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Avoiding the Badge

Page 7

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  She sucked and licked at his tongue, tangled hers with it, and tightened her legs around his waist as she rocked against him.

  Derek did not want to break from her mouth, in no way wanted to end the moment that had turned frenzied and heavy with lust...nor did he want to pull away from the heat of her cunt that he could feel right through their jeans as she rubbed herself against him.

  But he needed her to answer him.

  Derek ran a hand up her back and into her hair. Gripping the strands close to her scalp, he gently pulled and tipped her head back. “Rayna, I need an answer.”

  She licked her lips, her lids heavy, her hold on him still tight. “I answered.”

  The corner of his lips twitched in a grin. “With words. And without looking away from my eyes.”

  She drew in a breath and cleared her throat. “It’s obvious you’re a dominant guy. I get that. But the dirty talk? I liked it. A lot. Honestly, I never thought I’d care for such a thing. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not a person who swears often, if ever.” She blinked and drew in another breath. “But when you said what you did? Every inch of my body lit on fire, and I just...” She dropped her gaze.

  “Eyes, Doc.” He gave the spot just beneath her chin a little nudge and brushed his lips over hers. “You just what?”

  She closed her eyes, then after a moment, opened them and looked right into his soul. “I wanted more of it. A lot more. But also, and this is crazy...but I needed you to feel how very, very wet I, how much I want you. I knew, like I know my name, that it would please you.” She shook her head. “And I’ve never said anything like that to anyone ever, in my life.”

  Everything inside Derek went still. A deep calm came over him, and he knew—he knew he’d found her.

  He’d found the one.

  * * * *

  Had that just come out of Rayna’s mouth? Good grief, had she seriously just told the man she needed to please him? Holy cow. And what on earth did that even mean in the real world?

  Rayna held her breath, praying that she hadn’t gone too far as she watched the expression on Derek’s face go through a series of changes. Nervous energy broke over her skin, making her tremble. She’d lost her mind saying all that stuff to him, no matter what he’d said to her before that.

  Panic took root deep in her gut. Wanting nothing more than to go bury her head in the sand, Rayna tried to pull from his embrace, but considering the position they were in—her perched on the edge of the passenger seat of his truck, him pressed between her legs—there wasn’t really anywhere for her to go.

  But for Pete’s sake, the way he was looking at her now, she needed to do something, say anything. She pressed her palms against his chest. “I shouldn’t have said all of that. I’m sorr—”

  Derek’s mouth was on hers faster than she was able to process anything happening. His divine lips and tongue, his taste, his hands, his big body, his scent...every bit of him overwhelmed Rayna to the point of delicious sensory overload.

  Moreover, considering what she’d confessed, the way he was taking control now made her crave things—things she’d heard about, read about, but never thought she’d ever experience in real life, let alone be aroused by. More aroused than she’d ever been before.

  As Derek devoured her mouth, she felt his hand spear into her hair, grip the strands at her scalp tight before yanking her head back. She moaned as the stinging pleasure raced through her body.

  Derek growled, and Rayna’s world spun on its axis.

  Without warning, he jerked away from her entirely. “In. Now.”

  Rayna blinked, trying to register what he was saying. “I’m sorry?” She brushed her hair away from her face and drew in a breath.

  “Rayna. Get in the truck now.”

  “Oh. Um, okay.” Still dazed, but clear on his direction now, she twisted on the seat and tucked her legs in the cab of the truck.

  Derek closed the door for her and a few seconds later, he opened the driver’s door and hopped in behind the wheel. With his jawline hard, his face a serious mask, he cranked the ignition, and the engine started with a rumble. Not another word was said as he put the truck in gear and got them moving out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

  Insecurity itched along Rayna’s skin, and she twisted her hands together. “Can I ask a question?”


  “Did I do something wrong?”

  He glanced at her then back to the road. “Hell no. Why would you think that?”

  “You seem upset.”

  He signaled and changed lanes. “Doc, I am the farthest thing from upset.”

  Now she was really confused, relieved, but confused nonetheless. “Then, I don’t understand.”

  They stopped at the next traffic light. Derek leaned across the center console to her. “Let me help you understand. I want you. I want you so fucking bad that I was about to take you in that parking lot. And that’s not happening. No way I’m fucking the sweetest thing I’ve ever had in my arms in a goddamn gravel parking lot in Chandler.”

  Oh, wow.

  That was... The sweetest thing he’s ever had in his arms...


  Rayna’s nipples rose to hard peaks behind her bra. Thick waves of lust spread through her, making every inch of her body pulse with need for him. She squeezed her thighs together and swallowed. “Oh.”

  “Oh is right.” He straightened in the seat and proceeded through the intersection.

  “Can I ask another question?”

  A small smile played along his mouth. “Please do.”

  “I assume we’re going to my house. Do you want the address?”

  He merged into the left turn lane. “I already know it.”

  She jerked her body to face him. “What? How?”

  He glanced at her and then made a left onto the freeway. “I’m a cop, remember? Consider it a hazard of the job.”

  “Oh.” Rayna frowned and, after facing forward again, stared out the windshield.

