Avoiding the Badge

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Avoiding the Badge Page 2

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  The story was true...for the most part. Axle had taken down a perp the night before and a few others earlier in the week, but the dog was fine. Regardless, it was a “plausible” reason to see the gorgeous doctor. Far be it from him to not take advantage of the opportunity.

  Sadly, Derek knew he was running out of excuses to see her. What he wanted to do was ask the woman out, though from what he could tell, she didn’t appear to know he even existed.

  “Oh?” With her brow furrowed, she glanced at Axle again, watching him sniff around the floor in the exam room. “He doesn’t appear to be favoring it. I think... Hmm...let me have another look.” She bent again and palpated Axle’s back haunches, then moved down to the knee the dog had injured originally. “Have you noticed any signs that he’s having pain?”

  Doc was the consummate professional. Polite, of course. She smiled, she made chitchat between professional conversation regarding Axle, but that was it. No more, no less. Derek definitely wanted to take her out on a date, get her out of her natural environment and see if she’d drop the professional persona. But whenever he thought to ask, mustered up enough nerve, he couldn’t seem to get the damn question out of his mouth.

  Lack of balls, anyone? Please...that was not a label that had ever been attached to Derek. However, with the doc, he turned into a tongue-tied, pimply-faced, sweaty-palmed teenage boy with not a damn bit of game whatsoever.

  Because what if she wasn’t interested in him?

  Though some women from his past might disagree, Derek didn’t consider himself to be an egotistical asshole. Not all women were attracted to him, obviously. But man, if he got turned down by this particular woman, he wasn’t sure his ego could take that kind of hit.

  Realizing he hadn’t answered her question, he got his mind back on track. “No, you’re right. He doesn’t seem to be favoring it at all, but you know, I just wanted to be sure.”

  “Honestly, I think he’s fine.” She stood again and retrieved a small dog biscuit from her medical bag. “But if you’re really concerned, we can do some X-rays. Or just keep an eye on him for now. Whichever you prefer.”

  Axle, knowing what was coming, sat, ears at attention, eyes locked on his doctor. Not begging, but definitely ready for the treat. Doc Rayna smiled down at the animal, tenderness clear in her expression. Bending at the waist, she smoothed her small palm over the dog’s head before feeding him the biscuit. “Here you go, good boy.”

  Once again, everything inside Derek went soft as things south of his belt attempted to go rock-hard. He tamped the urge down quick. The last thing he needed was to be waving that flag at her. “I think I’ll just keep an eye, for now.”

  Jesus, the expression in her eyes when she looked at his partner made Derek want to pull her against his body and never let her go. Her heart was pure sweetness, and he could see it in everything she did.

  He wanted to know if everything else about her was pure sweetness, too.

  * * * *

  “Sounds good!” Rayna turned away from Officer Hanse—Derek’s—gaze and closed up her little treat carrier.

  He’d started calling her “Doc” sometime after the first month he’d been visiting her practice. Now, it’d become a sort of nickname for her. Regardless, something about the way he said it, the tone in his voice, always had hot lava pulsing through her veins.

  As a result, every inch of her skin was prickling with heat. And she was quite positive her neck was flushed red to the point it looked like she’d been lying out in the sun for way too long.

  “Thanks so much for taking the time with him, Doc. He really likes you.”

  Swallowing hard, then silently blowing out a breath, she grabbed the blue medical treat bag and turned partially toward him, making sure to avoid his gaze.

  With a small smile she couldn’t keep from arching her lips, she directed her attention to the dog. “Well, he’s a likable boy.” Rayna bent and smoothed her palm over Axle’s head again. “How can you not love that sweet face and those big dark eyes?”

  The dog sat, ears flopped down, tongue hanging out and tail wagging side to side so fast he was giving the tile a buff job. Considering the animal was a force to be reckoned with when he was on patrol with his handler, capable of taking down criminals of any size, Axle definitely turned into a big softie when he was near her.

  Rayna glanced up at Officer H—she pressed her lips together—Derek. Okay, that’s just... She couldn’t bring herself to call him by his first name. It felt like doing so would wipe away some imaginary line she’d drawn between them.

