Bound: Mason's Alphas

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Bound: Mason's Alphas Page 18

by D. J. Heart

  “What happens after that?” Mason asked. He couldn’t imagine just walking away from that kind of carnage.

  “Then we go home. You don’t start school until what… August?” Chris asked. Mason nodded. “Right. Then we’ll go to my apartment—or Mick’s house, probably—and then start looking for a new place that’s convenient for all of us.”

  Mason licked his lips. They were just going to start their lives together, just like that?

  It seemed too easy.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Mick said, sounding very sure. “Don’t worry. Anyway, I’m starving. Who’s making lunch?”

  “Not me,” Chris said. “I’ve got to go clean up the basement. I made kind of a mess down there. Why don’t you have a look at the layout of Phermo’s headquarters and Mason can make us some food? Sound good, Mason?”

  “Sure,” Mason said. He didn’t really have anything else to do. Except that wasn’t true. If he really was going back to school in the fall he needed to pay his tuition and get registered. “Can I borrow your laptop after? I need to register for classes and pay a deposit on my tuition.”

  “Sure,” Chris said. He lifted Mason’s head up and got off the couch, putting a pillow under his head.

  It was a poor substitute for his muscular thigh, but Mason appreciated the gesture.

  “Can you pay that with a credit card?” Mick asked, kneading Mason’s shin now. Mason nodded.

  “I think so, though there’s a fee. If you use a debit card it’s free.”

  “I’ll give you my card after lunch,” Mick said. Mason was glad. Asking for cash was so awkward.

  “Thanks,” he said, sitting up and watching Mick with a warm feeling in his chest. Pulling his legs out of the alpha’s expert hands, he shifted his body so that he had his face in Mick’s lap, lying down and closing his eyes.

  He would make lunch in a few minutes, but first he wanted to cuddle.


  Chapter 31

  The next morning while Mick was making breakfast, Chris rolled Mason over into his stomach and ate him out until he was coming into the sheets. Chris was moaning and breathing hard, and Mason was in heaven. After he’d made Mason come with nothing but his mouth on his hole, Chris pulled him up onto his hands and knees and mounted him.

  “You ready to get fucked?” Chris asked, burying his cock and holding Mason’s hips in an iron grip. Mason nodded, eager and horny, pushing his ass back like he was greedy for it.

  Chris gave him what he asked for, pounding into him until he was shooting his load and popping his knot.

  Sweaty and wide-awake, Chris pulled Mason up to his chest and lifted him off the bed. He walked him into the shower while he was still hanging off his knot, each step making the omega wince.

  “This is really uncomfortable,” Mason said, laughter in his voice. Chris just kissed his neck and mumbled an insincere apology. There was something incredibly hot about carting Mason around while he had him on his knot. It made him feel strong and virile, and he knew without a doubt that he wanted to do it again.

  “We need to leave early,” Chris said, handing Mason the shower gel. “Now soap up and get clean.”

  Mason obeyed, and the two of them did their best to wash up while they were stuck together. After about five minutes, Chris’s knot started to go down and he slipped it out of Mason’s ass.

  “Ow!” Mason hollered, Chris’s knot apparently still a little too big. “That hurt!”

  Looking up at Chris, Mason’s expression was more indignant than pained, so Chris grinned and leaned down to kiss his nose.

  “Sorry. We really are in a hurry, though.”

  Mason grumbled, reaching back to clean his ass while Chris took care of his sticky cock.

  “What?” Chris asked when Mason made a frustrated little sound in the back of his throat.

  “It keeps running down my legs,” Mason complained, reaching down and scrubbing his inner thighs.

  It took Chris a second to understand, but when he did he grinned. Mason’s hole was still gaping, and he was having trouble keeping Chris’s massive load inside of him.

  “We’ll get you a plug,” Chris said. “Keep our loads nice and tight in your hole after we fuck you.”

  Mason shuddered, and when he looked up at Chris his expression was wary.

  “Seriously?” he asked, like he couldn’t tell if Chris was joking or not. Chris took his face in his hand and looked him right in the eye.

  “Seriously. It will be hot and practical. A win win.”

  Mason still looked skeptical, and Chris decided that first thing once things had settled down he’d go out and buy Mason a nice set of plugs.

  He was sure Mick would be into the idea, too. He loved ass play and anything kinky like that—not that butt plugs were particularly kinky—and Chris couldn’t wait to see him open Mason up and plug his ass before knotting him.

  Turning off the water, Mason and Chris stepped out of the shower. Mason still looked thoughtful, and suddenly Chris felt bad. He had decided to let Mason be the one to set the pace sexually, and he’d already fucked that up by throat fucking him. He didn’t want Mason to feel railroaded by anything, especially something that was at least forty percent a joke.

