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Entrusting Cade (Wildcat Graduates Book 4)

Page 5

by Xana Jordan

  “Short story? We started dating early on in high school. Went to separate colleges. Just became complacent with each other and our relationship,” she stops for a moment, “and, yeah, he ended up cheating around on me. Didn’t really ever see it coming, but it did.”

  “What the hell, Mal? I wasn’t really expecting you to say he actually did that.” I’m pretty dumbfounded to hear Keaton did that to her. I didn’t get the whole cheater-douchebag vibe from him back in Galveston. I guess you really never can predict these things.

  “Yeah, we’re really more friends now than how we were back in high school.”

  “That sucks! What did you do when you found out? I’d kick Cade’s ass if he ever did that.” Seriously, he even thinks of doing me like that, he’ll wish for a quick death, because my brand of justice will be more than he can stand.

  “Well, it’s not exactly what I did, but more of the way he acted about the whole mess.”

  “What in the world are you referring to, hooker? Just say it.”

  Now Xana is staring at her, looking almost giddy with anticipation for what Mallory is about to say. “Gavin was in my room going over some computer stuff I had to work on when Keaton showed up unannounced and unexpectedly. Needless to say, he wasn’t pleased to see a guy in my room.”

  “Oh, coconuts! What happened then?” I am hanging on to every word, trying desperately to imagine what went down with those two guys.

  “Well, let’s just say he denied everything and tried to turn it around that I was the one cheating...with Gavin.” She bites her lip and looks over at Xana, for what I’m unsure.

  “NO, HE DI’NT! I can’t imagine it went well after that,” I surmise, shaking my head in disbelief.

  “Yeah, he did,” Xana confirms. “It wasn’t as bad as when Noel lit into Jeff, but it was pretty close. Noel had to break them apart.”

  “Wait, how did you and Noel get into this? Have you been holding out on me, heifer?” I frown at Xana.

  “Ugh, you know it wasn’t my story to tell. Besides, we only knew the part Gavin told us.”

  “I can’t believe you let me keep talking about him like he was such a great guy, Mallory Martin! I feel awful,” I apologize.

  “It’s not that big of a deal. Honestly, I’m over it. Being with Gavin more than makes up for anything Keaton ever did to me. We just grew apart,” she replies, unable to hide the smile on her face.

  “Well,” I smart off, “you do look well pleased.” That’s all I can get out before Xana slugs the hell out of my arm.

  “Don’t be so crude!” She scolds me, but it only encourages me to giggle.

  Laughing loudly at her exasperation, I notice the bright red tint Mal’s face has acquired, and laugh harder. “Don’t get all bent out of shape over it, Xan. It’s not like she’s denying it!” I point in her direction and her blush and smile only get more pronounced. “She looks more than satisfied! Oh! Oh! Snickers is his new name!” By this point I’m laughing so hard the lady working on my feet stops to let me settle down before continuing, the girls laughing along with me.

  “Oh my coconuts, Stacy! Shut up! I’m never gonna be able to look him in the eyes again,” Mallory reprimands me, not one bit convincing with a smile firmly planted on her face.

  After our laughter dies down, Mallory decides to turn the spotlight on Xana and away from herself. “So, you and Noel are really sure about getting married, huh?” Now it’s Xana’s turn to turn bright red and smile goofily.

  “Yeah. It may sound dumb, but there really never was anyone else but him.” She looks ahead to the large glass windows at the front of the salon, lost in her thoughts of Noel, I’m sure.

  “I get it, but getting engaged so early in school? Have you two talked about when you might want to get married?” Even I am anxious to hear her answer to this important question.

  “He said it doesn’t matter to him, just that it was clear to me, and everyone else, where we were headed. He wanted to erase any doubts I had about…” Her voice tapers off and her gaze returns to the glass windows and the landscaping outside.

  Mal and I exchange a puzzled look and wait for her to continue what she was saying. The seconds turn into minutes, and we both become a little worried about what she was going to say. Noticing tears beginning to build up in her eyes, I place my hand on her forearm to get her attention. “You okay, Sweets?”

