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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

Page 10

by Karen Clow

  The two men sat talking while Maria went into the kitchen to make them all a drink. With a look of curiosity Mickey said, “So what’s the meeting with Tony tomorrow then Jimmy?” “Not sure really, he called me and said he wanted to talk about the situation with Nick.” “Well one thing’s for sure, we both know Tony hates him almost as much as we do.” Maria returned with the drinks. They continued to talk about Tony, until Mickey finished his coffee and said, “Right then, you did really well tonight Maria, but now I’m going to bid you good people goodnight, get some rest Maria. I’ll see myself out.” Putting on his jacket he said, “I’ll see you both tomorrow.” “Thank you,” said Maria. “My pleasure, I’ll see you tomorrow babe.” See you Mick,” said Jimmy.

  After he’d gone Jimmy looked at her and said, “Mickey’s right, you did really well babe. I’m sure Lenny can dig up something on Father O’Brien.” “I hope so. Can I ask you something Jimmy?” “Course babe what is it?” “Your friend Tony, do you think he’ll help us?” “Yeah we’re tight with him, he’s ok.” “I don’t really know him, only from the poker games, but he’s always nice to me.” “I’d expect him to be, everyone knows he’s got a thing for beautiful women.” Blushing she replied, “Yes I know I listen to the things he says about his girlfriends. I feel sorry for his wife.” “Don’t babe, she adores him and he does her and believe me she’s a real beauty. Now get yourself off to bed, you need to rest.” She nodded.

  When she stood up he pulled her to him and kissed her softly on the forehead. “Good night, sleep tight,” said Maria. “Catch you in the morning babe,” he replied with a grin.

  Jimmy poured himself a scotch and thought about the events of the last few days. What he’d said to her about Tony was true, they were tight, they’d been friends since Jimmy was a youngster and they’d worked together in the same crew for twenty years. Jimmy topped up his glass and grinned to himself at some of the antics Tony had got up to over the years with women. He was still thinking about Tony and the meeting they would have the next day when he finally turned in for the night.


  Maria was up before him the next day. When he finally appeared in the kitchen she said, “Good morning, did you sleep well?” “Like a log, what about you?” “Not too bad, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the call from Nick.” Putting his arm around her he said, “I promise you babe, everything will be fine.” It had been a long time since she had trusted anyone, but something inside her told her she could trust him. “Oh by the way Maria I almost forgot, Doc Daniels is going to pop round later this morning.” “Oh ok. Your breakfast is nearly ready.” “I hope you mean our breakfast?” “Yes I’m going to eat with you.” “Good.”

  The morning passed quickly with him making several business calls, while she kept out of his way by tidying the apartment and preparing lunch. Doc Daniels called in as expected; he was really pleased with how well she was doing. Joking with her he said, “Living here is obviously doing you good Maria.” “Yes, Jimmy’s been very kind to me.” “Good, at this rate you’ll be back to health in no time.”

  Mickey arrived at about quarter past twelve and Maria served lunch ten minutes later. Looking at Mickey across the table, Jimmy said “I spoke to Lenny earlier; he said you’d called him, he’s going to call us when he has something.” “If I know Lenny it won’t take him long to check this Father O’Brien out.”

  After lunch, Maria kept herself busy by clearing the dishes while the two friends talked. At half three Jimmy left for his meeting with Tony, thanking Mickey for staying with her as he closed the door.

