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Back in the Hood

Page 2

by Treasure Hernandez

  He felt Halleigh’s hand wrap around his, and he looked at her in surprise.

  “Hey,” she said quietly, her voice scratchy and weak.

  “Thank you,” Malek whispered, lifting his eyes to the ceiling, acknowledging God’s work. He had never been a Bible-toter, but he was so grateful for Halleigh’s safety, he knew a greater power had to be at work. It wasn’t the first time that some type of higher power had stepped in and saved the couple from the angel of death. As far as Malek was concerned, there wasn’t anyone else he could give credit to but God. It certainly wasn’t just plain old good luck. He knew better than anyone that luck had never been on their side. Ever since fate separated them and forced them to survive on the streets, both of them had faced death more than a few times. They had definitely experienced more than their share of bad luck.

  Halleigh felt so tired. The medication they had her on was weighing her down, making her feel as if she had gained a thousand pounds overnight. It was even hard for her to move her mouth to talk, but she felt like she owed her man an explanation.

  “Malek, I’m so sorry for lying to you. I wanted to tell you I had been going to Genesis, but I knew you would try to stop me.”

  “Why, Halleigh? Why would you be going there?” He tried not to be angry that she had been going to the place that was killing his street trade. This was not the time to be thinking about business.

  “I have a friend there . . . Scratch. I was trying to help him kick his habit,” she explained. “I wanted to let him know that someone cared. I thought it would help him get better. You know, the same way I knew someone cared about me.” She forced her lips to curve into a slight smile, her sign of appreciation for Malek always being there for her. “That’s what got me through. But I had no idea something like this would happen.”

  “Hal, when you didn’t come home last night, I went crazy. Hearing that you were hurt was like a bullet to the chest, ma. I’m in love with you, and I’m so sorry I put you through this.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, baby.” Halleigh gripped his hand tighter.

  “Yes, I do.” Malek swallowed hard, debating whether he should tell Halleigh the real deal. But being the main one who insisted there be no secrets between them, he knew he had to fess up. So, he told her the miserable truth and hoped she could forgive him.

  “Hal, I’m the one who gave the order to shoot up Genesis. I pushed the button.”

  “What?” she asked in confusion as she withdrew her hand from his.

  Malek reached for it again. “Don’t do that to me, Hal. I’m sorry. I had no idea you’d be there,” he said.

  “Why would you do something like that, Malek? How could you?”

  “I didn’t know you were there. I was stupid.”

  “And if I hadn’t been there, the other people there didn’t matter? There were kids in there, Malek! People who weren’t bothering nobody. They were trying to get their lives together,” she whispered harshly, tears filling her eyes.

  It hurt her so bad to think that person she laid up with every night was responsible for the tragedy that had almost taken her life. Halleigh loved Malek to death, God knows she did, but he just seemed to be so hard and ruthless these days, nothing like the Malek who’d stolen her heart back in high school.

  “I know, Hal. I know. Let’s just focus on you getting better,” Malek said, attempting to calm her down.

  “No, Malek.” Halleigh pulled away from his touch. “You don’t understand. My mother was in there,” she cried.

  Malek was shocked to hear Halleigh mention her mother, especially in a caring way. She was the reason Halleigh ended up on the streets in the first place. If it hadn’t been for Sharina and her drug habit, everything might have turned out different. But obviously, Halleigh didn’t hold a grudge.

  “Yeah, I’ve hated her for a long time,” Halleigh said, “but she was there, and I don’t wish death on her. And my friend was in there.”

  “Hal—”Malek started, but she shot him a look that cut through him like a knife.

  “I don’t even know you right now,” she said as a tear freed itself from her eyes.

  Malek knew he couldn’t really say anything that would make this better. Everything Halleigh had said was well deserved. He was nothing like the man he’d once dreamed of becoming.

  The game was sucking him dry. Sometimes he didn’t even recognize himself. He had come so far away from boyhood, but sometimes he still felt like he didn’t know shit about being a real man. Back when he was headed for the NBA, he never imagined he could one day become a straight-up killer. But now, forced to survive on the streets, that’s exactly what he was—and it had almost cost him everything.

