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One Wild Ride

Page 8

by Shyla Colt

  She opened her mouth and he held out his hand. “They’re made specifically for this, and perfectly safe. Their burn point is lower and I can control the intensity. Because we’re just starting out, I’ll drip from a higher point, which will allow the wax time to cool before it lands.” He set the box on her nightstand and rubbed the smooth metal surface of the flip lighter. “I’m very good. It’s one of my favorite things to do, but I don’t indulge a lot.”

  “Why not?” She tiled her head to the side, studying him with those dark pools that saw straight through him like lasers.

  “Because this takes trust, and for that to happen, you need to be connected to someone.”

  “But you want to try with me?”

  Her soft voice loosened another brick on the wall he kept erect to keep himself safe. “I want to do everything with you, to you.” He set the lighter beside the candles and sank down on the bed beside her. “What I want is more than the position of the one in control. I want your surrender.”

  Her pulse jumped in her neck. “W-what do you mean?” she said.

  “I want you to give yourself to me for safekeeping, mind, body and soul. Know that I will put your wellbeing and needs first, and allow me to push boundaries.”

  A flicker of uncertainty appeared in her eyes. “Like the movies?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Exactly.”

  “I never would’ve done that before. But with you everything is different.”

  The admission sparked a long-snuffed candle in his soul. “Tell me,” he urged. The need to hear more, see further inside the woman bewitching him was so strong he could call it a compulsion.

  “You’re all I see literally. I used to think that was a joke people sung about. How can you only have eyes for one person? The world around me doesn’t matter, only you, us, and the way we feel about each another. And it’s scary because really we’ve only grazed the surface,” she said.

  Uncomfortable with the depths they were suddenly diving into, he nipped the sensitive spot under her chin. “We work well together,” he said. Her head fell back and he nibbled his way up to her earlobe, sucking the flesh into his mouth. She shivered and he pushed her thighs apart, tracing the sodden crotch of her negligee. “How long you been wet like that, Jo-Jo?”

  “From the minute you said you were coming over,” she said.

  “You know how to say exactly what I want to hear, don’t you?” he asked.

  “I just tell the truth.”

  He pressed his thumb against her clit, and rubbed in slow circles. “I don’t know where I want to start. Your body is begging me to cater to it. Lie back.”

  Her eyes popped open and dilated as she slowly lowered herself onto the black-and-white comforter. Her chest rose and fell rapidly.

  Moose widened his caress, palming her pussy as he bent down to nip at her cleavage, each bite harder than the previous one. Whimpers filled the air and she came off the bed. He pushed aside the material covering her center and eased his fingers inside her welcoming warmth. “Always so wet and tight for me.” He pumped in and out, adding another finger.

  Joey clutched the sheets and rocked her hips toward his fingers.

  “Don’t come yet, Jo-Jo. Not yet.” A fine sheen of sweat broke over her skin, making it glisten. Her muscles flexed, and he pulled out. She cried out in protest. “It’ll make the end sweeter, I promise.” He brought his fingers to his mouth, and sucked them clean. “Mmmh.” He moved back. “Roll over.”

  She did as he requested, and he moaned at the sight of her apple-bottom ass. “Stick that ass in the air, baby.” He gave it a firm smack, and she moaned. On all fours, she became a temptation he couldn’t resist. Bending down, he nipped her ass and licked a path up along her back. Her muscles flexed under his wet ministrations. She made him burn.

  The thin barrier between them mocked him.

  “As much as I love this on you, it needs to go.” He battled with himself to remain in control. He wanted to rip it off her, fuck her to the edge and retreat, letting the liquid heat of the candles push her over into the abyss of completion. Remember to start slow. He clutched her full hips and ground into her ass.

  “Yes.” Joey pushed her body toward him.

  “I tried,” he growled, gripped the material and pulled, ripping the flimsy cloth as if it were paper. Her gasp fueled the unleashed beast. Tossing the black scraps away, he pushed her down onto the bed. “I’m going to fuck you now, Jo-Jo, and you better not come.” He stood up, unbuttoned his pants and shoved them down around his ankles, driven by his need to be inside her. Kneeling on the bed, he lined his head up with her weeping slit and thrust home.


