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The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide

Page 16

by Stephenie Meyer

  When Tanya met Eleazar and Carmen, she was happy to explain her dietary choices. As the newcomers became closer and closer to Tanya and her sisters, Tanya naturally took her place as the leader of the whole family. She was delighted to meet Carlisle when the Cullens finally encountered them, seeing him as her peer in many ways. She also was intrigued by Edward, mostly because he showed no interest in her advances despite the fact that he had no partner. Tanya never gave up her lighthearted pursuit of Edward, which is one of the reasons the Cullens did not settle in Alaska with the Denalis.


  "We'll get to know each other later. We have eons of time for that!" Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4


  SASHA Creator of Irina, Kate, and Tanya. Sasha was killed by the Volturi for creating an immortal child, Vasilii.

  VASILII The immortal child created by Sasha, Vasilii was physically three years old when Sasha transformed him. He was killed by the Volturi, along with Sasha, when his existence was discovered. He didn't meet the other members of Sasha's coven until the day he died.

  The Egyptian Coven

  The Egyptian coven is one of the oldest covens--if not the very oldest--in existence. The remaining coven is just a fraction of the size of the original, but they still hunt on their traditional lands.


  NAME: Amun

  DATE OF BIRTH: Before 2500 B.C.





  EYE COLOR: Red/black (vampire)

  HEIGHT: 5'8"

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Amun's pale skin has a slight olive cast, indicating the darkness of his skin before transformation.

  SPECIAL ABILITIES: He does not possess a quantifiable supernatural ability.

  FAMILY/COVEN RELATIONSHIPS: He is the leader of his coven, which includes three others: his mate, Kebi; Benjamin, whom he created; and Benjamin's mate, Tia.


  Members of the Egyptian coven, including Amun, existed as individuals for centuries before the Romanians' rise to power. After the Romanians began to grow as a coven and dominate their part of the world, several solo vampires and vampire couples joined forces to protect their dominance in the Nile River Valley. Unlike the Romanians, they did not form a guard of subordinates or try to overthrow other vampire covens. Similar to the Romanians, they kept many human slaves and lived as gods. Also, none of them possessed psychic gifts.

  The Egyptians and the Romanians coexisted; they were cordial to one another, though not friendly.

  The Egyptians and the Romanians coexisted; they were cordial to one another, though not friendly. Had the Romanians continued the expansion of their empire, eventually they probably would have tried to overthrow the much smaller Egyptian clan. Before the Romanians had time to move that far south, however, the Volturi attacked.

  A century later, after the Volturi had soundly won the war against the Romanians, they continued their march against other covens that lived ostentatiously. Their next target was Egypt. Again, the Volturi began with an attempt at diplomacy. They sent ambassadors to the Egyptian "gods," explaining their cause and asking the Egyptians to comply. For the most part, the Egyptians were furious and refused to grant the Volturi any power over them. Only one Egyptian pair changed sides--Amun and Kebi. Amun knew that if the Volturi were able to overthrow the Romanians, the more peaceful Egyptian coven would be easy prey. He was right; the Egyptians were totally decimated in only five years.

  Amun had a very strong survival instinct, and he was willing to bow to the Volturi if it kept him alive. Kebi followed Amun's choice without question. However, Amun was always bitter at having to surrender his former lifestyle. He loved the worship, the towering desert monuments, and the excess. He knew he could not plot against the Volturi, because Aro would find out. But he hoped that, over time, he could gain the strength to oppose them. He had learned from the Volturi methods, and he sought out talented humans and vampires.

  Unfortunately for him, Aro was well aware of Amun's true desires. Aro felt the need to let Amun survive in the first place as an example to other covens, so they could see the truth of the Volturi's offer: As long as they did as the Volturi commanded, they could live. Aro always kept a close eye on Amun's movements afterward, so Aro was able to identify individuals Amun was trying to integrate into his coven and--if they had a valuable talent--invite them into the Volturi guard first. Sometimes he was too late, and Amun found a good prospect first. Demetri was one of Amun's acquisitions. But with Chelsea on his side, it was not hard for Aro to woo people away from Amun. In many other cases, Aro would simply accuse a coven of a crime when he wanted one of their talented members. He'd kill the rest and save the special one. But Aro enjoys toying with Amun too much to end his life that way.

  Over the centuries, Amun gave up trying to create his own talented force.

  Over the centuries, Amun gave up trying to create his own talented force. However, when he stumbled across Benjamin--who, as a human, was performing "magic" tricks in the streets of Cairo--he began to dream again. He became a total recluse, keeping Benjamin a deep secret by avoiding contact with any vampire or human who might possibly cross paths with the Volturi. He treated Benjamin as a son, and Benjamin viewed him as a father. The only big falling-out they had in the early years of their coven was when Benjamin left briefly to create his own mate, against Amun's wishes. Benjamin was quickly forgiven when he returned, with no harm done.


