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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

Page 33

by Karen Clow

  The three friends talked about Max. Mickey said, “What do you reckon then Jimmy?” “Like Shane I believe her.” “What about you Maria?” “I think she’s genuine, did you notice how she reacted every time she spoke of the danger to her son?” “I did babe and at least now we know who’s behind the Jamaicans.” Jimmy interrupted, “Samuels has got it coming, who the fuck does he think he is! Fucking little shit house, well the bastard’s going to pay for all the trouble he’s caused, not to mention almost killing Monica! Thinking about it Mick, it makes sense why she took the bullet and not you, Samuels knows what a good detective she is, so it would make sense to get rid of her.” “My thoughts exactly Jimmy and you’re right, he’s going to pay big time, but firstly we need to find out exactly how corrupt he is and if it was him who ordered Hudson’s execution, and how he came to work with the Jamaicans, who are obviously members of Maurice’s family. I know from Monica that Samuels had contacted Maurice’s family after his death; maybe he saw it as an opportunity to broaden his own business interests, bringing in new people not locals to do his dirty work for him. I’ll speak to Monica at the hospital maybe she can help; she’s got some good friends in the department; perhaps they could find out a few things for her?” “One thing we do know is Samuels is a slimy bastard, he won’t leave anything to chance, no doubt he works it so he’ll never be implicated. If he finds out Max has talked to us he won’t hesitate to kill her, so we really need to play along with fact that she didn’t know Shane had a connection with the club.” “It might be in Max’s best interest to play it down a bit with Shane, let Samuels believe she wasn’t really interested in furthering the romance.” “You’re right; I’ll bell Lenny and get him to bug her flat, I’ll try and arrange it for this afternoon.”

  When Shane returned from taking her home, they filled him in on the details of their discussion. Shane said, “Thanks for helping her; she was absolutely terrified of Samuels. I even suggested she might be safer staying at her parents for a while, but she’s afraid he’ll hurt them. Of course the other option is Samuels could meet with a nasty accident; I’ll volunteer my services for free!” Jimmy joked and replied, “If it does come to that Shane you’ll have to join a fucking queue; there’ll be no shortage of people who would pay to see Samuels taken out!” After more debate about just how corrupt Samuels might be, Mickey said, “I don’t think taking him out is the best way. I want to see him go down if possible; although a midnight dip is attractive, there are dozens of people in prison because of him, let’s face it, he’s well known for planting evidence. Samuels doesn’t care how he gets the conviction; he just needs to look good.” “Trouble with the Samuels of the world is they can always get people to get them off the hook, I wonder just how many dirty cops there are. It would be hard to bring them all to justice,” said Jimmy. “That’s why we keep Quinton, he does come in useful.”

  Several times in the past two years Quinton the QC had helped a couple of their boys walk away from a potential prison sentence; although a high ranking detective was different to a petty criminal. Mickey continued and said, “We need to tell the others about Samuels, we should do that this afternoon. We only need to visit a couple of places; word will soon get round.” “Ok Mick, I’ll take Maria with me.” Maria was quick to say, “Don’t forget I need to be back home by four o’clock. I don’t want to be late going to the restaurant this evening.” “Ok babe, I promise we’ll be back by three.” “Do you think we’ll have time to pop in to see Monica?” “Can’t promise that babe, but I’ll do my best, if not I promise we’ll visit her tomorrow.” Mickey interrupted and said, “I’ll tell Monica she’ll understand, one thing I can guarantee, she’d want to see Samuels get his just desserts even if it means having no visitors.” Before they left everyone agreed to meet back at the club later that night.

  It was almost four o’clock when Jimmy finally took Maria home after making several business stops. They didn’t have time to see Monica.

  No sooner had they entered the apartment when she said, “What would you like to eat; only I’m already running late so it’ll be a snack at best.” Feeling bad about being late home, he replied, “Don’t worry babe, I’ll get something later with Mickey.”

  As she was getting ready to go to the restaurant he said, “What time will you be home tonight?” Shrugging her shoulders she replied, “Probably around midnight, I’m not really sure.” “If I’m not here when you get back ask Shaun to wait with you, actually I’ll bell him, I need to tell him I’ll be running you to the restaurant so he’ll only have to pick you up later.”

  Five minutes later she was standing in front of him dressed for work. “Does this look ok?” With a grin he replied, “You look great babe, a regular maitre de!” She was wearing a black skirt suit, with a crisp white blouse, heeled shoes and her hair pulled back at the sides. Smiling he said, “You look very professional, did I ever tell you I’ve got a thing for woman in suits?” “No, but I can tell what you’re thinking by the look on your face, sorry but you’ll have to fantasise until I get home later, I don’t want to crease my clothes.” “Take them off then,” he said with a cheeky grin. “Forget it, I’m already late.” After making the last few adjustments to her hair, she was ready.