  Shaking her head a little to shake off whatever it was that had her lost in her head, she smiles at both of us and apologizes. “Sorry about that. I’m fine. I was just thinking about everything that’s happened this past year.” She pauses to look down at her toes when the lady asks what color she wants them painted and chooses a bright glittery rose pink. In a small voice she answers me, “He wanted to make me understand that my PCOS would never change his feelings for me, and that he would never leave me because of it..”

  “Well, DUH! How many times did we tell you the very same thing, Hooker?” I gently slap her shoulder with the back of my hand and she flinches.

  “Why do you have to hit so hard?” She rubs the offended area, scowling at me.

  “We have told you that on numerous occasions, Xan,” Mallory adds, daring her to disagree.

  “Why do you insist on not listening to me?” I throw back at her which elicits a giggle from Mallory and the three salon employees giving us our pedis.

  Mallory finally stifles her giggles and asks, “But seriously, are you wanting to get married while still in school, or are you okay with waiting until you’re both out?” Upon hearing that, Xana turns in her direction.

  “For the moment, we’re just taking things one day at a time. Marrying him now makes just as much sense to me as it does in waiting. There are pros and cons to both.” She shrugs her shoulders and looks back out through the front windows.

  There is a silent, but comfortable, gap in the conversation as the employees finish painting our toes and send us off to the hair stylists waiting for us. Each one of us is lost in our own thoughts when Xana’s phone rings, and I get a text notification. We shake our heads, knowing exactly who is trying to reach us.

  Sighing, Xana quickly digs hers out of the back pocket of her shorts and answers first, “We’re at the salon and are just about to get our hair done. After that we’re going down the very populated block to grab something sweet at the bakery. We’re all staying together and aren’t going to any strange places.”

  Damn, she didn’t even let the person on the other end of the call get a word in edgewise, and it makes me laugh to myself as I pull my phone from my bag. Although, I think with the way that conversation just went it had to have been Noel calling. He was all caveman over her before, but last night just made him worse. I love the way he protects her. She’s more than my very best friend, she’s my soul sister from another mister, and I’m probably just as protective of her at times.

  Checking a text from Cade, I hear, “Yes. Yes. I know. We will. Yes. Straight there. Yes. Promise,” she continues answering while rolling her eyes and shaking her head slightly. “I know you do. I love you, too,” she replies, her voice lowering to more of a whisper. “I’ll be up. Bye.” Resting her phone in her lap under the salon cape, she releases a tired sigh, and looks our way.

  “Let me guess,” I tell her. “Noel called to issue out the newest set of our restrictions, and told you to go straight back to the dorm after we leave Gunnar’s Gooey Goodies.” I raise a brow and cock my head to the side and wait for her affirmation of my summary. “And he’s only acting like that because he loves you so much. Does that about cover it?”

  “Holy Hell, if he’s this bad already, maybe you shouldn’t marry him at all. If it gets any worse you may have to kill him!” Mallory laments while Xana giggles.

  “Nah, I’d never let him know, but I secretly love it that he’s like that,” she bows her head and tries to hide her face behind a screen of her long, curly strawberry blonde hair, but I can still see her blushing through the strands.

king closer toward her I move the hair away from her face. She averts her eyes away from me, trying to avoid my gaze. “He really is bossy all the time, isn’t he?” I raise a brow, daring her to deny the truth. Instead, she nods, ever so slightly, laughing at my expression.

  Xana hurriedly makes her way to the nearest stylist waiting for us and takes her seat in the stylist’s chair, Mallory following along behind her to sit in the next open chair. Beginning a reply to Cade’s message, my phone’s ring interrupts me right before I take my own chair. Cade.


  “You’d better go straight to the bakery and then the dorm. Nowhere else.” What the actual hell?

  “Excuse me, who is this? It sounds like my wonderful, rational boyfriend, Cade, but I’m sure I must be hearing things, as he would never talk to me like that on a normal day.”

  “You know it’s me, babe. You didn’t answer your text. Just tell me you’ll follow the rules. Please?” At least he said please.

