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Suddenly Bound (Dirty Texas Book 3)

Page 7

by JA Low

  “Shit, Stace, you know…I can’t last when you do that,” Jackson moans. I know exactly what she is doing, kegeling his dick, making her pussy fucking tighter, it sends a man wild. “Fuck, Stace,” Jackson curses as he comes. His moans set off Olivia as she comes all over my fingers.

  “Such, a good girl. Now I think it’s your turn.” I reach over to the draw beside the bed and pull out a condom. “Get up,” I tell Olivia. She slowly moves off the bed, I can see the confusion on her face. I give her a reassuring smile. I quickly sheath myself and pull her back against me. “Bend over,” I command her and she does what she’s told, placing her hands on the bed. I pull her perfect, little pussy back against my dick and slowly sink into heaven. Oscar moves forward and offers his dick to Olivia, she takes it willingly. Movement catches my attention behind him, Stacey has straddled Jackson’s face as he finishes what he started. My hand comes out and slaps her ass which makes her choke on Oscar’s dick. Oscar laughs. I do it again and he groans in appreciation. Stacey is making a lot of noise behind him and I can tell Liv is trying to watch them while trying to handle Oscar’s dick. My fingers dig into her porcelain skin, I’m probably going to leave bruises tomorrow, but that doesn’t matter. She will remember exactly what happened tonight when she feels them. “Fuck, Liv. You feel so fucking good.” My mind is going hazy as my legs turn to jelly. This woman has worked some kind of voodoo magic over me because I am so ready to come. If I do it’s going to be embarrassing, I don’t ever come this quickly. Olivia does that thing that Stacey does, the kegeling, and that’s it. Just like Jackson before me, my balls start to tingle. “Yes,” I scream out. Oscar has wrapped his hand in her hair and is fucking her face, just like he did to Stacey earlier.

  “Your mouth is so fucking hot, Liv. Fuck,” Oscar moans. “I’m about to come.” He taps her on the shoulder. “If you don’t want to swallow then you better let me go.” Oscar’s dick falls with a pop from Olivia’s mouth and he comes into his hand as I continue to fuck her, and just like Oscar I come seconds later. My whole body twitching, aching, liquefied, my breaths are heavy. Oscar has disappeared into the bathroom to clean up. Slowly, Olivia moves away from me, but instead of going to the bathroom she turns around and pushes me onto the bed, my hand keeps hold of my sheathed dick. She straddles me, my chest is still moving rapidly as she leans down and ever so gently kisses my lips.

  “Thank you,” she says over and over again. Her feather light kisses raining down all over my face and those hazel eyes staring at me in wonderment as if I were the sun. “I will never forget this night.” A small tear falls down her cheek.

  “Hey,” I soothe as I capture it with my thumb. “Tonight doesn’t have to be over.” If I’m being honest, I kind of want to get out of here and take her back to a hotel room and continue fucking her, it’s too early to let her go. I don’t want to let her go, I still have so much I want to do with her. The sound of doors closing pulls me from my thoughts, I look around and the room is empty.

  Olivia takes in a deep breath, the spell of the night slowly wearing off. “I’d better go,” she says as she crawls off of me. She grabs her clothes and hastily gets dressed.

  I quickly go and clean myself up and get dressed also. We are both dressed, maybe a little more disheveled than we were at the start of the night. I pull her into my arms. “I don’t want tonight to end,” I confess.

  Olivia frowns, but stays wrapped against me. “You want more of The Paradise Club?”

  “No, just you and me.”

  This makes her smile. “Just me?” she questions me, looking like she doesn't believe me.

  “Yep, just you. There is so much left to explore with your body.” She gives me a smile.

  “Just for tonight?” she questions me again.

  “Probably not, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be able to think about anything else other than you and you perfect pussy.” She gives me a nervous giggle.

  “So you want to continue on over the weekend?”

  I still in her arms, do I want all weekend? She looks worried. I grab her face between my palms. “Yes, all weekend. I want you in a bed, I don’t care whose bed, preferably yours or mine, but either way I want to be able to taste you whenever I want. I want to be able to touch you, fuck you, make you scream at any moment.” Her hazel eyes widen at my honesty.

