect for his food. Following him to the stove, she was almost overwhelmed by the full impact of the aromas hitting her. Lily inhaled deeply. “Still, I don’t know if I’d be as disciplined as you.” She waved a hand over the food. “Like I said, the temptation would be too much. I’d have to live in the gym.”

  He leaned in just a hairbreadth closer to her, hitting her with the full force of the darkness of his eyes and the huskiness of his voice. He was close. So very close that all she had to do was lean forward and she’d have him. Lily swallowed and took a step back. Warring with herself over what, she didn’t know.

  She expected Vin to follow suit, take the cue and step back too. Break the sexually charged tension in the air. But instead he leaned in even farther. “Believe me, there are many more things to be tempted by than food.”

  Before Lily could reply, his lips were on hers, full and firm, taking control just as she’d hoped he would from the moment she’d walked in the door, although oddly she hadn’t known it was what she wanted at the time. But further checking off the yes boxes in her mind, Lily opened her mouth to suck in a much needed breath, and let out a low moan of pleasure as Vin filled the space with his tongue, stroking hers in a way that sent pulses throughout her entire body. He pulled her toward him, and she melted in, her softness against his hardness, and she matched him, every curve fitting to his bend. It just felt right. Almost too right. The thrill of it caused her heart to speed up, and she thought she could feel his race to keep up with her. But that made no sense. Of course this had to be just a kiss to him, she thought to herself. Just something to pass the time, a little fun for the night with someone of the opposite sex. It was the only thing that made sense. And it was the way she should be thinking of it too.

  Lily let Vin and that tongue of his have its way a few seconds more and indulged herself in the headiness of the moment before reaching her hands up between the two of them and gently pushing at his practically unyielding chest. Coming away, she looked him in the eyes, trying hard to gain focus and clarity. Finally she spoke. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way and cleared the air, you think we can get back to business?”

  Chapter 9

  Vin stepped back and cleared his throat, trying hard to control both his passion and his simmering anger. How many times would he be overcome and pulled in by this woman only to get blindsided and be completely shut down again? He was quickly turning into the definition of an idiot. Shit!

  He leveled Lily with what he hoped was an emotionless look as he did as she bade and got down to business. If business was what she wanted, then business was what she’d get. If she could turn on a dime after a kiss like that then more power to her. He swallowed back a growl. Screw it. She had it right anyway. His head, the thinking one, knew after their beach encounter that she was nothing but trouble for him, and he was definitely trouble for her. She’d stirred up a heated kind of passion that he had a hard time controlling and a level of emotion that he definitely didn’t want in any part of his life. That was precisely why he’d never pursued her. He never came up against these kind of dangerous feelings with any other woman. With anyone else it was easy to move on. Get in and get out. Figuratively and at times literally. And Vin never had any trouble with spelling things out from the get-go so no hard feelings got in the way of a good time.

  Too bad he wasn’t smart enough currently to hold on to that same thinking. If he’d had any sense, he would have sent the empanadas on to Simon’s wedding via his delivery guy and been done with it. But no, he had to go and get all gussied up in a tight-assed suit and go sniffing around for trouble. As if he didn’t know it, trouble was just what he’d gotten.

  No matter, the fact still remained he needed the job and the money, if not the recognition from it. Vin forced a smile and cleared his throat. He could do this. Lily Perry may be a player, but he’d invented the game. “Well, now that your taste buds have been suitably wetted, um, no, I mean tempted.” He watched her eyes shift in confusion. Fuck. Did I really just say wetted? Game, where are you when I need you? Vin let out a slow breath. Way to go with the words. Just feed the woman, Vin, and move on.

  They had been eating silently for eight minutes, although it felt more like twenty-eight. Vin knew there wasn’t anything wrong with his food, or at least he was almost certain there wasn’t anything wrong with it, so he could only blame the uncomfortable silence on his crossing the line with the kiss. He looked toward the large sliding doors he’d had installed at the back of the restaurant to take advantage of the beachfront loca
tion and ocean view. Though it was overcast earlier, the sun had come out and was shining brightly. “Would you like to take our food outside to eat on the patio? That way you can see what it would be like if you choose to have guests dine out there,” he asked in an attempt at breaking the uncomfortable silence.