  “I will since you put it that way, but you’d better cut that shit out right now, Matthews. I’ll have you know I was sending a reply when you so impatiently interrupted me with your bossy assed phone call. Watch it buddy, ‘cause I’m not putting up with it today.” He’d do well to remember that for future reference.

  “I know, just...please?” Concern oozes out of his words, and I readily agree to his commands.

  “Okay,” my voice replies on a soft sigh. “That’s better. Play good,” I reply and end the call.

  I realize he’s worried, I am too, but he needs to tone it down a few notches or I’m liable to flip a table.

  It’s a little after six when we make it back to campus, all of us starving. Stopping by Gunnar’s for cupcakes, and other pastries we couldn’t pass up, only made us hungrier, so we head straight to the cafeteria.

  “Hold on,” Xana stops us, pulling out her phone. “Lemme text them really quick. You know they’re probably about to call anyway.” She sends a quick text to Noel and checks the time before we continue on our way to the dining hall.

  “Hurry up, Xan, I’m hungry,” I warn her, and she immediately picks up the pace. I’m not exactly as hungry as I just made out, but I love to mess with her.

  A few friends from band are ahead of us in line and save a seat for us to sit with them. We met Brian, Todd, Stephanie, and Jimmy last year when we started college and have been pretty good friends ever since. They’re all from different places and are in various stages of college, except for Brian. He is from El Dorado like we are, but a year younger than Xana’s brother - and mine by association - Mike.

  Dinner goes by quickly until Todd brings up the attack from last night. I was hoping to never hear about that subject again. “Did you hear about some girls who got attacked by some guys last night on campus?”

  “Yes! The whole dorm was talking about it. Apparently they were leaving the library late last night when it happened,” Stephanie adds, leaning over the table to be heard better.

  Mallory takes this moment to look at Xana and me as we share a look of dread. Her eyes roam back and forth between us as she tries to see what she’s missing. It’s obvious when she makes the connection that we are the ones Brian and Stephanie are referring to. Before she can make a comment about it, I shake my head just as Todd joins in the conversation.

  “Yeah, I heard the campus police stumbled on it before anything really happened. I can’t believe it’s starting to happen on campus now. I’ve never been happy about my girlfriend still being in high school until now. I’d be pissed if it happened to her, and I’d never let her out of my sight after that.” He shakes his head along with Brian and Stephanie who agree with him. Apparently, caveman behavior is the acceptable norm in this situation.

  “I hope they hire more security on campus after this,” Stephanie says as she picks at her fried rice. “It seems like these things are happening more frequently, especially in the last few weeks. Kinda makes it hard to work late anywhere when you never know if it’s going to happen in your area or not.”

  Mallory nods her head in agreement, “Yeah, Gavin’s been threatening to drive me to and from work if I have a late shift. The only thing that’d kept him from doing it was the fact nothing seemed to happen close to campus. Now, I’m gonna have to figure out another argument.”

  “If you get that worked out, please share with me. Noel’s gonna drive me insane...eventually,” she smirks, winking in referral to our conversation at the salon. Lord, help her survive him.

  “Yeah, even I don’t see that happening,” Brian retorts, throwing his head back, laughing out loud. “Daniels is never gonna let that part of himself go. I can guarantee it.”

  “She’s not even really worried about that anyway, or she’d have protested by now,” Todd adds and we all laugh because it’s the complete truth.

  Finishing our dinner, we all head our separate ways and say goodbye. Stephanie lives in a different dorm than we do, so she walks with the guys as they leave the dining hall. “See y’all later,” she calls out as they walk the opposite direction from us. We wave and cross the street, ready to get back to our rooms.

  “Do y’all wanna hang out in my room,” Mal asks as we walk down the corridor on our side of the building.

  “Sounds good to me,” I respond, “Just let us go and change into more comfy clothes and we’ll meet you there.” I’ve had a really fun day and am almost ready for bed, but having a little girl time sounds like heaven after this past week.

  Xana and I make it back to our room to change and check in with the guys. They haven’t checked on us lately, so they must be in the middle of a ball game. I hope they aren’t so distracted that they make a lot of mistakes. That would not be good for them at this late point in the season.