  "I gave you life. You're wasting it." Breaking Dawn, Chapter 34


  NAME: Benjamin

  DATE OF BIRTH: Between 1790 and 1800

  DATE OF TRANSFORMATION: Between 1805 and 1820, at age 15




  EYE COLOR: Red/black (vampire)

  HEIGHT: 5'7"

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Benjamin appears to be a teenager, and his pale skin has the slight olive tone that is evidence of his much darker human skin.

  SPECIAL ABILITIES: He can influence the elements--water, earth, fire, and air. He is able to physically manipulate the world around him with his will, similar to telekinetic powers.

  FAMILY/COVEN RELATIONSHIPS: He was created by Amun, the leader of his coven, which also includes Amun's mate, Kebi; and Benjamin's mate, Tia.

  The uncle discovered Benjamin's strange ability to control fire and taught him to do tricks with his gift.


  As a human, Benjamin grew up in the slums of Cairo. As a young child, he lost his mother, and he had no knowledge of his father. He was raised by his mother's extended family, handed around from grandmother to aunt to cousin--whoever was able to feed him at the time. Eventually he ended up in the hands of his mother's uncle, a street performer who took in unwanted young members of the family and taught them to dance and sing for money, sell trinkets, or pick pockets--whatever they were most adept at doing. Sometimes, he also profited from selling the children if they were no good at earning him money. The uncle discovered Benjamin's strange ability to control fire and taught him to do tricks with his gift. Benjamin became the most profitable member of the uncle's family, and therefore very dear to him.

  Among the children in the uncle's care was a girl named Tia, a distant relative of Benjamin's. Tia was an intelligent, serious child, and she and Benjamin grew very close. They watched out for and confided in each other. When Benjamin was fifteen and Tia was twelve, they decided that someday soon they would run away together.

  Benjamin's audience was growing; more and more people heard about the amazing boy who could control fire. One night as he was performing for a large audience, Amun observed the show.

  After so many frustrating losses to Aro, Amun did not hesitate. He snatched the boy from the street that night
, in the process killing the uncle, whom Benjamin was walking home with.

  Amun kept Benjamin hidden in his undiscovered, buried temple for five years. He and Kebi took turns hunting and bringing food home to Benjamin. Benjamin was never allowed to leave, so there was no chance someone would see him and mention him to the Volturi. Amun was honest with Benjamin to an extent; he told Benjamin that the Volturi existed and would want to steal him for themselves. He explained that the Volturi would use their gifts to enslave Benjamin, to take away his free will. However, Amun did not tell Benjamin why he himself wanted the boy--as a talent that could be added to his own coven in the hope of one day defying the Volturi. Amun treated Benjamin as his son, and never let on that Benjamin's talent was what he was really after. Benjamin responded to Amun's apparent kindness. He respected Amun and loved him as a father. His response to Kebi was less strong, mostly because Kebi did not show much affection for the boy. Amun was the center of her world, and all she really cared about.

  Benjamin was not only able to control fire easily; he also developed the ability to manipulate other elements.

  It was clear to Amun that Benjamin was an unprecedented find. No one else like him existed in the vampire world.

  Amun spent a great deal of time developing Benjamin's talent. He was overjoyed that the promise he'd seen in the human boy was more than answered in the young vampire. Benjamin was not only able to control fire easily; he also developed the ability to manipulate other elements. Wind came to him first after fire, then earth, and finally water. It was clear to Amun that Benjamin was an unprecedented find. No one else like him existed in the vampire world. Amun was cautiously hopeful that his luck had finally turned.

  After Benjamin had completely outgrown the newborn madness, he began to think more and more of Tia. Though his memories of her were dim, he remembered enough to worry about what would become of her without his protection, or his uncle's. Amun tried to convince Benjamin that human problems no longer applied to him, without success. Amun kept him as busy as possible, developing his talents and educating him in the arts and sciences, but Benjamin still found ample time to privately agonize over Tia's fate. He asked permission to look for her, but Amun was adamant. He told Benjamin it was far too dangerous to risk discovery, and that the Volturi would destroy Amun and Kebi to get to Benjamin.

  About five years after his transformation, Benjamin disobeyed. One night when Amun was hunting, Benjamin briefly trapped Kebi with a small cave-in, and then escaped. Though it was his first time aboveground in five years, Benjamin remained totally focused. He was determined not to be responsible for putting Amun in any danger. He searched at night, questioning anyone connected to Tia, himself, or his uncle. He was careful to hunt inconspicuously, leaving no traces that might be reported to the Volturi. To avoid notice during the day he hid underground, in crevices he created himself.


  --Bella, on Benjamin (Breaking Dawn, Chapter 35)

  Eventually he found clues to Tia's trail, which led him to the port city of Suez, where she had been sold for a modest dowry to a much older man. She'd been fifteen at the time; she was now seventeen. Benjamin was conflicted. Tia was safe. She had a home and a husband. His plan to save her seemed unnecessary now. He watched her for two nights, wondering what the right course would be. Finally he decided to ask Tia.