  “I know how you must feel, but please forgive me, Hal,” he pleaded.

  Halleigh shook her head as another tear fell. “I’m tired of this, Malek. I love you, but I don’t know if I want my life to be like this. For so long I was living wrong, and you judged me for it. But who are you to judge anybody?” She closed her eyes and turned her head away from him.

  Malek started to protest, but Halleigh didn’t give him a chance to speak as she turned back to face him and then continued, “You don’t have to lie and deny it. I can tell you still think about my past. You look at me, and a part of you can’t get over the fact that I was a Manolo Mami. I’ve been working hard to regain your trust, Malek, but you can’t throw stones when you live in a glasshouse. You ain’t living right either. You shot up a building full of innocent people, Malek! How fucked-up is that?” Halleigh shook her head and waited for Malek to say something, but he didn’t.

  “Malek, I love you, and I know this isn’t you. This isn’t the real Malek.” She looked him up and down. “This person standing in front of me, this person I’ve been living with isn’t the Malek I know. I mean, you act like you’ve got something to prove to somebody, when all that’s supposed to matter is me and you.”

  Finally finding his words, Malek spoke. “You gotta believe me, Hal. You and me is all that matters.”

  Halleigh, through the pain, tried her best to sit up as much as she could. “Do you really mean that, Malek? I mean, if it really is just about me and you, then we have to leave this life alone.”

  A smile covered Halleigh’s face, as if reminiscing. “Remember before, in high school, what our only goal was?”

  Malek smiled and nodded.

  “Me too. It was to get the hell out of Flint. So when did that all change? Why did it change?”

  Malek shrugged.

  “Then let’s do it. Let’s get out of this city before it swallows us whole. We can go somewhere and be us again. We can go back and be how we used to be before our lives spun out of control.”

  “Give it all up,” Malek said more to himself than to Halleigh.

  “Give it all up for me. You have enough money to be set for a while. Let’s start over,” Halleigh pleaded, getting worked up.

  Malek stood over her and rubbed her head gently. “Is that what I have to do to keep you?”

  A tear slid down Halleigh’s face, and she shook her head. “This is what you have to do to save me, to save us. I can’t live like this anymore.”

  Malek thought about her words for a minute. He couldn’t say he really wanted to give up the streets—especially now, when he was just coming into his own. He was the king of the city, and he couldn’t deny that he was becoming addicted to the power.

  He let himself think about how big he could become if he stayed in Flint. He could give Halleigh and the baby everything they’d ever dreamed of, and everyone would know his name. But then he looked down at his woman, who’d almost died because of him. No amount of money or power would have been able to bring her back.

  It was time to give away the keys to the city. If he wanted to keep his woman safe, he’d have to give it all up and move on, whether he wanted to or not.

  “Okay, Hal, I hear you. I’ll get my affairs in order, and then we’ll get ghost and kiss this city goodby

  “Are you just saying that, or are you serious? Because do you know how many dudes from the street say they’re gonna go legit but then turn around and let the streets keep pulling them back in?”

  Both Halleigh and Malek let out a little chuckle. Then Malek said, “Girl, you been watching too much of The Godfather. Anyway, I’m serious. I mean it. I wouldn’t lie to you, ma, about something like this.” Malek bent down and kissed Halleigh on the forehead. “You gotta trust me on this.”

  Halleigh looked deeply into Malek’s eyes. “Baby, I do trust you.”

  Malek smiled and kissed her again. “Get some sleep, and don’t worry about anything. I’ll take care of it.”

  Halleigh closed her eyes and shortly thereafter fell off to sleep, and Malek sat with her until the nurses forced him to leave. When he finally emerged from Halleigh’s room, he saw Mitch sprawled out in the waiting room, his coat thrown over his face.