  “You know you can say no to anything and I won’t be mad, right?” he said, hanging up his towel and grabbing the underwear lying ready on top of the pile of clothes on the counter. He pulled them on as Mason started to get dressed too.

  Mason nodded. “I know.”

  Chris pulled on his pants. “So if the butt plug thing freaks you out, you can just say you’re not into it and I won’t bring it up again.” He buttoned up his fly and pulled on his shirt, watching Mason as he lifted his feet to put on his socks.

  “It didn’t freak me out,” Mason said. Chris was glad, but that wasn’t really the point.

  “But if something does, just tell us.”

  Mason smiled. “I will. I told you that I didn’t like it when you deep-throated me, didn’t I?”

  Chris had to hand it to him, he’d been very clear then. Maybe he was worrying too much. Mason wasn’t weak or afraid to speak his mind.

  “I just don’t want to fuck it up with you,” he said, deciding to just be honest. “I like you.”

  Mason looked down, a blush spreading over his cheeks. He was smiling.

  “I like you too,” he said. When he looked up the expression on his face was fond.

  Dressed and ready to join Mick for breakfast, Chris took Mason’s hand and led him into the hall and down the stairs.

  It was time to start the day.


  Though they took their time to sit down for breakfast, Chris, Mason and Mick managed to be out of the house by seven a.m.

  Chris had cleaned up the basement the night before—using plenty of bleach on the concrete floors—and Vincent and Eric’s bodies were in a pair of trash bags ready to be picked up by the clean up crew. They would go over the basement again and get whatever Chris had missed, making it like Chris had never been there at all.

  “I’ve booked a room near the airport,” Chris said, looking at Mason in the mirror. Even though Mason wasn’t going anywhere near any action, he was by far the most nervous of the three of them. “You’ll only be by yourself for a few hours. Think you can handle that?”

  Mason nodded, and Chris felt his gut clench. He shared a look with Mick, seeing his feelings reflected on his face.

  Neither of them wanted to leave Mason alone. It went against their natures, but it had to be done.

  Once Chris had dealt with the Phermo executive team, he needed to call Emily and update her as well. He’d tell her about the cartel’s involvement and let her decide whether she wanted to stay involved or not. Dealing with corrupt politicians was one thing, setting yourself up against a cartel was quite another.

  Chris checked into the hotel while Mason and Mick went and picked up a quick fast-food lunch. He met them back in the elevator and they all went up to the
room to eat. Mason kept looking around nervously, acting very suspicious, so Chris pulled him in under his arm and pushed his face into his chest.

  “Calm down,” he murmured, stroking the back of Mason’s head and letting him breathe in the scent of his alpha for a moment. Mason went lax, nodding against his chest.

  Chris let him go with a gentle squeeze of his neck.

  The room was a standard hotel suite, with cream carpets and slightly worn furniture. Mick put the food down on the coffee table in front of the little couch, grabbing them all some drinks from the mini bar. He sat down on an office chair he pulled away from the desk, leaving Chris and Mason the couch.

  “Is this going to make the news?” Mason asked as he sat down. He obviously wasn’t talking about the meal.

  “Probably,” Mick said. “Though not until we’ve made it back here.”

  Chris nodded. He lifted a hamburger out of the bag on the table and handed it to Mason reaching in and getting two more for himself and Mick.

  “Make sure you lock the security latch when we’re gone,” Chris said, looking over at the door just to make sure the security latch was there and working. He’d check it before they left, he decided.

  “I will,” Mason promised. He started eating his hamburger, looking thoughtful. Chris hoped they hadn’t made a mistake telling him their plan. Mason had seemed fine with killing the people responsible for Rover just after they’d bonded, but if he’d changed his mind it could become problematic.

  Then there was the issue of what would happen to all the omegas in the brothels owned and operated by Phermo. Chris only knew about a few of them, and though the operators of those were on his list, he was sure there were more.

  Hopefully social services, if given proper notification, would be able to swoop in and help as many omegas as possible. It was the best Chris could do. He’d send over everything he had as soon as he knew all the corrupt cops on his list were dead. Social Services would need help from the police, and the last thing they needed were corrupt officers halting their efforts.

  Finishing his burger, Chris looked forward to when all this was over.


  Chris and Mick headed out pretty much as soon as they were finished eating, leaving Mason alone in the room. He locked the security latch and headed into the bedroom, sitting down on the huge king sized bed and turning on the TV.

  He needed a distraction while Chris and Mick were out killing people.

  Lying down, a loud commercial doing its best to drown out his thoughts, it occurred to him that this would probably be a regular occurrence. Mick and Chris must do dangerous stuff all the time—risking their lives in the line of duty—and Mason had no idea how he was supposed to handle that.

  Could he handle that?