  “That’s right, take it all.” He wrapped an arm around her body, supporting her under her breasts as he rubbed her clit and drove deep. She fucked him with equal intensity. She tightened around him. He pumped a few more times and pulled out.


  Moose delivered five raps to her bottom, smoothing over the red area as she ground her pussy into the bed, moaning. “I knew you’d love it, Jo-Jo.” Bending, he kissed her ass and stood. He removed his boots and stripped off the rest of his clothing. Running his hand over the candles, he picked the red cylinder and rolled the cool object between his fingers. This would bring them closer, bind them with invisible bonds and make her his in a permanent way that would make walking away difficult.

  Joey peered over her shoulder and beckoned him with a look that pleaded for more.

  Fuck it. “Stay there, babe. I’ll be right back.” He strode to the linen closet inside her bathroom, pulled out a black towel, and wet a coordinating washcloth before he returned to the room. He laid the towel down. “Come lay down on the towel.”

  She did as he asked, and he spread her legs, finding her heat with a finger. “Oh, Moose.”

  “That’s it, baby, focus on me.” He added a second finger and worked her back up toward her peak. “I’ll make it good for you. Teach you to love the burn.” She squeezed her thighs together trapping his hand. He bent and nipped her ass. Her legs jerked open and he removed his fingers, lighting the red candle. The wax began to melt and pool. He held it three feet above her and tipped it slightly. A sharp release of air filled the silent room. He added a few more splatters, gauging the way she responded. Her thighs rubbed together and he grinned. Deep down, he’d always known she fit him like a hand in glove.

  Why would this be any different?

  “You’re doing so good, Jo-Jo.” Carefully, he began to decorate her with crisscrossing lines of wax, turning her body into his personal canvas. While the lines overlapped, he tested her pussy. Soaking wet, her walls clutched his fingers. “How you doing, Jo-Jo?”

  “So good,” she said.

  The guttural sound in her voice shocked him. “You want more?”


  He smiled, exchanging the red for a violet. “You look so pretty all covered in my art.” Trailing his finger down her cleft, he slid two fingers inside, moving the candle a foot closer.

  “Oooh…” she moaned.

  He pumped faster as he drizzled the color.

  Her breaths came in quick pants, and she tightened around his fingers.

  “Come now.” He splashed the last bit of wax over her back.

  Her body tensed and she cried out.

  He removed his fingers, blew out the candle and set the candle on the wet washcloth.

  “I’m going to paint your insides to match your back, Jo-Jo.” He eased into her body and slid home. Hard and leaking pre-cum, he pounded into her slick haven until he exploded, seeing stars beneath his lids.

  * * * * *

  The sounds of heavy boots caught Wanderer’s attention and he looked up. People would be shocked at how much paperwork he had to deal with. But when you wanted to have a legal front to hide your dirt under, a paper trail became a must-have. He set down the yellow sheet.

  Snubs appeared in the doorway and nodded.

  “You f
ind her?” Wanderer asked.

  “Yeah.” Snubs stepped inside, shut the door behind him, and leaned against it with his arms a crossed over his chest. Snubs knew how to show his displeasure without saying a word.

  Bastard. “And?”

  “She’s not an old lady, but she let me know real quick my colors weren’t right.”

  Wanderer frowned. This is how it had started out with Ellen. Good enough to date and fuck but not to officially claim. He shook his head. Shame twisted his guts. If I’d been a man, she’d be here in her rightful position of princess. The truth ate him from the inside out. It might be too late to come in and play Daddy, but he’d be damned if he stood by and let history repeat itself. “Did she give a name?” His hands curled into fists. He wanted this bastard checked out. If he didn’t like what he saw, he’d pay him a personal visit.

  “No.” Snubs shook his head. “She was a firecracker though. Didn’t back down for a minute. I was shocked she even gave me her real name.”

  Wanderer laughed. “Knowing who her mother is, are you that surprised?” He’d seen the pictures over the years and heard the stories. But nothing could replace one-on-one time.

