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Entrusting Cade (Wildcat Graduates Book 4)

Page 3

by Xana Jordan

  “You know how much I care about you, right?” He looks intently into my eyes and I feel like he’s looking into my soul.

  Feeling the intense pull to him, I nod, returning his gaze, my face just as serious as his.


  “I do.”


  “You’re not leaving me.”

  “Remember that,” he says with a low, throaty voice that drives me crazy. His hands slide my tank top up and over my head, tossing it on the floor. Looking down at my bare breasts, he says, “so beautiful,” before tracing my nipple with his tongue.

  My back arches and I place both hands on his head, holding him closer. “Cade.”

  One of his hands bares his weight while the other glides its way to my hip, then upper thigh, to hoist my leg to his waist. His mouth explores my bare chest making my breathing speed up and I hold onto his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin.

  Kissing his way back to my neck, he grinds his groin into mine, causing me to shudder at the contact. My hips involuntarily press back against him and I can feel his hardness through the thin material of our clothes. Our bodies begin a slow and torturous dance as our hips move together, both needing more friction.

  I take the hand at my knee and slide it down my leg to the waistband of my shorts. Cade understands my intentions and removes the sleep shorts, my hips raising to assist him. He tosses them onto the floor and starts removing his own, not needing any help from me. Clothing removed, he returns to lie over me underneath the sheets. His arms are under my shoulders with his hands holding the sides of my face. I can feel his heart beating rapidly against my chest, and I know he can feel mine beating just the same.

  “We’re in this together. You need reminding of that,” he tells me and begins slowly rubbing his thick, hard shaft over my clit. “Just you and me,” he continues, his eyes never leaving mine. “No one else matters.” His cock slides to my soaked opening and pushes in slightly, causing my core to spasm at the contact. “Words,” he demands and I comply.

  “Us together,” I say, struggling to breathe properly as I become more and more aroused.

  “Again,” he commands again and enters me on a full thrust forcing me to respond.

  “Us together,” I tell him on a groan, feeling full and completely stretched to the limit.

  He pulls back and says, “Words,” he tells me with a strained voice before thrusting in once more, with more force.

  “Just us,” I whisper.

  “Damn right,” he exhales and begins a determined pace of in and out while his mouth devours mine.

  It takes no time at all before I become lost in the moment and let my body take over from my mind, allowing it to respond to Cade in any way it wants. We continue this way, our moans and breathing becoming more frequent and I wrap my legs around his waist in an effort to draw him in closer to me. His movements increase in speed and intensity, and my body meets his with every stroke he makes. I’m so overwhelmed with every sensation, I can feel I’m not sure I can take much more. It’s just too much, like always.

  “I can’t. Oh, please…” He cuts me off with another hard stroke.

  “Take it,” he commands and moves his mouth to my chest, giving my nipples complete devotion, one at a time. His pace never falters as all of his attention to my body pushes me over the edge. Continuing on through my orgasm, Cade’s sucking and biting my nipples makes every spasm I have all the more intense.


  He leans back on his knees and pulls my hips on top of his muscular thighs. His hands hold my waist so tightly, I’d be surprised if there isn’t some sort of bruising tomorrow. One hand eventually takes hold of my breast and squeezes lightly, his strokes becoming harder and faster as he pulls my body into his repeatedly.

  Things become so intense I can feel myself coiling up for another release, and I close my eyes automatically as Cade’s hurried thrusts push me over the edge for the second time. As my core contracts around him, his moans become louder and he finally follows me in his own release, spilling into me again and again until I can feel it running over. Nearing the end of his orgasm, he leans forward to rest his body gently on mine, his forearms supporting most of his weight.

  Trying to catch my breath I can feel everything going quiet and my eyes resist my attempts to open them. The bed beside me dips down as he lays on his side before standing to get a warm rag to clean us up with. The last thing I think I hear is Cade saying, “I love you,” and sleep overtakes me.

