Bound: Mason's Alphas

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Bound: Mason's Alphas Page 19

by D. J. Heart

  Chris followed them inside, locking the door after them and moving around so that he could hug Mason from the back.

  Sandwiched between them, Mason made a contented sound.

  Mick dropped him down to the floor and pulled him down on the couch, putting his feet on the coffee table and draping his arm over Mason’s shoulders. He pulled him into his side and curled his arm around his neck, giving it a firm squeeze.

  It felt good to be close to him.

  “Scoot over,” Chris said, pushing himself down on Mason’s other side. The couch wasn’t really big enough for the three of them, but they made it work. Chris mirrored Mick’s pose, putting his feet up on the table and draping his arm over the back of the couch.

  “How did it go?” Mason asked once they were settled. Mick released the hold on his neck and put his arm over Chris’s. He squeezed the other alpha’s shoulder, letting him answer the question.

  “It went as planned. Everything all right here?”

  Mason nodded. “I just watched TV. There hasn’t been anything on the news yet.”

  “Too early,” Mick said.

  “Fuck, I need to contact social services,” Chris said, pushing himself off the couch. “Let me get my laptop.”

  Mick watched as Chris got his computer and sat down at the desk.

  “What is he doing?” Mason asked.

  Mick shrugged. “Probably letting Social Services know about all the omegas who are about to be without any guards. They need to get to them before they’re scooped up by other traffickers.”

  “Oh.” Mason paused. “That’s good.”

  “It is,” Mick agreed. He turned his head and buried his nose in Mason’s hair, closing his eyes and breathing in the sweet scent of omega. It smelled like home and his, and he loved it.

  The subtle scent of Chris’s claim clinging to him, mixing with Mick’s own, only made it better.

  Mason nuzzled into Mick’s throat, leaning into him and breathing against his skin. The hot air over his collarbone sent a shiver down Mick’s spine.

  It felt like he could stay like this forever.


  When Chris was done sending off everything Social Services would need to start rescuing the omegas currently held captive by the Phermo brothels, using an anonymous email and routing it through several proxies, he shut the lid on his computer and turned around to face Mick and Mason.

  The alpha and omega were on the couch, faces pressed into each other, huffing each other’s scents like a pair of addicts.

  It was hot as hell.

  “Having fun?” he asked, stretching his legs out in front of him and groping his cock. Neither Mick nor Mason moved, but Mick grunted.

  “He smells so good,” Mick said, speaking into Mason’s hair. Mason mumbled his agreement.

  “Yeah?” Chris asked, rising from his chair and stalking over to the couch. He sat back down on Mason’s other side and draped himself over his back, lowering his head down next to Mick’s. He breathed him in, nuzzling his cheek against Mick’s scruff.

  Mick was right. Mason did smell good. Like omega—all sweet and sticky—and theirs.

  Chris reached down and palmed Mason’s crotch, rubbing over his hard denim clad cock and curling his fingers down between his legs. Mason moaned and arched into the touch, whimpering as Mick’s hand joined Chris in exploring his bulge.

  “What do you want?” Chris asked, sliding his hand up Mason’s chest, leaving Mick to rub him off through his pants. He found Mason’s nipple through his shirt and pinched down, Mason’s answering squirm making his cock throb.

  “I want your cock,” Mason mumbled, his voice muffled and barely audible. Chris smirked.

  “What?” He used his free hand to grab Mason by his hair and pull his head back, just enough that he could speak clearly. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want your cock,” Mason said, biting his lip and trying to hide his face.

  “That’s what I thought you said.” Chris grinned. He slid his hand into the collar of Mason’s shirt and found his nipple for real, pinching down just hard enough that he’d feel it. Mason gasped and arched into the touch, his expression pure bliss.

  “That’s… oh. That feels really nice,” Mason said.

  Chris caught Mick’s gaze and grinned. “It’s your turn to fuck him.”

  Mick’s eyes were dark, and he looked hungry.

  “Yeah?” Mick popped the button on Mason’s jeans. “Lucky me.”

  Mick pushed his hand down Mason’s pants and started jerking him off inside his underwear, stopping just before he was going to come. Mason tried to thrust his hips and keep the motion going, but Mick pulled his hand out of his pants.

  “Why don’t you get naked?” he asked the omega. Mason blinked, licking his lips and looking confused, and Chris gently nudged him off the couch.

  With more room, both Chris and Mason shifted their bodies so that they had better room, unbuttoning their jeans in synch and reaching down to free their cocks. Mason watched them with wide eyes, breathing hard as he shifted his eyes between the two cocks on display in front of him.

  “Mason,” Chris said, his voice chiding. “Mick told you to get naked.”

