Avoiding the Badge

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Avoiding the Badge Page 3

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  “Nope. I’m good. Which goes to show you that poor Jerry’s just not the one for me. The one is out there. I know he is. Just gotta find him. Kiss a few toads, so to speak.” Tish glanced over, her full, nearly puffy lips arching into a devious grin. “But if you want, I can pretend I’m upset and we can go out on the town tonight.”

  Rayna frowned. “But it’s Thursday.”

  “And?” Tish scrunched her brows together.

  Rayna shook her head and laughed. “And I have work in the morning. So do you, for that matter.”

  “What? Are you eighty or something? Geez, Grandma, can’t we go out for a little while on a school night?”

  Rayna laughed, but then groaned as the pedicurist starting scrubbing her heels with a pumice stone. “That always tickles a little.”

  “I know.” Tish flipped a page in the magazine she was looking through. “Anyway, there’s a cute spot in Chandler we can hit up. It’s ladies’ night.”

  “Which place?”

  “The Whiskey Barrel.”

  “I don’t think I’ve been there.” Rayna leaned back and closed her eyes as her tech began her foot and calf massage.

  “Why does that not surprise me? In case you haven’t noticed, Ray, you don’t get out much.”

  Rayna cracked one eye, but then closed it again. “That’s not fair. I’m busy with the clinic. And it’s not like I have a partner helping me. You know that.” Frowning, she refused to open her eyes again and let Tish distract her from the relaxation zone she was shooting for.

  “I know. You’re right. But you need to hire someone. Anyway, I’ve been down there a bunch of times. A few times with Jerry, and also Jimmy—not getting into that one so don’t even go there. What a pain in the ass he turned out to be. Anyway, it’s a really fun place.”

  Rayna jerked her head up and looked at her best friend. “See! I knew there was more than one guy that started with the letter J. I was close!”

  Tish laughed. “Fair enough. So, what do you say? You want to go check it out? Dust off your cowgirl boots?”

  Rayna’s eyes went wide. “It’s a country bar?”

  “Yep, and there’s a live band and even country dancing happening. I know a few guys who’d take you for a turn around the dance floor.” Tish winked.

  Ugh, it was completely unfair that Tish was baiting her with the lure of country music and dancing. Rayna was a huge anything country fan and loved to dance, but it’d been so long since she’d two-stepped her way anywhere near a dance floor, she wasn’t sure she even knew how anymore. She bit her bottom lip, torn on what to do.

  “I can see on your face how bad you want to go now. It’s stamped all over your freckles.”

  “Leave my freckles out of this! Brat.” Rayna laughed. “Yes, you’re right, I do want to go. But seriously, I’m exhausted. And I didn’t even get to tell you what happened today. Plus, I’ve got a completely full schedule tomorrow. If I promise I won’t back out, can we do it next week?”

  Tish frowned, but then rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine. It’s a date. Don’t even think about backing out. Because, honestly, Rayna? You need to get out more. You need to have some fun. You need to meet people—more importantly, you need to meet a guy. You need—”

  Rayna raised her palm in the air, knowing what was coming next. “Don’t say it!”

  “—to get laid.” Tish stuck out her tongue. “Too late. I said it anyway.”

  “Totally a brat.” Rayna frowned and glanced down at the technician massaging her.

  The woman was grinning because, regardless of whether or not she was Asian, she sure as hell understood English clearly enough. Rayna cringed as she felt the heat of embarrassment rise from her chest up her throat. Blowing out a sigh, she glanced back at Tish. “Can you please not broadcast my sex life to the world?”

  “Oh, come on. She doesn’t care.” Tish motioned to Rayna’s nail tech and then to her own. “She doesn’t, either. Do you?” she asked both ladies, and they giggled in unison, with grins far too wide as they shook their heads. “See? No one cares. Except you.”

  “Good grief.” Rayna covered her face with her hands. “Lord, spare me the embarrassment.”

  “All right, enough with the theatrics. Tell me what happened today. Did you have to put some poor sweet fur-baby to sleep? I honestly don’t know how you do that.” Tish took a sip of her water bottle. “It’s just so damn sad.”