  Cade and I spent a relaxing weekend together by ourselves. Saturday was spent at the lake enjoying the warm weather and beautiful scenery. We swam, had a picnic lunch, and even played a few beach sports with some of our friends who had the same idea. The water was warm, enticing us to spend a lot of time swimming, and we were completely exhausted when we finally left to go home.

  Sunday we decided to drive to Texarkana and walk around the mall for a while. That was a great way to spend the day. I found a dress for the All Sports banquet next week, along with a great deal on a few pairs of shoes. Cade didn’t even mind that I spent over an hour getting it all. It allowed us time to talk to one another, and we were even able to play indoor blacklight mini golf and watch a movie before we had to leave.

  “I WIN!” I celebrate my final, winning, putt, rejoicing with a little dance that makes Cade laugh at me.

  “Yeah, yeah. I let ya win,” he declares, shaking his head at my dancing.

  “In ya dreams, Hot Stuff. I just kicked your butt and you know it.”

  “Yeah, you did. Ready to get back home, now?” He hauls my body to his and kisses me chastely, knowing we are surrounded by younger children and their parents. I realize he’s humoring my gloating over beating him, which he probably did let me win, just a little bit, but that’s just how we work. He doesn’t need validation about being the best. He’s much too self-confident and humble for that, choosing to let me shine instead.

  I was able to let things go, even if for just a small time, and truly loosen up. I haven’t been able to do that since high school. Those two nights I spent with him in his room gave my body a much needed rest. I never had nightmares while I was there, and I slept like I hadn’t in months; hard and dreamless.

  Being with Cade really does anchor me, and I sometimes wonder if I give him enough in return.

  Monday morning brings one of the last weeks we have left in this semester, and the professors are doing their best to cram in every last bit of information they can before finals start in two weeks. I’m glad baseball season is nearly over and the only things remaining are the All Sports Banquet and a team appreciation dinner sponsored by the Beta Sigma Epsilon sorority. They seem to have adopted us and become our personal cheerleaders. They’re all very nice and have turned out to give us a lot of support at our games and on campus as well. They even gave us a celebratory party when we won our division bracket a few weeks ago, even though we have a few remaining playoff games scheduled.

  By lunchtime, we’re all sitting in the cafeteria, in our usual spot, talking about our weekends. “At least Daniels didn’t try and keep all the food to himself this time,” I joke with Noel and Xana giggles.

  “He didn’t have to. My mom sent as much food with him as his own mother did. He didn’t need what your mom sent, too,” she laughs.

  “No kidding,” Gavin agrees. “I’ve never seen so much food sent for one person, and she even sent things back with me.” He rubs his stomach and leans back in his chair. “I may need to run an extra mile or two to compensate,” he states, making us all laugh.

  “Yeah, you need to run a lot more,” Mallory says sarcastically and hits his flat stomach. “Nothing but fat there,” she deadpans and we laugh louder. Gavin pretends to be offended, but his mouth is fighting a grin.

  “I knew you were getting slower in those last few games, but I didn’t realize it was becoming a problem,” I joke and he throws a French fry at me.

  “You’re the one wh
o has grown four thumbs, Matthews. You’d have better luck catching the ball if you had those sticky mouse trap things on your glove.”

  “Awe, poor McKnight’s running out of comebacks. I’ll give you a few extra minutes to think of a better reply.” I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes.

  “Whatever,” he replies before eating a bite of his pizza. “What is everyone doing for the summer?” he asks before finishing his last bite.

  “More classes,” Xana chimes in, with a smile this time. She’s much happier since Noel convinced her to change her major to the one she really wanted to have. “And I’m taking Stacy’s place at the library.”

  “Stacy’s place? What are you doing?” Dillon questions, turning his attention to Stacy.

  “My grandmother got me a job at the hospital in El Dorado,” she explains, then takes the last bite of her fried rice.

  “Doing what?” Mallory asks, leaning toward her over the table.