  “Not a big deal, Doc.”

  It kind of bugged her that he’d looked her up in the system. But he was right, hazard of the job was the best way to put it. Then again, had he figured this would be the case? That he’d be taking her home? Good grief, had he planned this?

  Rayna studied his profile as suspicion and doubt welled up inside her. What if he thought... Oh dear, was this just some sort of fling for him? Did he think she was the kind of woman to have a one-night stand?

  As they were getting closer to her exit, she twisted her hands together in her lap. This was bad, so bad. How stupid could she be? Ugh! Rayna knew better than this. She swallowed the bile rising in her throat. “Derek, I don’t do this. This isn’t me.”

  He glanced at her. “I know.”

  She frowned as frustration beat through her gut and mind. “What do you mean you know? What does that mean?”

  Derek signaled and headed off the exit that would lead to her neighborhood. When he got to the end, he stopped and leaned over to her again. “It means, I know you don’t do this. You don’t go home with someone on the first date. Hell, probably not even the fourth date. I also know that the things you said and how you’ve responded to me sexually isn’t typical of you, either.” He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her closer to him. “But I also know that with me? This is you. It will always be you.” He stroked his thumb over her bottom lip, and she couldn’t help the sigh that escaped or stop the tingles that one little touch inspired. But he wasn’t done talking, and all Rayna could do was gaze into his eyes and listen. “What does that all mean? It means, what you’re giving me, Rayna, it’s only for me. And that means everything to me.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before he pulled away and, since the light was now green, made a left off the freeway off-ramp.

  Feeling a little dizzy, Rayna sl
owly settled back in the passenger seat. She touched her fingertips to her still tingling lips. “Oh.”

  A laugh blurted out of Derek that was so real and honest, so pure, it rippled over her skin and cradled her body in a new kind of heat. One that settled right in the center of her heart.

  He reached across the center console for her hand. Rayna laced her fingers with his and once more focused on his profile. Good grief, she had not expected this from him, any of it. There was so much more to Officer Derek Hansen than she’d thought. And there was so much more she wanted to know.

  But at that moment, she knew enough. And maybe Derek knew her, more than she knew herself even. Which was crazy, but felt true because he got it. Her fear, her hesitation and her unexpected desire.

  He understood all of it...a whole lot more than she did.

  Chapter 7

  Derek pulled into the driveway of her quaint but definitely not small house and killed the engine on the Dodge. As he opened the driver’s side door, he glanced at her. She was nervous, no doubt about it, but she was also all in.

  He nodded at her and stepped out of the truck. She’d already opened the door but, coming around to her side, he gave her his hand to help her down. His truck wasn’t raised so high she couldn’t manage it, only a few inches really, but he’d rather be there to give her his support anyway.

  Derek had a feeling there weren’t a great deal of people in her personal life that she accepted help from. In fact, Derek bet he might be the only one. He closed the passenger door, took her hand and led her up her walkway to the front door. “Keys?”

  “I don’t have them.”


  She sucked her lips between her teeth then let out a little laugh. “I usually go in through the garage.”

  He moved to her and pulled her close. “You park your car in there, huh?”

  “Yes.” She smiled, the porch lights making her eyes sparkle. “I almost never come in and out via the front door.”

  He bent and ran his palms along her back and down to her ass. “You should still keep your keys with you. Safer that way.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  At her answer, Derek gave her ass a little squeeze, and she giggled. Though what he really wanted to do was swat it instead. Slow your roll, Shirley. One step at a time. They weren’t there yet. “Lead the way, before I start doing all the naughty things I want to do to you in your front yard and your neighbors call the cops.”

  She giggled again before turning and heading for the garage. She punched in a code, one that he knew was far too easy for someone else to figure out, though he kept that to himself. Derek was greeted with the ass end of her dark blue Volvo S60. “Nice car, Doc.”

  “Thanks.” Rayna gave him a smile over her shoulder.

  He followed as she continued through the garage and into the large mud room/laundry room. They made their way from there into the kitchen. Derek realized something was missing. Jesus, fuck, really! She didn’t have—

  “Rayna, you don’t have an alarm?”

  She turned and faced him, her eyes wide and both brows raised. “Uh, no?”

  He shook his head, looked down at his feet, put his hands on his hips and sighed through his nose. Drawing on any reserves of calm he had in his body, he paused another moment before finally speaking. “Okay, look. I’m gonna have to take my cop hat off for now, and also my alpha male hat.” He dropped his hands and pulled her against him. “Scratch that, probably not the alpha hat, but I’ll table the alarm discussion for now.”

  She smiled and rose on tiptoe, circling his neck with her arms. “Thank goodness, because I think I rather like the alpha male part. Even if he is a little nosy, not to mention bossy.”

  Jesus, she felt so fucking good against him he could barely stand it. “What about the cop part?”

  She drew in a breath. “Jury’s still out on that.”

  “Hmm. Guess I’m just going to have to plead a good case.”

  “I hope so.” With a small smile on her lips, she shrugged one shoulder.