  Mason jumped, startled and blushing furiously. He pulled off his shirt and pushed his jeans down around his thighs, kicking off his shoes and stepping out of his jeans.

  Naked, Mason stood in front of Chris and Mick and waited to be told what to do.

  It was a magnificent sight.

  “Turn around and bend over,” Mick ordered, and Mason blushed even harder. He didn’t hesitate, though, and his cock was harder than ever. A glistening string of pre-cum dangled from the tip of his cock, dangling precariously over the floor.

  Chris reached out and caught it, coating his fingers and bringing them to his lips.

  This was going to be fun.


  Chapter 33

  Mason blinked up at the ceiling, Chris and Mick lying next to him on the bed with their arms and legs slung over his body like they were scared he was going to run away.

  Maybe they were right to worry. They’d both fucked the hell out of him, and every time he moved it sent little stabs of pain shooting up from his abused hole.

  It felt amazing.

  “Are all alphas this clingy?” he asked, his brain to mouth filter apparently offline.

  Mick snorted.

  “Yes,” Chris said, hugging him tighter. “We’d put a leash on you if we thought we could get away with it.”

  Mason’s breath stuttered at the thought of his alphas putting a collar on him and leading him around by a leash. He continued breathing, imagining what it would be like. They’d probably make him kneel when they put it on, buckling it tight over his Adam’s apple…

  Why was something so degrading making him feel so hot? It was weird.

  “We could try it,” he said, his brain to mouth filter still malfunctioning. Right after the words were out of his mouth he blushed beet red.

  Mick pushed himself up on his elbow and looked down at him, his expression excited.

  “Really?” His voice was eager, and Mason groaned. Was he really going to agree to try wearing a collar?

  He thought about it again, and his cock gave a needy little twitch.

  Yes. Yes he was.

  “As a sex thing, I mean. I’m not wearing it out in public.” Mason needed that to be out there. Being an omega physician meant that people were constantly examining him for weakness or some sign that he wasn’t up for the job. Walking around with a collar would undermine the reputation he had built with his peers. They wouldn’t see an omega indulging in mutually fun kink. They’d see an omega letting his alphas grind him under their heel.

  “Of course,” Mick said. He dropped his head back down to the mattress, tucking Mason in under his chin. “Just in the bedroom when it’s just us.”

  Mason smiled, closing his eyes and reaching down to pull the sheets over his body. He wanted to fall as
leep with his alphas by his side.


  “So we’re leaving today?” Mason asked the next morning when they were at the breakfast table. Chris nodded, scooping up another piece of eggs and pushing it into his mouth.

  “Do you want to stop by your mother’s house on the way there?” Mick asked, taking a sip of his coffee. “It’s not that far out of our way.”

  Mason nodded, grinning into his orange juice. Seeing his mom would be amazing. She needed to meet his alphas, though the fact that he now had two would be a surprise.

  “I want you guys to meet her,” he said. Both Mick and Chris looked a little nervous at that, but they nodded.

  “We want to meet her, too,” Chris assured him.

  “What about your parents?” Mason asked Mick. He knew that Chris didn’t have any family, but Mick hadn’t talked about himself at all.

  “Estranged,” Mick said, his voice final. Mason snapped his jaw shut and looked down, feeling bad for his alpha.

  He couldn’t imagine being estranged from his mother. It would hurt too much.

  Then again, he was lucky. He had a good mother.

  They finished eating, and as Chris checked out, Mason heard a couple standing by the reception talking about the murder spree at Phermo BioTech the day before. Mason felt dizzy and clammy, and he couldn’t help but feel that everyone was looking at him and his alphas and knowing exactly what they’d done.

  “The police are saying it’s an organized crime thing. Apparently, they were manufacturing Rut and selling it to the mob. Can you believe it?” the woman said. The man she was with shook his head.

  “Not the mob, I think it was a cartel.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  The man shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Mason looked up at Mick, and the alpha lifted his hand and let it come to rest on his neck. Mason closed his eyes and calmed down.

  If Chris and Mick weren’t worried, then he wouldn’t be worried. He followed the alphas out to the car and got in the back, his heart calming as they drove away.

  “You okay?” Mick asked, hand still on his neck. They were both in the back seat while Chris drove.

  “Just nervous,” he said. “I’ll be fine.”

  Mick massaged his neck, not saying anything, and Chris turned on the radio. By the time they’d driven half an hour, Mason was calm and relaxed and drifting off to sleep.

  There was nothing to worry about.


  “So,” Mick said from the back, looking at Chris in the rearview mirror. “His mom.”

  Chris winced. He didn’t know how he was supposed to look Mason’s mother in the eye after the way he’d defiled her son—repeatedly and with great enthusiasm. It just seemed wrong.

  “We’ll be fine,” Chris said, the words unconvincing.