  Malek looked at the clock on the wall. It was nine o’clock in the morning. He had completely forgotten that Mitch was even with him, but he had a new respect for his right-hand man. Mitch had waited patiently throughout the night without complaint.

  He approached Mitch and kicked his foot gently. “Yo, man, we outta here.” Malek rubbed his red eyes. He had a lot on his mind and needed to get some sleep so he could wake up refreshed and analyze his situation.

  He wasn’t going to say anything to Mitch about his plan to leave Flint until he had all his ducks in order. Since Mitch knew all of Malek’s business affairs anyway, he’d be the one to inherit the throne.

  “How’s Hal?” Mitch asked as he stood up and stretched. “She a’ight?”

  “She was in the fucking rehab center. I had the mu’fucka shot up with her inside. Now she’s laid up on the fifth floor,” was all Malek could say, his voice cracking from emotion. Admitting to himself that Halleigh’s circumstance was his fault was like taking a bullet himself.

  “What?” Mitch asked. “What was she doing there? You should’ve made sure she was in pocket before you put that order in, fam. You know that. She should’ve been right underneath you, just so you were sure she wasn’t in harm’s way.” Mitch’s tone was more that of a concerned boyfriend than a supportive best friend.

  Malek didn’t like the way Mitch was coming at him, but he couldn’t really get mad, because everything Mitch was saying was right. He didn’t appreciate another nigga speaking on his relationship with Halleigh, but he was too tired to start anything. He held his tongue, unaware that Mitch had larceny in his heart.

  “I know, fam, I know. Don’t rub salt in it, my nigga.” Malek extended his hand to Mitch.

  Mitch embraced Malek and grabbed his coat as they began to leave. “I got to piss.” Mitch tossed Malek his car keys. “Go grab the whip. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Malek nodded his head and exited the hospital.

  Mitch headed over to the elevator. He looked around inconspicuously before pressing the call button, and then slipped into the space unnoticed as he headed to the fifth floor. He walked casually down the hall, peeking his head into each room until he saw Halleigh’s silhouette in a darkened room. He knocked lightly but didn’t wait to be invited in before he stepped into the room.

  Both his slight knock and presence caused Halleigh to open her eyes from her light sleep.

  “What’s good, ma? How you feeling?” he asked as he walked over to her and sat on the edge of her bed.

  Halleigh sat up and nervously fidgeted with her hair. She never felt completely comfortable around Mitch because of the history they shared. She looked behind Mitch, expecting to see Malek walk through the door behind him. When he didn’t, she asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “I came here with Malek to check on you. I just want to make sure you’re straight.” Mitch looked over his shoulder to make sure the coast was clear. He turned his attention back to Halleigh and began to speak in a whisper. “Malek went a little bit crazy, Hal. I don’t know what’s up with him lately, so be careful, ma. I know you’re with him now, but I care about you, and I don’t want to see you caught out there on some bullshit.”

  Halleigh’s eyebrows furrowed, and a look of confusion washed over her face. “What are you talking about, Mitch?”

  Mitch began his infiltration into his comrade’s relationship with the girl he truly had desires for. “Malek thought you were stepping out on him, Hal. He had you followed and then gave the order to have the building you were in shot up.”

  Halleigh didn’t speak. She just lay there shaking her head.

  “It’s true, Halleigh,” Mitch said convincingly. “He knew you were inside. His jealousy over you is crazy. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Mitch was manipulative. He knew he was planting seeds to cause problems in their relationship. His lies might not do much now, but they would remain in Halleigh’s head until they manifested into a bigger problem. He was going to chip away at Halleigh’s trust for Malek until he could snatch her, and then take the streets away from Malek.

  “No, he wouldn’t do that,” Halleigh finally responded.

  Mitch stood up and nodded his head as if he understood her choosing to be in denial over her boyfriend’s true intentions on her life. He kissed the top of her head, even though she moved away from his touch. “I hear you, Halleigh. You’re loyal. I know that’s your man, but I just wanted to pull your coattail and tell you to be careful. I don’t want to see you hurt. My offer still stands too. Whenever you’re ready to leave your situation, you have somewhere to go,” he stated before leaving her to her thoughts.