  Even so, curiosity tickled the back of her mind. Was the man as big of a softie as his canine partner? Judging by the expression he wore in that moment, he likely was. Officer Derek—okay, a compromise—was looking at her as if she was some sort of superhero or...good grief, she wasn’t even sure what, but whatever it was, it was definitely in a way she’d never have expected from a hardened, good-looking man like him.

  Clearing her throat, she straightened and extended her hand. “Be safe out there, okay?”

  His lips split into a shy smile. “Always, Doc. Axle has my back, and I have his.” He grasped Rayna’s palm, his big hand dwarfing hers as he wrapped his fingers around in a firm though not painful grip.

  Tingles spread from Rayna’s hand, zipping up her arm. Heat flared like a fire blast through her body, and her stomach got tight. She almost fanned herself, but since he was still holding onto her, essentially, he saved her from embarrassing herself. Oh dear. Wrap it up, Rayna!

  Any minute now she was going to spontaneously combust. Especially if he didn’t let go of her hand. Rayna forced a smile. “You make a great team.”

  “Definitely.” Eyes going soft, his smile relaxed into a far too sexy smirk. He nodded. “A perfect match.”

  Was the room getting smaller? Another moment passed and he’d yet to let go of her, which was awkward, but in a sweet sort of way. A nervous giggle she was trying to contain escaped, and she glanced down at their still-linked hands.

  He pulled his palm away like he’d been burned. “Oh, wow! I’m sorry. That was weird. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” She laughed as relief blasted through her, and she moved to the door. “Have a good day.”

  “You, too. Thanks again, Doc.”

  She glanced back as she opened her way into the back area. He’d shoved his hands in his pockets and was still watching her. His expression carried a small hint of embarrassment, but he was still smiling, so maybe he didn’t care. Her cheeks, however, burned hot as fire, and Rayna couldn’t help but smile back.

  When the door closed behind her, she pressed her back against it and blew out a breath. “Good grief.”

  Andrea strolled by, either the same or a new stack of patient files in her arms. “You need a cold shower?”

  Rayna groaned and held out her hand. “Pass me one of those files.”

  Andrea furrowed her brow as if confused, but then did as Rayna asked.

  Rayna took the file and fanned herself with it as she stepped away from the door and past the woman. “Not a word, Andrea. Telling you right now, not a word.”

  “Yes, Doctor.” Andrea laughed.

  Rayna continued into her small office and closed herself in. The space was about half the size of her twelve-by-twelve exam rooms, and yet there was way more oxygen to breathe in there than in the room with Officer Derek. Hansen. Derek. Ugh...whatever.

  Rayna took a seat in her small desk chair and crossed her legs. Whoa! The rub of her wet panties sent a shockwave of lust ricocheting through her. With a hard swallow, she closed her eyes, willing the ache to settle.

  She didn’t spend much of her time, if any, fantasizing about men, much less dampening her panties over them. Yet here she was, drowning in a puddle of arousal. Literally.

  Ugh...with her eyes still closed, she fanned herself with the fil
e. Immediately, an image of him appeared in her mind. His dark, close-cropped hair. His tanned skin. Eventually he’d go back to his PD’s contracted vet, right? He had to. Didn’t he?

  Good grief, what if he didn’t?

  Chapter 2

  “I’ll take a Devil’s Ale, please?” Derek settled on a barstool and scanned the happy hour menu.

  “Hello there.” His best friend and fellow officer, Jeff Pearl, smiled at the bartender as he scooted his stool forward. “I’m gonna go crazy and get the Epicenter today.”

  “Perfect choice.”

  “I know what I like.” Jeff winked and gave the bartender one of his famous panty-dropping grins.

  Derek shook his head and smothered a chuckle. Jeff was a huge flirt.

  After letting out a giggle, the bartender looked from Jeff to Derek as she motioned to the menu. “You need a couple minutes for food?”

  “Definitely. G’head and grab the brews while I decide. Cool?”