  Closing his phone from the call he’d made to Shaun, he said, “Best get going then.”

  Arriving at the restaurant, Leon apologised for bringing her in at such short notice. When they asked after Jeremy’s mum, he said, “I spoke to him earlier, she’s doing slightly better, but Jeremy will be off for a few days.” Maria was the first to reply, “That’s good news about his mum, but have you managed to get cover for those days?” “I have, all except Thursday.” Without thinking she said, “I could do it for you.” Jimmy glared at her; sensing that he would prefer her not to, she joked and said, “Don’t look like that darling, it’ll save you having to get me a babysitter!” Leon looked confused. Jimmy enlightened and said, “It’s a private joke Leon; one which Maria obviously thinks is funny. Do you think Jeremy will be back by the following week?” “Yes I believe so.” “Ok then, she can do Thursday, but I don’t want her making a habit of it.” A couple of minutes later when he was leaving she kissed him and whispered, “Shall I keep my suit on ‘til you get home tonight?” “Definitely,” he replied with a grin.

  Although the trade was steady at the restaurant, Tuesday night was normally average; she enjoyed having the time to talk to the customers. Time seemed to fly by; with the last couple leaving at half eleven. Leon told her that she had been excellent, quite a compliment coming from him, everyone knew he was a no nonsense type of chef; who ran a very tight ship. Thanking the staff as they left, he poured Maria and himself a drink. They sat and chatted while she waited for her lift home. The door opened just as she finished her wine, it was Shaun who with a smile said, “You ready me darling?” Nodding at him, before she looked at Leon and said, “Would you like any help before I leave?” “No, I’m only going to lock up then I’m going home too. Thanks for tonight Maria, you were great.” “I enjoyed it, I’ll see you Thursday.”

  Driving home she chatted to Shaun, “Thanks for collecting me, I’m sorry that Jimmy’s so paranoid, Leon would happily have given me a lift to save you having to come out.” “I’m only too happy to pick you up darling. I know Leon would have dropped you home, but I prefer doing it myself that way I know you’re ok. That reminds me, Jimmy called me he’ll be home by half twelve at the latest.” “Oh good, he might already be there then.” When Shaun pulled up outside the apartment block they could see Jimmy standing by the window looking out for them. “Would you like to come in for a drink Shaun?” “I won’t thank you darling; my Ann will probably be waiting up for me.” “Ok then, thanks again for picking me up.” “My pleasure, I’ll wait here till you get in, ok.” Kissing him affectionately on the on the cheek before she got out of the car and said, “See you soon, love to Ann.” Waiting until she entered the building, within minutes she was waving to him from the win

  “Busy night babe?” asked Jimmy as she walked into the lounge and sat down. “Not too bad, I’m just not used to standing for that length of time; my feet are killing me.” Pointing to a glass of wine she added, “Is that for me?” “Yeah I thought you might need one.”

  Relaxing back onto the sofa she sipped her wine, as he knelt down on the floor in front of her he took off her shoes. “That feel better babe?” he said as he massaged her feet. “Oh, lovely thank you.” Still kneeling in front of her a few moments later he leaned over and slowly began undoing her shirt buttons. “Jimmy, I haven’t even had time to drink my wine,” she joked. “I know babe, but I’ve been imagining this moment all evening. I just can’t wait to have you, it’s the suit!” “I ought to freshen up first.” Leaning forward and licking her cleavage he replied, “You taste great to me.” By the time he had undressed her, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Within minutes she was lying back on the sofa with his head between her legs giving her tongue. Pushing his head harder onto her she cried out, “Oh god, Jimmy, don’t stop!” It was several minutes later when he pulled her down onto the floor and said, “Bend over the sofa babe.” Eager to please him she turned around and rested her arms onto the seat whist still kneeling on the floor. Within seconds he was inside her, pushing her body down harder into the seat with every thrust. Grabbing her hair he pulled her shoulders up and pushed himself against her back as he moved deeper into her. Reaching round behind her she frantically tried to hold his buttocks as he fucked her. She knew when he let go of her hair and cupped her breasts tightly in his hand he was coming.

  Lying along her back with his hands still holding her breasts he kissed her neck and said, “Fuck me babe, was that good or what!” Turning to face him she sat on the floor and replied, “I’ll have to wear this suit more often!” They kissed passionately, before she said, “Pass me my wine please.” Lifting it from the coffee table he moved his hand towards her, but as she moved her hand to take it, he pulled slightly away and proceeded to dip his fingers in it and gently rub them around her nipples. Taking the glass from him as he sucked her, she dipped her own fingers in the glass and proceeded to drip more onto her nipple for him to lick off. It was twenty minutes later when they finally got up to go to bed.