  He waited until an evening when her husband stayed late in the city, and then he called to her from her small garden. He was afraid to have her see him in the lamplight inside, afraid that she would be horrified by the changes in him. When Tia saw him through the window, she raced downstairs to meet him. Though she was momentarily shocked by his pale, hard skin, she was overjoyed to see him again, having thought for five years that he was dead.

  Benjamin told her the truth right away, and explained why he'd come to find her. He said he realized now that she did not need rescuing, and told her he would go away. Tia was awestruck by the revelation that her best friend was an actual vampire, and yet still so compassionate and so much the boy she remembered. She asked for more details. As they talked, they walked away from Tia's house, through the dark city streets, so that her husband would not discover Benjamin when he returned. Benjamin told her all the details about his vampire life, Amun, Kebi, and hiding from the Volturi. They talked all night. When dawn was close, Tia worried that Benjamin would die. Benjamin told her about the sun's real effect on vampires. He offered to take her home before he had to hide, but Tia didn't want to go home--she'd already made up her mind. Benjamin needed her; she wasn't going to leave him to face the dangers of the Volturi alone. Benjamin warned her of the pain, but she would not be dissuaded.

  Benjamin guessed that it would be wiser to convert Tia before taking her back to Amun.

  Benjamin guessed that it would be wiser to convert Tia before taking her back to Amun. He created a deep fissure in the desert outside Suez and carried Tia inside. There he bit her, and then waited with her through the three days of her transformation. As soon as she was transformed, Benjamin took her hunting. When she was satiated, they went back to Amun's temple.

  Amun was at first enraged, but quickly calmed down as Benjamin explained. Clearly, no harm had been done. Having Tia with him as a vampire would remove Benjamin's one tie to the human world. And Benjamin had proved that he could be relied upon in the outside world. Amun's coven began to live a little more normally, though always with the greatest secrecy possible. Benjamin was very happy in his coven, with Tia as his mate. He did not question Amun's motives.


  "It's a pity you couldn't replace my will with your own in the process; perhaps then you would have been satisfied with me." Breaking Dawn, Chapter 34

  "Apparently, I'm a hot commodity. It appears I have to win the right to be free." Breaking Dawn, Chapter 34


  NAME: Kebi

  DATE OF BIRTH: Before 2500 B.C.





  EYE COLOR: Red/black (vampire)

  HEIGHT: 5'3"

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Kebi has long, curly black hair and a faint olive cast to her pale skin, denoting the darkness of her human skin.

  SPECIAL ABILITIES: She does not possess a quantifiable supernatural ability.

  FAMILY/COVEN RELATIONSHIPS: She is Amun's mate. Benjamin and Tia are also part of their coven.


  Kebi was chosen by Amun from his human slaves because of her beauty and total loyalty to her master. Even after her conversion, their relationship was never one of equals. When Amun decided to bow to the Volturi's demands, Kebi followed his lead without question. She would have done the same had he decided to defy the Volturi and end both their lives.

  Kebi has little emotion for anyone besides Amun.

  Kebi has little emotion for anyone besides Amun. Benjamin she tolerated because he made Amun happy, but she was somewhat jealous of the boy. When Benjamin brought Tia home, Kebi was pleased; she hoped Amun would be less entranced with the boy when it was clear he loved Tia more than Amun. Kebi's hopes about that rift were not entirely fulfilled, as Benjamin continued to love Amun as a father. But Amun's jealousy of Benjamin's affections, though well concealed, was enough to make Kebi content.


  NAME: Tia

  DATE OF BIRTH: Between 1790 and 1800; three years after Benjamin

  DATE OF TRANSFORMATION: Five years after Benjamin's transformation, at age 17




  EYE COLOR: Red/black (vampire)

  HEIGHT: 5'4"

  PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tia has heavy, straight black hair and pale s
kin with a slight olive tone, indicating the darkness of her skin before transformation.

  SPECIAL ABILITIES: She does not possess a quantifiable supernatural ability.

  FAMILY/COVEN RELATIONSHIPS: She is Benjamin's mate. They are in a coven with Amun and Kebi.


  Tia had a very large family; she was one of many children. Her overwhelmed and financially distraught mother began placing her children in the care of her second cousin (Benjamin's great-uncle) when she could no longer feed them. Tia was given away when she was five. She had a good singing voice and nimble fingers, so the uncle kept her with him. When she was about seven, Benjamin came to live with the uncle. Though Benjamin was three years her senior, he became her best friend and confidant. Tia was the first person to whom Benjamin revealed his gift with fire. It was Tia who suggested he show the uncle; she knew that a special ability like this would ensure that the uncle would hold on to Benjamin, thus keeping them together. As the years passed, their close friendship became more serious, and they planned to someday run away together. They held back small amounts of money instead of turning all their earnings over to the uncle, saving for that future.


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