  “You got it.” With a pretty smile, she stepped away...adding a generous sway in her hips.

  Derek looked at his friend and nudged his arm. “Go easy, now.”

  “What?” Jeff glanced over from staring at the waitress.

  “Dude, she can’t be more than twenty-three. You know there isn’t a damn thing you have in common with that child.”

  Jeff gasped. “How dare you! She’s a woman.” He laughed. “In common? Oh, you mean, besides what it feels like to be naked with her? You might be right.”

  “You’re such a slut.”

  “Nah, I’m just kidding. I haven’t been naked with her—” The bartender came back and served them their beers, and when she moved to another customer, Jeff continued, “—yet.”

  Derek almost choked on his first sip. Laughing, he set the glass down and wiped his mouth. “Ass.”

  “Slut? Ass? Honey, I didn’t know you cared so much.” Jeff laughed and clinked his glass against Derek’s. “Here’s to a long future together, baby.”

  Derek picked up his beer again. “You know you’re the only one for me.”

  “Thank God for that!” Jeff pulled the menu his way. “Okay, I think I want onion rings.”

  “No way. Get the pretzel bites with beer cheese. Like heaven.”

  “Pretzels it is, so we can pay homage to our Lord and Savior.” With a chuckle, Jeff set the menu down.

  Derek motioned to the bartender. After he’d ordered and taken another sip of his beer, he glanced up at the big flat screens above the bar to check the scores of the various games on. Did the doc like sports?

  God, wouldn’t that be like hitting the relationship lottery. Animal lover, sports fan, beautiful, sexy, and smart? For the Powerball win, she’d be killer in bed, too. Talk about a dream woman...

  “You still taking Axle to that chick vet?”

  Yanked from his gazillion-dollar fantasy, he glanced over at Jeff. He’d barely talked about Doc, but his best friend must’ve been paying attention the few times he had. Damn cops and their ability to retain every minute detail. “Yeah. Why? You looking for someone for Rio?”

  “Nope. Just wondered if you tapped it yet.”

  Annoyance shot through Derek, and he jerked his head back, scowling. “Whoa, dude, seriously. Go easy. Not cool.”

  Jeff looked at Derek like he had two heads, but then his expression changed to one that screamed, Really? “Wait a second. Are you going all caveman on me?”

  Derek did his best to reel himself in because, yeah, it wasn’t like he had a right to go all alpha male, especially on his best friend. The woman wasn’t even his, maybe never would be his. Still, it was not sitting right with him that anyone, even Jeff, would be talking about his Doc with any sort of disrespect.

  His Doc?

  Oh man, Derek was already in deep and they hadn’t even gone on a date. Shit. Derek shook his head and took a swig of his beer. “It’s all good. Not trying to come off like a caveman. Just saying, she’s Axle’s vet. No way I’m gonna sleep with my partner’s vet. It’s like a conflict of interest or some shit.”

  Jeff frowned, his dark brows lowering over his eyes. “Uh-huh.”


  The waitress brought the pretzels and smiled at Jeff. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Not right now, darlin’. Maybe in a bit though, ’kay?” Jeff pursed his lips as he jerked his chin up at her, and she stepped away, again rocking the sway in her hips.

  Derek scrubbed his palm over the top of his hair. “Listen, just because you’re banging anything with two legs and a heartbeat doesn’t mean I am.”

  His best friend rested his forearms on the bar’s edge and looked at Derek. “Let me remind you, Shirley, that on occasion you have. So let’s not pretend about that. But if you’re not banging the vet and you’re getting all upset at me because I asked if you were, that only means one thing.”

  Fuuuuuck...was it that obvious? Knowing Jeff was about to call him out on the whole deal, Derek cringed. In preparation for the lecture he was about to endure, Derek took a swig of his beer and then picked up a pretzel bite, dipped it in the cheese and popped it in his mouth. After he chewed and swallowed, he took another sip of beer. “Go ahead, I know you’re dying to say it.”

  Jeff grinned. “You like her. It’s okay. I get it.”