  Mick nodded, looking down at the omega leaning against him and using him like a gigantic pillow.

  They drove for about three hours, and Mason stayed asleep the whole time. Mick tried his best not to move, loving the feeling he got when Mason turned his face into his body and breathed in his scent in his sleep. It made him feel protective and trusted, his stomach tingling with possessive emotion.

  “Can you wake him up?” Chris asked as they came closer to the city. “I don’t know where his mother lives and I need directions.”

  Mick nudged Mason, rustling his shoulder until he was waking up.

  “What?” Mason asked. There was a trail of dried drool on his chin, and his face was scrunched up in confusion.

  “Chris needs directions to your mom’s house.”

  Mason brightened and looked out the window, grinning.

  “Okay, just keep going on the highway until you get to the Muller Street exit.” Mason leaned back in the middle seat and looked out the windshield. He seemed happy.

  It took them another twenty minutes to reach Mason’s mother, and as they got closer, Mason got more and more nervous.

  “You two aren’t going to say anything about killing people, are you?” he asked as Chris parked the car. “She wouldn’t like that at all.”

  Mick shook his head. “Of course not. And you can’t tell anyone about that, either. Officially we work as consultants to the CIA. That’s what we tell people.”

  Mason nodded, biting his lip before scooting out of the car with a determined stride. He marched up to the house, leaving Chris and Mick to scramble after him, and rang the doorbell.

  He then tried the door, but it was locked. He rang the bell again and called out.

  “Mom! It’s me!”

  Mick moved up to stand a foot behind him, Chris taking the place at his side. It wasn’t often that Mick didn’t like looking intimidating, but this was one of those times. He looked at Chris, his expression critical.

  Maybe they should have ditched the leather jackets?

  The door opened and it was too late. A short middle-aged woman appeared, flinging herself through the doorway and throwing herself around Mason’s neck with a cry.

  “Mason,” she said, stroking his back and squeezing him tighter than Mick ever had. “You’re here!”

  She pulled away, holding it him at arm's length so she could look at him. “You’re okay?” she asked, looking him up and down like she was scanning for injuries.

  Mick was suddenly glad he and Chris hadn’t fucked him that morning. Watching his mother see him walking around with a limp and wincing every time he sat down would have been horrifying.

  “I’m fine,” Mason said, grinning. He turned around and stepped back, giving his mother, Mick and Chris an unobstructed view of each other. “This is Chris. The one I told you about.”

  Chris stepped forward to shake her hand. “Hello, It’s nice to—”

  Mick smirked as Mason’s mother hugged him around his waist, stepping back with a teary-eyed expression. “He’s the one who saved you, right? The CIA guy?”

  Mason nodded. “Yeah.”

  Mick wondered just what Mason had told his mother, but before he could give it much thought Mason’s mother turned to him.

  “And this is?”

  Mason bit his lip. “Well, you see… this is my other alpha. Mick.”

  Mason’s mother just looked at him. “Your other alpha? You have two?”

  Mason nodded. “He and Chris were together, and it just… It worked out. We bonded, so now we’re all together. It’s a good thing.”

  Mason’s mother turned to her son, completely ignoring Chris and Mick, and took his face in her hands.

  “You’re happy?” she asked, looking into his eyes. Mason grinned and nodded as much as her grip would allow.

  “I like them a lot. Plus, we bonded. They’re stuck with me now.”

  Mick looked at Chris, the moment a happy one. It was good to hear Mason say that he was happy with the way things had turned out.

  “Okay. I’m so happy you’re okay,” Mason’s mother said. “I’ve been so worried.”

  She stepped back and held the door open, ushering all three of them inside.

  “Mason, why don’t you show your alphas into the living room. I’ll go make some… do you two drink coffee?”

  Mick nodded. “Coffee sounds good.”

  Mason’s mother nodded to herself. “Good. I’ll go put on some coffee.”

  Mick watched her go, waiting until she was out of sight before turning to Mason.

  “She seems nice,” he said. He reached out and put his arm around Mason’s shoulder, hugging him close. “I’m glad we get to meet her.”

  “Yeah?” Mason looked up at him.

  “Of course,” Chris said, coming up on his other side. “She’s your mom and she’s important to you. We want to make a good impression.”

  Mason snorted. “Well, you rescued me, so she’s pretty much going to love you no matter what.”

  Chris looked toward the door and lowered his voice. “What exactly did you tell her about… everything?”

  Mason started leading them into
the living room, taking a seat on the couch with Chris and Mick sitting down on either side of him.

  “I told her you were working there undercover, and that when I went into heat you helped me out.”

  In other words, a slightly prettier version of the truth than what really happened. Mick wasn’t going to complain, and he doubted Chris would, either.


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