  “Not when you put it that way. Still, she moved to the ’burbs? How hardcore could she still be?”

  “Plenty,” Wanderer muttered.

  “I’ll take your word for it. That was always your territory.” Snubs did nothing to hide the anger he still felt about his pseudo sister’s departure. He knew all about Wanderer’s undercover with Stargazer and blamed him for not opening his trap and stepping up to the plate.

  “You have something you want to say, Snubs?”

  “Not shit. Always told you this shit would come back to haunt you and blow up in your face. Nothing buried stays underground forever.”

  Chapter Six

  Joey strode into the bridal store and scanned the large space for Juliette. Brightly colored bridesmaid dresses lined the front. A row of mirrors and a viewing area with raised platforms took up the far left portion, across from aisles and aisles of pure-white dresses. Her head swam. It was still hard to believe one of them was tying the knot, to the Lord of Mayhem, no less.


  She turned at the sound of her name and saw Juliette’s head appear from around a rack of dresses.

  Juliette waved her over frantically.

  Joey mentally prepared for the dance she needed to carefully orchestrate to appease Juliette’s mother, Irene, while keeping Juliette not only sane but happy. She rushed over and gave Juliette a tight hug. “Hey, honey, how are you holding up?”

  “I love my mom, but I swear if she tries to cram one more frilly white ball gown down my throat, I’m going to cut her.”

  The crazed look in Juliette’s wide eyes made Joey hold up her hands. “Whoa. No stabbing anyone and leaving her body among the bridal gowns. Did you tell her what you wanted?”

  “I attempted to. I doubt she even heard me over her banshee-like screeching before she ran for the froufrou dresses that make me want to crawl out of my skin,” she huffed.


  “God, hide me!” Juliette curled a fist around Joey’s long-sleeved shirt.

  Joey pattered her hand. “Hey, we’re going to get through this. Hil and Evonne will be here any minute. That’s four against one.”

  “Don’t underestimate the power of a determined Southern mother.” Juliette turned. “Over here. Mother, look who I found.”

  The fake smile pasted on Juliette’s face looked painful.

  Joey mentally urged the others to get here faster. “Hi, Ms. Irene.”

  “Joey.” Irene embraced her. “Thank goodness you’re here. Has she told you what she wanted to wear? A pink wedding dress, can you imagine?”

  “I don’t know if I can see it…beautiful, romantic, whimsical and unique. That’s perfect for Jul, if you ask me.” Joey wrapped an arm around Irene’s shoulder and gestured with her hand. “Imagine this: the woods transformed to a mystical and slightly vintage wonderland. An homage to her namesake, and its creator, William Shakespeare.”

  “Oh.” Irene placed a hand over her heart. “That sounds beautiful.”

  “And it will be if we stay true to Jul’s vision.”

  “I never imagined it like that. You have a way with words.” Irene released a blissful sigh. “I’ll go grab the room attendant and tell her we’ve had a change of plans.” Irene patted Joey’s hand and jogged off.

  “Bless you, miracle worker.” Juliette bowed at the waist repeatedly.

  Joey giggled. “I just know how to paint a pretty picture. You got to sell them the dream, Juliette.”

  “You sure you don’t moonlight as a con artist in your spare time?”

  Joey huffed. “I’m an artist. It’s my job to take what people see in their head and bring it to life. Give me some credit for sincerity.”

  “That was actually deep, Joey,” Juliette said.

  “Yeah, don’t tell anyone. It’ll ruin my rep,” Joey said with a wink.

  “Your what? Please.” Juliette rolled her eyes.

  Joey laughed. “Got you smiling,” Joey said.

  “Yes you did.” Juliette glanced at something over Joey’s shoulder. She turned and smiled as Evonne and Hil waved and hurried over.

  “Sorry, we car-pooled, and there was an accident,” Hil said as she moved to hug Juliette.

  “It’s okay. Joey did the impossible and managed to tame my mother.”

  Evonne snorted. “How?” she asked.