  Tony had arranged to meet Jimmy at his gym; it was somewhere they could talk without being interrupted. Tony had only bought it because he liked to keep in shape. When Jimmy entered the gym he could see him working out with weights. Spotting one another, Tony indicated for him to wait where he was and he would join him. A few moments later Tony was standing in front of him, “Alright Jimmy?” Both men liked one another; they had always got on well. “What’s up Tony, what do you need to see me about?” “Can’t talk here Jimmy, let’s go to my office.” They made their way across the gym to his office. On entering the office he said, “You’ve redecorated, looks good in here.” “Thanks, what you drinking Jimmy?” “I’ll just have a small one, cheers.” Passing him a scotch, Tony asked him about Nick. Knowing he had no love for him, Jimmy replied, “What other than the fact he’s a fucking wanker?” “Be careful Jimmy, he’s a dangerous wanker. What’s happening over the girl, I hear he gave her a fucking good pasting?” “That’s an understatement, it’s a miracle he didn’t fucking kill her.” “So what’s the score then?” “Bottom line, he wants her back and it ain’t gonna happen. He’s made it clear Friday is the day.” “Fuck me you know he won’t back down on this; are you sure the girl is worth it?” “Nick’s a fucking animal, she’s not going back!” “Sounds like you need to buy some time Jimmy.” “Yeah, six months would be good.” “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll see what I can do.” “I appreciate that Tony, but this is my fight I don’t expect anyone else to get involved.” “I know that, but that’s why I like you Jimmy; you’re a criminal with morals!” They both laughed. Continuing Tony said, “We all know that sometimes in this game you have to pick sides, I just wanted to let you know.” “It’s appreciated Tony.” “So, what’s the plan then?” “Well we hope we can find something that will buy us some time, Maria knows a lot about his dodgy dealings, but it’s gonna take time to put it all together. I don’t want a war, but I’m not going to back down, so what we need is a compromise, or at least enough time to come up with one. Trouble with Nick is he always covers his tracks and we all know he doesn’t like to get his own hands dirty.” “Leave it with me Jimmy; what you need is something that will take his mind off her for a while, I’ll make some enquiries.” “Cheers Tony.” The two men shook hands and Jimmy left.

  Driving back to his apartment he thought about what Tony had said. Both he and Mickey trusted him and he was popular within the crew, unlike his business partner Maurice. Most of the others simply tolerated Maurice because of business, but truth was they disliked him. Not regarding the way he ran his business, he was reliable always making good contacts for the crew; it was because of his sexual preferences. They all knew he was a cruel sadistic bastard, although Tony seemed to block that out regarding their friendship, they had worked together for over twenty years and for the best part they got on well, but unlike Maurice, Tony is straight and proud of it. He loves women and brags about losing his cherry at the young age of fifteen to a girl of nineteen. Even now at forty six he’s still bedding beauties, despite his passion for his beautiful young Italian wife Isabella. God help any man who looks at her the wrong way, but Tony makes sure he keeps her happy with a rich lifestyle and four young children to keep her busy. Everyone including his wife knows one woman will never be enough for him; he keeps a mistress and regularly sleeps with the dancers from the clubs, yet despite his weakness for women, he’s a loving husband and father with three young sons, but the apple of his eye is his three year old daughter Sophia, she’s a real daddy’s girl. Tony is obsessed with looking good; strikingly handsome at six feet tall, with olive skin and dark hair, which is due to his Italian mother whom he adores. She raised him alone after his father died when he was just two. Tony is suave, sophisticated, educated and without a doubt a shrewd businessman. Having been introduced into organised crime by his Uncle Carlo, who had looked out for him like a father, until his own untimely death in a suspicious car accident when Tony was twenty nine. Jimmy knows there’s no love lost between Tony and Nick, often known to disagree with him over business, but out of necessity they tolerate one another, it could even be said that both men have respect for what each has achieved. Fact is, Nick needs Maurice to run the blacks and Maurice is loyal to Tony, so it would not be in Nick’s best interests to see that Tony met with an accident like his Uncle Carlo. Maurice is no fool, he knows he is the pawn between them and he uses th
is to his advantage, yet despite his loyalty to Tony and their mutual dislike of Nick, they’re an unusual pair. Tony is well aware that Maurice has had a hard on for him since they first met as teenagers when Maurice came to Britain from the Caribbean, but being as shrewd as he is, Tony uses this to keep him on side, always treating him with respect; even asking his opinion on personal matters, but everyone knows if Maurice ever overstepped the mark, it would be his downfall. Tony is straight and a forty five year old black queen would never be in with a chance, but business is business and if Maurice ever dreamt for one brief moment that will ever change, he’s most definitely kidding himself.