  “Just working the reception desk in the lobby, answering the phones and directing people to rooms for visits. Nothing major.” She shrugs and finishes off her sweet tea. “What are you two doing back in Texas for the break? Soaking up the sun and surf?”

  “I’m actually interning at a local security company back home. My dad’s friends with the owners and got me in. I’ve been thinking of doing something like that after graduation next year,” Dillon answers leaning back in his chair, his tray empty.

  “I guess talking to my dad and Mike answered some of your questions, huh?” Xana says, grinning like a fool. “I’m surprised, because my brother can be a real jerk sometimes,” she rolls her eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m not sure how you turned out so sweet being around him all the time. He’d drive me insane,” he shakes his head. “He’s actually worse than GiGi and Carson put together.”

  “Your brother and sister are not that bad,” Mal chastises, slapping him across the stomach, this time more forcefully.

  “Hey! Just because you have them wrapped around your finger, doesn’t mean they aren’t a pain in my ass.” Gav’s rubbing his abs makes everyone laugh. Those two are about as bad as Stace and I are at times.

  “What are you doing this summer, Dill?” Xana asks when our laughter dies down.

  “Not working, that’s for sure. My parents feel that me keeping up with grades and ball during the school year requires I have down time in the summer. I usually end up unofficially working at the local gym and stuff. I help out around there and they let me use the equipment whenever I want. It keeps me busy.”

  “Such a hard life,” Stace teases.

  “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful,” he fires back, wiggling his eyebrows, his hands moving down the sides of his body, showing us the goods.

  I throw a wad of dirty napkins at him, hitting him square in the eye, and laugh. “One day, Dill, one day.”

  “Whatever,” he laughs, removing the napkins from his tray. “Who wants to go to the lake this weekend?”

  Chatter resumes as we all plan out our weekend, even though it’s still four days away, everyone getting more excited about the semester’s end. This year has been a long one, and I can’t deny I am more than ready for downtime this summer, regardless of being busy with little league and ball camps during that time.

  It’s Thursday night and I’m reading over a Comp II paper that is due on Monday morning while Noel constantly paces around the room, examining his watch every minute, or close to it. Finals are next week, and Xana and Stacy are at the library late tonight. Stacy has the closing shift, and Xana stayed after an Economics study group meeting so she could keep Stace from having to go home alone at this hour. Noel and I aren’t too keen on them walking around like that with all the talk about the rash of muggings that have been occurring in the area lately. Fortunately, as of now, there haven’t been any too near campus, so as long as Stace promised to park near the building, I’m not too worried about them. Don’t get me wrong, though. The two of them are under strict orders to text us when they leave the library, when they reach the car and their dorm parking lot, and when they are safely inside the room.

  “Something is wrong,” Noel insists as he makes his way across the room for what feels like the hundredth time, while I keep ignoring his repeated questions. If they are even a minute later than Noel thinks they should be, he’ll flip his shit. That guy worries more about Xana now that they are engaged than he ever did before, and that’s saying a lot because he was already on the verge of being irrationally overprotective.

  “You’re overreacting right now. It’s not even time for Stacy to be off work yet,” I scold, receiving a glare in response. He continues to pace back and forth, nearly wearing a worn place in the tile covered floor, checking his watch every ten seconds.

  “They should be through about now.” He insists, having discussed this a few times already, and I’m about ready to hit him.

  “We’ve already gone over this, so shut the hell up, man. They will text us when they’re leaving the building. Besides, the library parking lot is right in front of the building, and they’re not far from the dorm. We could run there if we wanted to.” He glares at me, I can feel his eyes boring a hole into my backside, compulsively picking up his phone once again - checking to make sure the ringer is on, I’m sure - never once stopping his pacing.