  “My charm.” Joey said, batting her eyelashes.

  “No really, how?” Hil repeated, giving her the side-eye.

  They all laughed.

  “I spoke to her like an artist, painting a pretty picture we sure as hell better deliver and the rest, as they say, is history,” Juliette said.

  “You have your entourage with you now, my love. Let’s find you the perfect dress,” Hil said, obviously excited.

  They all linked arms and headed to the area in the far corner that screamed exotic. Bryleigh’s was an upscale shop with something for everyone who had the money.

  Juliette came to a stop in the middle of the aisle with the dresses dyed various shades of pink. “These are breathtaking.” Juliette placed a hand over her heart and shook her head. “I can’t imagine what they cost.”

  “And you don’t need to,” Joey said, stepping forward. “I’ve been instructed not to let you know how much your dress is.”

  “That’s insane,” Juliette argued.

  “I’m liking your fiancé more and more,” Hil said.

  “Did I just hear we have no budget?” Irene asked.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Joey said. Now tell me Shooter isn’t good enough for your girl?

  “Oh, honey.” Irene walked over and placed a hand on Juliette’s shoulder. “You did good, a man who knows you well enough to anticipate. One who cares deeply and pays attention to details.”

  “No shit,” Evonne mouthed.

  Joey swallowed her laughter and turned away to compose herself.

  Juliette’s mom always had huge plans laid out. It had been a real blow to find her daughter wanted nothing to do with her visions. Every mother wanted better than they had for their children. Too many of them took it too far, in Joey’s opinion. You had to let people be who they were intended to be, even if it wasn’t who you wanted them to be.

  Joey learned that lesson from observing her mother. She never got too deep into the details of her life, but from the little she did say, it had been clear she left home in favor of some sort of freedom.

  “I’m happy to see you talking about him in a positive light.” Juliette beamed.

  “I know you love him, but it’s a mother’s job to worry and always want the best,” Irene defended.

  “Trust me when I say there’s not a man out there who could take better care of me,” Juliette said.

  The mother and daughter duo locked gazes, exchanging a silent conversation.

Joey breathed a sigh of relief.

  Hurricane Irene had passed over without any casualties. Irene stepped back and turned to the dresses. “So what are we looking for, honey?”

  “I want something flowy, light, airy—maybe even ethereal, but not so over the top it doesn’t fit the wedding setting,” Juliette said.

  “So sort of the mythical forest concept with a touch of vintage flair Joey here described?” Irene asked.

  “That’s actually a pretty accurate description,” Juliette confirmed.

  A rail-thin platinum blonde with striking blue eyes and artfully done makeup strolled over on three-inch white stilettos. A flattering charcoal-colored suit hugged her curves, accentuating a tiny waist and slender frame. “I see your entire group is here now. Hi, guys, my name is Lisa, and I’ll be helping our beautiful bride today. She’s given me a bit of a rundown of what she’s looking for. Is there anything you’d like to add before we start?” Lisa gazed at Juliette.

  Joey looked around, half listening to the conversation as she took in the gowns that cost as much as, if not more than her car. It gave her the willies. She had nothing against marriage. But she couldn’t see going into debt over the ceremony. I love you, honey, let’s start our life together in debt. NO thanks. “Now that I have a good mental image, I’ll take you ladies to the seating area and lead my bride to the dressing room.” Joey linked arms with Evonne and Hil, following the three women in front of her on a mission.

  This would be interesting. Seated on a large couch beside the girls and Irene, Joey leaned forward, excited to see the third pick. The first dress had been too over the top, and the second had been too pink, making Juliette feel like she was going to the prom, instead of getting married. The third pick was the best of both worlds. A light blush pink at the top that faded to a lighter pink toward the bottom, it had a corset top with a sweetheart neckline. A light speckle of beading with a silky blush bow that adorned the top of the dress like a layer, then the skirt belled out to a wispy overlay of organza. It looked whimsical, ethereal, and vintage.

  “Are you ladies ready?” Lisa walked down the hallway, and they all sat up and turned toward her. “Come on out, Juliette.”


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