  “Just the weekend?”


  “Okay, I can manage that.”

  “And if I want more than one weekend?” I ask, not sure why I am asking, but for the first time in my life I forgot to think about what was coming out of my mouth. Shit, I better not be turning into Christian, that’s something he does.

  She gives me a look that answers my question. “One weekend and that’s all,” she states.

  My usual motto is hell yeah, limited time with a woman, no strings, but this time I kind of don’t want it to end after only forty-eight hours. She lives in England, I live in America, nothing can ever happen.

  “Deal,” I agree. I kiss her, sealing it.

  “How are you this morning, my dirty little princess?” Derrick coos beside me. We are relaxing in Vanessa’s penthouse suite having brunch.

  “Good,” I answer, not really wanting to go into any more detail with Derrick because his mouth is as big as his personality.

  “Mmhmm.” He stares at me. “Something is different about you.” He waves his hands in front of me.

  “No, I’m still the same old Liv.” I hope to put him off the scent because as we speak Axel is asleep in my bed. I thought he would have bolted at first light, but no he was still there, naked as the day he was born, sprawled out on my bed.

  “So did you and Axel, you know, bump uglies?” The question silences the room. I catch Stacey’s eye across the room and she gives me a sly smile. I thought it would have been awkward this morning seeing her again, especially after everything, but she acted as if last night never happened. It was exactly what I wanted. I most definitely did not regret last night at all, it was the most amazing sexual experience I have ever had, and the memories alone will keep me warm at night.

  “Derrick!” Camryn warns him.

  “You heard Liv last night, she wanted to try things, naughty things and I just wanted to know if Axel delivered on his promise.”

  I know Derrick is trying to help, he is also an awful gossip so I better give him something otherwise he will keep digging.

  Taking a deep breath, I speak, “Axel was amazing. It was one of the most amazing nights of my life.” My cheeks blush at the memories. After having fun with his friends they all left and we continued on exploring the club. We stood and watched the cube again, this time it was me falling to my knees and sucking him off between the crowd. He took me into another room and explored some things I had read about in a book. He tied me up like a star fish; he brought me to the brink so many times but never enough to let me fall over the edge. He tickled me with a feather, he dripped wax over my nipples and he used various vibrators on me. Axel even tried some light flogging, my ass is still a little sore from it.

  “Oh do tell Uncle Derrick all about it.” He rubs his hands together with glee.

  “Sorry, can’t kiss and tell, all I will say is I did things that I will probably never ever do again. I tried things that I will never get a chance to do again and I experienced things so far from what I have ever done before, but it’s over now and reality is fast approaching.”

  “Very well, princess, I will let the details go for the moment, but one day, mark my words you are going to spill them.”


  “Hey, how was brunch?” Axel asks as I walk into my hotel room, his presence making me jump.

  “You’re still here?”

  Axel frowns at me. “Of course I am; we spoke about it last night. I thought we agreed to hang out this weekend.”

  I nod because this is what we agreed to when we got home last night and I was snuggled against his bare chest. I honestly thought that maybe he was just
caught up in the moment. “Um, yeah, I just didn’t think you wanted to?”

  Axel takes a couple of steps toward me, his large palms holding my face between them. “I had fun and I want to do it again.” His soft lips meet mine in a tender kiss. I let myself get taken away before he pulls away.

  “But what about the bachelor party and the rest of the boys?”

  “Well, Christian is meeting up with Ness.” He rolls his eyes which make me laugh. “Finn, Oscar and Jackson are off to the casino. Evan is with Sienna. Nate is working and I think the rest of others are still asleep or partying on Nate’s yacht.”

  “And you would rather hang out with me?” I hate feeling vulnerable, but I just want to check.

  “Yeah, I kind of do. I’ve organized for a car and I thought we might go exploring.”

  “What…like a date?”

  Axel freezes.

  I quickly try and back track over my words. “Sorry, I mean…”

  Axel laughs, “Liv, yeah like a date.”

  “But you don’t date.” Why the hell am I not shutting up?