  Lily looked up at him in an almost surprised sort of way as if she’d forgotten he was sitting across from her. Something else he’d never experienced before. Way to make an impression. “No, this is fine here,” she said. “Though the deck looks lovely. I think we should find a way to utilize it. How many people can it accommodate?”

  Vin turned toward the deck, then back to her. “One hundred comfortably, and the dining room one fifty, seated.”

  She seemed to ease a bit as she nodded. “That’s plenty of space for my needs. Probably more, since I’d like to keep this an intimate family gathering. She took a bite of her shrimp. He was glad to see a hint of satisfaction bloom at the edge of her mouth.

  “Are you liking the shrimp?” he asked, and was immediately annoyed since he’d never showed any hint of doubt in his abilities in the kitchen before.

  She nodded as her reply.

  Shit, maybe it was the kiss. He had gone too far. She hadn’t given him any more feedback but the cool brush-off. Vin cleared his throat. “Um, listen, about the kiss. I hope it was okay.” Damn it, now she was making him just as doubtful about his kissing skills as she was with his food? What the hell?

  Once again all he got was a nod as she took another mouthful of food.

  Vin let out a long breath as he searched for patience. What was with her? He’d never seen a woman so hot and cold in such a short span of time. Frustrated, he pushed back in his chair. “Listen,” he started, maybe with just a little too much force behind his voice, just as she was going for an empanada. Her eyes widened, and he cooled his tone before continuing. “I’m sorry but you were the one who came on to me first, not once but twice.” For the life of him, Vin didn’t get why he was explaining himself to this woman. He’d never had to do so before, but he was rambling on like some kid in junior high trying to get out of, or was it into, detention? When Lily only raised a brow, he continued. “I just thought, hey, maybe we could kick it. Do business while engaging in a little pleasure, but you’ve gotta give me something to go on here. Your mixed signals are starting to drive me crazy.”

  She stared at him long and hard. The silence ticked off between them for what felt like infinite beats until finally his heart took a dip when she reached down for the napkin in her lap and placed it by her plate. “Thank you for the lovely meal, but you’re right.” Lily said as she started to get up from her chair.

  Dejection hit him like a physical blow. Shit. He’d blown it, his chance at her not to mention a paying job. Way to go.

  She looked at him as she rose, and in that moment his mind clicked fast, suddenly thinking he’d do anything to get her to stay. Make any promise not to see her walk out the door. “But hey,” Vin started again, “maybe I was too quick. We can work something out. Just bu—”

  But she held up a hand, cutting him off and shaking her head. “No. You had it just right. I have been sending mixed signals, but I thought you understood.” Lily then shocked him by leaning over, her sweet scent replacing that of the food. Her beautiful face suddenly right in front of his. Close. So very close. And then she kissed him. Full on. Her lips now the aggressor. She was the one in control. As if on autopilot, like he was heading toward his true north Vin reached for her. His hands pulled her down onto his lap as he drew her further into him, taking her luscious mouth harder against his own while her body connected perfectly with his. As duel emotions of both excitement and fear coursed through his body Vin did his best to devour as much of her as he could in whatever time she would give him. In that moment, Vin wanted her all. He wanted to taste, touch even smell as much as he could of her. He was instantly hard, with every nerve in his body on edge and pointing in her direction. Damn, Lily Perry was a brain-wrecking, flighty mystery, and more than anything, he wanted to figure her out.

  When she finally pulled back, momentarily unfus-ing her lips from his to grab a breath of air, she looked up at him with bright eyes that seemed to hold just as many questions as his own treacherous head. Or maybe not, because only a second later she grinned and the look she gave him changed to one of a devilish mirth. Vin frowned and squeezed at her full hip. “Are you just screwing with me woman? Is this whole thing all a game to you?” He knew he should be playing it cool, but in that moment, as hard and as amped as he was, he just didn’t have it in him.

  Lily shifted to get up and he reluctantly released her, the coolness hitting his lap almost as bracing as a splash of cold water. Vin watched as she eased back into her seat and took a delicate sip of the wine he’d put out before answering him with a sly smile on her face. “Oh, don’t look so serious. It’s not that deep. I felt like kissing you, so I did. Just like you felt like kissing me earlier. It’s not a big deal. We’re two adults here with no ties. I see no reason why we can’t do what we want.”