  Back at the apartment things were going well. Mickey was really warming to Maria; he had never really spoken to her at the poker games other than to say hello, but since spending time with her he could tell she was actually a very smart, gutsy lady. “We need to get our hands on that notepad Maria, I think if we play it right we could really do some damage,” said Mickey. As he waited for her to reply he looked at her, Jimmy was right, she was beautiful. Taking her time before answering, he noticed she looked worried. “Would you like to take a break,” he asked. He was secretly happy when she said “No, it’s ok.” Moments later she added, “Don’t think I’m not grateful Mickey, I know you’re only trying to help, but I don’t want anyone to get hurt over me, especially Jimmy.” Knowing that she was genuinely concerned he smiled and said, “Let me tell you something about Jimmy; he’s just about the most decent bloke I’ve ever met, despite his temper which I must say has caused me some concern over the years, I couldn’t wish for a better friend. I know he’s doing this for you because he wants to, not because he has to. You really like him don’t you babe?” She nodded. “Well he really likes you too, so let’s not worry about whether or not anyone’s going to get hurt; let’s just concentrate on hitting Nick where it hurts. Now is there anything else you can remember that might help us?” Just as she was about to answer him, the door opened and Jimmy walked in.

  “Hi, how did it go with Tony?” asked Mickey. “Good.” “What did he say?” “Basically he’s going to try and help us find something to slow Nick down.” “Sounds good, but now you’re back, I’d best be making tracks. I’m picking Monica up later.” With a big grin on his face Jimmy jokingly replied, “Oh yeah she’ll be pleased you remembered, say hello to her for me.” “Sarky bastard, I remember most of the time! I’ll catch up with you tomorrow,” he called out as he left.

  With Mickey gone, Jimmy put his arm around her shoulder and said, “So how did you get on with Mickey then?” “He’s really nice.” “Can I take it from that babe, everything went ok this afternoon?” Smiling she nodded her head.

  After eating a wonderful meal she’d prepared, they spent the evening talking and listening to music.

  Across town Mickey was actually on time for his date, pulling up outside Monica’s place just as she was coming out the door. “Thanks for not standing me up again,” she said with a grin as she got into his car. “Yeah I’m really sorry about that babe; I was tied up with Jimmy.” Laughing she wittily replied, “Sounds painful, but if that’s what rings your bell, why not!” “Cheeky cow, a lot of things I might be, queer I’m not!” “How is Jimmy, I haven’t seen him for a while?” “He’s good, he sends his regards. So how are things in the detective world?” “Things are going very well actually, I made a really good arrest last week, which will look good on my record sheet should any promotions come up and this very day we’ve received a hot tip from a reliable source, so yes, everything’s good in the detective world thank you.” “That’s great babe, what was the tip?” “You know I’m not supposed to discuss that Mickey.”

  Placing his hand on her knee and squeezing he jokingly said, “Oh come on, it’s no big deal, anyway I’ll probably end up giving whoever it is counsel!” “Believe me Mickey, if you weren’t a solicitor I wouldn’t even consider telling you.” “Well I am, so you can.” “Ok, but not a word, the tip is about a local jeweller who is handling stolen goods and we have it on good advice that he’s connected to a heist on a security van a few months ago. At the time the van was carrying several rare pieces of jewellery and up until now every lead we’ve had turned out to be a dead end, but this tip sounds kosher, those pieces will be moved.” “So when is this supposed to happen?” “Our source said it will go down on Friday this week, it will look very good for me if I can nail them.” Mickey knew the heist she’d referred to was one they had given to Jacky Boy and Kevin, along with two of Nick’s boys; he also knew that Friday was the day that Martin Blackwell, the local jeweller had arranged a meeting with an overseas buyer for the rare pieces. Jacky Boy and Kevin were going along with Nick’s boys to make sure the deal went down okay. Trying to act impartial he said, “So who’s the grass?” “No idea; another detective got the information.”