  “And yet here I am, planning an amazing date with a beautiful woman.”

  My stomach did a happy somersault; this playfulness was an interesting side to him.

  “Okay then, what do you have in mind?”

  Axel lets out a small growl, “You don’t want to know the things I have on my mind.” His hand moves from my face to my ass giving it a squeeze. “And I can assure you, Liv, I will make today worth your while.” I gulp my nervousness down. “Make sure you wear a dress or a skirt, I want to be able to touch you.” His hand cups me between my thighs. Oh my God. He lets me go and I scurry away to find a dress.


  We wind our way along the rugged coast line, via tiny French villages and through lavender fields. Axel has hired a little red convertible car. It’s a beautiful day, blue skies, not to hot and not to cold. Every once in a while he rests his hand on my thigh, his long fingers running along my inner thigh sending shivers over my body, making my nipples ache and sex clench. He has kept me on a sexual high the entire drive. Even when he was pointing out things as we passed them by, all my mind was concentrating on were those fingers moving just a little bit further up.

  “Okay, we are here,” Axel says, pulling up to a little cottage. He jumps out and opens the door for me, taking my hand and helping me out of the car like a gentleman. “Follow me,” he says as he links his fingers with mine. Axel walks around the side of the cottage, down the stone little path, past the vegetable patch and the little rose garden, turning when we arrive at the back of the house. Axel turns the handle on the little red wooden door and it opens.

  “Axel, what are you doing?” I whisper yell, but he ignores me, pulling me behind him as he commits a crime. Well we didn’t break anything so we are just illegally entering. We walk into a gorgeous little country kitchen and sitting on the counter is a large picnic basket with a folded rug on top of it. He lets go of my hand and opens the fridge, pulls out a bottle of champagne, some meats and cheeses and pops them into the basket.

  “Come on, let’s go.” Before I know it he is whisking me back out the way we just came.

  “Axel.” I tug on his hand and he turns as we walk along another rocky path. “How did…”

  “Liv, I’m a rock star, I can get anything I want.” He gives me a cocky grin and takes me toward an open field. We walk for a couple of minutes through the long grass, nothing but sunshine, blue skies and birds chirping away, butterflies scatter as we walk through the grass, it’s idyllic. Moments later he’s stopping and placing the basket on the grass. He pulls out a rug from the top of the basket and shakes it out. “Sit down.” I am still in shock at what we are doing here, it’s kind of a little romantic. Axel doesn’t do romantic or date kind of stuff from what Derrick has told me. I sit down onto the soft, red rug and kick off my heels. Axel busies himself pulling out the meats and cheeses I saw him grab from the fridge, he then pulls out two champagne glasses and hands one to me. He pulls out the chilled bottle of champagne and pops it, the cork flying high into the air and he fills our glasses. Then he sits back beside me. “Cheers, to a nice day.” We clink our glasses and I take a nervous sip.

  We enjoy the late autumn sun as we chat about things. He tells me crazy stories about his touring days, I tell him about the gossip of the royal circles. We fill our faces with food and champagne, the bubbles most definitely going to my head. “Have you had enough to eat?”

  “If I have one more macaron I am going to explode,” I giggle, but am tempted to grab another latte flavored one, it’s calling my name, I know it.

  “I like a woman who isn't afraid of food.” Axel pops my latte macaron in his mouth, I scowl at him but there is no anger behind it.

  “Look at me, of course I like my food.” I rub my belly. Before I know it Axel has my wrists pinned behind my head and his hard body hovering over me.

  “You are one of the most beautiful women I have had the pleasure of being with. Never underestimate how beautiful you are, Olivia.” Axel was serious, his whiskey eyes glowing with desire as he looked over me. “I like my women with curves.” One of his hands trails down over my curves, over my breasts, lightly teasing my nipple through the sheer material, down over my stomach, along my hip bone, then he squeezes my generous ass. “Feel me, feel how much I think you are perfect.” He grabs my hand and holds it against his dark denim jeans. My hand caresses his hardening length; my fingers press against the material as he lets out a strained groan. He rubs himself against my hand. “You feel it, Liv?” he asks. I nod as I am lost in his eyes, they have turned an almost honey color. I want him, I want him so much. My fingers pop the top button of his jeans, but it’s a little hard to do as he still has my other hand pinned into the rug above my head. “My greedy little lady. Are you hungry for my cock?”