  Halleigh thought about what Mitch had just told her, but she refused to believe him. Malek would never do me like that on purpose. She dismissed the idea and let the drugs the doctors had given her take her into a mind-numbing sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Malek hit the streets with full force. He knew that eventually he would have to let them go. Being a hustler was a full-time job, and although Halleigh was his wifey, the streets of Flint were his side bitch, his retreat, and he needed them almost as much as he needed Halleigh. He knew he couldn’t just cut things off cold turkey, or else withdrawal would be a son of a bitch.

  His connection to getting money was something Halleigh would never be able to understand. It was the only thing he had to hold on to that would keep him sane. Malek had blown an NBA contract by being stupid, and at one point, Halleigh wasn’t around to lessen that pain and disappointment. His focus became his hustle, which led to his reign as second in command underneath Jamaica Joe. It filled up the spot in his heart where Halleigh was meant to be.

  Now that she was back, she was asking him to choose. The hood life or Hal? Which one was it going to be? Malek’s guilt over the role he played in her injuries made him lean toward her. He just wanted to be with her.

  For as long as he could remember, Halleigh had been the girl of his dreams. He remembered seeing her for the first time. In high school, she was a good girl. She was not too flashy, but always stayed fly in the latest teen fashions by Rocawear and Baby Phat. She was pretty without being over the top, and she wasn’t into makeup and revealing clothing. She didn’t need all the extras; she was what she was, which was perfect in Malek’s eyes. They had formed a friendship first before they started kicking it, which explains why their bond was so strong.

  When Malek first approached her, she wasn’t feeling him. She later told him that she never thought a superstar like him would be interested in a girl like her; but it was her meek and humble qualities that drew him in like a magnet. Malek was used to groupies and hood rats approaching him daily. They all thought he was the one that would fly them out of the hood on a private jet with all of his potential NBA money. They saw him as a meal ticket, and were willing to do whatever it took to be the one he chose. Their efforts were useless because, although he accepted the ass and tricks of his groupies, he had no intention of making any of them his girl. He had never been “captain save-a-ho.”
/>   Malek knew that Halleigh would be his wife before she’d ever agreed to go out with him. He felt that deeply for her, and the fact that she was a virgin was extra special to him. She was saving herself for him, but made it clear that he had to earn it. Halleigh never saw dollar signs when she looked at Malek; she saw love, and that’s why he cherished her so much.

  Fate just dealt them a different hand and separated them for a while.

  A lot of things had changed since his puppy-love days with her. He wasn’t the same. She definitely was not the same, yet here they were in the present, trying to make it work. Malek wondered if they could get back all they had lost, because neither of them was innocent anymore. Still, he knew he had to give it a chance. He loved her, and if he had to let the streets go in order to make her happy, he would regretfully do so.

  He reached over to his passenger’s seat and moved the cocaine-filled duffel bag to the backseat. He’d come to the decision that he’d give up the streets for her, to make sure the two of them would be straight when they started their new life together elsewhere. First, though, he had to get a few ki’s off. Even if he was on his way out the game, he wasn’t taking any losses.

  The doctors said that Halleigh’s hospital stay would be around three weeks, which gave him three weeks to get papered up.

  Hand-over-fist sales were a thing of the past for Malek. He was a duffel-bag boy, but he was anything but little. In the backseat of his car, he carried a life sentence with him—fifty kilos of cocaine. Jamaica Joe had already left him with a meal ticket, so he didn’t have to work another day of his life if he didn’t want to, but Malek wanted stupid money.

  Malek wasn’t trying to ball out for himself. He was trying to build generational wealth that he could pass down to his children and his children’s children. He wanted security and was willing to put his life on the line to ensure that his family would be able to eat without struggling. He had watched his own mother fret over money for years. She was always robbing Peter to pay Paul, and that was something he refused to make Halleigh do. Now that she was pregnant with his baby, he felt obligated to take care of her forever.


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