  Rayna gave Tish a comforting look. “Yes, it is always sad, and part of the job unfortunately. But no, that’s not it.”

  “Oh? Okay, good. Then what?” With a smile, Tish wiggled her toes after the nail tech got them prepped and ready for polish.

  “That cop came in again. You remember the one I told you about?”

  Tish sat up straight. “The hunky K9 one?”

  Rayna tipped her chin down. “I don’t recall using those words...but yes, him.”

  “Right. Those were the words Billy used. He’s adorable by the way, as well as hilarious. Perfect fit to be your front receptionist.”

  “Agreed. Anyway, yes, Officer Hansen came in today.”

  “Did his dog get injured again?”

  Rayna ran her fingers through her hair at the scalp. “No. His police dog is fine. It’s just...”

  “Before I turn old and gray, spit it out.” Tish placed her elbow on the armrest and rested her chin on her fist.

  Rayna bit her bottom lip and folded her hands on her lap. The mere thought of the cop had heat rising in her chest and spreading through her limbs. “He’s been in three times already this month.”

  Tish’s brows drew together. “But the dog is fine?”

  “So far, yes.” Rayna blew out a breath, grabbed a magazine and started fanning herself with it. Were hot flashes even a thing in a woman’s early thirties? I wish. Rayna rolled her eyes. Only if they were inspired by a totally sexy hot guy.

  “Okay, wait, let me get this straight. The dog is fine, and he’s been in three times already this month? Was it back-to-back visits, or are they spaced out?”

  Rayna glanced at her friend, knowing the expression on her face could be read as “Well, do the math.” Rayna tapped a fingertip to her bottom lip. “It’s the end of the third week of this month, so I guess we can just average it to once a week. Either way...today was his third visit.”

  “Ah. Got it.” Tish shook her head. “Let me guess? You can’t figure out why he’s coming in so much, right?” Tish laughed, but then stifled it, and did her best to make her expression a serious one. It wasn’t working though.

  “Pshhaw. Of course I know why.” I have no idea why.

  “Yeah, you definitely need to get out more.”

  “Stop it, I do know why.” Rayna frowned, knowing she sounded as clueless as she truly was.

  “Honey, this is a slam dunk. And a no-brainer. He’s either a crazy closet stalker or the hunky officer of the law has it bad for you. My guess is the latter.”

  Rayna sat forward, shock and denial flooding her brain. “He’s not a stalker! That’s crazy. And there’s no way he has it bad for me.”

  Tish laughed and sat back, closing her eyes. “Like I said, the latter. And yes, honey. He does have it bad for you.”

  Hansen had it bad for her? Good grief, what did that even mean exactly? If it meant what she thought it did, Rayna was going to be in a world of trouble. She’d made a point of not noticing cops. Ever. Frustration spilled through her veins. She wasn’t attracted to cops. She certainly didn’t date them. “It doesn’t matter. You know my rule. No reason to break it just because he’s good-looking.”

  “Rules are meant to be broken, my friend.” Tish chuckled and looked back at her magazine.

  “Not in my world.” Rayna closed her eyes and tried to quiet the thoughts buzzing around her brain.

  So much for a relaxing pedicure. Thanks to
her childhood, Rayna wanted nothing to do with any kind of officer of the law. Plain and simply put: Rayna didn’t do cops. She sure as heck didn’t “get it bad” for them.

  As her father used to say: end of discussion.

  But good grief, if she were honest with herself at least, she’d be hard-pressed to deny that she maybe, kinda, a little bit, sorta wanted to make an exception and break her rule for the ultrasexy Officer Derek Hansen.

  Not good. Not good at all.

  What the heck was Rayna going to do now?

  Chapter 3

  “Well, well, well. What an unexpected but exciting surprise!” Billy, the receptionist at the vet clinic, leaned forward, a broad smile on his face as he rested his chin on his fist and gazed up at Derek. “How can I help you, Officer?”

  With a grin, Derek shook his head. “It’s good to see you, too, Billy. So, listen...” Derek leaned forward, and Billy leaned closer. Derek stifled a chuckle. The receptionist had to know Derek wasn’t gay, but that didn’t mean the guy wasn’t going to flirt.