  I worry about Stace just as much as he stresses over Xana, but having an older sister gives me a little more relaxed view on how to deal with it. She understands what I expect when it comes to things like this, and vice versa, so we don’t worry about the little details as much. I learned a long time ago to pick my battles when it comes to Stacy. For me, it’s not so much knowing how to handle her, but acknowledging and loving who she is. She’s feisty, sassy, and extremely competitive, and I completely love those qualities in her, never getting tired of seeing her in action. My life is far from dull with her in it.

  Even with all of those wonderful things, there is another side to Stacy that few people get to fully experience. The side that Xana knows and loves. However, even she doesn’t know quite everything about that part of her. She is outgoing, sometimes even a tad bit dramatic, but the quiet, private girl I know is utterly amazing. She’s more complex and thoughtful than she lets most people see. This is the part that makes everything she throws at me worth it. The things that drive me to hold her up when she needs me, and encourage her on as she succeeds.

  Noel’s incessant pacing finally sends me over the edge. “Dude, your pacing isn’t going to make them call us any sooner. They’ll call when they’re done, so relax a little bit. I can’t concentrate on reading over this paper with you freaking out over there.”

  Stopping mid-stride, he glares at me, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Cade. I’m serious.” I shake my head just as my phone pings with an incoming text.

  “See,” I reply, holding up my phone, “They just left the library.” I place it back on the desk. “Now breathe. Everything is fine.”

  “Not yet.” He resumes his pacing while staring at his phone. They always call once they reach the car. ALWAYS. A second later, he grabs his keys. “Fuck it,” he growls, then storms out of the room. Hastily, I grab my phone and follow him out of the dorm.

  “Wait up,” I call after him, running to catch up to him as he reaches the far side of our parking lot, headed straight for the library on foot. I am starting to get worried myself, and glance down to check for another text but there isn’t one. “They’re going to be fine,” I try to reassure him, and myself, as we run side-by-side up to the back of the library. Turning the corner, we aren’t prepared for what lies in front of us.

  There are three campus police cars surrounding Stacy’s car, and an officer is talking to both of our girls, both looking extremely shaken up as they hold onto each other.

  “What the hell? XANA!” Noel yells, kicking it into a faster pace than he had previously, trying to reach her.

  Just as we get close to them, a second officer emerges from the
shadows and raises a hand to stop our approach. “I’m sorry, boys, I’m going to have to ask you to stay right there for a few moments. We’ve had a situation we’re trying to take care of.”

  Noel presses his chest forward against the officer’s hand in an attempt to get to the girls, anger and frustration lining his entire face.

  “That’s my fiancée over there,” he loudly informs the man, pointing to Xana, who snaps her head to the side at the sound of his voice. “We need to get to them,” he implores, his voice begging the man to listen to him.

  “Noel,” she shouts and runs toward his open arms, and they meet halfway from where they were, the officer unable to hold him back any longer. She flings herself at him and clutches his neck fiercely, tears building in her eyes.

  Before I can hear what she is saying, I focus my attention on my woman. She hasn’t moved a muscle, except turn her head and look at me with vacant eyes. She’s petrified, and I’m not sure she is fully processing what’s going on. Rushing to reach her side, I wrap her in my arms, looking her over from head to toe. She stiffens at my touch and I notice a slight grimace as I tilt her chin to evaluate her face. “Stace! Are you alright, babe?” She nods her head, staring over my shoulder, looking at nothing I can see.

  About this time, Noel and the second campus police officer escort Xana back to where we stand.

  Stace refuses to speak, so I turn to the officer standing nearest to us. “What’s going on?” I ask, the officer writing things down in a tiny notebook no bigger than a cell phone.

  “My partner and I were making rounds and noticed these two ladies being harassed at their car. Once we were in closer proximity, we realized they were being assaulted. Two tall males ran away when they noticed they had our attention and were heading in their direction.”

  “We’ve searched the perimeter, and couldn’t find any signs of them, Sergeant. No student we came across saw anyone running by,” a third officer, who just arrives, tells him. Sergeant Thomas, his name badge says, nods then addresses us.


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