  Derek glanced up at the various televisions again. One had a NASCAR race on it. Maybe the doc liked racing, too? For fuck’s sake. He sighed. “Okay, yeah. I like her.”

  “Called it.” Jeff took a swig of his beer.

  “Yeah, yeah. Doesn’t matter. The woman doesn’t even know I exist.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “No, I’m telling you. She’s not interested.”

  “Derek, any woman not interested in you is crazy. Listen, you’re totally my man crush. You’re built, you’re good-looking, and you’re a cop. You got a clean house, a badass truck, plus an even more badass canine for a partner. Should I go on?”

  “I’m still trying to get past the man crush part.”

  Jeff laughed. “I’m being serious.”

  “Yeah, I know. That’s why I’m scared.” Derek put his hand on Jeff’s shoulder and tried to look all serious and sensitive. “I’m flattered, sweetheart, really, and I’m going to let you down easy. Sorry, but I only see you as a friend and—” Derek busted up laughing.

  “All right, Shirley. Break my heart, go ahead.” Jeff laughed and shoved Derek’s hand off his shoulder. “My point is, you’re a great guy. So if she doesn’t see that, it’s her loss.”

  Derek shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not that great of a guy...although, I’m not a slut like you, so I guess there’s hope for me.”

  Jeff placed his palm on his heart and gasped. “You wound me. So cruel.” He sniffled and wiped a nonexistent tear from his cheek. “For serious, ask her out.”

  “I don’t know.” Derek raised his glass. “Did you just say ‘for serious’?”

  Jeff rolled his eyes. “Juuuust ask her.”

  “Maybe.” Derek swallowed the last of his beer and signaled the bartender.

  He didn’t know if he could ask Doc Michaels out. As it had always been with her, the fear of rejection was huge. Which was crazy because he could go on a date at any time, typically...or at least he had been until his Doc came into his life six months ago.

  Once Derek met Rayna, he hadn’t been the least bit interested in dating anyone else. No one had even remotely piqued his interest like she had. In addition, he’d deleted all his online dating accounts too. It wasn’t like him at all, but nonetheless, that’s what had gone down.

  For the past six months, Doctor Rayna Michaels had Derek wrapped around her pinky finger... Crazy part was, the woman had no damn clue. Though, it was also possible she didn’t even care.

  Damn...he was in deep.

* * * *

  “So what’s new with you and...Joe? Shoot. John? Yeah, John?” Rayna glanced over at her best friend, Tish, in the seat beside her.

  “Jerry. His name is Jerry.” Tish laughed and pushed her dark hair over her shoulders.

  Rayna cringed. “Sorry. At least I got the first letter right, right?”

  “I’m not giving you points for that.” Tish laughed again.

  “Okay fine. But in my defense, I’ve been a little preoccupied lately. So, how’s it going?”

  “P.S., you’re always preoccupied. Anyway, I don’t know how it’s going. I mean we’re just sort of...” Tish looked up from the magazine on her lap, as if the wall across from them held the words she needed to explain her relationship. “Existing? Does that make sense?”

  Rayna frowned. “Uh, no. Existing doesn’t make sense to me. Why stay with someone if he’s not making you happy?” She glanced down as the pedicurist placed Rayna’s foot back in the water and reached for the other, pulling it out of the bubbling warm water to begin trimming Rayna’s toenails.

  Rayna loved her best friend, and she wanted Tish to be happy. Shoot, everyone deserved to be happy. Then again, Rayna really shouldn’t worry. Joe, or John...or Jerry, whoever he was, wouldn’t last much longer. Her best friend was beyond gorgeous, and funny and smart, and went through guys like a medical professional went through sterile gloves.

  “Well, you’re right, existing doesn’t make sense. We’re supposed to go out tonight, but I think I should cancel.” Tish’s head fell back, and she let out a sigh as her pedicurist began rubbing her feet. “It’s not going anywhere, so there’s no point in continuing.”

  “Well, at least you’re not upset. I mean, you don’t seem upset. Or are you and I’m just not seeing it?


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