  “Then show me.” He lets go of my wrist and falls back against the rug. I scamper up onto my knees, pure lust clouding my mind, everything around me is nothing but white noise. All I can think about is unzipping his jeans and taking him into my mouth, tasting his saltiness, feeling his veins throb against his velvety skin. I want to hear his groans of pleasure as I, little Olivia Pearce, gives the Axel Taylor, world famous womanizer, a blow job, and an amazing one at that. “It’s not going to magically pop out by itself,” Axel chuckles, catching me in my daydream as I scramble to my knees. My shaking hands unbutton him from his jeans, his underwear straining, my hand dipping underneath the elastic, meeting with his hard length. “Yes,” Axel hisses. “Suck me, Liv. Let me come down your tight little throat.” I madly pull his jeans down a fraction then his briefs; his cock springs free slapping his toned stomach. I move myself between his legs, grabbing his thick length again then I place my mouth around the eager tip. “God, I love your mouth,” Axel hisses again. “Take your hair out,” he commands. One of my hands pulls out the hair tie while I try and take him into my mouth. My brown hair falls out around my shoulders covering my face. Axel’s hands scoop it up as he wraps the silky strands around his fists, the slight pain of him pulling on the strands adds to the excitement. “Suck me harder, Olivia,” he growls. “I want to feel the back of your throat.” He pulls tighter on my hair which presses my mouth further down his length, his thickness hitting my throat. I gag a little but I calm myself down. I take a little more as he starts to put pressure on my head, increasing his thrusts into my mouth. My hand slips beneath his thighs, touching his balls, curiously I give them a squeeze. Axel almost bucks me off him. “Shit, keep doing that,” he moans. I continue rolling his balls around in my hands, sucking as hard as I can. “Yes, yes, that’s it. Yes,” he screams as I feel the first salty bursts hit the back of my throat. I am not a swallower at all and I gag a couple of times but I keep going and give it a good old go at swallowing him down. Axel’s dick falls from my mouth with a pop and I quickly grab the bottle of champagne and take a swig trying to get the taste out of my mo
uth. I’m sure that is not good etiquette. He lets out a chuckle as he watches me drink. “Not much of a swallower, hey?” I can feel my cheeks turn pink with embarrassment. I’m sure he is used to a million groupies happily swallowing him.

  “Not sure yet,” I reply.

  He sits up, his dick slowly softening against him. “Thank you for trying, but next time, do what you feel comfortable with, okay?” His hand reaches out and touches my cheek. “Never feel afraid with me to speak your mind.”

  “No one has ever wanted to know about what I like or want before,” I confess.

  A frown forms on his brow. “I hate that you have been with men who are so selfish. I have to admit though, I am also so thankful, otherwise I would never have gotten this time with you.” His confession makes my heart bounce in my chest. “Now, ladies turn. Lie back, Liv, and let me repay the favor.” I don’t even hesitate, I simply lay back and watch as Axel nestles himself between my legs. I watch the way he takes his time rolling down my underwear, the way he pushes my thighs apart, his eyes turning molten as my pussy is laid bare before him. I like the way he licks his lips just before he dives in-between my legs. And I most certainly love the way his expert tongue moves against my aching core, the slow, long, frustrating licks, the ones that keep missing the target. The target that is throbbing so much now that all I feel is my whole body aching.

  “Please, Axel.” My hands dig into his hair, pulling him in closer, hoping I can press him in the spots that I need him in. But somehow he still misses it as he sinks in a finger, then another easily glides into me. My back arches off the soft rug and yet he still is not touching my bud. “Please,” I beg again, but he just chuckles against me which sends shivers over my body. When I think my body can’t take anymore, he finds my bud and sucks hard on it. I come so hard around his fingers that I can feel liquid between my legs. My vision has gone hazy. Shit, did I pee myself? Then my whole body turns rigid and I push Axel away.


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