  What were his options? It wasn’t like he could leave his alphas—and asking them to change their professions seemed unfair. They hadn’t asked to be bonded to him any more than he had asked to be bonded to them.

  Pushing his dark thoughts away, Mason gathered the pillows up against the headboard and nestled back against them. He flipped through the channels on the TV until he landed on something mindless and entertaining, putting the remote down and trying to focus.

  Was he really okay with Chris and Mick murdering people? The thought wouldn’t go away.

  Taking a deep breath, Mason decided that he was. What Phermo BioTech were doing was monstrous, and considering the pain they had inflicted Mason couldn’t make himself feel sorry for them.

  Mind made up, his conviction that Chris and Mick were justified in their actions only growing stronger, Mason turned his attention back to the TV and waited for his alphas to come back.


  Chapter 32

  The first thing Mick and Chris did was disable the elevator.

  Then, while Mick set up and tested the cell phone jammer, Chris made his way to the basement and found the fiber optics cables leading into the building. He waited for Mick’s signal that all the doors leading out of the top floor had been blocked, and then he cut the cables and disconnected the building’s phone and internet service.

  A look at his phone let him know that Mick had turned on the jammer.

  Jogging up the fire stairs, he made his way to the top floor and joined Mick outside the door leading onto the executive floor.

  “You blocked the main exit?” he asked, getting his gun ready.

  “Chained shut,” Mick confirmed.

  “Then let’s go.” Chris pulled the fire alarm on the wall next to him, a loud ringing immediately filling the building. While people streamed into the stairwell below them, rushing to get out, Chris unlocked the fire escape and kicked the door open.

  An older alpha was rushing toward the door, and he stopped at the sight of Chris and Mick standing there with their faces masked and their guns drawn.

  Chris shot him, moving inside while Mick stayed to guard the door. There were only nine people who were supposed to be up on this floor, and since they had all rushed out of their offices on hearing the alarm, picking them off was easy.

  A young man Chris didn’t recognized flung himself to the floor when he heard the shots. Chris finished off the last executive he’d seen on the company web page, heading over to the young man.

  “You are?” he asked, pointing his gun at the young man’s head. The secretaries and assistants had the floor below them, and Chris hadn’t intended on going after them. If this was the only person from that floor who was up here now, then Chris was lucky.

  “Levi Allen,” the young man said. He sounded terrified.

  “And what do you do, Mr. Allen?” Chris flipped him over with the tip of his boot, still pointing his gun in his face. The air smelled wet and coppery, and Chris was in his element.

  “I’m Mr. Grover’s assistant,” Levi stuttered. “Oh God, please don’t kill me.”

  Chris tilted his head. Grover was the CFO, and he’d been Vincent’s main contact. Was there any way Levi didn’t know where Phermo got their test subjects?

  Chris decided to give the young man the benefit of the doubt. He crouched down.

  “You’ve been working for some bad people, Mr. Allen. I suggest you be more careful in selecting your next employer.” Chris reached into Levi’s pocket and pulled out his wallet, checking his I.D. “And now I know where you live.”

  “What?” Levi could barely get the word out.

  “Just in case you turn out to be trouble,” Chris said, letting the wallet and driver’s license drop down on Levi’s chest. “Have a nice life.”

  Chris turned around and joined Mick at the door, the two of them exchanging their masks for baseball caps and downturned heads. They headed out the rear exit, averting their faces from the security cameras at the exits, and made their way to the car parked a few blocks away.

  As they pulled away from the curb, the first responders drove past them with flashing lights.

  All in all, it hadn’t been more than ten minutes since they pulled the alarm.

  “Did you get them all?” Mick asked, driving them back to the hotel.

  “Everyone on the executive team,” Chris replied. He’d killed the people who were ultimately responsible for killing his little brother and for kidnapping his omega, and it felt good.

  “All right. You want to text Brandon and give him the go ahead to get started on the list?” Mick asked.

  Chris nodded. Now that the people on top had been taken care of, it was time for the low life scum who operated the trafficking industry—and who took bribes to look the other way—to die.

  He took out his phone and sent a quick text to Brandon and the rest of the team, telling them the operation was a-go.


  In the time between knocking on the hotel room door and Mason answering, Mick’s heart was in his throat.

  He needed to see that his omega was safe. He needed to hold him and feel that he was okay.

  “Hello?” Mason called through the door. Mick could hear t
he cover for the peephole being moved to the side, and he stepped back to give Mason a good view of his face.

  “We’re back,” he said, waving his hand. He listened as the security latch was opened and the door unlocked, and the next second Mason was standing in front of him.

  “Hello,” Mason said, looking tentative. Mick stepped forward and scooped him up in a hug, lifting him off the floor and carrying him into the room.


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