  Though some guys might take issue with being hit on by a gay man, it didn’t bother Derek at all. Live and let live as far as he was concerned. Just don’t break the law while living it. “I know I don’t have an appointment, but is she free? You think you can squeeze me in?”

  Billy’s lips split into an even bigger smile. “For you? I’ll see what I can do.” With a wink, he shifted back from the counter, focused on his computer and started typing on the keyboard. “Kitten at one. Doberman at one thirty...hmmm.” Billy glanced over his shoulder before looking at his computer again.

  Derek held his breath, nervous energy bouncing through him, as he waited to see what the answer would be.

  Billy pursed his lips and tipped his head to the side. “Yep, like I thought. She just finished eating her lunch. Which means...” Billy winked. “You just lucked out. She’ll be free in less than ten minutes.”

  Excitement sped through Derek like a rocket. “Awesome! Should I wait here?”

  “Ummm...” Billy looked from side to side. “Go into exam room four again.”

  “Thanks.” Derek nodded and set off for the exam room.

  “Wait. Officer Hansen, aren’t you missing someone?”

  Derek stopped and looked back. “Excuse me?”

  Billy smiled again. “Axle. Aren’t you missing Axle?”

  “Right, well. I had something I needed to ask the doc, and I was in the neighborhood, so yeah. I figured I’d just stop in quick.”

  “’Bout time is all I’m sayin’...” Billy smirked and focused on his computer screen again.

  Derek chuckled. “Can I ask you a question?”

  Billy glanced up and batted his lashes. “Anything.”

  “Is she single?”

  “I can’t say. It’s not my place really.” He drew little designs on the countertop with his fingertip. “But you know, Derek. Can I call you Derek?” He pursed his lips and continued before Derek could say yes. “Anyway...Derek, take me for instance? I don’t get out much, you know? So busy with work and all. Plus, there’s no prospects knocking on my door. It’s sad.” Billy frowned and let out a melancholy sounding sigh. “Honestly, I haven’t been on a date in...well, I just don’t even know how long.” His gaze trailed off to the side, as if looking wistfully at some beautiful mountainside or sunset. Then he smiled and focused on Derek again. “You know, Doctor and I are just so much alike. We’re practically twinsies. I swear it. Except she’s sweeter. Better hair, too. I like to think I’m as sweet as she is. But who knows. Isn’t she sweet? She is, huh?”

  Derek smiled as he watched Billy’s performance and his chosen way of telling Derek exactly what he needed to know. The doc was single, which meant the light just turned green. “Sweet is only one of the amazing things about Doctor Michaels, Billy. Thanks.”

  “Anytime. Now scoot. Room four is waiting.”

  Derek turned and hightailed it into the exam room. Which had started to become “his” room, as far as he was concerned. God knew he’d been in it too many times that month already.

  Call it coincidence that his fourth visit landed him back in room four, or maybe it was luck. Either way, fourth time’s a charm maybe? Yeah, now he was being lame, but so what.

  Derek took a seat on the small bench and ran his palms down his denim-covered thighs. Nervous tension crawled over his skin, tightening every muscle. Unable to sit still, he stood and paced the small space.

  He both hated and loved how she always managed to have him in knots like this, and still, he was sure the woman had no clue.

  It’d been exactly a week since he’d seen her last, and he had no idea what he was going to say. Derek knew he’d figure out the right words, because it was time. He had to ask her. Christ, he had to do something.

  Besides, if he didn’t ask her out, Jeff was never going to let him live it down. His best friend would probably come up with a new shot of liquor and name it after Derek if he didn’t go for it. Something stupid like No Balls or Fucknut Coward. Derek groaned—

  The exam room door opened. Doc Michaels came in, her focus on a file in her hand. “Officer Hansen, I didn’t expect—”

  “Please, call me Derek.”

  She jerked her head up, her gaze connecting right with his. Her chest rose fast, as if she’d just caught her breath in a rush. He knew exactly how that felt, because he was trying to catch his breath too.

  Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail. She wore no makeup and was clad in a set of green hospital scrubs. As if she’d just done a surgery or something. God, she made those green scrubs look like the hottest thing he’d ever seen, plus the fact that she’d probably just saved some sick animal’s life made his heart go soft in ways he couldn’t predict.

  Enough already. No more waiting, wondering, wanting... Without another thought, Derek stepped toward her. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  With her gaze still locked with his, a quiet but electrically charged moment passed between them before she answered, hesitation clear in her tone. “Um... Sure...”

  “Are you single?” He knew she was, thanks to Billy. But he wanted to hear it from her.

  “Oh! Uh. Yes, well, that is a very personal question.” She swallowed.

  “Sorry, I just—”

  “No, no. It’s fine. I...” She glanced away, pursed her lips and then returned her eyes to his. “Yes. I’m single.”

  “Perfect.” He smiled and stepped as close to her as he could without touching.

  She tilted her head back to not break eye contact. He wanted to touch her, wanted to trace every one of her freckles and memorize how they framed the perfect angles of her face. He didn’t dare though. Not yet. But soon. Soon.

  He’d wasted two months; he wasn’t wasting any more time.

  * * * *

  “Why do you ask?” Rayna couldn’t tear her gaze away from his as she ignored how breathy her question sounded.

  She swallowed. Holy cow, was he going to kiss her? Did she want him to kiss her? Nervous anticipation boomeranged through her system, hitting every nerve ending beneath her skin along its journey, and her palms began to sweat.

  He raised his hand, as if he was about to touch her, but then dropped it. “I realize you’re Axle’s vet, and I also know you’re a consummate professional. I respect that. Completely. Totally. Fully. But...” His lips curved into a meek smile. “Do you think we can go off the professional trail for just a moment?”

  I really don’t think that’s a good idea, Officer Hansen. “I think the minute you stepped so close to me that our bodies were almost touching we got off the professional trail.”

  Where the heck had that answer come from? And why did it come out sounding even more breathy than when she asked him why? Rayna blinked and had to stop herself from stepping even closer so that their bodies actually were touching

  Good grief, she wanted to put her hands on him. And that was so wrong, so very, very wrong. She couldn’t want this. But, oh dear, she did. She really did.

  “Fair enough.” His meek smile broadened to a more confident one, and a low chuckle came out of him. “There’s something between us. An energy of sorts. At least, I feel it, and I want to know if you feel it, too.”

  I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you mean. “Yes...I feel it.” Rayna suppressed a groan. What was going on with her? And again, more with the breathlessness? Was she seriously breathless right now? Worse, her brain and her mouth seemed to have completely disconnected from each other, and what she intended to say was definitely not what was coming out of her mouth.

  Heat bloomed across her chest, spreading up her neck. What is wrong with me? Cop or not, it was as if she’d lost all need or desire to steer clear of him.

  “I knew it.” He let out what sounded like a relieved sigh. “Can I take you out on a date? Dinner, lunch, coffee...anything. Just please, can we go out and talk when we’re not in uniform?”

  She allowed herself a quick glance down his body. He wore a pale blue T-shirt, which clung in a mouthwatering way over his broad chest, the sleeves stretched tight over his thick biceps, as if the seams were barely hanging on by a thread. Dark blue jeans covered his long, muscular legs. A pair of gray Chuck Taylors on his feet. A leather bracelet on his right wrist.

  Rayna let her gaze roam back up his perfect body. “It looks like you’re out of uniform right now.”

  Was she trying to be coy? Cute? What? Oh dear, no... Flirting? She didn’t even know how to flirt. Good grief, she must sound like an awkward idiot.

  Derek chuckled. “Yes, I’m definitely out of uniform. But you’re not. So, what do you say? Are you willing to get out of uniform for me?”

  Rayna’s legs went weak, and she almost moaned. Right now, I’d let you remove my uniform. She drew in a deep breath and tried to cool her now boiling blood to a reasonable simmer. Without a doubt, her chest, neck and face had to be beet red. “I think I’d like that. Please know, I haven’t done this in a really long time, but yes. Sure.”


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