  While in bed cuddling him she managed to persuade him to visit Father Thomas with her the following morning, suggesting they could see him on their way to the hospital. Finally they fell asleep their bodies entwined.

  Over breakfast she grinned and said, “I hope you haven’t forgotten you promised to visit Father Thomas with me today?” “After the way you made love to me last night babe, I would have agreed to anything!” “You’re not getting out of it, a promise is a promise,” she replied with a giggle.

  Just over an hour and thirty minutes later, they were walking into the church. Father Thomas was pleased to see them, especially as the wedding was getting nearer.

  When they talked about having a rehearsal, Thomas said, “Have you decided who’s going to give you away Maria?” “Yes, I did think of asking Gladys’s husband Arthur, but my heart has opted for Shaun.” Jimmy knew she held a genuine affection for the big Irishman and like Thomas he thought she’d made the right choice. “I’ll phone Shaun when we get home and ask him.” “I’m sure he’d be delighted babe,” said Jimmy.

  Twenty minutes later as they were leaving Thomas smiled at Jimmy and said, “It’s been good to see you Jimmy, might we see you in church on Sunday?” With a grin he replied, “I’ll try.”

  From the church they drove to the hospital to visit Monica. They were both astounded by the recovery she appeared to be making. The two women talked about the prospect of a double wedding. Maria said, “I’d be only too happy to go and buy the dress you liked.” “I really like the idea of a double wedding, but I don’t want to take anything away from your special day, especially as you’ve been planning everything for months,” said Monica. Jimmy surprised her by replying, “Don’t be daft; I think it’s fitting that me and Mickey get married together; especially with two beauties as our blushing brides.” “Thank you both, I’d best hurry up and get well then, I don’t fancy being pushed up the aisle in a wheel chair!” They laughed and Maria said, “I’m sure Mickey wouldn’t care.” “It would be wonderful if you could buy that dress for me, size twelve. I haven’t got cash in here, but I could write a cheque for you?” “Don’t worry we’ll sort that out when you come home.” At that moment Mickey entered the room, saying “Hi” to Jimmy and Maria as he walked over to Monica and kissed her before saying, “You’re looking much better sweetheart. So what were you three talking about before I got here?” “Weddings,” she replied. “Oh good,” then looking at Jimmy he joked and added, “Time for us to find a coffee machine then Jimmy?” They all laughed. They left the girls chatting as they went for coffee.

  “So Monica, what do you think about Samuels being corrupt,” said Maria. “I’m not surprised; I always thought he was; only up until now I could never prove anything. I can’t wait to see him take a fall, especially as he thinks nothing about framing innocent people.” “Really, that’s terrible.” “Yeah several cases I’ve worked on with him I’ve suspected foul play, but Samuels is a clever bastard. Still if it’s ever proved that he’s dirty, maybe the legal system will look into a few cases he’s handled, especially the ones where evidence may have been planted.”

  When the two men returned with the coffee, Maria said, “We should go Jimmy so Mickey can spend time with Monica.” “Ok babe, ready when you are. Will we see you later Mickey?” “Probably not, I’m going to bring Charlie over to visit. Then I’ll probably take her out for dinner, but as it’s a school night it won’t be a late one.” “Fair enough, might see you tomorrow then.” “Yeah probably I’ll bell you. I’d be happy to check in on the clubs tonight and tomorrow after I’ve dropped Charlie home, if you fancy a night in with Maria?” Before his friend had time to reply, Maria said, “That’ll be great, thanks Mickey.” Then smiling at Jimmy she added, “We could pick up a couple of DVDs on the way home and maybe order a take-a-way to save me cooking.” Jimmy laughed and said, “Looks like I’m having a night in, cheers mate, but if there’s any trouble at the clubs just bell me.” “Will do Jim, see you both tomorrow.” They kissed Monica then left.

  In the car she said, “Can we stop at the bridal shop on the way, so I can get the dress for Monica, then if they don’t have her size they can order her one in.” “Ok, I’ll leave the dress to you while I grab a couple of DVDs; I’ll meet you back at the shop.”

  At the bridal shop Maria was disappointed that they didn’t have a size twelve; although the shop assistant said it would only take ten days to get one in for her.

  Back in the car with Jimmy she said, “So what DVDs did you buy?” She wasn’t very impressed when he replied, “The box set of the Godfather.” A night in with Al Pacino and Marlon Brando wasn’t exactly what she’d hoped for.


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