  First chance he got Mickey rang Jimmy to let Jimmy know what Monica had said about the jeweller’s job. Hearing the news, Jimmy said, “We’ll have to let Nick know, especially as two of our boys will be there.” “I was thinking the same, if need be I’ll arrange to meet with him.” “Ok if you must.” “Got to go Jim, Monica will be wondering where I’ve got too, I’ll call round yours in the morning.” “Cheers Mickey, have fun tonight.” “I intend to, I’m staying at hers!” “Enjoy yourself you dirty bastard.” “Don’t worry I will!”

  Jimmy didn’t sleep particularly well that night; things were heavy on his mind. It was the same for Maria in the next room; she tossed and turned for hours, finally dropping off around half three.


  Mickey arrived early at Jimmy apartment the following morning. They discussed what Monica had said to him the previous night, both agreeing that they would have to tell Nick, the last thing they wanted was their lads getting caught. Mickey said, “I’ll call him later today after I’ve called in at my office, there are some papers I need to go over.” Just over an hour later he was standing at Jimmy’s front door ready to leave. “I’ll call you later to let you know what Nick said.” “Cheers Mick.”

  Thirty minutes later Mickey entered his office, Jan his secretary said, “Hi Mickey, there’s a man waiting to see you.” Curiously he replied, “Does he have an appointment?” “No and I tried to tell him you’re very busy and he needs to make one, but he said you would see him.” “What’s his name?” “Nick; I asked him for a last name, but he just repeated Nick.” “It’s ok Jan I know him.”

  When Mickey entered the corridor he could see him waiting for him outside his office. Nodding at him Mickey said, “Alright Nick,” as he opened his office door and Nick followed him in. With an arrogant tone Nick replied, “No I’m not alright, are you deliberately trying to avoid me?” “Course not?” “I told you at Dixie’s to bell me about a job; you didn’t! Then I tried phoning you and had to leave a fucking message, but you still haven’t called me! I hope this little problem with Jimmy isn’t going to affect business?” Mickey laughed and said, “You’re getting paranoid in your old age Nick, it’s just I’ve been busy that’s all, in fact I was going to call you today, so what can I do for you?” “It’s about the job at Blackwell’s on Friday, I’m not really comfortable about the boys handling it, you know what these overseas buyers can be like; I’d prefer you and Jimmy to do it.” Mickey had a bad feeling about the police tip, but he decided to not mention it then, he would wait to see what Nick had to say first, because this was a big coincidence. “Sorry Nick, Fridays a no go, we’ve got something on.” Sounding more like an order than a request Nick arrogantly replied, “Well fucking cancel it!” “Sorry we can’t do that, it’s important.” Mickey could see he was agitated, which only convinced him that what Monica had told him, was the reason why he was so adamant about them doing it. Again Mickey said, “Sorry Friday’s impossible, I’ll give Martin a call; see if he can change the day or something.” Nick looked evil as he replied, “Don’t do that, we don’t want the buyer thinking there’s something wrong.” “Can’t Terry and Re
ggie handle it then, or Maurice?” “No! I want you and Jimmy to do it! So stop giving me grief and fucking sort it out!” “Yeah ok Nick, calm down.” “Sorry it’s just this thing with Jimmy, it’s getting to me.” Totally out of character he was being unusually polite. “Yeah I understand Nick;” said Mickey smugly, “I think you’ll find it’s getting to all of us.” “How is Maria?” “Truthfully, I’m not sure; wouldn’t surprise me if she didn’t just go back to you.” “Really, what makes you say that?” Nick had one of those smirky looks on his face; he knew that Mickey would say anything to help his friend, but how could he be sure he was lying. “What has she said then Mickey?” “That’s just it, she doesn’t say fuck all. All she does is cry, she knows this mess between you and Jimmy is because of her, maybe if you gave her time to recover, she’ll see sense.” “Jimmy has made this personal though.” Trying to convince him that he was being sincere, Mickey replied “Leave him to me, I’m his best friend, I’m sure I could convince him to see sense if I had enough time.” For a brief moment he thought that Nick was falling for his bullshit, to be a good solicitor, you have to be good in the bullshit department. Nick paused for a moment then in his normal arrogant manner said, “She’s had enough time, Friday and it’s not negotiable!” With that he got up and walked out, slamming the door behind him.


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