  It doesn’t take long before the three of us are engrossed in all sorts of gossip and are gawking at the ever delicious Oliver Queen on an episode of Arrow, when Xana’s stomach rumbles. “You’re hungry again?” I ask in disbelief, “I can’t believe you want more and I don’t have to force you to eat something.” Mallory and I giggle when she sticks her tongue out and makes a silly noise.

  “Oh, shut up! I’m ordering pizza, so who wants any?” Xana pulls out her cell phone and looks up the number for the pizza joint near campus that we always order from because they have the best cheap pizza in town. Not gonna lie, I’d eat even if I wasn’t very hungry.

  “I do, and don’t forget to order those crack-filled triple chocolate brownie bites they have,” Mal instructs and I groan.

  “Fine, I’ll eat again, but you’d better not hog the fried ravioli I know you’re gonna order,” I warn before she places the order.

  A large pizza, salad, brownies, and ravioli later finds us lounging on Mallory and her roommate, Alexis’s, bed watching television, having just finished a movie. Talking has started to taper off, so I decide to head back to my room and go to sleep. Xana’s passed out on the spare bed, the roommate being gone for the weekend, but I don’t have the heart to wake her so I let her sleep and tell Mal I’ll text the caveman and let him know where she is.

  Once back in my room, I realize I’m more exhausted than I thought, so I decide to go to bed instead of watching more television or reading. After I wash my face and brush the garlic taste out of my mouth, I send a text to Noel.

  ME: We hung out with Mallory. Xana is passed out there. She ate a lot. Don’t wake her up. You’re welcome.

  It takes a little while before my phone pings with his response, and one from Cade.

  CAVEMAN: Thanks, Sybil.

  That nickname he gave me always makes me laugh, the reference to me having multiple personalities, accurate in his mind. I just like to keep people on their toes. It’s more fun that way. Closing out his message, I open the one from Cade.

  HOT STUFF: We’re just leaving to come home. Have a good day?

  ME: Today was great. We all needed it. How was your game?

  HOT STUFF: We won. We all played good. How are you? />
  ME: Tired. I was just about to go to sleep. Surprised you haven’t texted me for updates today.

  HOT STUFF: I read Noel’s. Damn glad she knows how he is and texted him first.

  ME: No kidding. She loves it. Let me know when you get in?

  HOT STUFF: K. Night, Scarlett.

  ME: Night, Jensen.

  Being away from Stacy for most of yesterday, right after the attack, nearly killed me. Playing two games in a row wasn’t as easy as usual with my mind worrying about both of them being alone wandering around town. I swear, if they hadn’t been diligent about checking in with us on a regular basis, Noel and I would have found some way to leave the team and get back to campus. They’ve had a day to get over what occurred before having to tell their families what happened. Now, it’s time to get things over with.

  “You want to call them, or shall I?” I give her the choice, both of us acknowledging that the call will be made, despite any reservations she has about doing it. Reluctantly, she takes the phone from me and dials their number, setting it to speaker once answered.

  “Hey, Papaw. How are ya?”

  “Good, Stacy girl. Studying hard for exams?” The smile in his voice is evident.

  “Always do,” she replies, biting her tongue and fidgeting from one foot to another.

  “How is our boy treatin’ ya?” He always asks that question, knowing I’ve been put on speaker.

  Laughing at his dig, she answers with matched joking. “Eh, I almost have him trained right. He just needs a little fine-tuning.” Papaw laughs loudly, I right along with him, before addressing me.

  “Need to work a harder there, son. You should be house trained by now. How are ya doin’?” I love her Papaw a lot. He always has great advice to give and stories to go along with it.

  “I’m not as bad as she makes me out, Pops. She’s the one who needs a little fine-tuning.” Stace digs into my side, smiling the entire time.

  “That sounds like our girl, always needing extra help.”

  “You two are just awful together,” she scolds without anger, “I’m surprised Grams and I haven’t ditched y’all by now. You should be thankful.”


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