  What the ever-loving hell? Could it be that the woman was truly certifiable or was she just that cold? Vin tried to wrap his head around what she was proposing. Anyone else would have literally jumped on the delectable opportunity before them. Hell, maybe he was the one who was nuts to even be warring with this in his mind. But there it was. He was looking her in those fire-filled brown eyes and, for the life of him, he couldn’t figure her out. And more than anything, at that moment, he wanted to understand her. Hell, if he was being truthful he may have even wanted to understand her, figure out what made her tick in that moment even more than he wanted to get her in his bed. Now he knew she was going crazy. He had to get a hold of himself. By way of no reply, Vin shook his head and got up to clear the plates. “Maybe we should just focus and talk about this ceremony you plan on having.”

  Lily rose with him, gathering her own dish before he could reach it. “You mean wedding?” she challenged.

  He raised a brow. “Wedding. Sorry. I stand corrected.” He started off toward the kitchen with the plates without looking back but somehow knowing she’d follow. Her dander was up. She’d definitely follow.

  “Why do I get the feeling you didn’t make a mistake back there? I could hear the derision in your voice,” Lily said once they were in the kitchen.

  He took her plate from her hand and placed it in the sink with the others, quickly running some water over them before looking back at her. Just keep it cool, Vin. She was the client, not just some kissing partner. Or was she the kissing client? This freaking woman had him all over the place. “Of course it was a mistake. I said I was sorry, didn’t I? Not that it seems to matter what I call it. Ceremony, wedding, mad party for one. I don’t see the difference.”

  With that Lily threw up her hands in frustration and turned to head back for the dining room. “Of course you wouldn’t.”

  Vin closed his eyes for a moment and hung his head. Fuck, he’d gone too far. Went and showed his hand. What was his problem? He never went off like that and never showed his emotions in such a way. Lily hit the double doors quicker than he thought, leaving him practically with a door in the face as he followed her back out into the dining room. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It was wrong of me. But what do you mean, of course I wouldn’t? Are you implying I’m dense?”

  “Who’s implying? Maybe I’m flat-out saying it. I thought at least you, Mr. No Call, would get what I was doing here.”

  Vin paused, his mind clicking fast, then nodded in satisfaction as puzzle pieces started to fit together.

  “What are you suddenly looking so smug about?”

  He shrugged. “I’m starting to get it now. So all this is really over the fact that I didn’t look you up or call you back after we made out those months ago. The hot and cold. The ceremony. Tell me, if I sincerely apologize, can we just start over and you call all this crazy off.”

  She pulled back
and snorted a laugh. “You really are a piece of work. Tell me, that ego ever get too heavy for you to carry? Do you really think I’m doing all this, taking the time, the expense, just to get validation from you or any man?” She shook her head and raked her eyes over his body in a way that made him feel like she’d quickly undressed him and then redressed him after not liking what she’d seen underneath. “It’s sad that you can’t get your head around the fact that I’m having a celebration just for me. That I think I’m good enough just how I am.” She started to turn away but then looked back at him. “Or, that in the time we’ve been apart, I’ve somehow been pining and scheming over you. Trust there have been men before you and there will be men after you. ”

  Vin felt that muscle in his jaw start to tick.

  Lily challenged him with a hard stare. “There is no part of me that needs the validation or the participation of a man.”

  Ire up, Vin let out a snort, which only served to piss her off all the more.

  “What the hell is that about?”

  “What is what about?” Vin asked.

  “That snort,” she lashed back.

  “Seriously? You give me that grand speech and ask about my snort?”

  “What part of my question makes you think I’m not serious?”

  “Fine. It’s just there are certain parts of you that I’m sure would definitely do well with the participation of a man. I’ve felt them.” Vin cocked his head to the side and held his stance.

  To that Lily just narrowed her eyes and did that superior-look-down-her-nose thing she did so well. “Oh, please. Don’t flatter your sex so much.” She let her eyes travel low so they hit him dead on the groin. “Nearly anything can be bought. And I can do perfectly well, if not better, on my own.”

  He raised a brow. “Now that I’d like to see.”

  He watched the anger rise in her cheeks again and her nostrils flare at the same time a crack of thunder broke overhead. They both turned to look at the deck, surprised to see that where there was sun, just minutes before, had now turned shadowed and dark. Lily reached for her bag. “I’m sure you would. Though this has been real . . . stimulating. We’ll have to continue it another time.”


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