  Derek had no clue what to make of her comment regarding him being a cop, but he wasn’t about to dive into it tonight. Instead, he took her lips in a slow kiss, dragging his tongue over hers, tasting her, tempting her and enjoying every moment. It was a different kind of intensity than what they’d shared in his truck outside the bar. It was softer, but it was awesome just the same.

  She sighed when he broke from her lips. Derek brushed her hair away from her face and gazed down at her. “How about a drink?”

  A devious smile spread across her lips. “Tequila?”


  She stepped away from him and moved to an area to the right of the kitchen. He followed her into the small galley space that connected the kitchen and formal dining room. The same bottle of tequila that Tish had likely tapped into earlier was sitting on the counter.

  Rayna picked up the bottle. “I don’t have any margarita mix, so I’m guessing a shot is okay?”

  “I’ll survive.” He leaned a hip against the counter.

  She smiled and reached into the cabinet above her, retrieving two shot glasses. Derek took the bottle from her, and when she set the glasses down, he filled both. After he set the tequila down, he handed her one of the glasses. “No salt this time?”

  She took the shot in her hand. “No. But that’s okay. What shall we drink to?”

  He raised his glass. “How about breakfast in bed?”

  She tilted her head to the side, her eyes dancing as she grinned. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  He tapped his glass to hers, and they both drank the liquid down. The fiery burn hit his throat and settled hot in his stomach. He managed to not cringe, because tequila was definitely not in his top-ten picks for straight-up shots, but since his Doc liked it, he’d deal with it.

  Derek took her empty glass and put them both in the sink in her kitchen. When he turned, she was still standing in the butler’s pantry, hip resting against the counter and a grin on her face.

  “Did you do that to help me relax?” She moved into the kitchen and right up to him.

  Derek placed his hands on her hips. “Yes.”

  “Very thoughtful of you.” She traced the line of his collarbone with her fingertip. “Did you need some relaxing, too?”

  “Big strong alpha males aren’t supposed to need relaxing, but truth be told, yes, a little.” He gazed down at her, torn between wanting to move slow with her, take his time, and wanting to fuck her right there on the kitchen floor.

  She swiped the tip of her little pink tongue along her bottom lip. Derek smoothed his palms up her sides but resisted the urge to move them higher and take her full breasts in his hands. Her nipples were hard, protruding through the thin fabric of her bra and sweater. Just begging to be touched—and he was desperate to give her that as well as feel them in his mouth.

  She gazed up at him and, completely under her spell, Derek gave in to his urge. Keeping his touch light, he shifted his hold and dragged his thumbs over the ridge of her nipples through her top. Rayna jerked forward and let out a gust of air, laced with a whimper. Instantly his cock was hard.

  This was their beginning.

  Their jumping off point.

  As he gazed down at her, Derek knew for sure he needed to start as he meant to continue. He’d be as close to vanilla as he could tonight, and for as long as necessary. But eventually he’d coax out what he knew was hiding inside her.

  Drawing in a calming breath, he dropped his hands and took one small step back from her. “Take your shirt off for me.”

  * * * *

  Rayna froze as all at once the room went fuzzy, her vision going dim.

  As her eyes were about to close, she reached for the edge of the counter to hold herself up—but then something inside her snapped to attention and every mole
cule within her fell into a sort of hyper-clear focus.

  She blinked, zeroing in on the one and only thing in her line of sight: the dominant, gorgeous man standing in front of her.

  His face was serious, almost impassive, though his brilliant green eyes held an emerald fire that betrayed his absolute desire for her. Rayna felt that desire to her bones. Her heart pounded in her ears, racing faster than a rocket ship. Her skin prickled with an ache to be touched, to be soothed by him.

  There was no question, no hesitation...nothing for her to decide.

  The things he’d said when they were still in the parking lot about being a dominant man became very clear now. This man, this incredible man, had given her a direction, a command actually, and with every fiber of her being, she wanted to obey it.

  Different, so very different.

  She wasn’t in charge. He was. And as a result, a strange sort of comfort arose in her. Drawing in a deep breath, she pulled her shirt over her head and placed it on the counter.

  Derek stepped forward and ran his knuckles over the swells of her breasts above her bra. “So pretty. Your skin is like fine china with a beautiful pattern on it.”

  She sucked in a breath as he placed a tender kiss to each mound then, with his fingertip, traced the edge of the lace where it met her skin. More? Please touch me more? “Derek...”

  Looking up at her from his bent position, he met her gaze. “Now the bra.”

  As soon as he straightened, she reached behind her back and unhooked the clasp. As she let go, the bands came loose and she rolled her shoulders, allowing the straps to slide down her arms, the bra tumbling to the floor at their feet.

  His eyes flared for a split second, so fast she wasn’t sure it’d even happened. With her heart pounding and her breath sawing in and out of her lungs, she watched him as he took in her bare chest.

  Blessed with a natural C-cup, her breasts were firm and full. And good Lord, although she never much gave it thought before, Rayna prayed that he liked them, was pleased with them. The thought was foreign, and she almost covered her nakedness with her arms.


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